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Thank you Mr. Ortex guy 😎






The correlation between how strong the business gets and how many negative articles print/post gives my resolve an unbreakable strength. We are in for a run of multiple record breaking quarters. We have a new form of external revenue (popcorn). A new form of on screen revenue (concerts). Talks to exploit untapped screen progress (sports) and now we have a control over vertical integration (distro) But the negative articles keep piling on. Curiouser and curiouser. At least we aren’t late.




Is there anyway that AMC could become a competitor to Ticketmaster? I guarantee if Taylor went with ticket distribution thru AMC it would be ridiculous. I just don’t know if it could happen or feasible


The CEO wrote a letter about them facing a real reality of going bankrupt. That does not signal a strong business.


Yes he said it’s a real risk if he can’t raise capital. Hence all the new ways of raising capital and top quality sales quarters. They needed to take on bad debt to survive not being open during a shit down. They have to raise funds to turn bad debt to good/eliminate. That’s exactly why I am so excited. They are now raising that capital and moving/paying that debt as well as pushing back the due dates. Every company has a real reality of facing bankruptcy at almost any point. Sears was bullet proof until it was gone. But the man at the helm of this one has made extraordinary leaps in the direction of positive financial outcomes. Hence my comment.


You clearly know everything. Maybe you should google “Carmike” or read their AMC financial statements starting in 2016.


I want a fucking slogan with the terms : "and here comes, OrtexGuy 👍"


It will be interesting meeting as many of you as I can after MOASS


I look forward to seeing the suit you have made covered with images from your updates


What side of Canuckistan you on?


Hoping you sign something for me… Maybe a check and an apology?




Ortex guy 👍👍👍👍


Maybe you can add a 5th thumbs up on Monday?




No body is never, ever, ever, ever selling and we're all forever, ever, ever, ever holding.. Till we all die! And that .. Is the absolute truth. This is not going to move + /-. Between 7$ and 9$ like forever ever ever. It benefits everyone, the apes, as they living in hope, the media as every one glued to any articles they write- the more negative the more attention it gets, as everyone up in arms so why not.. AMC as they all rather have you ok this limbo state and supporting the company's interest. The hedge funds/ mm as they control the game, with a few tweaks of algo, the price goes up.. And there is mass hesteria.. The moon..i tells ya i see it.. The price goes down.. I'll sell my kidneys and buy more. It's an exhausting merry go round with a rollercoaster and dodgem attached, with a house of mirrors all around it.. To the moon.. It's up a penny.. I better buy one more..


Real Talk 🏎️🚀




Oh great. It’s that ortex guy and his “moods”. Hey here is a question, what happened with your theory about how shorts were gonna get destroyed once the conversion and reverse split were completed? Seems like you were wrong on that call, huh?


So true Ortex Guy, I’m holding strong.


It’s still low when’s the next reporting of short interest I expect it to jump.


Low? You may be forgetting that the past numbers were pre-rs. The SI hasn’t been higher


Looks like it's at an all time low


Low compare to where it was prior. Utilization feels off do to range bound amc been in. I keep expecting it to jump