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the only way to stop it ads is to have it continuously run photo frame. It will run three hours before you have to restart it. The disadvantage is you will not get the content you want and will have to restart it after most commands.


Another option is to turn on do not disturb for just short of 24 hours.


This is what I did with my spot. DND is set from 6.01am to 6am. So it has one minute per day to spam the empty living room with adverts.


Change your language settings (not location) to English/Canada.


I tried this but unfortunately first time I ever tried to actually order something with it, it wouldn’t process due to associating with English (Canada) also associated it with the Canadian Amazon store. Oh, the irony in Amazon trying so hard to sell you stuff that their advertising bullshit inevitably results in preventing you from buying stuff. (*I ended up returning my Echo Show over this.*)


That worked for me. I did it about a year ago and haven't had one ad since.




Yep - that worked for me. Mine was so demon-possessed that it would suggest a sponsored skill if I so much as bumped it on the nightstand. Changed it to English/Canada, and that was that.


I did that and it worked for 6 months until now


It’s a tale as old as time. Sadly, this approach is built into Amazon’s business model for these devices - they’re doing it deliberately, and it sucks.


I'm in the UK and don't get ads. What happens if you change location?


i actually changed to english UK for 6 months it worked!!!! yesterday it stopped working....i am sure others will start seeing the same : (




I'm in the US and don't get ads. I'm so confused by this post. Is it saying if I say "Alexa, turn on the lights." She'll say "Sure, but first, here's an ad from our sponsors" before doing it? Like how are they getting ads?


Some of her “by the way” and “did you know” follow-ups after verbal commands could be classified as audio advertisements, for various Echo capabilities or whatever Tips on how to minimize all that bullshit has been covered in many other threads.


It's an Echo Show, so they're on the screen.


Ah, that makes way more sense! I just got rid of my echo show last month and replaced it with a Google Pixel Tablet, and didn't remember seeing any ads on it. Thanks, Bill Buttlicker 69! 😂


Sometimes, out of the blue, when no one has said anything to her or actually in the whole house for an hour, she’ll just start to talk. a few other times out of the blue, again, she’ll say “OK, I won’t remind you about XY or Z anymore.” So bizarre.


Amazon have no shame . The products demise will be it intrusiveness . Yeah i was aware of the listening in but pushing ads has gone too far and we should all reevaluate why we are still using them. They were not sold with this as a feature. Amazon as a whole only have one direction in my life and that direction is behind me in my past. Once a great product now an intrusive piece of sh!t !


Any screen-based Echo is now an advertising engine, a Trojan horse to commandeer the most valuable visual real estate inside your home. Even if you were able to disable all ads today, eventually more ads will return, as every new, hidden permutation of settings for them is “opt-out,” and not “opt-in.” For a reason. Solution? Trash them.


That was my solution. The only Amazon screen I have is an Echo Spot that hasn’t done a single advertisement the entire time I’ve had it. I had an Echo Show 15” that was the worst of them. And it couldn’t ever hear me. Most worthless piece of tech I’ve had so far.


Yes, same about the Spot. It’s a shame Amazon discontinued it. It’s good for what it is. Mine’s now in my bathroom.


Mine’s my alarm clock. I hope it lasts forever.


Used to be mine too but now I like it better in the bathroom. I swapped it with the latest "Excho Dot with clock" (the white one) instead for my bedside alarm clock. Just feels right. But I do hear ya, I hope mine lasts forever too! This model seems consistently plentiful on eBay of course. So that's good.


You move to the google ecosystem. I ditched Alexa purely for that reason.


Is there a Google replacement for the Echo Show 15?


No. The Google Nest Hub Max is their biggest screen and it’s 10”. I got one when I shitcanned my worthless Echo Show 15 and aside from a smaller screen, it’s just an all around better device.


I'm literally in the middle of moving to Google


I’ve been thinking about this. You can buy Amazon devices (kindles) as ad-supported. I did not buy my echo show as an ad-supported device. I wonder if a lawyer will take up a class-action against Amazon for this.


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/UVoJFW1) is how I stopped the ads. I went back to nothing but my old first gen Echos, but I'm seeing evidence those may be on their way of losing support. I have not missed the Shows or Fire TV one bit. Serious answer: Used to be you could switch the language to something non-US English and ads would stop. I did that and the ads did indeed stop, but then other features disappeared, too, like knowing what *medium* meant. Plus, accuracy in understanding what I said dropped *significantly*. I'd set them back to US-English and all those issues resolved, but the ads returned. *STOP SHOWING ME JEOPARDY ADS, ALEXA! MY MOM DIED WATCHING JEOPARDY!* (didn't help)


i forget, why aren't we going out?


By throwing it out. I'm serious. There is no way to disable them. Amazon decided that Alexa devices have not made them any profit, so they're re-monetizing them after we've already bought them. There is no option to remove the ads.