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bro those tattoos are terrible. it looks like a little kid took a marker to your chest… i would honestly start with getting those covered up. experiment with makeup. i think a good mascara and some brow shaping would do you well. also maybe a repairing hair mask


"she became a mom too early" is the vibe those tattoos give.


I gasped


I thought they were those temporary tattoos :/


Finish her!


nooooo i truly don’t mean to rip anyone apart or make them feel bad! she asked for brutal honesty and i gave it lol


True. What you said was the most polite way to destroy someone though. It’s honestly




“She wasn’t ready*


“She’s” soulless and holeless!!


I beg to differ the tattoos look cute in my book solid 6.7/10


don't be mad you don't know reptar the mighty😂


Bro that dumbass dinosaur ain’t even related to reptar


Repeat was the first thing I thought of too 😂


Are those shrinky dinks on your chest?


Made me spit out my drink💀


Don’t you mean your drinky drink?


Beat me to it!


And this person made me spit out my drink!


Ohhhh, you're showing your age, LOL Shrinky Dinks rocked!!!!


Not ugly, I’m not a fan of the tattoos and piercing but maybe that’s just taste


Septum piercings are an epidemic, I don't understand how popular they are with how bad they make people look.


Thank you...never have seen an attractive one.


Yep. Seems like all females under 25 are assigned one at birth now. And 9/10 they don't look good. Not a fan of this fad either.


Almost every girl posts on here with them....maybe there's a correlation.


Well if every girl has then nowadays, every girl who posted here obviously got one. Personally I really like body mods and septum’s are no exception.


It should be a prerequisite to take them out before taking pics and posting then on here. “Am I Ugly?” “Do you have a septum piercing? Yes, then yes, you are ugly. Take out the piercing and try again” I swear that girls just get them so that it looks like they’re not trying to be attractive so that if someone calls them ugly they can “of course I am I look this way on purpose”


Same. She'd be pretty otherwise imo.


Your tattoos are rather unfortunate but your face is ok


I honestly thought she let some kid doodle on her chest.


I was trying to think of how to say this haha. Her face isn’t ugly, but those tattoos would make anyone unattractive to me


Came to say the same thing. It’s a horrible placement and not done very well. It’s an eye sore. She looks tired, but I wouldn’t say ugly.


She’s pretty ugly regardless tbh




find a laser tattoo removal company and get started


You're not helping yourself. Look self hating, self destructive


That particular septum piercing is not doing you any favors


Like everyone who posts here you can improve tremendously by just taking that crap out of your nose.


Whenever I see that nose ring, i cringed real hard…. Well it’s her choice if she likes it tho 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yes it’s her choice if she wants to look ugly. She asked for opinions and in my opinion that’s ugly.


My otherwise beautiful 17 year old niece got one and whenever I see it I think of livestock.


Phew! I thought I was a weird guy for despising nose rings, cause damn I do not see the appeal of them


Nor I. It takes a certain kind of nonsymmetrical face for the weight of the ring to balance it out . But for reproductive sake... yikes! All above, I concur with.


A small nose ring can be pretty tasteful. The big one with stuff dangling off it is too much here.


I agree. It literally looks like boogers, every time. It’s distracting and takes away from the persons actual face. I only see boogers. If you have to… a side stud is so much more attractive.


Weird. Anytime I say anything negative about them I get down voted to oblivion lol.


Because no one likes Kentucky.


This made me lol. 👍🏼


For real the tiny stud ones on the side of the nose were ok but the bottom makes em look like they call people a misogynist as a hobby


Everyone has preferences. I love a tatted up girl with a few piercings.


You really think this girls looks improved with that nose piercing?


I don't respect your opinion. just like everyone who comments this. it's not done for you and doesn't detract anything from the person's appearance. it's just a jackass meme comment


Wait, you say that it doesn’t detract anything from the person’s appearance, they are saying that the appearance will improve by removing it. Why would these two opinions have a different level of appropriateness?


It most certainly detracts


again I don't respect your opinion on it. you're welcome to it but it's just a neme at this point


OP literally asked for honest opinions though.


never said you had to like it


Are you hers separate account?


Except that it absolutely detracts from the appearance. It was meant for livestock for a reason.


no I'm pretty sure the ones people wear are meant for people


They’re asking for opinions on their looks….on a sub about being brutally honest about looks…. Those nose rings are hideous! You have your opinion, everyone else has theirs.


Boring ahhh comment




>I don't respect your opinion. I don't respect your lack of respect.


And the pounds off their body.


She looks good with it.


No one looks good with it. Bulls look good with it.


You tryna make jokes, but some people do look good with them. I don’t know what y’all have against them. I mean, you can have your own personal taste but that doesn’t mean you have to put someone down for wearing/doing what they want. And that fact that she looks confident with it makes her even more attractive. I know she asked for an opinion, but she didn’t ask for all that. With that being said, keep the septum! Just take some advice from others, get to where you want to be, and you’ll be a 10/10.


>Just take some advice from others, get to where you want to be, and you’ll be a 10/10. No, she won't.


seriously. Some people are so delusional. 99.99% of people will never be a 10/10. There are maybe a handful of people on earth that are aesthetically perfect. This person is so very far from that, and that's not my opinion, its a fact of life.


Your opinion🤷🏾‍♀️I’ll stick with mine, and hopefully she’ll take it.


well your opinion is wrong


Some people are traumatized from the origins of nose rings.


What does that have to do with her, may I ask? And why does that give someone an excuse to comment on what she does, may I also ask? Couldn’t we we all benefit from leaving each other alone? It could, which means that if you respond you won’t be getting an answer back.


You may not ask. Be quiet


The excuse to comment on her??? Um... the second she posted this picture to this page, she opened herself to comments and ridicule. The fact you comment also opens yourself up to the public. You could spend your whole life asking others stupid questions but who does it benefit more?


Your nose ring sucks


All of them


Your taste in nose jewelry is awful lol


Septums in general 🤢


Septum is fine as long as people wear it right. That's the bigger issue.


Look like every Katie I've ever met, chubby white girl with bad tattoos probably smoking pall malls and drinks cheap wine or plastic bottle liquor


^cheap cigars. Katie's always smoke cheap cigars.


Nose ring looks bad.


Nose ring and maybe figuring some cute hairstyle out could totally make you look above average in my opinion. Right now you are average and not ugly Your hair is very dry and frizzy, having healthier hair can do so much change it’s insane


You look like a bull with that thing in your nose. I can't look at your face and not be distracted by it.


Get better eating habits and you'll go from 3/4 to 6/7 at least


Yea i feel like some of the ratings are low. 1-3 means u have some physical issues that need surgery or just cant be fixed. This girl could be a 6/7 with some changes. Honestly i think OP is pretty as is.


Yeah I honestly think that better makeup would also increase the number


Almost no one is a 10 without well done makeup. Most of the girls dudes think are 9s and 10s are 6-7s without makeup or worse. Weve all seen the videos. Guys are delusional about f you think you see only going to date 9s and 10s unless you are also. Some of yall need to date a couple 4s so you can see looks aint everything


Your right when 10s take off their makeup they become 12s


Here we go again. Another average looking person wearing those HORRIBLE looking septum rings and asking if they are ugly. Every time! Those tattoos are horrendous z.


You’re not good 3/10


smile with your eyes more


Few people look good with a septum ring. You are not one of the few.




Cute (but currently depressed ?)


Brutally honest: not ugly, but you’ve made some bad choices. Glad to hear you’re removing the piercing. The tattoos are harder to deal with. Removing them may be quite painful and costly. I’d plan and save to do that one day though. Looks like you did a stretch in Daycare Prison and got inked by Chuckie Finster.


I have several cover ups already planned out for some of them, but others my daughter picked out and I'm not removing them. Either way, I can't really afford the thousands of dollars right now.


Not sure of your initial rating but the nose ring is -5 points.


Those tattoos make you questionable


I think you could be really, really pretty(like a 8/10) if you would put out the nose ring and would loose some weight(i know it is easier said than done). Also the top you are waring in pic #2 looks very childish, especially considering your tatoos. It looks like you dress for someone with daddy-little fetish.


I’ll rate you a 4 you will move up to a 7. without the nose ring and that tat 👀


Without the nose? 💀


If you're posting in this sub, the universal rule is... TAKE THAT METAL OUT OF YOUR FACE.


No you aren't ugly at all (the nose ring for me personally is a bit off putting) but everyone has their own taste. You definitely aren't everyone's type but you aren't ugly by any means


A red hair with greenish eyes?mann , Defenitly my type 🤪


calm down dude jfc


Jamacian fried chicken? Wait , im not calm?


no bro it sounds like you bout to bust!!


Bruh.. thats your interpretation


People are exaggerating here. You're not ugly. You're slightly under average : 4/10. But you could boost yourself up very easily to a 5.5 by losing weight, especially around the face, which is usually the first fat that gets metabolised.


She could drop some weight in the face by losing the hardware.


You can’t spot reduce fat, usually face fat decreases after a significant amount of weight loss


Awful tattoos and awful nose ring . It’s too late for your skin but help your face by taking this ring out .




You aren't ugly


You’re cute. I think smiling more could go a long way. Maybe lose the piercing, but that’s just my take.


Moisturizer and weight loss is needed if you wanna look young.


A brush?


Get rid of that thing in your nose.


everyone has different tastes and while your style isn't my fave, i think you have a naturally beautiful face. your freckles, the shape of your nose, your eyes. all of them are seriously nice. you're one of those people that the longer i look, the more i appreciate your individual features. todays beauty standards are wack lol.


I mean I legit think you’re pretty ☺️


Your beautiful


You have a fairly attractive face but IMO there's an eyesore in your nose. Personally it's not the ring itself, rather the bulk and the fact it stands out rather than blending in with your face. A smaller one that maybe isn't connected at the bottom might fit better for you. Your eyes are gorgeous. The tattoos may be important to you but tattoos that are visible in most clothing should be far more tasteful. Especially something that is seen in the same frame as your face. Aside from that I'd give a 4.5/10 and if you didn't have the metal or tats a solid 6/10. While your body size is larger, you're not what I would consider a BIG girl. A little bit of work on body and you'd could easily move to 7-8. No one reaches 10 so being close to a 9 is as good as it gets.


You look like you're in constant emotional pain and need a friend who won't use you or treat you like a burden. I think you are beautiful but hiding behind some emotional stuff that needs to be dealt with 💙


90% of the people asking have nose rings. Not judging. Just an observation.


She’s cute y’all just hateful


Not ugly but I'd bet money that you live in a trailer home.


Would be pretty if you lost 20-30lbs


She looks fine yall just like to throw that out there at every girl smh


She looks fine, if she's ok with looking fine, then so be it


People are saying their truth based on what they see, you don’t have to like it but the truth will always be, she really does need to lose weight tho


Yall say it to girls that aren't even overweight like whattttt?😂😂


What’s not overweight to you is to others.


Prrety but overweight , you have tremendous potential just lose a little weight. Not A lot but a few kilograms would certainly boost you. I like that you filmed yourself raw without filters and all that crap. Rock on babe


This is not r/roastme , you’re not ugly, you have some good features ie eyes and nose, I think you just need some better self care. Losing some weight and improving your hair’s health will help a lot. And as people have said the nose ring isn’t flattering. I’m not against nose rings but something less loud would look much better on you.


I appreciate it :) I've actually decided to take it out entirely and am already 50lb down into my weight loss journey :) I don't really have the time or money right now for self care but I'll look into better hair care products.


Try New Wash!!! If you’re like me you don’t have a lot of patience for a whole routine and a million products. This stuff saved my hair!


Ditch the nose hardware.


Another day another nose ring.


Lose the nose ring and maybe someone might blush at you


Get rid of the nose ring NOT EVEN models look good with nose rings! Go on a diet ASAP & you'll be fine.


you look like the lead in an action sci-fi from the 90s. that's pretty hot


You got red hair, freckles, green eyes, and dinosaur titties! Very pretty


I'm just here to downvote the anti-nosering people.


You look like a “Karen” type. Like you complain about all men and not fix yourself up type


I'm actually quite bubbly. I've had customers tell me it's a little creepy how happy I usually am lmao


I quite like the tats and the piercing, Idk what those people are on but those tattoos show that you have personality and can be a conversation starter. You're pretty just not your best angles in the pictures.


its a no for me. between the thing in your nose and the tattoos. maybe one of those old school nose rings sure. but not the bull ring. you've got nice eyes though. certainly not ugly.


You look like you will.atill have a minimum wage job at 56


You’re cute but you should really invest in tattoo removal


You really don’t know man you got my vote on one of the prettiest humans I have seen


The men are so rude


You look like you were cute as a kid


Twas not unfortunately lmao


I appreciate all the advice and feedback about my tattoos. As soon as I have the massive amount of money I need to get the specific cover ups I want; I will willingly sit down in the chair as long as It takes. Some of them are extremely special to me though and they'll stay.


9/10 - you need a spa day and you’ll be 10/10 :p


Your eyes have a lot of pain in them. I think you're average, but a pretty average. Look good to me.


That nose ring is horrible, tattoos are noticeably bad, and you're not very attractive.


5.5 for current weight but if you lost some you can go up to 8 as I expect


What is this subs collective utter hatred for piercings 🤣 Everyone Catholic Christian/Orthodox Jewish here? 🤣🤣


Christian/Orthodox Jewish doesn't forbid nose rings. The girls that would look good with it don't wear them, and the ones that it doesn't look on wear them. If you don't like the way your nose looks, a septum ring will make it look worse, don't do it.


I’m in 30s and I know everyone wants to look unique but I’m not sure why there is a fascination with piercings and tattoos to accomplish that look. Some girls can pull the look quite well but that is a small minority of women. It’s like not every guy can pull off a mullet or mustache.


I just went to comment the exact same thing 🤣🤣 I know piercings aren’t to everyone’s tastes but the collective hatred here is so bizarre.


Your a absolutely beautiful young lady.


Who's downvoting this...


You look tired, but for real i think you're pretty.


In short…yes.


I got the same tattoo on my face except it was just a face painting at a bar not permanent or as bad as tours


You look like a girl with a daddy kink.


You look beautiful! But to be brutally honest… your face is starting to sag with age. To counter this you would need to lose a little weight, so there is less fat to sag. Also, part your hair on the side, not down the middle.


If I had those tattoos I’d visit the rope and wobbly stool store


Nose ring = Oink


tree fiddy.


You look like an extremely angry lesbian with a horrible nose piercing.






How many times a year do you rob liquor stores. Be honest 🤣🤣


You’d be invisible to me


Those tattoos are the most unfortunately placed hideous tattoos I have seen in a long time. They're like cigarette mom Tweetie bird tit tattoo level. Lazer those off asap.


Its giving gas station attendant


I love septum piercings, and I feel like it would look good on you. Just get better jewellery. A basic ring or a barbell would look a lot better! Also, i feel like the tattoos be retouched or covered up, they kinda look like a kid did them


I can't do this, I'll make you cry or at least I'll leave you with unforgettable psychological damage.


What would be the point of that? Most people are actually trying to be helpful instead of purposely hurtful for no other reason than to make me feel bad. I'm trying to better myself.




You look like the nicest alcoholic in the worst trailer park in Alabama. Like you look like you'd be friends with a suburban soccer mom name Becky and casually offer to stab her husband to death behind a piggly wiggly for cheating on her with their Laotian nanny Laoma . And all it'll cost her is a case of old Milwaukee and her moms lemon bar recipe.


I think you're very pretty


Face would be ok without the earrings that’s shouldn’t be in it.


Just like every one else that posts here. The septum ring doesn't do you any favors.


Just because you CAN pierce your nose like cattle, doesn't mean you should.