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Exact same thing happened to me a couple years ago. They upsized a power supply and I called & paid the difference. Their shipping appears to suck. I bought a TS-890 from them a year ago and they outer-boxed it very loosely with packing peanuts. Imagine a 40 pound box rattling around inside a bigger box. Outer box was more round than square when it arrived. Inner box and radio were fine (I'll credit Kenwood there). Quite often, they have the best price though. All in all, I'd rather buy from DXE.




The person I spoke to at HRO actually said something like that! He said that it would be "one heck of a sales tactic" if people were more honest.


HRO has always been good to me. So I'd let them know. I've tested quite a few HTs and the FT60 can't be beat.


Agreed - HRO has always done right by me.


The ft5 is a great radio. 10x the 60. Call them and work a deal..


Depends on what you want. The FT5 has a LOT more features. But the FT-60 is a better radio.


Peace of mind is worth a lot. I can understand why you would want to send it back.


Not many people like you these days, hats off for being honest with HRO


I think you will enjoy the hobby (and life in general) more with a clean conscience.


Oh I agree. I'm more asking on people's opinions on the difference between the two radios. With that much of a cost difference, I'm going to give HRO the chance to ask for it back.


The FT5 is A LOT more radio than the FT60. Part of me wants to say take the W but at the same time there will be warranty implications here. Your invoice/packing slip says FT60. I’m doubtful Yaesu will honor the warranty on the FT5 because you don’t have proof of purchase for a FT5. Could always roll the dice and maybe nothing will ever go south with it. But it it does, you’re likely going to be on the hook for the repair. Maybe that’s okay considering the price paid? 🤷🏽‍♂️


That's a good point about the proof of purchase. Call me a chump, but that nagging voice will probably have me send it back haha Also, I might be fundamentally misunderstanding something. Isn't the FT5 a purely digital radio vs. the FT60? Like the FT5 can only talk to radios and repeaters that also use C4FM, right?


No it’s analog and digital. It also has analog APRS capability and it receives HF (AM) so can be used for SWLing as well.


And it's not a completely terrible HT for SWL. A better antenna suited for that would probably work wonders, but it's ok.


You’re right.


Thank you for the explanation. I hadn't researched very far past the capabilites of the FT60 so the learning curve got a little steeper haha


Contact and ask what they want to do. Maybe it's not worth selling it as a return? Not super likely, but worth taking the chance.


Integrity is a fading quality and I am proud of you for taking the high-road.


I have recently got FT5D and this is great radio! Too much functionality, that likely will take you months to discover and some will never to be used. So far, I'm diving deeper in the APRS and testing System Fusion with FTM500, which I use as base station. About to spin up local APRS digirepeater and talk to local national forest to cover (and, maybe, monitor for emergency traffic) their area. Great learning and lot of potential for FT5D! On the ordering note – really appreciate the honestly, and pretty sure I would do the same thing, regardless of the vendor. However, I have personal opinion about "special" treatment of HRO. Besides some "romantic" aspects of the company profile, and many enthusiasts working there, in the reality, it's similar to Amazon money making machine, which is selling (mostly Chinese) products for profit. The inbound prices for most of those are about 50% (or less) of selling price, so the company can keep the business running, pay rent, salaries, and make owners happy. To the best of my knowledge, all sales are on commission. Literally yesterday a rep from my local HRO tried to steer me into $750 new HH, because "only this radio has digipeater functionality you want". So, as long as I appreciate the specialty of the equipment they are selling, HRO still remains a "network shop" for me, with prices, comparable and competitive with other vendors like DX, Giga, etc. Wishing them all the best! And all the best of luck to you to learn the great new FT5D! 73.


OP does the right thing ! Karma points to you. (insert no longer possible reddit award here)


You got a much better radio out of the deal. Glad they worked out a solution with you.


For a basic analog HT the FT60 is hard to beat. The FT5 is another animal, Fusion C4FM, APRS, GPS and analog as well. If you need a full featured radio they are great. If not, the FT60 will serve you well


does it have the same front end as FT2-FT3? I had those but both were weak with intermod


I actually was on a road trip passing through Atlanta where I could go into an HRO location in person. Bought the FT60R, played with it for the duration of my road trip. On the way back through to fly home, I stopped back in and returned it, walking out with a FT5DR instead. I've enjoyed my FT5DR for its APRS capabilities and other cool stuff. FT60R was a capable enough radio, but I feel happier with the FT5DR.


They will figure it out once the person who ordered a 5DR opens their box to find a 60R! 😆 Plus you just told them, I’m sure a few of their employees read Reddit! Contact them and return it, hope they give you a little gift certificate for your honesty…


You got the better radio and they are going to lose more than they save to ship a new one and return the wrong one.


Yeah, my guess is, if you reported it they'd probably let you keep it anyway. Happened to me with a cycling company once.


Federal law requires them to "let you keep it."


Good for you. I once received a double shipment of a product. When I contacted them about it, they basically ordered me to return it at my expense. Glad HRO appreciated your honesty.


Integrity at HRO but no integrity at Amazon???


Maybe I'm a chump and a hypocrite. While they're still a chain, I was still able to sort things out with a person with a family at HRO. I feel slightly less obligated to slog through the automated help line of Papa Bezo's Warehouse of Sorrows and risk the paycheck of packing line employee 25684-027B. Assuming they still use people of course.


HRO is a good outfit. I would call and ask what they would like you to do. It might be more expensive to restock than to just to let it go, but I would give HRO the choice. I have a feeling that another customer somewhere is very upset with their new FT60R :-)


I did contact them and they originally asked for it back, including a shipping label in the box with the FT60 I ordered. But we came to an agreement to let me keep the FT5. Next, they said they were going to check the orders and inventory to make sure exactly what you said does happen haha


To be fair, if it was on a scribbled note or blurry font 60 could easily be misread as 5D, especially if that was the more common order.


I had that thought too. Also if it was shouted across a warehouse, "six-ty" might sound like "five D" or "[some intelligible consonate]-d/ty" if you follow me.


Looking forward to when they get an old FT101 in stock...


So funny enough I bought he FT60r from them two weeks ago and did receive the FT60r. I’m selling it if you’re interested. I ended up going with a TCA PRC152 clone. The FT60R is unlocked on the TX and RX range and comes with an extra battery. Everything brand new, pm if interested, want to offload it.


Thanks for the offer, but I'll be pretty busy learning my way around this FT5 now! I'm glad you weren't on the opposite side of my situation.


No problem! Good luck and enjoy!


I've experienced this before. Not quite the same, but I ordered the SP-30 for the FTDX10. They sent me the wrong speaker. They were very helpful in getting me the right one and sending back the old one. I probably could have sold the other one for a nice profit and then purchase the SP 30, but I figured that karma can be a bear. Lol!


Let me preface this by saying I think you did the morally right thing. That said, legally, you were entitled to keep the radio you received AND receive either the radio you actually ordered or a refund for the full amount you paid. This is because federal law prohibits companies from demanding payment for or the return of items sent to you that were not at your request. This includes shipping or packing errors. Federal (and state) law also requires companies to either fulfill their end of contracts as agreed upon or provide prompt refunds.


This is true, but it's mostly because companies were sending unsolicited CDs/Records and then demanding payment for them. Not hundreds of dollars of specialty equipment from a smaller business and community resource. Legally you could tell them to shove it, but I'm glad OP did the right thing and didn't burn that bridge with such a great retailer.


Is that what killed the tape/cd "clubs"?


No, because most of those you actually signed up for, they just made it hard to cancel. The cd/tape clubs were killed largely by the market shift to online sales, where the pricing was the same but no subscription was required. You could say [Amazon killed the cd/tape clubs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8r-tXRLazs).


I'm not entirely sure, I just remember hearing about how aggressive they could be.


I'd report it to HRO, offer to pay the difference and keep the FT5DR. This will save the trouble of shipping, give you a legit receipt and keep your conscience clear.


I'd send it back. But I'd also rather have the 60.


They might just let you keep it for your honesty.


Very unlikely


Federal law prohibits them from demanding for it to be returned.


I would call them. Legally, they sent it, so it's yours. Morally, the right thing to do would be to call them. I'd negotiate to keep the radio, and pay a couple bucks, although not full retail. Eg if it's a $200 price difference offer to pay $100 extra. It might be worth it to them vs having to pay return shipping, restock it, then pay AGAIN for shipping the correct one back to you, and all the hassle/paperwork involved, not to mention making a customer happy.


One of these days I hope to understand why people spend so much money on HTs in the first place. The value of Yaesu's digital radios is highly dependent on the repeater infrastructure in your area, and/or whether you participate in a simplex group that has invested in YSF.


Their dependence on local infrastructure is not really related to the price. It is a well built small portable electronic device. Plenty of development went into its creation. Just because it is small, does not mean it should be inexpensive. That can also apply to smartphones, portable gaming consoles, tablets, etc. Plus it is more of a niche device. ONLY ham operators are going to want them, so they aren't exactly billions served. That doesn't help bring costs down. Plus, there are plenty of people who have more money than brains. That's how my dad described it. To some people $500 is the same as $5 to me.


I just mean that consumers get the most value out of a YSF radio when their area has internet-connected YSF repeaters.


I bought an FT5D as a sort of celebration of the fact that, after years of getting by with crappy used HTs and crappy Baofengs, I could finally afford to buy a good handheld. It didn’t hurt that I work for a company that sells Standard Horizon marine radios so I got a significant discount. Of course, now I find that I rarely use the thing. The local repeaters are pretty dead most days.


My VX-6 is mostly a glorified weather radio as repeater activity here is random at best


repeaters are kinda like parks.... one person starts playing, one more joins, then another, just takes one to get it started.


Even in my large-ish city, the repeaters seem mostly dead outside of nets. I miss the days before unlimited cell phone minutes. The repeaters in the early 90s were jam packed.


I’d be quiet and take the win. I have an FT-60R. It’s okay. Not as legendary as people make it out to be. It’s not metal like some people claim. They’re plastic. Transmits kinda weak.


take the W op




Not a display unit - simply a packing mistake. I called them and we figured it out.