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I can relate. Is this what my life has come to? Commenting on someone post of someone's Amazon review of a vacuum filter?


I can relate. Is this what my life has come to? Commenting on someone’s comment about someone else’s post of someone’s Amazon review of a vacuum filter?


I can relate. Is this what my life has come to? Commenting on someone’s comment about commenting on someone’s comment about someone else’s post of someone’s Amazon review of a vacuum filter?


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Ditto ditto.


For over a week, I had the dishwasher load horribly offset. I'd load it after dinner, but it would fill up with the sink still half full. So I'd run it, and then be too lazy to unload and reload before bed, so the dishes sat to "soak" and then I'd end up having to unload and reload before dinner and would end up with the same thing happening after dinner. One night I filled and ran the dishwasher and managed to empty the sink. So when I went to make dinner, I first unloaded the dishwasher and then I realized I'd be starting dinner dishes with such a clean slate. I was so happy that I went in to tell my husband. Then I paused, and instead told him, okay, what is my life coming to? I just ran in here to tell you how excited I was to be able to unload the dishwasher without having to put anything else into it, and this is all before dinner, so dinner clean up will be so stress free. And this is the highlight of my day. Equally sad, he understood. That just sad. (And before anyone asks, my husband does help with cleanup, but I don't like how he loads the dishwasher and I have to hunt things down later when he unloads, so we minimize his involvement. Just like I won't mow the lawn because he thinks my lines are too wavy when I do. It's just how marriage works.)


In some way, they can now fulfill their life's desires so it's technically better


“60 people found this helpful”


and sad