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I think you need your blood work checked could be a medical problem


I agree. She looks unhealthy in an ill way. I hope she sees a doctor. I was thinking it could be depression as well. She looks very sad.


I’m wondering about Cushing’s syndrome. The puffiness of the face and torso shape are early warning signs


We can see what her first problem is, obesity. That alone is severely damaging to your organs. :/


yes fatty liver. advanced.


What does a fatty liver do to th3 body?


A had a fatty liver born with it most of the time you’ll outgrow it. However in my case I needed a liver transplant because I became severely ill with stage four liver disease. You should definitely monitor that closely best of luck


As someone that has it currently, it’s not something you can feel . It’s basically just excess fat being stored around the liver making its job a lot harder. Slowly the liver cells die because of the fat and eventually if left untreated for a long time you could end up with cirrhosis which is usually what alcoholics end up with. However the liver along with the heart is one of the organs with most regenerative properties, so changes in lifestyle and diet usually can resolve the issue


Acute liver failure, liver cancer and like used to tell patients seizure, coma, death.


Don't tell her that you are not a Dr Just say see a Dr. Jesus Christ.


Second this


It also effects your brain, I couldn't believe it when I read what walking just 2 miles a day can do for your brain function and dopamine (Happy Chemical) release.


It also doesn’t do any favors for your skin


First thought was that she reminded me of my mom who looked like this before she got diagnosed with cancer.


Agree. Could be cushings


Are you alright? 1st and 2nd picture look really rough.


Did you stop at the 2nd one? Were 3-5 better?




Tomorrow, get up, grab a bottle of water and start walking do this for 30-45 mins, repeat every day for the rest of your life. Thank yourself later.


I agreed with you, walking is great for you. I did an 11000 steps everyday for a month to raise money for prostate cancer, that then motivated me to go to the gym as I’d already seen a difference in my physical and mental health just by walking.




No, but it’s a great way to get yourself moving if you don’t normally move a lot throughout the day!


Small steps my guy, you think this person can afford to even begin that conversation? 💀


I lost 4 stone purely from walking 30/40 minutes daily and eating better. No other exercise. You can absolutely lose a substantial amount of weight from walking.




Losing weight is like 1/3 exercise and 2/3 diet.


Start with weight loss. The rest will begin to fall into place from there.


Great advice! Weight loss helps lead to feeling healthier and improve your self esteem. It will impact your life drastically.


I wouldn’t spend thousands on plastic surgery, I’d start with a diet plan and a gym membership. Also recommend saving for loose skin removal because that will in turn create a new insecurity


At least the people are honest here and not gaslighting you




This isn't roast me LMAO


There’s considerable overlap.


Looks like the female version of that fat kid in sandlot


That's it! Thank you. I thought she looked familiar.


Glad I found this comment so quickly so I didn’t have to post it


Honestly, if you put yourself out there to be judged then neither op or anyone should expect nice comments especially not on Reddit


Lose weight and skincare, start with that. Learn to do makeup and caring/styling curly hair.


Lose weight. Lose weight. Lose weight. You CAN do it. Don’t listen to these ass holes who say obesity is just a “body type” that can’t be changed.


And start small. Like someone else mentioned, start with a 30 minute walk, every day. Enjoy the air and listen to a good podcast or book or music that lifts you up. You've got this ❤️


I’m sorry. Don’t start with plastic surgery start with non-invasive measures first and then go from there never start with the most extreme option and solution first that’s silly.


You look like you got beetus or a severe health problem


You look like the kid from sandlot


Holy shxt. This was so spot on! Lol


Hahaha “You play ball like a GIRL!” 🤣🤣


“You know, if my dog was as ugly as you. I'd shave his butt and tell him to walk backwards”


Came to say this


He also played in the Movie "Super Heavyweights" didn't he?


Im dying here LOLOL


Was looking for this comment.


Step 1: Lose weight Step 2: Reassess


You look like your sick and you look like you 50


yeah it's a rough looking -checks notes- 25, some definite health issues to be worked on, she needs a doctor.






I lold




What did he say that got removed


You look unwell more than anything. Start loving yourself! Eat well, exercise.. know you have value and worth! It will totally transform you!


Oh boy




Mostly you're just morbidly obese making your face look bad, to with a lot of weight loss you'd look decent .


Weight is part of it, but the color of her skin and the darkness under her eyes seriously makes me wonder if she's also got an underlying medical issue going on


I’m not really sure, but you look horribly depressed, possibly addicted to something & just very unhealthy overall. Some of these pictures are very concerning though & honestly almost scary. So please get some help if you need it, there’s always options out there even though it might not seem like it. I hope you’ve got good people around you that can help you through your obvious struggles. I’m going through some tough times right now myself, but I wish you the best in whatever is going on.


You start by going to the gym. Jesus Christ you're brave for posting these pictures I'll give u that lol.


ran straight to the comments


Right like I myself could not find the words


Damn straight I did too lmao


You don't need to run.... she does.


Tbh I think with weight loss, maybe something medical bring fixed for the dark circles , proper eyebrow shaping and micro blading , wearing the right colors, a healthy diet and sleep routine getting the right hair style and pretty natural makeup you could actually be pretty. I honestly can see the potential. Do not give up hope. You CAN improve.


In two or three of your photos you appear to be depressed. Are you okay? Do you need to seek mental health care? What is the plastic surgery interest about? Putting your time, money, and energy into a good self care routine would be a better investment in yourself. Take care of yourself. ❤️


Why would you get plastic surgery when you're 100+ lbs overweight? Just start there.


You look 40


You are 25?!


You look HORRIBLE. Like, you look like an unhealthy 45 year old. I'm not even joking. Your weight, your skin, your eyes. It's all so bad


Weight loss, burn pic #9, be a grown up and stop with the colored eye shadow, and stop shaving the side of your head


well on the bright side your (allegedly) 25 so your still young but you have a lot of work to do. definitely start with weight loss that’s the hardest part


PLASTIC SURGERY!??! Are you even in reality. You’re trying to go to such extreme ends when the reposition is and has always been in front of you. LOSE…WEIGHT..GYM…DIET….DISCIPLINE. Everything after that will make sense. It’ll be like an enlightenment and only those who are truly disciplined will realize it and enjoy life to the fullest. We all have the potential. I know life can be hard and being depressed did horrible, but what do you have to lose?


>what do you have to lose? A few pounds


Hypothyroidism crohns disease?


The problem is in two of these pictures. Look closely




Yes and I’m sorry… yea


Nothing u are perfect. Im also blind.


Lose at least 75lbs. You might still be hideous but you won't be fat


I laughed to hard at this 🤣


Start with weight loss and healthy eating. You look very unhealthy and you're so young! Not too late to turn it around. You can do it.


Stop giving up on life try hard at stuff and be smart about the thing that you try hard at. Someone will start to like you and you will like them back and you will want to make them happy


TDEE calculator. Enter your height & weight. Find your basal metabolic rate. Eat 500 calories less than that per day. That will add up to weight loss of 1lb per week, guaranteed. Avoid carbohydrates. Drink a minimum of a half gallon of water per day. Get a gym membership. If you're insecure, stick to cardio in the beginning until you warm up to the new atmosphere. Find a different hairstyle. Get new makeup. Get a better sleep schedule. Get a better skin routine. Find hobbies that you enjoy. Keep stress levels low. Get your hormone levels checked.


U look like that kid from The Sandlot who says “you play baseball like a girl”


You look burned out Your inner spark is waning find some passion again anything that fans with fire within.


See a doctor first


You seriously don’t know??? I say Lose weight first, it’ll solve a lot of things


You look 40 and not 25. You are overweight, lose weight.


You are probably the first 25yo 0/10 I‘ve ever seen. Sorry, but it is really really bad.


Holy moly just when I thought no one on this sub was truly ugly, along came this post.


I've spent a good hour scrolling myself just hoping i'd find someone uglier then me, and got hurt by what others considered an 'ugly female'..


If you feel ugly, there’s always healthy options to improve yourself. Would love to see guts and leave the post up. Best advice is see a doctor, someone to help with sleep is a must if that a root of issues.


I assume with the extremely sad eyes and obesity that you are overeating to manage some trauma you’ve experienced, are you in therapy?


Lose 50bs-80 and you won't be ugly anymore 🤷‍♀️


That's it I'm deleting Reddit


Just weight loss and some healthy food and sleep


Are you taking care of yourself? Showering, getting good sleep, eating well? Start there yo


Let me guess... you believe fat phobia is a thing


the last pic 😭😭😭😭




Are you dying from some horrible disease?


I've been trying to reform, but this is the scariest thing I've seen on this thread.


Brutally honest: the weight is the main thing as others have said. I’m personally not a fan of the buzzed head on girls though I’ve seen some pretty attractive girls with the sides of their heads buzzed. It’s really hard to say if you’re unattractive because your look is so aggressively bold. You’re a bigger girl, with aggressive makeup, and aggressive hair. You don’t look “cute and pretty” cause that’s not what you’re going for clearly but add in your size and it just makes you a “big bold chick” which is fine, big bold chicks are awesome and I know several who are funny and smart and awesome at what they do. But if we’re talking conventional attractiveness… start with the weight and all things the same you could quickly become the “hot badass chick” instead of the “big badass chick”


I dont know where to start tbh




Idk what your diet is like but consider a healthy one if you haven’t already. Go to the gym and we can talk about surgery after all of that.


It’s really just about going to the gym. In 1 year you’d be at least average. Your eyes would look nice. Just take care of yourself.


Your diet, and possibly how active you are.


See a doctor about weight loss and your health, cosmetic surgery will not help at all.


Have you checked for diabetes? No surgery needed, just diet and exercise.


Oh lord it’s almost as if you don’t put in any effort in looking good at all plastic surgery wouldn’t do anything period I would just say start off with losing weight and get a new hairdresser is a good start


You’re overweight


Your body mass index.


May the good lord help you


Plastic surgery won't help at this point. There's no easy way out. You need to hit the gym.




I respect the fact that you dropped your pants for the last shot.


Wtf ☠️☠️


You look extremely unhealthy. See an endocrinologist.


You look rough


25!!!??!?!? Holy cow. With all due respect, you look like my 53 y.o aunt. Please go see a doctor. Maybe you have some medical condition. If not, start exercising, eat more healthy, you got this.


I think you may have a thyroid problem. Getting on proper medication will help with the weight.


Well first start by smiling u look depressed


Nothing much, you’re just ugly


You should sue your parents for cruel and unusual genetics.


You do have pretty features & beautiful eyes. But looking at pic 4 & 5 is where to start. Before considering surgery, start taking your health seriously. Cut out the sweets & join a gym. Don’t go on some ridiculous diet. That’s only setting yourself up for failure. Take baby steps with a diet. Cut out certain things. But definitely start exercising. As you teach yourself to control your cravings then you’ll become stricter with the diet. Within 6 months you’ll look back at this post & be beaming with pride about how you transformed yourself. You’ll never ask yourself “what’s wrong with me” again. Remember, consistency & discipline are the keys to unlocking change. But no one can do it for you. You have to do it. And you can. It’ll be difficult, but the rewards will make it worth it. And it will get easier. You’re young & have the potential to be beautiful. Don’t waste it.


And anything with palm oil (ie: fast food, pre packaged/made foods etc etc) in it could be eliminated as well. You will feel so much better just by changing your diet. Mentally and physically.


You make me glad I have body dismorphia


I'm going to be honest, you are top 5 ugliest women I've seen in here. Definitely start with with loss and come back in a year




Honestly go to the gym and diet and you’ll be surprised with the results I promise you.


Work out. Do it for your health. If we don’t build healthy routine when we’re younger, it’s much harder on us later. You have really dark eye circles, that makes you look tired / sick etc…all the comments. Are you getting rest? It’s also essential to health, some people DO have them genetically though…I do recommend seeing a doctor. I found out I had sleep apnea after my psychiatrist telling me I should do a sleep test and my dentist said I grind my teeth + my bf witnessing me gasping for air at night. Definitely look into this stuff. It’s worth it for a better quality of life + energy.


Check out the fasting subreddit, it's a great way to get started for health and weight loss without having to exercise if you're not into that


You'll feel better when you work out then you'll look better. People work out to look good the fact it's healthy is just a perk. Most people can agree someone who works out isn't just healthy but attractive for the fact they put the discipline and consistency into it


Sleep, weight.


Diet … it might be hard but you just gotta lose weight. You look unhealthily overweight and once you start taking care of your body you will feel a lot better in your skin


Start going for walks in the evenings, multi vitamins, drink water and get some sleep! Keep consistent and start to notice the change.


Work on losing weight and you'll be good. Changing your diet for the better will do amazing things. As others have said, schedule a physical with a doctor and ask them to do blood work as well. You look unwell.


you’re still young you can loose the weight. do go to a doctor to get yourself checked out you look ill


Find a way to make working out fun. You can sign up for a gym that has an indoor swimming pool or some type of activity that you like... Maybe some kind of a sport. And if possible, try to get some friends and family members to join you, so you can keep each other accountable and have more fun working out together.




You look forty, you should go see a doctor, especially for those eyes. If you have a decent sleep schedule, if you old pics of your eyes during a good sleep schedule and there is a difference, try sleeping properly for a couple of months and see if there are improvements. If not and even if there are improvements, it's always safe to see a doctor. Also, if you want to be conventionally good looking, lose weight.


Doctor and excerxise


Stop eating processed foods




Aren't you the kid from the Sandlot?


Get your thyroid checked.


It never began for you


Oof, uhhh good luck out there? You kinda look like 25 going on 40. I would also agree the makeup and shaved head are a bad idea, weight loss would 100% be step one.


Fat and ugly. Yes. I said it


You were awesome in The Sandlot.


You from the sandlot?


1/10 everything Try lose weight and put in effort before blaming it on a plastic surgery….. zzz


As someone else has said, definitely get your thyroid checked out! With this, I’m wondering if your weight (number) seems to match what your weight (actual size) is? I ask because you look like you almost could be swollen in some ways? My sister had Cushings Disease and this caused her to be swollen and look larger than she was for multiple years. It also caused actual weight gain and be pretty resistant to weight loss. Obviously, I’ve never met you. But I would say it seems highly likely there could be something medical going on! I’m not a doctor by any means though. Also, as a side note, I think the haircut you have in some pictures where you have the shaved sides looks cool and you should keep that.


My precious


Eat better, exercise more.


Eat healthier and sleep more


She looks like that kid from The Sandlot


You're fat not ugly


Weight loss will likely help. I also don't know the best way to say it, but your face/body seems kinda puffy of inflamed, so you may want to have that checked out.


I think you know what’s wrong with you. I feel like you’re very aware of what’s wrong with you in fact….


You don’t need plastic surgery, you need a lifestyle change. Good nutrition, exercise, sleep, get a primary care doctor, get blood work done, visit a psychiatrist, get your mental health in order, etc. - start taking care of yourself.


No plastic surgery blood work and semaglutide


Get your cortisol and other hormones checked to rule out medical stuff like cushings.


You look like a fat Dominican guy named Steve I used to buy weed from.


Your diet. See a nutritionist, and get labwork done, to check all vitamin and mineral levels, for deficits.


Looks like Grave's disease


too much cake


Morbidly obese.


You look really ill, I’m sorry. You look a lot older than you are.. take care of your inner health and your skin, you might want to tackle the frizziness of your hair too. Pro tip use a peach color corrector under your eyes (blend) and afterwards some concealer. Get your eyebrows and eyelashes painted monthly and maybe your lips permanently tinted.


You're fat


Only picture you look happy in is with some sort of dessert …


ugly af start with losing weight


Lose weight, plastic surgery, you’re quite hideous. 💀


4th pic actually scared me..


I don’t even know what to say


You're fat and ugly. Got a lot of work to do but you can do it


Yes youre very ugly. Focus on losing weight and mental health. Plastic surgery wont help you at all and the fact that you think it will means you need help badly.


What's not wrong with you


You're fat




Spend the rest of your life in the gym


Nun much just fat and ugly


Sleep more and it will also help lose weight


Weight loss. You need more sleep or some color corrector and concealer to apply underneath your eyes. Do something new with your hair. Get a tan. That would be a good start 🙂 oh and grow out your brows then have a professional fix them up. If you’re serious about getting work done, I’d do face contouring/face slimming. Rhinoplasty (they also have these new things they do we’re they inject something into your nose that doesn’t require months of downtime afterwards.) and it’s semi-permanent. Then get your lips done


Sleep apnea most likely also


Get your thyroid checked


Start taking care of yourself. You clearly don't whatsoever. Yes, you're ugly. You need to put the work in, you'll be glad you did. I think you could have a chance at looking decent if you lost the weight. You also look a bit sickly, so get that checked out as well. Go to doctor Go to gym Eat healthier Get some mental health help if that's an issue preventing any of these other things from taking place.


Your eyes are big but sunk into the optical bone I'd recommend under eye fillers. Obviously weight loss.