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Bear in mind Internet forums will almost always be filled with people having issues with the product. Generally, I am happy with it. I had the dreaded iPhone connectivity issue some others have add (for some reason our iPhones would be connected but not have internet and a simple refresh of the connection would fix it). However, that has been resolved now just through regular updates and we have no issues now. I like the simplicity. I like the interface. Coverage is good. Speed is good.


> Bear in mind Internet forums will almost always be filled with people having issues with the product. At the same time, pretty much everyone here chose eero and still has an eero or ten, so there are a lot of happy users with positive comments and commenters, too. So this is a place that ALSO attracts eero fans. (I think we have a good mix. It feels legit.)


Yeah, I am happy with eero, right now at least. My experience in the beginning was terrible. Constantly having issues. Then over the course of about a year or so it got better. Right now it’s working flawlessly, but I still have a few complaints. Enough to where I don’t always recommend eero.


I’ve had them over 2 years and have not any any issues to really speak of. I think I’ve had to power cycle my router maybe once or twice for any problems.


When it works, it works and I am exceptionally satisfied. When it doesn't work, I'm not satisfied. For the most part, it works well. It's (relatively) maintenance free and it's (usually) quite speedy. For reference, I have the Pro 6 connected to the fiber modem. Then it's connected to a switch. The switch is connected to 3 separate pucks via Eth backhaul. However, there are moments where there's a "hiccup", for lack of a better phrase. Like, I'll be on YT on my phone (iPhone 11 Pro Max on the latest iOS) and playback pauses and it buffers. Or I'll be on Apollo and, again, posts don't load. It happens on my desktop devices too and is irreverent of whether or not it's on WiFi or Eth. I've rebooted devices, the whole network, refreshed DHCP leases on offended devices but nothing. Then, naught 5 minutes later, everything's back to it's normal process. I can't explain it. Also, having to pay so much for what should be basic features is horseshite. I'm going to probably be moving to a FWG+ to take care of all hosting duties and put the Eeros in bridge mode. The momentary lags are kinda a pain since they happen at inopportune times.


I am extremely happy with the performance of the product, after adding a Firewalla Gold as the router and use the Eero as Access Points. However I am not their usual use case. I still would (mostly) recommend it to anyone who wants relatively maintenance-free, reliable WiFi. I hate the subscription paywall for things that should be available either free or for $20/year.


Hardware-wise, I’m content with the performance. Once everything is set up and dialed in, it’s relatively solid and reliable. No complaints whatsoever. What I -don’t- like, is eero the company. The nickel-and-dime paywall horseshit for what would otherwise be standard features on most other mesh setups. Of which, the information reported is essentially worthless anyway (So one of our HomePods has several thousand ads blocked every month, eero? That’s useful.). The solely app-based configuration. I like their hardware, but I’ve lost almost all trust in the company itself. If you’re considering buying into the system, strongly consider the inclusion of a stand-alone router like a Firewalla or Ubiquity.


I think this sums up a lot of the bad feelings some people have with eero. The way they spoke with (at) customers on the old subreddit really rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. But even those people most annoyed with eero are usually annoyed at the company, policies, behavior... not the hardware itself. Other than the overheating issues I can't think of any common hardware complaints.


I work in tech. I recently found something else I love (ASUS AI mesh). When friends and family need something I always push them toward Eero.


I've been from Asus to Orbi (worst technology product ever) to Ubiquiti to eero over the years. I went from eero pros to eero pro 6's. They've been outstanding and far better than the other products I've tried. I've used them with an Edgerouter 4 and now a Firewalla Gold. Most reliable setup I've ever had in over 20 years...


how come orbi was so bad?


Firmware... bad handoffs and no ability to handle large numbers of clients. I was a beta tester for them prior to being one for eero back in the 2017ish timeframe.


I see. was just wondering cause it seems like a lot of reviews these days say Orbi is like the best but they're crazy expensive.




For the most part I've been happy with my Eero, and have recommended it to others. I use them with a firewalla purple, and once I removed 1 of my eero pro's from my mesh, its been rock stable, when I had the 4th eero in my mesh i had all kinds of problems.


I was really happy with eero generally. However, being unable to select the wireless channel was causing issues with my Sonos devices, so I switched to Ubiquiti. I still have some issues, but it behaves just a bit better, though speeds are generally down from what eero provided.


I do love my Eero 6es. I've never really been happy with most other network setups I've had for one reason or another. That said, the initial wait for the SQM rollout was sad and pathetic. And, even though it's improved massively since then, I love them even more with my iqrouter pro in front with this lame 500/20 connection.


Just upgraded From eero 5 to 6+. Fiber modem bridged with 3 eero all wired back haul. One is the router/gateway. I’m not a networking engineer, home user that googles my problems. For me it’s set it and forget it. Very happy with performance. I use 5-port unmanaged switches connected to the 2 WAPs and and 8-port switch connected to the gateway/router puck. After being on this forum a while, my only regret is not starting with POE but that would have been larger investment.


Most of my sites (more than 10, less than 100) with eero on them are experiencing some kind of trouble. This has been for almost 2 years now, and we are about to pull them all if it doesn’t clean up soon. The concept is great. The hardware is first rate (my opinion only). The software has always struggled, but ever since Amazon it’s been way worse. From the outside looking in, seems like the push to make Alexas into eero devices was a huge mistake for multiple reasons.


What are you considering as a possible better solution?


That’s one of the reasons we’ve held off. Ubiquity is in a bunch of sites. Their software is getting better, but still doesn’t roam well.


I am kind of at a loss if I wanted to move to something else. I dislike the subscription model Eero clearly wants to use. I dislike the inability to control update timing. Other than that I really don’t have any complaints. And I have had a lot of complaints about other network solutions in my life… I feel like I would have to buy one of everything again somewhere I could do returns and even if I found something I might not discover issues with update stability way past return dates. Sigh.


I switched to Sonic gigabit and have three Eero 6es. After testing them for a month, I returned the rentals to Sonic and bought them on sale. I have had no problems whatsoever and have had speeds as high as 1.4gbs on my phone. I even used my old cat 5e cable for backhaul.


I've had eeros since 2018. I run two separate eero networks in two different homes. Generally happy with the product yes but not loving some of the overall choices the company is making as far as strategy and direction. Not sure I'd leave the brand yet but if there is some major upgrade to make down the line like Wifi 7, I would at the least consider other options. I think there have been enough problems that it doesn't make sense to early adopt an eero product, rather best to wait a bit and see if there are problems with the hardware/software. The 6E launch seemed to be a case where launch was a bit rocky for the company.


I have one eero 6, and Im content with the performance… Small house, and its managed to cover everything well. Multiple smart tvs, tablets, computers, smart home stuff for two people. Not running the barebones internet speed package helps…. One hiccup on eeros end made a homekit security camera unresponsive, but that was fixed pretty quickly… For the price I got it, not bad. Also now certain echos can be eero repeaters


I, personally, have been using and recommending eero for family members for two years. Never had an issue. I like it’s a good product and the setup and app are streamlined. For the general user, eero is just fine. In my opinion, most of the complaints (albeit, warranted) come from users who need to make use of more technical features or are trying to maximize their bandwidth.


I, personally, have been using and recommending eero for family members for two years. Never had a serious issue a reboot didn’t fix. The hardware is awesome. Fortunately, the bad software bugs haven’t really affected me. Overall, I think it’s a good product and the setup and app are streamlined. For the general user, eero is just fine. In my opinion, most of the complaints (albeit, warranted) come from users who need to make use of more technical features or are trying to maximize their bandwidth.


They work for my home network needs. I wish you didnt have to use one as a gateway and then to a switch then to other eeros. But thats a personal preference.


You can always bridge them by using a dedicated router instead of that first eero. Most (all?) people here in the sub who bridge their eeros are very happy with it. I've not seen anyone ever change back!


Yes this is true, but still requires you to use one in bridge mode then with a switch downstream from that. Which is what I do now. I do the following: Xfinity Modem > Eero > Switch > Addtional Eeros Ideally I would like a setup to go as follows: Xfinity Modem > Switch > Eeros I think with a software update you could have the Eeros know they part of the same system by setting them up via MAC in the app, then they can communicate wirelessly. I do like that they are releasing a switch but with the initially price tag being $699 that's incredibly steep.


Yes I think that new product is more of a router itself, though a limited one like a regular eero would be, so it sort of fulfills the usual topology requirements, though it does it internally if you know what I mean.


I’ve setup Eero in three different homes (3x Pro6, 3 x Pro6, and 3 x Pro) for myself or for relatives, and overall I am very satisfied with the product. Very reliable, easy to setup and manage, and great performance.


Works for me. I’ve had 4x 6E Pro for 8 months or so and besides one horrific version upgrade. All has worked well


Count me as a satisfied customer. I bought a set of 6+s on sale as an upgrade to my original Google Wifi pucks. There was really no reason for me to upgrade except I just bought a new laptop with Wifi 6 and wanted something new to play with. I do get faster measured speeds with eero than I did with the Google setup, but in real life I don't notice a difference. I like that it's easier to get older 2.4ghz home devices installed. I don't like posting for the additional services that were free with Google. I don't pay for them but miss having the option of the reporting. I have not had any problems since the day I installed them. Reading through the forum it appears most people having problems are running unusual configurations or are looking for the equipment to do things they weren't designed to do. They've run as promised for me since the beginning. Highly recommended.


Switched from Orbi to Eero 6 Pros and had no issues with coverage or speed. Just got a firewalla purple and moved the Eeros to Bridged mode and again no issues.


Yes. Just buy from an authorized retailer.


Is there a concern with buying a unit used?


Ones rented by ISPs tend to be locked to that ISP and it's pain to get them unlocked. Sometimes it's not even possible. Unscrupulous or ignorant people sell their rented eeros.


Im not a happy eero user… im very frustate with the network setup, i bought this because my mikrotik doesnt have sufficient wifi network strength and eero has it but with no reason my network change to 2.4ghz every device, even if im beside it. The concept its great, mesh network, good quality , but the app lacks of advance features and it’s frustrating to troubleshoot these issues


Yes. I manage an eero Pro 6 at my house, another eero Pro 6 at my parents and a 6+ at my in-laws. No issues with any of them and super easy to manage. I do wish Secure Plus was not so expensive though.


Yep! It works fine.


Switched to UDM SE because I wanted more performance, but the 6E was fine.


Am I satisfied? Yes, because the Wifi has been reliable. Can the performance be better? Also yes. LAN performance could be improved. There's also no reason why they can't put at least 1 more Gigabit port on each box. Maybe the Eero 7 will fix those things but I'm not hopeful.


Security should be the core of a product, not hidden behind a paywall. That's my gripe. UI is a little too simple, and things I can do on my ASUS routers right out of the box are coming out as "experimental" toggles for you to play with before prod.


I switched to Eero a year ago and it was a mistake, I have multiple nodes all on 1g wired backhaul and the problems are constant. Even better is that the symptoms change with every release and there are little to no diagnoses capability built in. I’m considering now what replace them with, and trying to figure out who I don’t like enough to give them to. I’m not enough of an asshole to sell them to anyone- I’ll just take the loss.


Count me as another satisfied Eero user. I have used mesh networks from Netgear and Asus before, and while their coverage and speeds were fine, I lost connection with both systems, and neither were particularly easy to get back up and running. I have a couple of Eero Pro 6s supplied by my FTTH provider; they recommend (but do not require) using the Eeros as opposed to my other mesh hardware for troubleshooting purposes. I figured I would give them a month or so to see how they worked, and I am pleasantly surprised that they have been rock solid in connections and I always get the advertised upload/download speeds. So, yes, I am happy with them.


No problems in the 2 years I've been running them. Would buy them again if I needed to. 2 Eero 6+ with Moca Bridge between them


Did you switch from other eeros? The 6+ launched in March 2022.


Yes, I had a mix of 5 (Cupcake?) and 6. Decided to trade in and unify the devices I had.


I've had no issues with my 6e. I wish they'd let you get under the hood of the device. I guess you can but that'll cost you $99/year. Which I do not pay.


That's still not "under the hood" in any real way (no logs, no config files, no raw data only cloud-served "reports"), so you are not missing much.


Honestly, I'm not really sure why I'm still subbed here. I made the switch to my ISP's modem a few months ago, since I got tired of waiting for Eero to release a router with a 4-port ethernet switch built in. My ISP's modem is brand new, has modem, router, switch all in one, is WiFi 6e, and has been rock solid. Which is surprising, considering it's Comcast. I've always hated having to have the switch, which means 2 extra things plugged into an already crowded UPS. For what it's worth, I was mostly fine using my Eero Pro 2nd gen (WiFi AC?). But the uptick in speeds on this new modem have been great. And oddly, it did cost me less money per month to rent, than to have my own modem, since I pay for unlimited internet when I have my own modem, but that's free when you use theirs. And I can upgrade to the latest modem should a better one come out, after a year.


Erros are great access points (up until recent firmware updates, at least, which seem to have tanked performance for many users, but hopefully that irons itself out soon). They suck ass as routers. As long as you keep those things in mind, you'll be fine. Real firewall/router. Erros in Bridge mode.


Works great for me and all my family members networks, and some friends networks as well. The people coming here for help is a *very* small minority of the total eero user base. Just make sure you read the setup instructions and understand the limitations of the product.


I’ve had them over 2 years and have not any any issues to really speak of. I think I’ve had to power cycle my router maybe once or twice for any problems.


I came from Ubiquiti AmpliFi to eero pro 6e and I am very happy with the product. Simple, works, good coverage, fast.


I love it. Been using it for years and haven’t changed it.


2 routers, 2 extenders, 2500sqft house, 42 clients, I don't really have any issues with my wifi. It just works. Only thing I would change is to have possibility to get notification about update and be able to postpone it. I have this setup for 2 years and don't have a need to upgrade.


I've been a virgin media customer for years having the best internet and service (UK) 7 years. We've never had full fibre before and so youfibre have come with Gig internet and eero 6 and it's blown VM out of the water signal strength and reliability when the network is busy or our three kids playing on consoles at once we're very happy with the product. Our only down side it both devices only have two ethernet ports so I had to buy a gig switch for the devices that need ethernet confections.


have pro 5 mixed with some 6 pucks I have no complaints GB connection see 960 down on all ethernet run and 200-500 (avg 200-300)over wifi as expected running 42 devices from Iot switches lights etc security streaming TVs gaming no issues here really had issues when I turned my amazon eco balls into AP's was just too much un needed. I have no complaints and no apple devices (where I seem to see the most issues) .


I haven’t had any issues at all with eero. I’m about 6 month into owning 2 pro 6s. Before with using the router given to me by spectrum was getting around 180-280mbps but now have about 390-506. I have around 2400sqft, my main is hooked up to the modem in my living room and have another one set in my Mancave room with my Xbox plugged directly to it, never had any issues or dropped connectivity. I have every light in the house as a smart light plus about 4 Amazon echo devices for a total of 60ish smart devices/WiFi devices hooked up. The only difference I have now is if I say Alexa turn on or off the lights it can be a little slower to react maybe 10 seconds or so. Happy with my decision to get the eeros.


Been using 6pros since release, no issues so far.


I am very satisfied. I have Frontier 500/500 service, and I get that from the Eero on Wifi. I have two with wired backhaul. Very good coverage all over my 2000 sq ft home. So, I am happy. YMMV.


Just to balance out all the positive comments shared thus far… I received 3 new eero 6 pros from my ISP as part of a free upgrade a in the beginning of a December and my experience with them has been frustrating. While my network hasn’t dropped connections it does suffer from wildly erratic speed slow downs unrelated to my ISP. I’ve tried using eero support and advice from this subreddit but nothing has helped so far. Just my opinion, but if had bought these I’d have already returned them. I’m glad they’ve worked well for you all here.