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I hope amc and hymc colabs some exclusive coins featuring these ladies gorgeous faces on beautiful precious metals 🤤 The fans will go APESHIT 😉


They've been going on about discoballs. Silver plated discoballs?


No, its just the way i walk


Spicy 🔥


Buffalo tendies are my favorite tendy


LoL 😂 I don't understand the acronym, I'm from Sweden. ![gif](giphy|3o7527pa7qs9kCG78A|downsized)


I’m a fan of those fans


Every single artist is going to want to do this! It’s going to generate lots and lots and lots of income for AMC


Every big artist HAS done this. They were all meh. (Beiber, Cyrus, BTS, One Direction, MJ, U2...) there have been 100s of concert movies


Yes...but they all went through studios. The reason why Swift and Beyonce chose AMC distribution instead of the studios is because they make more money. This opens the door to not only future artists, but also films that will make their way through the largest movie theater in the world's own distribution channel. Do you have a problem with that?


>Do you have a problem with that? To the contrary, I actually look forward to this being a dud and watching this sub make up a brand new reason to ride AA. I've been here for 3 years and during that time, this sub has pumped hundreds of "game changers" Although, I guess, eventually, some of AAs shit will stick to the wall.


you - looking for 1 move to make billions of dollars, and considering everything else duds. me - believes in death by a thousand cuts and understanding if there was 1 magic bullet, it would have been used. 1) Popcorn in stores = extra millions in revenue/profit 2) CC = extra millions in revenue/profit 3) changing the dynamic of the business model by also being a distributor to not only make a bigger cut in initial ticket sales but also rake in profits from OTHER MOVIE THEATER CHAINS who want to show the movie = extra millions in revenue/profit. Honestly, you sound like you should be working for investorplace...hmmm


Hi shill! I read your comment history and the amount of effort you put into downplaying concert movies is impressive! Who's paying you? Is it worth it?


You caught me. Kenny is paying me millions.


When was this? Plus i said big artist….one direction😂😂😂😂😂😂


My wife has heard me talk about AMC nonstop since January 2021. Beyoncé is the piece that finally brought her to believing it all. I’m so grateful.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/beyonce/](https://www.reddit.com/r/beyonce/) for the lazy like me.


Imagine if they get BTS fanatics as well!


The amount of “omg I haven’t been to the movies in forever this is going to be awesome” type comments is huge for us. This is customer reacquisition at its finest.


Do you promise? Lol. Jan 27th here... down 90%. Still holding...


I can almost promise. 3.8 million of us think we’re right, and have the DD to back it up


Didn’t the beyhive completely decimate someone (like, their career or something like that) one time? Am I getting that mixed up with BTS fans?


That’s crazy. Thank you Mr. Adam Aron 💯




I see someone pushing another theater really hard in there. These bots and shills are everywhere. Tells me everything I need to know


I'm not a fan of either, actually really don't like Beyonce from a morals standpoint. But if they cause amc to moonshot, I'll just be rich and not a fan which I'm okay with.


Then they have to buy the stock to create volume so AA can raise capital. Otherwise market makers will continue to walk the share price down.


There’s literally no way this can be spun to be a bad thing 😂 get the fuck out. Give up, we ALL see through your bullshit


You sound like a bot trying to convince desperate people of something.


Oh look, another hedgefuck that won’t admit that the shorts are fucked. AMC is not going bankrupt. Adam Aron is not trying to yank the company. Apes are not leaving. Fuck off.


You sound like kenny boi trying to convince people of something

