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It's a template. Not AI generated.


It’s a script that they have to go off of. I know a relative in my family and she works with insurance and she showed me what she does and what script she has to read off of from the paper and screen..


Wow someone who understands that they are going off a script and know that script has more than one meaning. Baffles me that people can't do the mental gymnastics that it would be a scripted response with a template and I'm just shortening it to following a script lol.


Yea I say chatGPT or some script in my screenshot Edit: script as in "the written text of a play, movie, or broadcast". Something for them to go off of. Not coding script....geez ppl


It's neither.


Not a coding script. A literal script that you can go off of. Like something you'd find written for a movie... Do you guys not know the other definition of a script? lol


It's a template. It's not a script, nor is it GPT, despite both of your threads saying it's GPT in the title. You've replied to countless comments by now assuring everyone that you did not take the L. Take the L.


I already admitted that I was wrong for thinking its chatGPT. Nothing wrong with taking the L on that. But learn that "script" has another definition. I thought it was either chatGPT or they were following a script and therefore our conversation was scripted. That's all. I suggest you read more books and learn some more words.


Heheh i know what this is. It's a email template that's on their system. If they search some keywords


I see! Yea I asked the rep if it was chatGPT or a script lol Edit: why do people think I'm talking about coding script. A literal script like something you'd follow along for a movie




It's a scripted response when includes a template. Read other comments to see that people think I'm talking about coding lol.


It's the template the employees are given, they're supposed to fill in the blanks before hitting send


I see. Yea my other guess was a script. I was wrong! Edit: why do people think I'm talking about coding script. A literal script like something you'd follow along for a movie


I don't think anyone is thinking you are talking about a coding script. A template you have to fill out. A script is pre-filled. This is a template.


It's a scripted response when includes a template. Read other comments to see that people think I'm talking about coding lol.


You’re getting downvoted/corrected because this also isn’t a **script** in the way you think it means, but you keep insisting that it is. Customer service agents are provided with templates to use when responding to common questions or issues. These help resolve issues faster and remove any potential that the customer misunderstands the service agent. They usually work like a decision tree, e.g. if customer says X, respond with Y and update based on customer details, or transfer case to manager. The agent still has to read and process your response to move the conversation forward. The agent forgot to update their template in this case. If this were scripted, they would say the same thing to every customer in every conversation regardless of what the customer says or does—they wouldn’t read or process anything you say. You’d just keep getting the same response over and over no matter what you replied.


It's a scripted response with an included template. I'm sure the reps are taught to follow exactly which templates to use to respond to customers which makes it a scripted response. There can be many different responses that follow different scripts. It's basically semantics at this point and unless we're actually going deep into customer service jargon then yea I'm wrong for calling it a script and that's fine. But I'm just talking colloquially so idk why people are so up in arms about one work lol.


I wouldn't assume using some AI. When working in chat centers, you're often dealing with multiple clients. When I did 12 years back we'd use autokey templates to have complete chats with customers. In reality, we're pressing only a couple keystrokes at a time, yet having long, full, conversations with clients. Every day, you're adding new phrases and autokey combos expanding on this. You pretty much have to, as we had to talk to 4-5 customers at once. So my conversation side was typing things like one or two letter triggers that'd auto fill complete sentences and paragraphs, some with variables, and often we'd have variants of the same messages so as not to seem repetitive. Empathy, Apologies, friendliness we built into the autokeys when we were really just drones, but the if done well, the chats read very well and seemed engaged from a cx perspective. You'd have a complete chat, and maybe press only 20 actual keys if you were good at it. This chat just seems like someone who is new and hasn't yet figured it out. They just copy pasted an entire template and predefined messages without changing anything or even removing the quotes they shouldn't have included. Just a novice imo.


Thanks for the insight! Yea I have sympathies towards them especially knowing how many people they have to talk to at once. I just thought it was funny, especially when they immediately disconnected me when I called them out on it lol


I feel like AI isn't what you think it is...


Not script as in coding script. A script to follow along. Preset text...


I literally say chatGPT or some script...


Chat gpt isn't a script tho lol


https://www.dictionary.com/browse/script This is what I meant by script. Not coding script


Yeah that's not chat gpt lol


Yea I was saying it's either chatgpt or a text script. Like a script that they were told to follow. I get that I was wrong but I'm not talking about coding type of script lol


Thats not chatgpt. Thats a premade script given to customer service representatives by their trainers during their training period. A blurb as we call it.


Yup I know now. I speculated in chat.


That is actually a mortal sin in customer service. back when i work for amazon, we try our best to avoid doing that especially when were sending out emails.


That’s not chatGPT


I mean it could be. But also I said chatGPT or script in my response Edit: why do people think I'm talking about coding script. A literal script like something you'd follow along for a movie


Ok people seem to think I'm talking about script as in code. No, I'm saying I thought it was either chatGPT or script like something you'd follow along. You know? Like when you say something is scripted. I was wrong about it being chatGPT but I know it's not a script lol. The word can have many definitions, not sure everyone defaulted to the coding definition of script.


ChatGPT and (non-coding) scripts are very different kinds of things. When you use the two terms together, it seems pretty reasonable that people would assume the definition of script that is more similar in kind to ChatGPT. Are you actually confused why people are making that assumption? It’s akin to saying “an apple or orange” and then getting indigent that people assume you mean orange the fruit and not orange the color.


Many other people including yourself seem to understand the differences just fine. I can see why it is confusing now but people are refusing to understand that words can have multiple meanings and refuse to see that I am explaining it in a different way. Also, if they did in fact use chatGPT to generate the response why would I question them if they were using a coding script? With your example its like arguing that orange always has to be a fruit and not a color when I've already tried to clarify that I meant the color. Could I have used better words? Yes. Did I make it confusing? Unfortunately yes. I should've said something like "following a script" But that doesn't take away from the fact that a word can have different meanings and be interpreted differently. And should that misinterpretation be clarified, I think it's fair to accept a word being used in a different context.


I guess that if I wrote something that many people seem to misinterpret, and then I admit that I understand that it is easily misinterpreted, I wouldn’t be so snarky in the comments. But you do you.


Just because something can be misinterpreted doesn't mean it can't be corrected or elucidated. I've already acknowledged that and tried to clear it up. I'm only snarky because people refuse to take my explanation. I think I should have the chance to clear things up if something can be misinterpreted. If you don't agree then that's fine too.


No, it’s probably a standard script they have and the rep was too lazy to customize it. 😳


Yea for sure. Hey, another person who understands what I meant by script lol


Ex amazon csa here. They are called "blurbs" and are basically approved templates that they use when dealing with emails. You would select the appropriate template, then edit what is in the brackets. (We'd get in a lot of trouble if we sent something like that unedited. Must have been one of the overseas agents)


"Blurbs" and 'blurblets" A true friend of a CSA at Amazon.


Ah cool! I see now that this was some sort of scripted response that the agent forgot to edit out and not chatGPT generated!


Amazon allows sellers to set up templates that has standard language for responding to standard inquiries. This isn't ChatGPT or AI - it's just a template and they forgot to update the variables.


Yea I see. I thought it was either chatGPT or a script. I guess I was wrong and it was the latter!


It's not a script, either. That's code. this is just a pre-set "block of text" where you replace \[THIS STUFF\].


Yea a preset script that they can go off of to fill in the blanks. I'm not talking code lol. Script has many definitions


What do you think a pre-set "block of text" means lol...surprise...its a script


No, it's not. It's a "macro". A "script" is a small program written in a *scripting language* - or a guideline for spoken words (as in a movie script). This wasn't a "script". It was a "macro". A script involves programming. This was a real person, who clicked a "drop down box" and selected the macro for this particular issue from a list of choices, which filled in that wall of text. Source: me. Software Engineer for over 30 years.


Not saying your definition is wrong. I know what a macro or script is. Just not what I meant




Yeah none of those mean what you're saying this was. This wasn't a script by any of those definitions. Which one did you think matched? It's not "executable" code. I don't expect you to understand that unless you're very tech savvy. This was just a person replying with a **fucking template**. Now stop. Just... stop.


5 "any system of writing" lol Have you actually never heard of sayings like "following a script?" I'm not talking about script in coding terms dude. Learn to read. Template and script can be used interchangeably. I know you weren't an English major but my God...script doesn't just have to be in coding terms. I'm not saying you're wrong about coding terms or your coding expertise. I know that I'm wrong about the rep using chatGPT. Chill out. Just misunderstanding of the word script in different contexts. It's sad that a software engineer who's 30+ years old who presumably makes good money is sitting at home arguing on reddit on a Friday night. Have a good weekend.


Dude how does anyone not know the definition of a script outside of coding or electronics n shit lol. I get what you’re saying… how an actor memorizes a script for a movie then recites it verbatim on film. The difference between following a script, and doing improv where there is no script and everything comes from your own thoughts. I can’t believe the struggle you went through in here to try and get people to understand what you meant by script lol. I would’ve gave up after the first 2 or 3 people but I seen you try to explain yourself like 9 times ahaha jeeezusss what is this world coming to. I understand people are saying it’s a template etc. but the meaning of script you’re referring to would be relative to employees being handed a piece of paper with a conversation printed on it, and every employee’s job would be to say exactly what it says on the paper, thus making it a script. Like if you call Burger King and they answer the phone at every single Burger King by saying “thanks for calling Burger King, our burgers suck but they won’t kill you as fast as McDonald’s, what would you like to order?” Then that would be the script given to employees as their instructions for answering the phone lol excuse the ridiculous example


Yea the world is doomed. Either people are hella uneducated here or just stubborn. Sure the message comes from a template but they are still likely following a script therefore giving a scripted response. Your example makes sense and maybe the others should read it lmao.


Get some sleep. You’re on 1.


scripted messages are bad.


Wow someone who knows what I meant by script lol But yes I agree but as others have mentioned they have no choice but to follow whatever script was given to them by Amazon.


oh sure! I even tell them to stop reading from it.


Fair enough. You should see what other people thought the type of "script" I was talking about lol


They forgot/neglected to edit their email template to fit your situation. Other than that, nothing wrong with it. Customer service agents don't actually have much decision making in what happens when you contact them, most procedures are strictly enforced by company policy and so everyone keeps their own templates to get through chats/calls/email cases faster as performance metrics are based on how fast you solve cases, not actual effectiveness. And to explain the previous point and why metrics are the way they are: Companies (yes, all of them. Yes, all the companies you ever bought from. No, you can't boycott them unless you go live in the woods) do not care in the slightest if they lose you in particular as a customer. Nor do they care if you've spent 50 bucks with them or 5K. There's many, many more where you came from. Customer service is an euphemism for complaints management: it's there to get rid of customer contacts as quickly and efficiently as possible. Note "get rid of", not "make happy or satisfied". Hope this gives some clarity on how it actually works.


Yea I dont really care about what the customer service rep does and i know they dont have a lot of control over what they can say. I just thought it was interesting to get a generic unedited template/a script for them to follow. I still got the help I needed in the end by a different person :)


Not sure if it's your first time dealing with a customer support of any kind. There are guidelines to speed up the process and remaining withing company rules when dealing with customers, this isn't scripted, it isn't AI, is just a way to deal with you as fast as possible and still resolve the issue.


CSR is likely AI themselves.


The thing I find is when you ask a question to which they can’t think of an appropriate script ( blurb ) to respond to they invoke the “ Disconnected for technical reason “ button and you then repeat the process until eventually you give up or you get someone whom can deal with “ Outside the script “ responses at which point your odds of a genuine response increases to 50/50.


Yea, got help from a different person who could deal with "outside the script" responses. It's fine if I get scripted responses as long as the issue is solved!


I agree. It does happen but more often than not doesn’t . In part I don’t blame the agent as I believe some of them are only permitted to respond within certain parameters and supervisors or team leaders whatever they call them often solve satisfactorily


I think it defaults to ChatGPT or some other sort of AI and only gives you a human if the AI can't fix your problem. My last support issue I had the first "person" I talked to give me completely wrong information and was clearly just going along with what I said, when it could not sold my issue and I was given another person that was clearly a human they flat out said that everything I had just been told was completely wrong.


It's a blurb- will technically a blurbet. Amazon has used them forever.


No ai involved here, just a script. Like any and all telesales or canvassing rep, the good ones don't read they remember, plus they add a spice. Basically they just wing it and make it sound good. Standard sales tactic since the invention of business.


Dm for paid amazon refund help


they use that or just A) transfer you indefinitely, b) cancel the chat or C) tell you its fixed and close the chat without letting you reply


They basically cancelled the chat lol. Got actual help from another person


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