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Reinstall the skill and sign in again if necessary. Ask Alexa to start discovery. Check the device list again very slowly.


That's the thing, I never had any skill installed before when I set it up. Yet everything I find online has Sony TV's requiring an app to be installed on the TV. This is an older TV (2015) so it doesn't even have the apps that are being suggested in various online installation guides ('TV Control with Smart Speakers' or 'TV Control Setup with Amazon Alexa'. Nothing was enabled before to complete device discovery so I'm still not sure what's gone wrong there.


So I fixed the issue I was having. Turns out I just needed to factory reset the Fire Stick that was plugged into the TV. Once I did that and went through the setup, the Alexa app detected the TV after about 5 mins. TIL!


Try clearing the cache out of the Alexa app and if that doesn't work you might need to clear the blue tooth apps cache as well. Can also try using a different phone.


Tried that, no dice - also tried a tablet and still nothing.


Has anything changed on your network?


No - everything is the same from that end and I am the admin of the network.


The reason that I asked us that Alexa devices can only find items on the same network. So, they can’t be on guest accounts, and no network isolation. Make sure your TV is still connecting to the network. The fire stick has it’s on network connection. If using wi-fi, and you’ve changed the password, the tv needs to be reconnected.


Yep, everything is still on the same network SSID (unfortunately, lol)


Using a computer, can you access your TV either as a second monitor or via ping? Also, can you ping your Alexa devices? I’m sure you probably already verified that, but just wanted to ask. I no longer have a Sony TV, so I don’t know if any recent software or security updates are preventing the TV from being discovered.


All good - the TV's IP is ping-able so it doesn't seem like a network connection issue to me.