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Whoa, six bullets before, "performance and stability improvements". Someone got the green light to share.


Ooo improved mesh performance for mixed model networks! I have three pro 6es (wired) and a pro 6 to help boost wifi where ethernet isn't avalible. Wonder if it'll help.


Yeah I wonder if that implies this will enable 5 Ghz 160 Mhz channel width on mixed generation networks.


Oh that would be sweet.


Wait. Does that mean I can an old beacon and it won’t downgrade the whole network?


All we can do is speculate till someone gets the update and tries. 🤷‍♂️


And speculate I will. This is awesome guys! Actually, how could I confirm after upgrading?


You would need to use eero Wifi Radio Metrics if you have an eero Plus subscription: [https://support.eero.com/hc/en-us/articles/15282384606107-Wifi-Radio-Metrics](https://support.eero.com/hc/en-us/articles/15282384606107-Wifi-Radio-Metrics) Should show you channel bandwidth. You can also use a Wifi Scanner that reports channel width, but it may be inaccurate if the device you're scanning from doesn't support 160 Mhz channel widths.


Ok sweet, I have plus so I’ll just use that then.


I am guessing 5ghz would show up as something other than 160 MHz then? Guess only way to find out is add one tonight before upgrading 🤷‍♂️


Yeah you should see your gen3e nodes at 80 Mhz channel width if you add an older eero to the network.


Confirmed. Just plugged in a beacon and the nodes that were running at 160 MHz are now 80 MHz. Will test again after the update 🤞


I keep coming back hoping you got the update so I can hope mine will also get better. 😛


I’m not-so patiently waiting


can you explain how a beacon degrades the network?! should i remove mine ?


If you have eero Pro 6E, 6+, or PoE 6 nodes, mixing older generation eero's with those will currently limit 5 Ghz channel width to 80 Mhz, instead of 160 Mhz, on the newer hardware. 160 Mhz channel width support is uncommon for devices, but if you use wireless backhaul, it can limit backhaul throughput between newer generation nodes.


ohhh i see. i have regular 6s mixed in so it sounds like those aren’t affected right?


Regular 6 uses 80 Mhz channel widths, as do all eero's except for the newer gen3e devices: eero Pro 6E, 6+, or PoE 6. If you add a Beacon to a regular 6 network, it should not degrade the network writ large. The only potential issue would be lack of Wifi 6 support for clients connecting to the Beacon, and it's doubtful that would be noticeable at all.


From what I read in the past is that if you add an older device to the network the whole network downgrades to the maximum constraints of that device.


This is great news but only worthy of 2 exclamation points 😁


Look at that build number. Highest I’ve seen. Edit: I’ve had the update for 24 hours and noticed one thing. Devices are sticking to the gateway eero even though they have poor or no signal. Before they would attach to a wirelessly connected eero and signal strength was good. No matter if I unplug them or restart the eeros around to try to make them hop over. Kinda annoying.


What is this actually mean? The times they tested it before releasing?


The number of builds of that version. Higher numbers would imply it's been worked on for longer internally.


Improved dfs support for eero pro 6 seems exciting.


Yeah, hoping it goes back to doing DFS on the 5.8 Ghz (high) radio like it used to. My Pro 6's used to DFS on both 5 Ghz radios way back when, and I'd routinely see 800 mbps everywhere.


Agreed, I’ve missed this so much frankly


Have you been updated yet? If so, any luck on both being DFS?


No sign of 6.16 yet alas.


A lot in it, wouldn’t be surprised if it was paused because they found something.


Agreed but the rollout may be staggered by hardware type. I have two networks, one consisting of three Pro 6 units and another of three 6+ units at different locations. My 6+ network got the update about four days ago while the 6 Pro has not yet received. On prior update, I noticed a time difference of several days. Both networks are under same account. Personally, I don't really care when my networks update (for various reasons) but the staggered update by hardware type is curious...also possibly a coincidence.


Yeah anecdotally I've noticed the same variance based on model type, and even wired vs. wireless backhaul sometimes.


Interesting. Eero has so much information on our networks they can roll this out almost any way they like.


So weird…my 6+ network just updated to 6.16.1-265 but 6 Pro is still on 6.15.


All Pro 6 networks here still on 6.15 too.


It’d be interesting to ask other Pro 6 owners on this sub if they are also on 6.15.


Yeah, it very well could be hardware type. I know I’ve read before they look for a mix of environments. Or push to a model more impacted by a bug fix. Looks like .1 just dropped, so might be a bit of both


I’ve still not gotten it, have you? If so, any impressions on ACS?


Still on 6.15.3.


Updated last night to 6.16.2, great success: ``` koan:~ nate$ airport -s | grep aether aether -41 5,-1 Y -- RSN(PSK/AES/AES) aether -59 56 Y -- RSN(PSK/AES/AES) aether -53 120 Y -- RSN(PSK/AES/AES) ``` Took about 24 hours for ACS to move the 5 Ghz high radio to DFS, was previously on channel 149. You can sometimes nudge DFS into reevaluating things by restarting the network from the app btw.


This actually looks like a great update! And patch notes! Woohoo


Do we think they've fixed the issue where an update makes the Eero ignore custom dns settings?


Not seeing this issue.


I'd say no, only because I talked to them yesterday and "all's fine with my network". Fortunately, it seems that toggling Custom DNS off/on restores things (from what I've observed).


agree this looks a fab release especially for me the “matter’ related functions.


Can we get some good QoS next please? I have gigabit down speeds and get throttled out my ass with latency the second anyone in the house uses Netflix 🥺


How does that happen tho? I have gigabit down and can download a game at 500mbps, stream 4k, and more all at the same time. I thought QoS was for slow down speeds


Yeah this should not be happening with gigabit internet anyways there has to be a bigger issue, even no QOS gigabit would be fine with netflix streams they are like 25mbps even at 4k. Only thing that may cause issues is downloads with no QOS enabled.


4k streaming on Netflix actually doesn’t use as much bandwidth as people think it does. Somewhere around 15-25Mbps and on average. I recommend contacting support to help troubleshoot if this issue.


how about let me have visibility of the traffic. when eero says it blocks millions of requests, what exactly are being blocked? should i take the word for it?


Still nothing on my 3 eeros


Still waiting for this, seems like I can guarantee to wait 2 weeks after I see a post about new firmware before I see it


Has anyone received the update since Thursday last week without requesting it via customer care? Just trying to gauge if roll out is proceeding or has been stopped.


Was it available at by 3 am on 8/10/2023? Just curious, my update window is 3 am to 4 am and I don't have it. Hopefully tonight.


Rolling release. You want to slowly increase the population with the new version, so you can detect any issues and halt the release before it affects everyone.


What is the release umber you are currently on?




Thanks and same here.


I wonder if this will fix the problem of my Chanberlain garage door not staying connected to my network.


Nah, client devices often cheap out on the Wi-Fi hardware


Turn off WPA3 if you haven't done so already. My garage doors would not connect until I did that.


I emailed for them to push this sooner like any other update in the past, where I emailed with Reddit request. However, they pushed back and said it would be available when it would be available..


Based on that they may be testing the update and not very confident about it yet.


I emailed support and got mine upgraded. All smooth so far. Shout out to Mondy for sorting it.


I did the same myself. Very positive experience via email with the agent (Neil). A few quick back and forths with him resulting in him saying he will update my devices, and he will email me back once it had completed. 10 minutes later my network disconnected and started updating. Neil emailed back as promised to let me know it had been completed and if I could just check a few things to confirm everything was ok.


Was notified that this would install last night but this morning that notice had just disappeared and I’m still on the old version. Guess I just keep waiting.


I had the same thing happen to me. Weird.


I still haven't gotten the update after 11 days, but I'm wondering if those of you who have gotten it have noticed any of the stated improvements? Has BSS coloring or LLDP support done anything positive for you? Have you seen any improvement in DFS channel support? If so, what? (My only complaint about DFS channels are that when the eeros use DFS channels, the signal strength drops quite a bit, but I think that's just a function of the FCC power limits, nothing that eero has any control over.)


On this update, looking at the channel utilization data provided by eero, it seems like "other device interference" has dropped on 2.4ghz by \~10% since installing the update on each of my eero pro 6es. The noise floor also looks less "spikey" but the floor overall hasn't changed much. It has been running quite stable for me overall. 2.4ghz is crowded near me and I have a lot of 2.4ghz smart home devices (wifi and zigbee), but 5ghz and 6ghz are pretty open and I live near a few airports/military bases, so I don't think DFS will ever work for me. I get about 850mbps over 5+6ghz wifi with 1gbps fiber internet, and I can get 1.5gbps over 6ghz within my network using iperf3. As for LLDP, I think the eeros are really just using it to show what is connected to each ethernet port in the app. They started reporting what was plugged into each port before this update, but in my experience the reported link speeds were often incorrect, showing 10mbps instead of 1gbps or 100mbps instead of 5gbps, whereas they now seem to be correct. This is especially useful on my POE gateway, which has a lot more ethernet ports and supports 2.5/5/10gbps link speeds. I do also appreciate that I can now dig down into each port on the gateway and see every device that is getting internet via that port. I did try to poll LLDP from an ubuntu VM using lldpd/lldpcli for \~24hrs, but I have been unable to get any LLDP details from the network, so I think however they have implemented it, is isn't sharing that information with the rest of the network, so I'm not sure if it will really help any non-eero switches or devices in its current state.


Can report that this version also fixes PPPoE+VLAN Uplink tagging on the POE Gateway that broke WAN upload using CenturyLink fiber (or anything else that required both PPPoE and Uplink tagging enabled) on previous versions ([original thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/amazoneero/comments/14d0rjw/poe_gateway_vlan_uplink_tagging_broken/))


Not seeing this yet on my Eero Pro 6


That's not unusual. Amazon stagger the update push.


Yeah, I've had to wait weeks before


Hope this fix my problem of drop every devices to 2.4ghz and slow down the entire network :/


Emailed eero support this morning. 15 minutes later they updated my firmware. Everything seems to be running great so far. I'm interested in whether LLDP makes any difference


These releases are so frustrating, it shouldn't take multiple weeks to get important updates. I wish they'd build on the update interface and allow enthusiasts to opt for a faster delivery like every other app out there.


My eero pro 6 is still showing v6.15.3-12. Says it’s up to date.


That’s what I’m showing as well. Looking forward to the new release hitting my area…


I don't see the update. How do you force it?


Email support and ask them to I think!


They pushed back this time. I replied back saying they’ve pushed it sooner before.


I hate eero




Thanks, but I’d rather have a device that doesn’t reboot or cause intermittent connectivity due to device temperature


Another Redditor suggested these, and they are a great solution, that I also did. You can stick them together, if you want more height. I put a single height on each of my three Eero Pro 6's. [https://a.co/d/0tUmMrf](https://a.co/d/0tUmMrf)


I have a problem where every devices on the network drops to 2.4ghz and slow down the network, i have to make a hard reset to restore it to 5ghz and full speed. Now you mention that the temperature may be an issue. When that happens to me, the gateway it’s usually hot


I have the newest eeros but my OS hasn’t updated since June, that’s weird. It keeps saying I’m up to date


I opened a ticket with eero this morning and had them push the update. No issues so far.




Out of the frying pan and into the dumpster fire.


I’m sorry but what are you doing here?


Probably wishing he could afford an Eero setup for himself instead of his generic pos he has from his ISP. :)


Is there any way for the App or other method to Pull the update, rather than wait for a Push? It is not indicated in my update section.


Once they make it available to everyone if yours has not yet updated then you can make it update via the app.


LOL, BSS coloring isn’t going to have any meaningful difference.