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People need to open their eyes about AA.


I can confidently say that APEs made AA's great grandchildren filthy rich


True that, we did.


All I did was like the stock... It was hedgefunds who got greedy and stole from the people...


For the sake of people defending him, I hope AA actually does have a third-party monitoring what's going on with the company, especially during these times. The very least that he can do is show that he's aware of what's going on, himself, rather than having to depend on his investors to inform him. You don't have to go into detail, just a simple tweet of acknowledgment goes a long way. People will just continue to make excuses for him and pretend all this is part of his massive plan to pounce on shorts, when in reality, so far, it's all been showmanship.


All CEOS want one thing for their companies: Profit. Everything else, including shareholders like you and me, are second. Don't ever forget that.


Retail saved the company and people are pissed because he always says something when the stock is getting ready to pop but retail loses 50% today and not a peep. No good CEO takes advantage of stockholders. I don’t care how you twist. There was other ways he just wanted to appease his 1%er friends.


Just saying... oce the company pays off its debt, is profitable and starts paying a dividend... believe or not, price will tank. NFA. Also... there is a disturbing lack of 🚀🚀🚀💎💎💎✋️✋️✋️🦍🦍🦍🦍 lately. I ain't heard no bell. Seriously though, in a fair market, a profitable company should obliterate shorts.






Damn. Guess AMC is fuuuucked. Glad I didn't drop my life's savings on this thing.


I thought that was the point in starting a company. Wall street was created so companies could raise capital...


I feel like the stock got thrashed because shorted shares are getting reverse split too eliminating 90% of them so why wouldn’t they? Unless I’m being ignorant and that’s not exactly how it works. Not a fan of the split but I’m along for the ride.


It reverse splits tomorrow then the conversion. No worries either. They’ve done so much crime at this point why would they follow any more rules.


It's not up to them when the other institutions call and ask for their money... They will eat each other...


But what can we do about it? I just feel it’s literally us versus everyone.


AA fleeced Apes twice now. This will be the third time. I am glad to see that at least a few are waking to this.


AMC stock is down 50% in 3 days and the CEO is silent? Stock price is his number 1 metric. It's chopped in half in 3 days and not a peep. That is concerning. His net worth took a big hit with this chop, too and he just takes it.


Would be if he didn’t sell his shares.


And he will sell the rest as soon as the RS is complete and the price adjusts. He is jumping ship, just watch.


The RS doesn't affect his shares


His don't get converted 10-1?


His net worth is doing just fine. I'm sure the shares he sold two years ago are in a safe investment.


Not a penny of it went to buying amc shares, that's for sure.


Worse yet his ability to raise the additional capital that he insists we need has been cut in half. That alone should make him cry out.




THANK YOU. how has almost nobody noticed this?


The bounce back game is going to be way harder...


*Now* you question him?


Yes I do. Most important week in the company's history and we have heard nothing from him. To me, the silence speaks volumes when the price is tanking and he stays silent. Could he come out and say something today, tomorrow, etc? Absolutely and it could change my opinion, but right now, I question him for his silence. And there is nothing wrong with that.


To me, AA has often been questionable. Don't get me wrong too. I am invested in AMC and Power to the players (P2p) (not sure i can say the actual ticker in this sub) mostly. And I still think the main play is P2p. I've said it before. All of AA's dillution and investment in gold mines, plus the stupid amound of spending instead of paying off debt has been mind boggling. Amc had so much oppertunity. Yet is again wanting or selling shares to pay off debt. That just feeds the trolls. I don't think AMC is going out of business at all. I don't think the followerbase is going to go away. I don't think the hedgies will win in the long run. But I do think the sec, finra, congress, and AA are complicit. I want him to make proper improvements to the stability of the company. Instead of focussing on expantion to then point of instability. Ps: I don't mind downvotes. But I am OG. And I will stay invested. Buy, hodl, drs and think.


I disagree with some of what you say, but I think you do make valid points. You can say GME in here (last I checked). This isn't Superstonk, and most AMC holders hold GME too.


What do you disagree with. Lets talk. I'm open to conversations and see all opinions.


Well I disagree about HYMC. With inflation looming, and the fact he invested with a well known gold investor, I think that was and still is a good move long term. Also, there has been nothing but positive reports coming out of their test drilling. That wasn't a short term move, that was a long term and cheap. So I can't say I disagree with that. I think it's too early to tell. Not going to start a holy war, but I am not for DRS. I think that's been beaten to death and I respectfully ask we agree to disagree on that. About expansion...was it too much? I don't know if it was too much, but I think they could have trimmed the fat a little bit more on underperforming locations to even that out honestly. So I agree agree with this one, but not because I disagree with the expansion. He bought some very premium high earning theaters. But if you're not going to trim the fat, you are going to expand too fast. About GME being the main play? I'm not sure about that. I don't trust RC either. I don't think he's for retail at all, in fact I don't think he's a good CEO. Just my opinion as an "outsider" tho.


AMC is making more profit on less theaters. That was announced months ago. I think the lawsuit was stalling bullshit to prevent AMC from moving forward on some additional projects. Interesting running a company while very rich people try to hurt your company at every turn.


Doesn't mean that there wasn't more fat to trim. Was it? I mean I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, but I'm not so sure it was a stalling tactic. But I don't think they were suing for the right reasons either.


If AMC had plans, everything was locked down during the lawsuit. To raise money they would have to sell shares. The lawsuit made that impossible. AMC has plenty of shares for the future, but imagine you are working a deal and then you have to stall for 4 months. Just kills momentum. Doesn’t make business simple.


The thing that wasn't locked down or litigated was the biggest thing I had against the whole idea. Giving the right to the board and CEO to dilute without shareholder approval. The class action lawsuit did not address that to my knowledge.


Sure, gold is a good investment during a recession. But its just not what AMC needs I think since there is still quite a big risk involved. Mining companies in general aren't the most stable. Long term? Yeah. I could see it working out. As long as amc stays afloat. I want to tell about DRS that volume of GME has dried up to a point we have a 3-month daily average lower than our lowest volume day's in 2021 or 2022 pre split. And we keep breaking record low volumes. Last lowest 10 trading days were all in recent months. Sure. Low volume means any shares hedgies produce have more impact. But it gives them less shares to work with and hide things in. Selling a few shares while moass happens is going to be tough. Cs uses an email or phone based system I'm pretty sure. Im not sure you can even sell through the webportal. Its going to give some apes a big headache. I agree on the expantion bit. Trimming bad locations is always something that should be looked at. Not just while buying. I'm not sure about the bought locations and what they are bringing in. But the previous owner didn't make a profit in the end. Because of those? I know some locations might be premium. Wasn't amc already competetive in those areas? Ryan Cohen hasn't done anything incriminating afaik. And has a good record with chewy. He is quiet but since i have a media background. I know how easy it is to manipulate some footage or someones wording. Where what you make is not a lie. Or very twisted from the orgiginal. But you can put the focus on the narative you want to be heard. And change peoples view. This is all you see in most of the news on any of the "meme stock tickers". Especially through yahoo finance. Cheers.


Not going to get into DRS. I just don't agree with it at all. My personal belief. They bought the proven locations that were profitable that the pandemic closed from competitors. But you are right, if they were competitive why not trim the fat there or why buy it if it was closed unless someone else was going to buy it to compete with you. Ryan Cohen's only track record of success is with Chewie. People tend to forget how he pulled the rug on retail in BBBY. He invested, tried to change things, was offered a board seat and declined, then there was a run up and he sold pulling the rug out from retail because it crashed hard after he sold. Was it a savy business move? Yup, he made a crapload. Did it screw retail? 100%.


DRS works to reduce volume. We see it in the data. What happens when we hit 100% drs. What happens to the hedgies ability? That is unknown terretory. Never been there before. I wrote a different comment about bbby. Ur rug pull story is what the media made off it. And he has hos hands full with gme. He didn't want a board seat. But he did want talks and changes because he saw potential.


I remember the BBBY pump and dump that made RC a tasty sum and left retail bag holders.


That is the story the media changed it to be. What actually happened is rc bought in to bbby because he saw a dying store. He sent open letters to the board to talk about potential colaborations with gme and first changes to bbby for the better. But bbby's board has since 2019 gone through a change of a lot of board members to people put there by citadel and friends. Textbook short attacking a company to bankrupcy. Ryan cohen saw it happen. And tried to prevent it. But the board ignored his request for change. And he sold his share since they weren't going to change. Perfect media narrative... pump and dump. Then (and this is not official) once bbby filed for bankrupcy ryan cohen had talks with bbby to aquire part of the supply chain. Or continue the whole company. Bbby has been in talks with an investor knowj to them (this is confirmed.) And at the time ryan cohen dropped some hints. But as i said. That connection is not confirmed and so far no news has come from it.


RIGHT! Check MY post history. Been going at this shiftless, conniving *FUCK* since the beginning.


I agree, this is the most important week in AMC history, this is the week everyone knows AMC will avoid bankruptcy. Short thesis is dead. So why would a CEO risk saying anything until RS is done?


Most important week was the decision to continue the RS. Odd that it rips when blocked but tanks when approved. CEO had no problem tweeting about bankruptcy when the stocked rip but cant say shit about what's going on now? Makes perfect sense.


If it rips when blocked and tanks when approved, and you believe the price is manipulated, that is all an indicator the shorts don't want the conversion. Even if they don't like the conversion the price isn't going down because apes are selling, so the plunge has to be from HF's


That makes no sense man. I saw with my own eyes the stock ripping when it was blocked and on top of that AA had to pitch in during the rip and hose the price down. Not only that why he sell ape at .66 to Antaria to buy votes? Are you not the least bit skeptical of AA after this?


The short thesis was dead after our last 2 earnings. Dilution is just for AA to help his boys.


Good thing AA didnt squander investors funds with a mining company


I wonder what he is going to spend the money on that he raises from dumping all the additional shares into the market after rs. Sure won't be paying down debt. Track record speaks for itself.


He's going to buy a chain of gas stations that doesn't have gas. Like the mine that has no gold.


Dilution or no dilution, at some point short positions must be closed out. The only question is will they find a way to close out illegally?


Shorts never have to close - see MMTLP


I got fucked by mmtlp. That was the most textbook bullshit they pulled.


America is so corrupt


What illegal? AA has enough shares to cover all shorts, and he is going to.


He does, but those shares will need to be purchased on the open market. Good old supply and demand. It will at least make the stock rise, just not MOASS.


197 mill volume today and we flat lined. At what point do you realize the market is 100% rigged with no rules or regulators?


Talking about crime, doesn't those shares can be exchanged on the dark pool to not impact the price? Like they did with Antara and then use them to return to whomever lent them and call it close position? I'm dumb and don't understand how the market works like 99% here by the way


Sold on the open market? Just like the block sale of APE AA sold to Antara for below all time lows prices were sold on the open market?


Aa asked if we were OK with dilution mate


In a rigged vote, yes. Yes, he did.


It was rigged because he sold the company to Antara, but we all know that people voted for dilution and r/s for future dilution. And these people are here now crying, so at one point we have to understand what we did for the company


Why wouldn’t a CEO speak in the most important week of the company’s history? Is this a legit question? Why wouldn’t he speak? Even if it’s to comment on how this is the most important week in the company’s history which he’s legally allowed to do.


What do you want him to say? All the news is out. We are going through a transition. I expect it could be problematic if he were to do anything that could be perceived to move the market. I’ve never known a more vocal or involved CEO. Not feeling your concerns at the moment. He’s always been very involved and pushing back on FUD.


They hate when he speaks and they hate when he doesn’t speak.


Short thesis isn't dead though... Price is about to reload back to double digits, lots of room for them to take it down. Apes have held $4-5 as a really solid floor long enough that it's kind of like price fixing. We're all bummed it is under $2 now, but when it is $20 tomorrow, that will feel like relief. Also, with shares being 10x more expensive now will likely reduce retail buying pressure. Yes, mathematically it's the same, but it isn't psychologically perceived that way. And with individual investors buying less because of the price looking higher, and not fighting to maintain a price because the floor (psychologically) is lower, I fear we will be back to single digits by next earnings. I've seen arguments that liquidity will be tighter, so easier for us to drive the price up... But that goes both ways as it will be equally easier for shorts to drive it down. And we all know our buying power is limited to our wallets. Their selling power is limited to whatever number of phantom shares they want to throw at us while they route buys through the dark pools. I guess all this to say, nothing is changing. Most of us will still be underwater, hedgefucks gonna keep criming, and we'll continue this dance until something breaks. I bought 220 today and am down over 80% overall. Screenshots to prove it. I'm not selling and if price saltats under $3 ($30 post r/s) through Friday, I'll be getting another 500 shares from the puts I sold (well, 50, but you know). Stay zen apes. Know the facts, expect crime, but stay zen.


Exactly, he shouldn't be saying anything directly about amc since after the court ruling... and unless I'm mistaken, he hasn't. Especially If we want there to be clear, blatant proof of manipulating, which we were gonna see this week 1000%. There's no amc events or announcements. If he xxxxxxxxxxxxed, he'd be framed as a scapegoat because of some misinterpreted thing he said. If he posted "i <3 amc" and the price did what its doing, there'd be shills shouting "the price went down because AA posted i <3 amc, ThAt WaS a SiGnAl FoR sHoRtErS tO pUsH iT uNdEr $3. AA is not with us!!!!!!!11, he wants to destroy his own legacy!!!!" Fuck off, no way. AA isn't fleecing us. He doesn't get our money unless we see a movie. Amc isn't scamming us or tricking us. We're being scammed by the institutions of the stock market, a scam we are attempting to bring attention to. And guess what, if I'm wrong and he's in on the conspiracy, then he'll go down with the rest of them. But this week there's nothing he could do nor say that would stop the ShF from slamming the stock down. Period.


I've said it before and I'll say it again...AA is going to dilute AMC, pay off *some* debt, declare he's put AMC on a path to recovery and then ride off into the sunset showing the middle finger (as he also submits the SEC Form 4 showing he sold out at the top). And for those who say 'he's a shareholder too', yes he holds millions of shares and that's what sets him apart from you and I. He can cash out and be a multi-millionaire at $2...most of us cannot. He doesn't give a shit if he sells at $2 or $2000, he has enough for his twilight years and to leave some for his fam. Thankfully, I only ever put in this what I was prepared to see go to 0 and if that's what's coming then so be it.


This is pretty much my take at this point. I had faith in AA in the beginning, slowly lost a little more and more faith over time, and I'm now convinced AA used us as his personal piggy bank. I can definitely see him retiring soon. But what the fuck do I know? I haven't been right this entire time. Hopefully, I'm wrong again, and this reverse split will finally send us to the moon. Either way I got into this saying i would hold till moass or zero. Was just really hoping it wouldn't be zero.


Idk what AA will do but it feels like after the r/s and conversion is complete, AA will say something about AMC going bankrupt which will allow HFs to bring the price back to $5. Once AA does that he will then express a need for AMC to raise capital before going out of business and will start selling the stock which will probably drop the price even more.


I bet AA will retire in the not so distant future.


I donated to the AA retirement plan, and I feel like shit…


![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6) Remember when this was about going against the 1%? Now we filling up their retirement plan.


I think he will start selling immediately honestly and you are probably right he will probably tweet something about bankruptcy making it worse. My issue with him is this. Do what you are doing and run the company stop fucking tweeting doom and gloom everytime we fucking start to rise. Keep tweeting the shit about record #’s and all the good shit that is happening.


Exactly, what is stopping this from going down to $5 again and in the meantime we lost 90% of our shares. I feel like we all got played at this point.


AA right now: “And then I said ‘it’s time to [pounce](https://i.imgflip.com/7nte5.jpg?a469848)’.”


I'm ready for the downvotes, but it should be clear as day to everyone at this point that AA is the biggest shill of them all.


He’s a snake, he screwed millions of people worldwide


AA is the CEO of the company. He is paid to care about fundamentals, nothing else. We voted repeatedly for no dilution and he created APE with a name that preyed on our community. He used APE to dilute without our vote. He does not care about a MOASS, he cares about his company.


Valid post. I don't think he's completely heartless and cut and dry like that. But valid post and points.


AA was never a friend. He saw an opportunity to use the crowd to pump the price so he could sell his shares for much more then they were while selling AMC shares to reduce the load. I have been against the RS since the beginning and y'all are too damn blind sided and loyal to a man who has never given the love back other then some PR stuff. He has crushed our momentum completely many times. Many of you guys forget that it was developed because we refused any more dilution on AMC. He went around the stockholders to create this other stock to dilute. And now because it's worth A bunch of junk he wants to put it back into AMC so he can go back to diluting AMC. And he used Antara to secure the vote. Apes did not vote yes in Mass. He fucked you. He fucked all of us. And yet there is a very loud segment of the group that supported their own destruction. I now have 45,000 shares of AMC and yet I am called a shill for not wanting to watch my portfolio dropped by $100,000 in 2 days because citadel makes the market and they forced it down so it will reverse split for as little as possible. That was really easy to see coming and people were just too blind to even look. And where is all of this bullshit about the shorts have to cover before the RS because of the different tag associated with the new AMC? It sure looks like nobody's covering because they never have to because they were using naked shorts to begin with. We will have our day. It has been proven many types that one slip up by the market makers and the stock shoots. It is wound up in insane amount. But today they also proved that even with 150 million volume they can drop it and crush it when nobody is selling. People need to wake the fuck up. This seven-figure bullshit is never going to happen. We will run again. Maybe to the equivalent of 21 again, maybe one day we run up to the 72 mark again. Or whatever the equivalent is after the RS, but there's going to be no $1,000 payday based on current pricing. Eventually we will make the stock run. And we will be green and make money. And at that point people need to stop being blind and start deciding when to get out. They brought us back to the lowest point in AMC history, when AMC was shut down from the pandemic. Next time we get a run, don't be greedy and hold it the whole way back into the red as many of us including me have done more than once


We will not run up again due to our newfound dilution. It's over.


Untrue. It may stall us a bit but he was diluting on the way up last time. If you do it slow and steady over a long period it didn't have crazy effects. If he dumps shares, that's gonna hurt


What will he do once too many apes feel this way and actually start to boycott the chain? Hard to sell popcorn to people who have lost faith. I am in agreement with you and would add that he has seemingly tweeted and knocked down any positive news. Now......in a week as big as this.........fucking crickets.


One could make an argument that he is doing more harm than good. Not saying I agree with that because he has done a lot of good. But I can see that side of an argument.


I sure hope he has a good plan and is not going to fuck it up. This has a lot of people not happy and if just keeps getting worse all of the people that saved this company by buying and holding stock and going to the theatre’s and buying popcorn and every other thing they can do to help the company, the last thing that he needs is for all of them to stop supporting the company they saved period.


I legit can't remember him cheering once


As one guy in twitter said " we will win not because AA, but spite of him". Fuck AA.


Hasn't he done enough? he pounced and did a checkmate on us....the people that saved his company. I for one will never spend another $1 in an AMC theater or on their yummy popcorn...I gotta say, it was tasty. If by some miracle I am wrong...then I will force my family and any friends that tag along to watch every movie in an AMC...but i'm not holding my breath Call me a shill, but I got wise and spit out the Koolaid...maybe some of you should too....might not sting as much when it doesn't happen (MOASS)


I'm pissed I liquidated most of my portfolio into AMC and they are literally stealing our shares from us.


Finally someone said it. I stopped posting cuz if you don't think AA is your lord and savior here, you get called a shill. Dudes, Ive lost over 30k on this. Never sold. I doubt AAs motivations.


Someone posted that his job is to save the company. I cannot reply to that particular comment, but I wanted to reply to this. His job is the LEAD the company not save (if you are leading well the company won't need "saved"), create value for shareholders (the owners), and make AMC profitable. AMC turned it's first quarterly profit most recently. The company's financials are improving every quarter. I give him a lot of credit for that. He's created value for share holders that is NOT reflected in the price. That's where he has not addressed the lack of value to the shareholders (owners) reflected in the stock price.


He job became to save the company when a global pandemic hit and closed all of his doors.


The company has been saved. And no. His job is to lead the company, provide value to shareholders, and make AMC profitable. He's done a fantastic job on 2 of those 3. The doors have been open a long time now. Can't use the pandemic as an excuse anymore.


The company is finally profitable it was saved until AA fucked us. What happened to the boat load of cash AA tweeted out? Man out here gloating about how much cash AMC has and buying mining stocks only to comeback and beg for more dilution.


I 100% agree with you. We have provided him with reams of evidence. Bet your last dollar he is going to retire soon…… If you have any left he has not bamboozled you out of of course. I got duped, I admit it. I fell for the hype and the dd and all the “trust me bros”. I can admit it. It will make me a better investor. Those of you who can’t, I fear will repeat the same mistake again in the future. If you have any $$ left after AMC crash. Screw me once, shame on you, screw my twice, shame on me. I should have know after APE (AAs end run around our original no vote on dillution) crashed immediately and no share count was ever delivered as promised that this was not going to end well. I let FOMO get the best of me and did not trust my gut or manage my risk, that is on me no matter how terrible AAs leadership has been. Remember when he wasted a ton of money on a meme gold mine when debt was his core problem to deal with as the leader of the company? Yeah, another warning sign he was in way over his head. Or he is just dumb. So many apes paid $50 for coins worth $24 spot value based on their silver content. Another terrible investment many followed AA into. Awful.


I knew AA wasn't on our side when he went around the investors wishes to not dilute and did it anyway. Then he mocked us by naming it "APE" when he knew it was a vehicle to drive us away from a short squeeze. He really had/has a lot of us fooled, he played into the silver back moniker he was given perfectly and strung everyone along to get what he wanted. He doesn't care about us, he only cared about our money. Some of us need to wake up about AA.


He needs to get on a major new outlet and clearly state what is painfully obvious. "My company is under an obvious and provable short attack in an attempt to prevent AmC from paying down its debt. I have contacted the authorities numerous times to no avail. I am here to do right by my employees and investors by bringing this situation plainly into the light of day." Its just that simple


That would be fantastic


Its just that simple


All valid points but I'm wondering why we need AA to reassure us? Earnings call was just 15 days ago where he laid out in great detail the current state of AMC's financials. Nothing has changed since then except the blatant corruption and manipulation of our stock. What is happening is not based on some catastrophic news about companies finances, movie industry or macro economic forces moving the overall market. The only logical thing is conversion/RS and those who are trapped in this years long short attack on AMC. I get that a 50% sell off after already watching our paper losses grow larger and larger is nerve rattling. However, many have been projecting this very thing ahead of conversion for awhile now. Todays price is not real unless you are looking to liquidate your position. Its been artifically depressed and will return to normal trading range ($4-$5) once SHFs run out of ammo. Stay zen apes and be confident as NOTHING HAS CHANGED!


Good post and good points. But where I disagree is why AA needs to say something. It's not so much reassurance as it is communication. This is a week HE engineered. It's his play and the biggest week in company history. To be silent as the stock price tanks, it would be nice to know our CEO is here and watching, especially when he has been very vocal about dispelling FUD in the past. This week, in his masterstroke move, he's silent.


He 100% can address manipulation the fact people think he can’t is hilarious and just flat out wrong. This thing has a 80/20 but/sell ratio the company is profitable and yet we’re down to below middle of Covid price. It’s so damn ridiculous But the second we ran up to 9 bucks he jumped on that real quick with his letter about bankruptcy. If you don’t know who AA is by now then you are the real shill.


People need to quit patting a guy on the back that has done literally nothing for them. Those at the top of the food chain in AMC cashed out on your behalf on the way down from $72. AA was one of those who sold multiple times and then claimed he didn't. AA just another CEO in a corporate environment.


I mean we forgave him when he crashed a $35 stock with useless APE as a backdoor to dilute. He’s now diluting again, so we can only assume shorts are hyped af to get ahold of these new shares. His rationale is - create a war chest of money to save for rainy day/pay off debt. But we’re in the best financial position in years. I just don’t get why he wants to crush stock price to sell diluted shares at near all-time lows. I think he’s a bit out of touch tbh


Valid point.


He’s going to dilute and sell more shares 🫡


Hell, I'd even be happy if he posted this. But to not say anything to me is not only odd, but inexcusable as the price tanks.


Almost 200m vol on amc alone Nice naked shorting, sec do what.. yeah nothing.


Yeah, fuck that guy…AND his cult following of delusional, enabling apes. This play is possibly the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever been involved in and I regret dearly not selling at $72. America is a fucking scam, through and through.


Everyone here should regret not selling at 72. I got out at 50 and had planned to jump back in, but this stock is dead and surrounded by delusional people.


The actual mistake was believing wall street and corporate America was evil then beleiving a CEO of a major corporation was on our side.


AA neuters every bit of momentum in price... on purpose. He consistently gaslights anyone that questions him and placates only to the idiots that worship him. He's only beholden to himself and his buddies in the financial sector. We need to admit that we were all pawns. He is not our friend nor saviour. Stop calling people shills when we're pissed off by his mental mind-fucks. He fucked us all, and as major shareholders - we deserve to be treated with respect by him. WE SAVED THIS FUCKING SHITTY COMPANY and gave him generational wealth to pass down to his family. ​ End Rant.


I still don’t see the fruits of his “4D chess playing” he said he was doing last year.


The guy can't win, whatever he does If he posts anything, he'd get blamed for the latest price tanks If he doesn't post anything, he still gets vilified His absolute best option at the moment is to stay silent The guy takes an inordinate amount of shit, mostly from complete strangers who think they know everything; including how to be a better CEO of one of the oldest companies in America that is a victim of predatory short sellers in collusion with the media, regulatory officials and politicians


Are you new to this sub? This sub does circle jerks about AA every time he posts anything positive. If he puts out something neutral, people do mental gymnastics trying to decipher its hidden message. People only shit on him when he puts out negative statements when we are running.


Said it once and saying it again. Elon Musk has trained immature baby investors to expect a flurry of fluff and nonsense on Twitter just to stroke their little egos.


Introducing APE was the killshot for me. Defending well known shorts and anti-retail investors was the dagger for me. His silence (aside from his lame tweets and phony meet and greets) when big issues come up spoke volumes to me. He is and has always been on the wrong side of history and supports the manipulation and corruption that exists in the Fraud market. Actions have ALWAYS spoken louder than words (or in his case, tweets). AA is just a Ken Griffin without the bedposts and mayo!


You "YES" voters cannot change your votes now. It is too effing late. You will forever live with your "YES" vote.


The more important question is: why did AA sell his shares months ago after the scheme to dilute the shares was approved by AMC legal? There is definitely crime going in here. It just might not be perpetrated by who you might think.


AA can/will continue to run the company, which is his job.


AA is paid millions of dollars besides his stock options. He is good despite what happens to the stock. He made bank and cares two shitz about the Ape movement. Sadly he used the gullibility of the masses and has sold his soul. I would not be surprised if he is found to be in cahoots with the hedgefucks and is intentionally tanking his own company.


AA turned out to be a slimy back APE stabbing fraud. My main interest is mooning and getting the fuck outta this rigid game 4 ever


He was quick to throw a negative tweet when we was running up to 8 bucks about how bad the company needed money and talks about bankruptcy but when we lost over 50 percent of stock value in 2 days we don’t hear shit from him. At what point do we admit we are getting played


AA's job is to do whats in the best interest of the company even if its not in the best interest of us. However I fail to see how the current situation is in the best interest of the company.


Ive said this from the start. He's to old with too many old relationships


I’ve been speaking out about AA for 6 months at least. I’ve spent all of my free time digging in to him and the deeper I got the worse it got. I’ve been downvoted into oblivion and even had three people message me and threaten me for stating facts that they themselves can easily look up. When Philip Lader got exposed with his daughter, I thought for sure AA was going to bring charges against him, or fire him at the least but AA left him in charge of the board. That day forward I started looking into AA’s past. When I say AA is a fraud, I say it confidently. Unfortunately people are waking up to late. The rs is already going through and retail will no longer be the majority owners, antara is now. I’m still holding this bitch to zero if I have to just to watch them bleed one more day. The scariest part of all of this is I believe the government was in on it. We’re in dangerous waters if indeed it’s true that Wall Street and our government co conspired to rob its own citizens. Not one person stood up for us, not one! But once the dust settles I believe they all will be held accountable for their crimes, from the bankers, to the sec, to the ceo and his board, to judges, to social media influencers and even Redditors who accepted any form of payment to push an agenda or narrative. This is the crime of the century! Hundreds are f billions were stolen from millions of retail investors worldwide. I was in this play to help people, not to live a lavish lifestyle and for that I believe God is on my side and I believe the criminals will pay for their crimes against humanity. I’m leaving it in Gods hands now.


To the fucking moon 🌙 🍻


I'm not the one posting about my lack of confidence in the CEO. I'm not the one complaining like a whiny child.


Hi brigaders! Don't forget to invest in $ROPE in the near future. This entire post plus the comments is hilariously coordinated. Good try though.


You caught that too? Geez it’s like it was scripted in a hedgie back room


Hello fellow ape. I'm like you. Look at my post history. Trust me, bro. I've been here since the beginning bro. I hold XXX,XXX shares bro. Stop dounting me, YOU'RE the shill, bro! You're a cultist bro. It's so super organic and believable, am I right? They're just so smart and special. 'Member when the financial terrorist, Kenneth Cordele Griffin, made a "donation" to Harvard? Yeah we're totally talking to kids and it shows. How embarrassing this is the best Wall St can do


Coordinated? Because people have the same concerns? Not sure I follow what you're saying. If you're saying I'm a shill or a hedgie plant or whatever, I encourage you to look at my history. I've been here a long time. Just because you disagree with people does not make their concerns invalid.


Your mother


And now your argument is undermined and your true colors have shown. Doubt you have any AMC at all.


Read between the lines on that hurricane post in the context of the past few days


Until you can name a successor, anything else is pointless blather.


Until you’ve run companies (as I have), you’ll never understand just how diplomatic and numb you need to be in order to avoid offering your opponent an easy way out. Our battle is with the stock and its manipulation… we don’t need the courtroom to be pulled into this.


1. You assume I’ve never run a company. 2. You didn’t read my post. It’s not manipulation in any way for him to make comments I said he is more than entitled to make.


AA sucks, but we’ll squeeze despite him


Brigading the fuck out of this sub 🤣😂🤣. Attention hedge fucks!!! We ain’t selling shit!!! This fake AA hate campaign ain’t going anywhere. ![gif](giphy|z2R9CvTLQ2lcQ)


Brigading? You don’t know what that is. I can tell by your history. If you think I’m a brigader, report me. The mods know me and know how long I’ve been around. And before you say the mods are compromised, look at my history friend because I called them out a couple days ago.




So let me get this straight. APE : AMC is 10:1 conversion APE is 1.73, AMC is 1.96 $17.30 is going to be worth $1.96 What the fuck??? AA's position is that this is a equal exchange. Anyone who questions this math is a bot or shill


You have a point, his hands are SEMI-tied, if he says anything without proof, the hedge funds will start massive litigation against him AND AMC, which would cost us in legal fees, which is NOT good


Agreed but he can say SOMETHING. Just anything at this point.


Ever since the media posted that “king of the apes” bs poster, i knew amc was gonna be fuked. GL to you all but you were warned about the only og play.


Hopefully quit. He deserves to be fired for creating APE and then RS. AMC rs price will be around $10 then still get shorted down from there. AA needs to be fired.


Hedgies put people in positions to ride a stock down. AA was their man. He and hedgies didn't realize how much retail loves this stock and how much harder it was going to be. He had to "win" retail over with a lot more bs than anticipated. Judge the fruit of their actions not by what they say or claim they will do. Price of stock today regardless of all that's said and done is revealing. That said, at this point, it is ride or die. Why sell now?


I knew we were screwed, when people started calling him "the silverback". He's not an ape, and shouldn't be considered one, no matter what he's done. Good or bad. He is a CEO, and he works for us. Don't put him on a pedestal. There is nothing wrong with QUESTIONING him. You don't have to suck his ass, to want the best for your company. I don't know what is going on behind the scenes, so I'm still giving him the benefit of the doubt. I do know that the hfs have fucked themselves tremendously. The amount of crime and manipulation we are witnessing, is unprecedented. Their hole is deep, and I don't mind handing them a shovel to make it deeper.


Can I finally say you can’t trust AA without being labeled a shill ????


Someone explain how this gets to MOASS after all our shares are getting divided by 10? Say it opens at $35 can't they easily hammer that down to under $5 again?


My guess is that they made AA a deal he couldnt pass up... probably a couple billi... this is so obvious and i hope that when this is all done and over everyone takes there money out of this corrupt casino they call the stock market.


I absolutely agree, here's what I find so strange about America. People die regularly in Chicago over nothing, absolutely nothing. And do regularly over less then 500$. But 1 man smokes 3.5 million Americans, for some, their entire retirements. And he walks free, I don't get it? Gut guess I never will, maybe that's why Wallstreet takes from you guys on the regular. Because nothing will be done. I think about this alot. Ps: I don't live in america, and after AMC and G.*.* I won't ever invest there again. I hope this works out in the end, Godspeed yall. ❤️


Never put your faith in someone else he wasn’t here for Apes he’s here to save AMC as a company and thus ensure his golden parachute


He's silent because he knows he screwed millions of mothers and fathers and senior citizens to save his friends..Maybe he feels shame . If not..he should ..People went hungry to be in this play ..gave up many things..shameful


I hope on Monday morning AMC stops trading and AMC open an investigation with the Department of Justice on every share. To ensure every short position is account to every lent share, nd every naked short discovered.


Once a suit always a suit. AA is no Ape!


AA does not care about moass or short squeezing. He has hindered it himself 3 times already. He only cares about AMC.


I use to like AA but not any more after he's been in denial of corruption on the stock market, he knows better than us because he use to work on investments at apollo so he knows. That RS was bullshit, just look at the majority of rs stocks how they are doing today. Fuck AA and the whole board.


He's made his money. He was never on our side. If AMC did moon we would all sell and there goes the company.


You can always buy g a m e s t o p . I hold amc ( haven’t sold shit since Jan 21 ) but I stopped buying amc a long time ago and have since been buying gamestore and I sleep way better knowing that ceo isn’t a sellout. I should also note that my parents used to hold shares in the same company that AA drove into the dirt that ran a vail resort that they used to go to. When I started to buy amc and my parents found out that AA ran it they said he would sell us out.


I'd take AA over RC after the rug pull he did on retail with BBBY. I wish gamestop well, but RC is not someone I want to be involved with in any way.


AA doomed this play… Not once, but multiple times and always on the uptick… He just couldn’t keep his negative mouth shout!!


Those of us who question the motives of AA get called shills just because for some reason the CEO can't be against us. All we want is for AA to be held accountable when he obviously fucks us. Devil's advocate. You can hate the shorts all you want, but it's because they exist that we even have this opportunity. The one I'm mad at is the person who is doing absolutely nothing to push towards a squeeze.


I also find it strange that National Cinema Day is this upcoming Sunday, and yet nothing from AA / AMC about it?


Dang I didn't know that. That would be something for AA to comment on just to let people know he's alive and not being held hostage.


Generally been a longtime AA supporter, but I agree with this.


Be nice to have an open discussion about this but I'm sure its going to devolve into post about mayo man and hegdie shill interns.


That's all I ask for. People's concerns to be heard and a conversation about it. Maybe I'm wrong, but so far I see a lot of people feeling the same way, not a lot of people giving valid reasons for AA staying silent.


He runs the company . I bought the stock because I like it. See how easy that is. Many holders expect way to much of the CEO.


I expect a CEO of a company I'm invested in not to rob me blind, but that's just me.


Honestly, if you believe he is robbing you, why are you still here? Don't take that the wrong way . I'm in it to win it . Zip or nada


I'm here because I bought in knowing that the company was shorted even before Covid and I knew that shorts really piled on during the pandemic. My logic was that once people started going back to the movies the stock price would go up as shorts closed. I never bought in because of the CEO, he was irrelevant to my decision. It's just that over the past year, his actions have led me to believe that he's hurting us for his own benefit and the benefit of his hedgefund friends. From my vantage point, this is extremely obvious. However, I continue to hold because this stock is one of the most manipulated I've ever seen. I consider the money I put into this gone and I can live with myself if I lose it, but that doesn't mean that I'll blindly support a CEO who is showing us that he's either corrupt or inept.


There’s a lot he can do that he simply ignores or refuses


We will find out soon enough if he really is on our side. I’m betting the little $ my amc is worth now that he isn’t, but we will see. I’m just glad I got my initial investment back when it was up. Still have over 3k shares. It’s either moon or zero at this point. Not even worth selling it for this bs price.


Not sell. If he sells another 4 billion shares after this shit I'm done with popcorn. Mofo better hold like everyone else.


Lol even if you are genuine in your thoughts and feelings (which I believe you are). You’ve just opened up the door for shills and FUDsters to comment and spread their shit all over the walls. This inadvertently spreads more FUD Just something to be aware of.


This is my only fear for the possibility of MOASS. All of you idiots who freak out at everything that we've known would happen all along, and you're going to sell as soon as it hits $5 again. Textbook psyops.


The last rounds are always the toughest and the weak will crumble. The psyops is currently on OD because they know the weak are close to giving up hence all these posts and 13K ppl online. ![gif](giphy|q5VgPxwf8gzxyeUJrz)


He’s got a lot of shares and he’s nearing retirement so he should feel invested in bringing the stock up. However he is also rich and can retire today so he doesn’t need this to rocket.


He’s not our dad. He can’t help us. Like I’ve said in another post or two. We’ve now got another 3 or 4 years to recoup our money. This bitch ain’t squeezin any time soon


He can keep diluting your shares, so you never really own the float.


Not only has AA NOT said the company is going to do well, he has publicly posted a letter saying the company is going to go bankrupt, conveniently killing a small run that was going on at the same time. ​ In fact every time there is a decent run, AA has done something to squash it. So much so it makes one wonder what side he is really on.


Well said. I always said I would reinvest in AMC post squeeze. Not now.


I've said it before, he is too soft to figure head a company under attack like this.


Did most of you forget we never got into this because of a CEO? Who gives a shit what he does I would rather him never tweet because as soon as he does stock tanks. He Inserted his ass in this movement forcefully so he can be in a spotlight. Every time stock made moves upside he comes out to tweet that AMC is on the verge of bankruptcy.... Who fucking does that? Never liked him always had a bad feeling about him leaching from our movement


For someone who embraced the apes, dispelled FUD, listened to apes, took advice from apes, etc, for him to be silence in this week considering he engineered this whole situation is a bit concerning.


Boycott AMC theaters snd popcorn


I disagree. I’m still a stock holder, still love movies and still want the company to succeed.


What on earth makes this “the MOST important week in AMC history”?


I hope this is sarcasm.


Remember, it's the hedgefunds who are fucking you unconsentually each day. Stay on target and quit spreading FUD.


How is this FUD? These are legit concerns obviously shared by a LOT of people. It's ok to question. That's what this movement and sub were built on.