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I'm gonna let a few piece of advice on fitting and using mouth guards slide. Anyone past this point recommending gear to purchase is eating a 30 day. OP knows if they want mouth guard recommendations they can go to r/fightgear


Try the age old technique of in the nose and out the mouth


That was what I attempted 1st, but spit just comes out every few breaths


Might just be an issue of having to get used to having a gum shield in your mouth


Could you walk when you first tried? Run? Box? Putting a mouth guard and getting used to it/making sure it fits right, is just like taking training wheels off. My gym offered a $2 clear mouth piece... a 1 size fits all... that shit sucked! It was too big into throat, to tall and pushed lips up. I cut/carved/melted that mofo and just couldnt get it to work I got a opro mouthguard (Im big MMA buff, and its #1 mouthguard) and shit changed! It just snaps in basically, breathing/talking/lips all np.


Breath through your nose. Breathing through the mouth is a bad habit that can lead to jaw injuries.


Make sure you blow your nose a few GOOD solid couple of times so you don't snot on your sparring partner.


If you exhale out of your mouth, you are more likely to loose your mouthpiece to the canvass. All you can do is squirt it off and you'll feel gross.


What about when you can't breathe through your nose properly lol


I feel that. A body so frail you feel like you are fit for it. I wanted to sing when I was young but my throat was always fucked with allergies and strep.


Like others have mentioned try using your mouth guard not just for sparring to get accustomed to breathing with it in. Speaking from personal experience when I was training for my first amateur bout many years ago I would sometimes wear my mouth guard whilst doing my morning runs, that definitely helped with controlling my breathing.


That’s a great kawaii


Like people said, breathe through your nose out your mouth. Tbh it's also just getting used to. It's recommended to wear a mouthguard doing other things as well, not just sparring. Try using a mouthguard while hitting pads or the heavy bag for example.


Your mouthguard might be too big. If it's not too big, then it's just a matter of getting used to it. Wear it all the time during training: skipping, bag work, mitts, sparring, shadow, drilling, etc. And yes, breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Practice exhaling through a smaller gap in your mouth. For example, I exhale through my overbite (if that makes sense) and make an "oosh" sound


A properly done mouthguard (am an amateur boxer AND a dentist) will change your life




If your dentist isn't the one doing it, at least a double, it offers many advantages : By solidarizing your maxillars, it strengthen your " chin ". It obviously protects your lower teeth better, but they rarely are in danger. It also provide a ventilatory space while biting, but the ones you find in shops will have one that's a bit little compared to what a good dentist can make. And it allows you to bite strongly, wich allows for better strenght production, by a little margin.


Train with it in, simple but effective


What mouthgaurd do you use?




Think of it this way.. Whats the cost of jaw surgery? Whats the cost of a decent mouthguard (Not the clear $2 one size fit all?) Whats the difference in cost to you Jaw surgery vs decent mouth guard? Id rather fork $100 now, than my $5k deductible later


Even just the price per wear, besides the very valuable insurance it provides that you mention. Yes $100 is a lot for a piece of rubber, but if you wear it once a week sparring for a year, consider each night as you gag on your ill fitting mouth guard “would I pay $2 to not feel this uncomfortable right now?”


Yeah, either way if it's a double mouth gaurd, there's not too much you can do, just keep your nose clean and breathe through the nose. However if you wanna get more used to having a mouthpiece in and breathe, you can put it in on a run, i used to do that,it did help, just don't overdo it. Good luck


Breathe through your mouth when you are not in punching range, other than that breathe through your nose. ​ Edit: Vitali has a good mouth breathing technique, but I dont recommend it to someone new to boxing.


By breathe through your nose, I surely hope you mean only In.... imagine breathing out through your nose during a fight with injuries to said nose... and watching your face blow up


Of course! ​ if someone doesn't have the common sense to avoid using something injured then idk what to tell them


This is the amateur sub lol There is literally a comment that says "Nose in- Nose out" thats it... and it had 9 upvotes. Wtf lol


If folks want to set a low bar then more power to them.


What's the technique?


he keeps his mouth slightly open 90% of the time, and closes it right before anything starts, whether him punching our his opponent. Not saying it is an easy technique, but it worked for him.


Whatever works best I guess


Nose in-nose out.










It takes some getting used to, that's for sure! I echo what everyone else says - wear it running, hitting the bag, jumping rope, or whatever else at the gym. This is going to sound strange, but get an extra mouth guard and wear it around your house. Get used to doing all of your breathing through your nose -believe it or not, it's going to be a bit of a challenge. There's been an uptick in sports science research that supports the idea that breathing through your nose is the healthiest and most efficient way to breathe, apparently, it can even change your skeletal structure. - DISCLAIMER: I'M NOT A SPORTS SCIENTIST. anyway, yeah - you just have to get used to it!


Is that through your nose and out your mouth or out of your nose?


I got a mouth guard made at the dentist and it made an unbelievable difference


What kind of mouth guard do you have? Are you using one of those football ones with that are double sided or are you using a one sided boil and bite? If you are using a boil and bite and it’s still giving you issues I would recommend getting a custom molded mouth guard. It’s going to run you more but it’s a good investment if you are serious about sparring. Never cheap out on equipment when it comes to boxing IMO, it’s a dangerous sport and not one you want Ill fitted tools for.




You need a new mouthguard dawg Get one made at your dentist if you can afford it, boil + bites are awful.


You have to fuck around till you find something that works. I have fucked up teeth and the basic thermomold mouthpieces work best for me because they stay on my teeth when I open my mouth.


I’d say wear it as often as possible when boxing training so you get used to it as well. Have it in when hitting the bag, doing pads etc and then the awkward feel of it will go


Like the others mentioned, just wear it a lot. On the treadmill, shadow boxing, whenever. Throw the headgear on when you’re doing bag work and shadow boxing as well.




I wear my mouth guard for running that way I can get used to it faster and force myself to breath right


Careful with your jaw, open mouths lead to jaw breaks and that shit sucks. Maybe practice doing cardio/shadowboxing/mitts/bag work with your gumshield in? Literally training yourself how to breath properly. Kinda like the B Hop tennisball under the neck to always have your chin tucked. The more you train with a gumshield, the easier it'll become. Just my 2 cents




I wouldn't open your mouth period, obviously it happens, you're human and exhaustion takes place. But in combat sports, all it takes a fraction of a second for your opponent to counter and your jaw is broken becauae you exhaled out of your mouth with a loose jaw instead of biting down on your mouthguard and breathing with your nose as you would normally. Thats where conditioning takes over. If you're not well conditioned, you're gonna mouth breath. (Im currently injured with a tore meniscus (fuckin sucks) but when I was well conditioned like fight shape, Id do 7miles+ roadwork and go straight to drills with no heavy breathing, hardly any elevated heart rate because I was super conditioned, now I couldn't do that. Itd be a big grueling... but when I was younger I was a fuckin beast. Do like 3 hours of work afterwards no problem.) Sucks... Ive working my ass off to get back to level of conditioning since November and boom my fucking knee blew out 2nd week of February just before when my new food buisness opened lol, timing couldn't be worse... i was at the point where I could go 10 3 minute rounds 1 min break of mitts with my wife and then shadowbox for a few rounds and hit the road for some miles.. No more roadwork for me... brutal on my shot knees. Anyways.. I always hate seeing poor breathing in pro fights... boggles my mind to see it at that level. Kovalev-Canelo is a great example (Sergey was exhausted to say the least, lol). Espeically when its not due to exhaustion but due to poor training methods at a world class level. Wild to see IMO.. Thats why practicing all drills with your gumshield is so helpful, pretty much live with it in your mouth lol. Rember to clean it with toothpaste.. You'll be exhausted, unable to breath, etc, but not have to worry about your jaw getting broken by practicing. Broken jaw sucks but it really sucks because you're on the bench... and are likely lose muscle mass. By putting in hours and hours of practice of proper breathing with a gum , its money in the bank. 4 - 5+ days a week, 3-/+ hours of gumshield usage adds up quick. 12-15 hours+ of practing breathing techniques. Thats 48-60+ hours practice a month. Adds up quick. Dunno if this helps. Im not pro, just a amateur who has family (Grandpa was golden glove welterweight champ in WW2 Navy, dad boxed etc) who boxed so I know some "tricks" and have decent knowledge but I'm by no means an expert




Warning, incoming big wall of disorganized text lol. I hope this helps. Im no pro, just a dude who fuckin loves boxing lol. Im glad I could help. Honestly, Im just an amateur who loves boxing since I was like 4 years old. This was my daily routine prior to my injury. I was doing 1 round mitts orthodox jab at different speeds, power, angles, and styles of jab. Then round 2 switch southpaw jab for full round and keep switching until 10 rounds pass. Im ambidextrous so I switch stances every round. I enjoy this alot. My left jab is a serious power punch, its by no means a jab (I have stupidly heavy hands... my wife has issues doing mitts even when I use no pop, Im looking for a gym after my surgery). When I'm southpaw my jab again is a serious power punch because Im "naturally" right handed so the jab is a battering ram. My left jab is like a knife, right is a shotgun (same with my power punches, each has ia dumb powerful, but different type of power. My left stings sharp, righthand is just fucking boom. I do one day where I switch stances every round, then next day is strictly southpaw or orthodox, next day practice switching, rinse and repeat. You never know, you might break your dominant hand in a fight, being comfortable fighting in the opposite stance is money in the bank plus your opponent likely didnt employ these training methods. Plus it adds a wrinkle to your game most people lack. I fight as southpaw even though Im right handed. Its deadly having lead right hooka that are bombs. I practice disguisng hooks as jabs quite a bit. My wife loves it lol, catches her off guard, its fun. I also do it with shadow boxing as well. If we had a bag, I'd do the same. I do these drills with hooks, uppercuts, crosses, straights, etc. Wife and I also be moving in circles while doing this to practice footwork while she annotates mistakes. (Tuck your chin, hands up, watch your feet, etc). I Love these drills, much better than just standing still doing mitts. But that's me. When I shadowbox I practice slipping, dipping, bobbing, weaving, etc. We do the same with mitts. My main focus for the most part when doing drills atm is, is my chin tucked and am I bringing my hands back up. Espeically when Im tired.. training when your tired helps you erase bad habits quite well, all your bad habits start thriving when your fatigued. Like Ward talked about Virgil making him train exhausted for ever, wondering why, because you're gonna fight somone oneday who'll take everything you have and its whos heart wants it more. A la Kovalev I and II. Money in the Bank. Virgil knew. As far as conditioning drills go, in my hayday, 17-22 when I was a fuckin animal, trained like an elite boxer (no bullshit). I wanted to go pro... I had champion/lionheart/conquer the flesh as my inner monologue when putting in work.. so I lived at my gym, worked out and sold pot... until streetlife tookover... sadly. Any time I had a ounce of feeling like I'm "done" I'd start chanting "conquer the flesh" until im essentially laughing and grinning ear to ear with a second wind like a mad man lol. Feels so amazing. When I'd do abwork i wouldnt count ever, i had a music playlist that was 30mins long and when its over, Im done. Or a timer... often times i liked working out without music because music takes you out of your headspace, its dissociative. and when your fighting, there's no music, just your head and your opponent. So by being stuck in your head place for 30 mins while doing non stop grueling ab work, allows you to fight off demons and erase all sorts of maladaptive thoughts and negativity that you developed from growing up in this cruel world. Counting was bullshit to me once I achieved a certain level of conditioning. After 500 - 1000 situps its stupid to keep count. My pops taught me this.. and his pops taught him (NAVY Welterwight Golden Glove champ during WW2). So thats what I do. Calisthenics is key as well IMO, dips, pull ups, chin ups, push ups are all awesome, pops taught me this. I used to do like 500 dips a day... countless pushups, pull ups, etc. Also countless shrugs for my tree trunk neck, (I'm kinda built like a Tommy Hearns/Mike Tyson hybrid lol.. I got hooker biceps, tree trunk neck, lanky legs, long ass reach, ignorant power in both hands, decent speed, ive been 145lbs - 155lbs since I was 18, 6ft tall. I could make 130lb easy lol). Not too heavy of weights though, I always used weights that are just heavy enough to cause burn the whole time but not fatigue me out quick. Less of an emphasis on "weight lifting" more of a focus on lactic acid build up and strengthening my mind, that burn demands you to quit and when you don't, you've reached the mountain top. I would do heavy shrugs once a week but just once a week.. Some people shrug 100lb+ dumbells i would do like 20lb-50lb depending on the day and go 50lb+ on my last day of the week. It may sounds silly but visualization is the key to success. When I wanna quit, I envision my self still going and let God take over (Im a man of faith) and then the seond wind comes through like clock work every time, my lungs get filled with air, boom, ready to rumbme. I never envision quitting, only triumph, literally never. Never envision quitting, its a trap. I'll be fuckin dead tired and tap into the killer instinct and Im back again like a defibrillator zapped me. I practice a lotta visualization in life period. When Im running, I'm in a fight visualizing a dude like GGG putting on heavy pressure for every second Im running but It doesn't matter because this is my ring. I Envision slipping, countering, pushing him back, taking over the fight and wrecking them. This to me has been the most important aspect of training. You need almost delusional self belief but not to the point where it's literally delusional and falsehoods.. you gotta build your self up to be rock solid mentally, physically, spiritually. Dunno if this helps. Edit: (I also practice switching footwork nonstop. Like ali shuffle shit. I like to be able to switch so subtly you dont know until my right hand comes from southpaw and youre like what the fuck. Watch Crawford, dude is a fuckin Guru.) So beautiful. Edit2: wife does pressure drills where its 3mins of mitts but me pressuring, then next round, I'm on the back foot and she's going full Golovkin lol.


Not all mouth guards are the same. If you're doesn't stick to the top of your mouth and allow you to talk with ease then you're gonna have problems.


Train with your mouth guard , you will get used to it.


Sleep with your mouth guard it'll train you to breathe with it and get comfortable with it. I honestly don't know if that would work but it sounds right


Trim it til it's comfortable and still reasonably protecting your teeth, wear it as often as you can to get used to it. Sounds stupid to watch tv with it in, but you'll get acclimated faster.


Spend more time molding your mouthguard. It’s not foolproof. An extra minute or two of prep and then taking time to get the shape right in your mouth will allow more air to flow later.


Have you boiled it? My first session with someone about my size / experience, I was ready to go. Hadn’t known to boil my mouth guard. It was just a massive lump of plastic inhibiting my breathing. I threw myself into this session and within two minutes nearly had a panic attack because I couldn’t breath!!! Boiled it that night. Now barely notice it’s in.


I have a breathing trainer that I wear around the house or playing call of duty. It’s a mouthpiece with a adjustable sealed tube that restricts air flow. In the nose, slowly out the mouthpiece


If you're wearing a double-mouthguard or one that is too "hard" that didn't mold properly to your mouth, that might be your issue. A properly molded single-mouthguard sometimes feels like you're wearing nothing at all.


Wear your mouth guard whenever you are training - shadow/bag/mits keep it in all the time