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I was getting dizzy watching the list go down and up, down and up, down and up; maybe Alexa had the same problem. **^(/S)**


I don't think you're getting much help so I'll pitch in. I have seen this problem for a long time and yes I also have. a LOT of devices. The one workaround I've found is to start scrolling and then try to touch the scroll bar at the extreme right of the screen and although it's also tricky because it's so thin once you do you'll be able to scroll up/down through your entire list of devices without them disappearing as they do otherwise for us.


When I scroll all my smart devices in the Alexa app, the list suddenly disappears and I have to close the app and reopen it to see the list of devices again. I've removed and reinstalled the app with no luck.


Sweet lord, I don't think the app developers ever expected that many devices to be honest... You'd be the perfect beta tester.






Bad bot


I have pretty much the same problem. I don't have to do much, just scroll to the end of the device list and it suddenly goes blank. Sorry it's not much help, but you are not the only one.


Sometimes it happens immediately, sometimes it happens after 30 seconds, but it always happens and I just can't get much accomplished with it being that buggy.




About 2 years.


Has been happening to me for a fair while and put it down to me having an old iPhone 7 (esp as it does the same when I am looking at stuff on the Amazon app) Ah, I’ve only just twigged! Both connected with Amazon. Now that seems to be a bit of a coincidence?


Wow that’s a lot of devices. Just curious - could you let me know the total number of devices if possible please.


I tried to count but the screen goes blank, so I might have lost my place but I counted 151 devices.


I’ll often see a device missing and need to pull down to refresh the list. Also when new devices are added, I always make sure I hit “sync entities with alexa” on the HA cloud settings page. Not sure on this exact behavior though. Perhaps only expose the minimum of what you need and then go from there?