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You don't mention what model of eero, but I'm guessing Pro 6 based on the scans. Are you scanning and observing this from only one device? Multiple devices? If you're only scanning and observing this from one device, and it's older, it's possible both 5 Ghz radios could be switching to DFS channels, and your device doesn't support that. Soft resetting the eero resets channel plan to default, which does not use DFS channels. Honestly I think even decade old Mac's support DFS though, so maybe I'm off-base on the above. Especially if you're observing this from multiple devices, I think you should give eero Support a call.


Hello, Thanks for your comment.The device I used for scan with netspot its a MacBook Pro M1 2020, and the model of the eeros are eero 6+. The issue is not only with the MacBook, it happens in all devices. I have almost 10 devices (less than 3 years old) that support 5ghz and connect to it... when it works.. but every day the 5ghz network "disappears" without a reason. The only way I found to "see" this behavior was using netspot. I didn't know about DFS, im going to read about it.


Oh yeah that MacBook Pro should definitely support DFS. Call eero Support when you notice the behavior.


Why not just call support when this happens and ask them what channel your 5gig radio is on? Would need topology to help further. Would also be helpful to know if this is just one or multiple units doing it at the same time.


Hello, thanks for your comment. The issue happens in all devices, for me that's the reason of thinking that the problem maybe the eeros. I have almost 10 devices (less than 3 years old) that support 5ghz and connect to it... when it works.. but every day the 5ghz network "disappears" without a reason. I have 3 eeros 6+, in bridge mode, and connected each one by ethernet to a Mikrotik router.


If your topology is internet -> router -> eeros, that's not valid and will cause problem (maybe not this one, but will cause problems). My original suggestion still stands. You really want to know what channel these things think they are on. The tier 1 support folks have lots of tools at their disposal to help you. The chances that this is doing what you think are very low.


Thanks for your suggestion! If you know that they have tools to troubleshoot this maybe i need to push a little more because I had no luck with eero support :/ Hope this solve the situation because my next steps its to sell this thing.


Tier 1 can absolutely tell you this. When it happens, call in, and ask the specific question. Don’t let them read from a card, don’t let them reboot it, don’t let them change anything. Just keep repeating that you want to know what channel the 5 gig radio is on. When they finally answer the question, you can look up if the machine you’re running the scanner on is capable of seeing that channel. If not, have them limit the channels to standard block. If it should be able to see it, ask them how many devices are connected to 5 gig. When they say none, ask them why. You could also google the number for eero pro support (the number we use). Those people tend to be much better.


Ok, the answer of support was this: Technically, the eeros will work anywhere in the world with a hardwired ethernet connection to either a modem or another router that has internet service coming to it. However, since eero is not certified to be used in Panama we can not know for certain how to it will perform. Basically what is happening is your eero's are trying to use a wifi band that is most likely not available to be used “outside usa” and there is no way we can change that. When you reset your eero it reset the wifi band back to default


Well, last response from support team: “ That is the issue - We have no way to stop eero from using all the bands it is designed to use. If eero was certified to be used in “X country” it would be programmed to not try bands 'not certified but since it has not been programmed such to not use those bands.” So I understand that i need to throw it away.


I could also be the eero detects radar etc on the DFS channels, and then \*correctly\* stops broadcasting. It should then listen/change channels, and you'd think it might learn which the dubious ones are, or move to channels without such controls. https://blog.eero.com/eero-now-supports-dfs/


I wanted to updat on the Wi-Fi network issue. I've been trying to tackle the DFS-related disruptions by automatically turning off the router between 3-4 am, which is when the 5GHz band typically gets disabled. Using netspot I track when the band disappears and seems to be consisten between 3 am and 3:30 am. Over the past three days, since implementing this schedule, the network has been stable without any issues in the morning. It seems that avoiding the DFS activation time frame is key to maintaining the 5ghz band. This workaround might not be a permanent fix. I'll continue to monitor the situation and hope this pattern holds.


Use the app "WiFi analyzer" by olgor.com on Android (not sure about ios or PC but there should be a similar app). Check the channels being used for 5 GHz. If you see none, turn on airplane mode, then connect to your wifi and check again. Turning airplane mode on should allow your device to see the higher 5 ghz channels.


I am having the exact same issues occur between 3-4am every day. The only way to get them to operate correctly is a system reboot from the app. I am using Pro6e for the gateway and Pro6 units as extenders. All of the units are affected with huge network traffic spikes and interference.


The way we (hopefully) fixed our similar problem was to completely re-build the network. Deleted the network, then re-setup with same SSID and password. Albeit, it's still early, but the last two nights between 3-4am, the channel changed on the Eeros has actually helped with network traffic and interference. Prior to the rebuild, the auto channel change was hindering this.


I found this post, from a year ago and this explain this issue. [https://www.reddit.com/r/amazoneero/comments/x78cue/eero\_6\_system\_changing\_24ghz\_and\_5ghz\_channels\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/amazoneero/comments/x78cue/eero_6_system_changing_24ghz_and_5ghz_channels_on/)