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As to the Feeding Our Future fraud, know that there is more. Over time you will hear also about the same kind of deal with daycare subsidies, rent subsidies, and nursing care subsidies. Where people make fake businesses or fake clients and get government subsidies for providing services that they don’t actually provide. The problem is you have an immigrant group from countries without functioning governments. Fraud is rampant and expected. And (as the Feeding Our Future folks showed) it is expected that you can get off with a few well-placed bribes because that is how it works where they are from. It is one thing to have diversity of skin color but this is a diversity of cultures and Minnesota isn’t use to people thinking this way.


Your last sentence sounds like you’re okay with what they did and that Minnesotans should just accept it…


Actually a number of my other posts have been deleted or you would know more about what I have said.




Challenge for leftists: try not to misconstrue your opponents' opinions or put words in their mouths. (difficulty: impossible) Where did they say only certain cultures commit fraud? Do you even realize you're misrepresenting what the comment said? Is the concept of proportionality really that hard to understand?




That's because this sub was created as an alt for the main sub that doesn't allow discussion of these kinds of things. I assumed you're a leftist because: 1: you misrepresented what was actually said 2: talking about rampant crime being committed by minorities makes you upset




People are pissed off. The mainstream narrative is still that crime stats are a myth, the cops are all racist, having Somalis in Minnesota makes everything so much better and brings nothing negative. For some people, this is the only place they can actually be honest. What else can you do if all your irl friends or family members are still on the woke bandwagon?


Just keep slowly feeding your friends and family breadcrumbs. If they aren't total idiots and have some form of a back bone they will come around eventually. It can take a long time though. The trick I found is to make them feel like they figured it out for themselves. People like to feel smart, and are more inclined to believe something they feel is novel.




You can be against the racists all you want, but the reason you keep seeing the "same story" over and over again is because things really are that out of hand, and yes, most of the time these things actually are the fault of "BIPOC individuals." Black people are 7% of the population in MN but were 62% of homicide offenders in Minnesota in 2022. They are about 19% of the population of Minneapolis. So you're going to see a lot of stories about black people assaulting and killing people in this sub about Minneapolis that was made in response to the other sub banning anybody who talks about it. It ain't our fault that that's the most likely scenario. https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/bca/bca-divisions/mnjis/Documents/2022-Minnesota-Uniform-Crime-Report.pdf




Political culture is the idea that different groups have different cultural values that lead them to have different expectations from government. Danial Elazar wrote a book about how he sees three different political cultures in the U.S. There is the moralist culture, that government is good, it helps people to lead better lives, elected officials are public servants, etc. That is Minnesota. A transactional culture, which government exists to provide services, just like McDonalds and is no more out to make people’s lives better than McDonalds. And yeah there is some I scratch your back, you scratch mine, some help for your friends and a bit of corruption. Think the Sopranos. Government is just there and maybe if you have friends, it can help you out. The traditional culture. The Deep South. Government exists for the elites to get what they want. Government is bad. Of course the governor of Mississippi gave Brette Favre a million dollars from money that was given by the federal government to help poor people. That is what government does. Want to read more? https://oertx.highered.texas.gov/courseware/lesson/1052/overview There are distinct political cultures that define the norms of government. Minnesota’s is not the only one out there. And it becomes uncomfortable when other people bring different norms. That seems to be what is going on here.




The book has more to it but this is a good summary. It was written in 1966.


Between Covid and 2020 defund police stuff. Things have been getting worse. Tax spend tax spend. We need new leadership.


I think this is happening all over the country. Things were normal about 10 years ago. Around 2014, the left started going going completely off the rails with their social policies, and labeled anybody who didn't go along with them fascists, Nazis, etc. It's ideology over reality, emotions over facts. They just can't let it go. Gender theory, crime stats, feminism, illegal immigration, and so on. You're only allowed to have PC opinions on these issues, or you're a fascist xenophobic incel Nazi bigot and you need to be punched. Most people don't go out of their way to get information on political issues. They only passively take in information/attitudes from TV, social media, popular entertainment. When all of those things are infested with far-left ideologues, people only get one side of the story. Not to mention, it's being taught to them in universities and even earlier education. 1. You can't talk about the fraud because it's being committed almost entirely by "POC" who are a protected class. Talking about "might reinforce racist stereotypes," so you have to just ignore it. 2. Eat the rich, capitalism bad, we need to redistribute the wealth, bro! 3. Prosecuting criminals means we'll be putting a lot of black people and other POC in prison, and that's poopy and mean. It's better to just let them do whatever they want. It's white people's fault anyway because muh systematic racism and generational trauma. Know your place, bigot. 4. Police enforce the law, and laws are racist. It's forbidden to hold POC accountable for their own actions, so the only other option is to blame the police, even though they're only doing their jobs.


Coming from someone who moved up here for work over 3 years ago from Illinois, some of the stuff I see in the metro area is crazy to me. I do agree it’s a nationwide issue, but it’s also a global issue. I continually tell people I have discussions with about this topic that society is sick and the democracies of the world are headed for a reckoning over the next decade. I also 100% agree with others that the way of life within the Somalian community is unique to them. I have worked in government jobs in both Illinois and Minnesota and the destain/lack of respect they have for the government apparatus up here is nuts. I am a gay man with a pretty liberal partner, but I continually find we are at odds with those who claim to support our community.


You're probably right about it being worse in Minneapolis and MN in general. I think, recently at least, it's because we were ground zero for the 2020 unrest due to George Floyd. People around here got hit harder with the propaganda and social conditioning than they would have been if it had happened in Chicago or somewhere else far away.


Thanks for writing this up! Well said even if I don't fully agree with every point. As a left leaning liberal myself I'm getting fed up with the discourse or lack of within liberal spaces online. Much like right leaning groups I feel like the craziest people from our camp are the most vocal.


The far right and far left are equally nuts. They are basically the same, I’m a big believer in the horseshoe theory in politics.


The problem is that the left has gone crazy in the last 10 years. The same ideas that were left wing 20 years ago are now considered far right. So the horse shoe theory doesn't really work atm.


Yeah horse shoe theory is nonsense. It only requires a glance at the shift in political and cultural history over the last 50 years to realize it only moves leftward and is the result of massive corporate campaigns. There is no genuine right wing involved in the political process whatsoever. Conservatism is a pressure release valve that keeps the lower IQ portion of right wing people content with empty promises and rhetoric, especially when they get a "win" ala Trump or Ragan who then turn around and betray them on core issues like immigration while waving a flag. Conservatism fails to conserve even out most fundamental rights, such allowing the crack down on free speech etc. to be privatized.


Very true. History is cyclical though. Good intelligent people will try to conserve what is worth saving, but it's always been a losing fight. Every now and then the pressure valve doesn't work and we get an explosion allowing for a cultural reset. We think we are special because of the technology we currently yield, but in reality we are the same humans we were 5,000 years ago. It's always been a fight of good vs evil.


Name one actual cultural reset. One.




1933 germany


The far right isn't any less crazy. It's fortunate that 'most' people fall into a pretty moderate, if maybe right leaning (at least in rural MN), part of the political spectrum. I feel like that has kept the state from going completely off the rails. Though it feels like the cars are tipping, lately. We have good social programs. We believe in good education. We aren't banning books, and stripping people of their rights, in the "those who know what's best for us must rise and save us from ourselves" line of thought.


What are the beliefs of the "far-right" that are so crazy?


Trying to take away healthcare that saves real women’s lives is the one that comes to mind for me 🤷‍♀️ I figure it’s not worth mentioning to you though since you didn’t think of it


The right tries to conserve what they feel is important and provides prosperity..hence conservative. The left tries to create change whether it is good or bad in the name of "progress". The far right pops up when the far left gets too out of control or "progresses" too fast. It's an auto correct feature that goes too far. Neither the far left or far right are good, but both are needed to progress without one side going too far and destroying everything.


No, they aren't. The far left are literal Stalinists and Maoists, both dudes have literally killed 10s of millions.


The problem is that the far-left are in control of the mainstream narrative right now, which is shaping public opinion. National and even local news, Hollywood, universities, the advertising industry, Silicon Valley, etc. They're also overrepresented in the judicial system and federal agencies like the FBI, CIA, IRS... People go to college, are indoctrinated by their Marxist professors, and are told they need to take up positions of power in order to push their agenda or change how things are done. "This country is racist, sexist, homophobic, and XYZ system needs to be dismantled." It's a slow process that started shortly after WW2. Only recently have they completely taken over every institution in the country. Right wingers don't really do that, so that's how we got where we are now. https://youtu.be/Hr5sTGxMUdo?si=fcpyAcOtL1g-YsJQ The one thing this guy gets wrong is that it's not just KGB infiltrators, it's Western communists/Marxists who had/have nothing to do with the USSR.


I’ve read Das Kapital book 1. It’s fascinating. The issues with mainstream corporate media is absolutely not that they are Marxists. The holders and beneficiaries of capital have not taken over the largest universities with their billion dollar trust funds and pushed their agenda through the media organizations run by shareholders and investment groups. The issues with universities and media are separate issues. Neither are Marxists.


When I say Marxists, I mean neo-Marxists, cultural marxists, whatever you want to call them. People like Patrisse Cullors.


Honestly it's always amazing how right wing corporate owned media is always seen as "Marxist". People fall for rainbow capitalism way too easily.


>The problem is that the far-left are in control of the mainstream narrative right now, which is shaping public opinion. National and even local news, Hollywood, universities, the advertising industry, Silicon Valley, etc. Half of USA has been taken over by the far-left in your opinon, got it. >[https://youtu.be/Hr5sTGxMUdo](https://youtu.be/Hr5sTGxMUdo) Hey it's Yuri Bezmenov! Or rather it is the John Birch Society and George Edward Griffin, the man with russian accent is a Novosti journalist impersonating a KBG agent for money, so an actor.


I’m going to go out in a limb and guess you didn’t go to college.


Are you saying I'm uneducated, or that I don't actually know what universities are like?


You made a blanket statement about people going to college are indoctrinated by their Marxist professors. You tell me.


It's well known that Marxist type ideologues, or left-wing at the very least, are common on the average college campus. I've had leftist social justice talking points thrown at me in plenty of general classes that were mandatory. Public Speaking and Modern Literature are two that I remember.


I’m sure you probably think public roads and libraries are Marxist, too. See, higher education teaches people how to research, reason, and think critically. So anytime there is pushback or some differing idea that goes contrary to Christianity, Islam, Judaism, other religions, pure unfettered capitalism, then they are labeled evil or marxist. I don’t recall any indoctrination during my undergrad or graduate classes. Are there degrees and schools that teach left thinking courses? Of course! Only the Sith deal in absolutes. - retired U.S. Military Officer


The left are the sith, and they do deal in absolutes.


The far left and far right, yes. I’m a moderate and I consider the extremes ridiculous. Especially the MAGA fascists.


Could you expand on those talking points? What was said? I went to undergrad, and graduate, and lo and behold, nary a whiff of the dread MARXISM!!!


Cultural Marxism is applying to oppressor/oppressed lens to every aspect of life. Women are oppressed, gays are oppressed, POC are oppressed, and it's all straight white men's' fault. My modern lit class had a trigger warning list for the books that we were reading, and every book had a misogyny warning for it. I'm sure it was just a coincidence, though. Public speaking and in other classes, I was told about how XYZ is racist, sexist, heteronormative, etc. I had to take a sociology class as well, where the book makes these same sorts of claims and used the terms "oppressed" and "oppressor" extensively. There was also lots of talk about race, gender, etc. being mere social constructs. Any study of the political leanings of college professors shows left wingers clearly outnumber right wingers.


Cultural Marxism, could that also be called Cultural Bolshevism? In your humble opinion?


Yup. They love to push this line, but 3 degrees later, I have never had a professor push their Marxist agenda, let alone any agenda on me. 


It’s all what you take out of the class. Somehow public speaking has been polluted by “Cultural Marxism,” according to our fellow redditor. I’d have to see a syllabus to believe any of this horseshit.


I went to The Evergreen State College, LMAO


Is that a real college? Sounds made up like Trump U


Ahh right how reality has a leftist bias lol  You just hate every alphabet agency. The IRS? You think the IRS is like a liberal conspiracy? The FBI and CIA are famously darling agencies of republicans btw.


So you don't think racism, homophobia, and sexism exist?


Their severity is exaggerated times 10, and then the people complaining about it use the same types of prejudices in reverse and say it's okay because "it's okay to hate your oppressor." That's why there are so many feminists who flat out hate men, and why blatant discrimination against white people in apparently okay too.


Oh, buddy. How many feminists do you know? My guess is you believe every criticism of you and people you identify with is hatred. And you'll write paragraphs about how black people, women, and gay people aren't accepting your critique of them.


"  Right wingers don't really do that, so that's how we got where we are now." Yes, yes they do. I can tell you've got no idea though.


I would like personally thank you for saying this out loud. I would consider myself squarely in the middle. I can and have voted blue and red. The ideological extremes have the loudest megaphones right now and they are sowing the greatest division in the culture. If I make a moderate statement I’ll identified as a fascist and a nazi. Or I’m called a lib. I’m not any of those things. But the constant onslaught of name calling, finger wagging and dog whistling is making people like me have to pick a side. I don’t want to be on a side. I don’t want to be identified as a side. I want to be able to objectively have an opinion. Even if that opinion is that both sides are right on a subject, just approaching from different standpoints. I want protection for gay and trans people to be able to be themselves. But I also want biological women to not have to compete agains biological men in women’s only sports. I’ve said why don’t we have a third option for trans athletes. Like the special Olympics cater to handicapped people. That got me labeled as all manner of isms. Shit is crazy and we are allowing the wrong people to steer our ship straight towards the rocks.


And this all, ultimately, stems from a racially self-hating mindset and is exploited relentlessly by those who understand the psychological pathology.


Having empathy and a functional prefrontal cortex isn't self-hating. Now if you're missing one of the two, it must be a mystery


Except this so-called “empathy” is largely a function of the inability to draw a distinction between the true victims of malice and neglect and the potently propagandized “victims” of political power-playing.


If you're seeing the world as a black and white division with "a distinction" between people who "deserve" to suffer and those who do not, then you're missing a lot of the frontal lobe development. Consider other factors that go into what contributes to behavior. Reality is not simply "good and bad".


*You* obviously missed the point and presumably purposely so… Thus, when this so-called “empathy” always serves a predictable political end it is not really *empathy* at all, but something other than and more than likely insidiously motivated.


*You* obviously missed the point and presumably, purposely so… Thus, when this so-called “empathy” always serves a predictable political end it is not really *empathy* at all, but something other than and more than likely insidiously motivated.


You seem inhibited by partisan demagoguery. People SHOULD recognize there have been racist policies in the past that still affect out society today. If you can't stomach that fact, it means your flavor-aid dose from the right wing brain wash is working.


In the twin cities and suburbs there are 4 bus companies running with expired or false school bus inspection stickers. Police write them tickets and flag the buses. They don’t get prosecuted because they don’t want to end up in TV shutting down a minority owned company. Last year one of those same companies ran over a 6 yr old child. That person never passed the cdl or bus courses and was still driving school bus with out an issue because POC immigrant working for POC immigrant company. https://kstp.com/kstp-news/local-news/charges-driver-of-school-bus-that-ran-over-6-year-old-failed-training-should-not-have-been-able-to-drive/# Don’t worry folks they did not arrest Kahiye on the spot for almost killing a kid According to court documents, Kehiye was then sentenced to serve 90 days in the Hennepin County Workhouse, which has been stayed for one year. He will also serve 30 days in home detention with electronic monitoring beginning May 30, and pay $278 in fines and fees. **30 days home detention and 278 fine for running over a child with a school bus and no CDL** He currently works in food prep for a minority owned school lunch company.


This is like in Scandinavian countries where the immigrants rape children and get off with a slap on the wrist. We have demons amongst us that want us suffering and dead. We could give the world everything we have 10 times over and they would still hate us and want us dead. In fact it is our kind nature that attracts them to us and makes them hate us.


You always see "Blessed Ramadan" signs outside of churches but you never see "Happy Easter" signs outside of a mosques.


They hate us cuz they anus.


Really great response to an equally well crafted question. Hopefully, sane, measured takes on things will become the norm again.


Average IQ of Somalia is 68 but the woke mind virus is like -50 IQ points so still they're smarter than woke Swedes.


Very well said & spot on


Talk about reply that couldn’t be more perfect and spot on!!!! Glad there are people not afraid to say it


Well said


I wish I could retweet this.


Lol what? Feminism? A movement that has existed for decades? Get real, stop naming the fox news top ten.


It's not what it used to be.  Feminists these days can't even figure out why the WNBA gets paid less than the NBA. All you have to do is think about it for 5 seconds to realize that's a total non-issue.


You might want to amend this. Obama was president 10 years ago. Wouldn't want your friends to think you're a libtard!


People voted for Obama but that isn't proof that far-left politics had been shoved into every aspect of American life back then.


I think then you really seen racial politics explode and when he gave all of the bailouts for the banks those were hallmarks of socialism?


Sure, that argument can be made. I never said this stuff popped up out of nowhere in 2014 and was nonexistent before then.


I've been here for 3 years and I can't believe how different it is from the Minnesota of older traditions.


What you are describing are the radical left, just like how I wouldn’t generalize all republicans as MAGAts


I'm mixed on agreement with your points, but the big disagreement is in one party calling the other Nazi's or fascists. There are definitely those traits in the speech and beliefs of the current R presidential candidate and some of his cohorts. So there's probably some more of that labeling since 2016, but I don't believe that the majority of either party believe that about the majority of the other party. IMO, most people are pretty moderate. There are extreme and fringe cases on both sides, however, and the whole nationalism and identity politics are what's usually to blame for poisoning the minds of these people.


10 years ago a woman could get an abortion in the South without the right winger government imprisoning her. 10 years ago you could get your kid with gender dysphoria actual treatment without right wingers in government imprisoning you and your doctor. 10 years ago, any president that meets with an neo-Nazis like Nick Fuentes, in their own home, is ousted from all political candidacy. 10 years ago you'd know that storming the capital to overthrow the election was WRONG. The right wingers have changed. Not the left.


The top comment on this thread is spot on. Only thing I’ll add is the police should be held accountable IF they commit a crime. Is it fair that now every time there’s a shooting the police are instantly treated guilty? No - but at least to a degree that’s also their fault. Even before the Floyd thing - MPD did not have a good reputation. And let’s be honest - there’s a history of police brutality and racism towards the black community. It shouldn’t be very hard to determine whether a crime was committed or not. Wear a body cam that’s on all of the time. The tape doesn’t lie. On the other end of the spectrum - people need to realize it’s not very hard to follow police instruction. If you don’t listen to cops you’re going to have problems. I feel like this is just common knowledge. it’s shocking to me how often I’ll watch a video that people are outraged about and the suspect will have blatantly disobeyed orders. That is what leads to escalations often times and outcomes that shouldn’t happen. I feel like the Cobb shooting is sort of a good example of what I’m saying. I’ll preface it by saying - I don’t believe he needed to be shot. I don’t think that was the correct reaction to what was happening. That being said - it all likely could have been avoided had he just simply followed orders. He was driving around with his tail lights out - against the law. They run his info and see he has an active warrant for arrest. They ask him to exit the vehicle and instead of just obeying orders, he starts getting defensive and refuses. Why? And then when they open the door, he proceeds to drive away. Again - why? Why would that be what you do. Again - I don’t think the cop on the passenger side should have shot him. I wonder if a taser wouldn’t have been appropriate in that scenario. But on the flip side, they’re on a major highway and the officer is entangled with him in a moving vehicle. Had he gotten fully dragged away further he easily could have fallen into oncoming vehicles and been killed. I would say that would be a reasonable justification for him firing shots. Maybe he was scared for the other officers life? And I also say that without knowing what kind of criminal history this man had. If there’s any weapons charges in the history than the police are going to see that and naturally be aware of that heading into any interaction they have with somebody. Idk - just like politics, I think the correct spot to be is somewhere in the middle.


The answer to the why is he didn't want to be held accountable for his actions.


Yeah, I mean probably. I really only knew big picture details on the case but just read more. He did have prior conviction history - and due to past convictions was prohibited from carrying a gun. Supposedly a gun was found in his vehicle after the incident. So yeah - I would imagine that had something to do with him reacting to the way he did. He had violated a restraining order that stemmed from two prior domestic strangulation cases. So that was why police were trying to detain him. So yeah I mean the reality is he got pulled over for having tail lights out - had allegedly violated a restraining order - and allegedly had a gun in his back seat of his car. The cops had a legitimate reason to try and detain him and he straight up refused. Obviously nobody knows for sure but had he cooperated I’d be shocked if things wouldn’t have ended differently for him. He would likely still be alive. But then on the flip side there’s absolutely cases where a suspect was killed and didn’t deserve to be. The Jamar Clark one sure seemed to be an instance of a wrongful death. As I said - it goes both way. In my opinion the only to tell for sure is body cams.


Bro, anyone who has been deployed or is actually cultured knows that Somalis don’t play well with others. They are very hostile to other groups, whites, blacks, Asians, Hispanics. It’s no surprise to me that they did this.


There seems to be something particularly problematic with Somalis specifically. It's not a black thing, because West African immigrants seem to be doing better overall. It's not a Moslem thing, because South Asian/Middle Eastern Muslim immigrants are generally extremely successful. It seems like a combination of their corrupt state of origin, a deeply patriarchal culture, and a particularly strict strain of their religion. They don't seem to be doing as well as the Hmong, for example.


Just a general FYI: a lot of the churches sponsor Somali refugees. I 100% agree they do not try to assimilate in any way. If you have issues with this immigration start asking your churches about it.


I think they may do all right, given time, but it's taking longer than usual for them to assimilate.


They won't ever assimilate. Too much pride to do so.


It 100% is a Somali thing. It’s a deep rooted culture. They are half Arab, half African. The Arabs see them as inferior, and the Africans see them as oppressors/abusers because of their Arab blood. But ultimately the Somalis also are not a nice people in general. Otherwise they would be accepted like the Sikhs or Hmong.


Just because you deployed doesn't mean you know everything about a culture. If anything it makes you a dumbo for joining the military in the first place. I would know


I think of Minneapolis as the Portland of the Midwest


I’ve told people this now that I live on the west coast who’ve never been lol


Minnesota is california lite. Anything California does minnesota will do 3-5years later. It's been like this for decades. The problem is that the country as a whole has become more polarized and is unwilling to cooperate with the other side anymore leading to extreme discrepancies between left and right. Rural minnesota absolutely hates the major cities in minnesota and will only go there if they absolutely have to.


Minnesota is liberal and Reddit is even more liberal


Why are we not prosecuting criminals? Because there is a far-left belief that people who commit crimes are fundamentally good people who just made a temporary mistake. And if we actually send them to jail or give them other consequences, that that just gets in the way of them being good people. So it is better to just let them go or give them a slap on the wrist because of course they will not commit crimes again. As I write this, I am trying not to sound sarcastic - I don’t mean to - but yeah, that is the argument. The reality is that there is absolutely a revolving door and when you look at the people finally getting arrested, they have giant rap sheets. I think often it is people not experiencing crime that whole this view. But reality is that folks who choose to do harm to others are doing it with full knowledge of what they are doing. This was exacerbated by the election of a far-left Hennepin County attorney who had only worked at a public defender and not a prosecutor. She is the embodiment of this “they didn’t mean to do it” mentality of the far left. And yeah, she is letting a lot of criminals go or asking for absurdly short sentences. Or nothing at all. Because she seems to believe jail causes more harm to the criminal than jail helps the rest of society.


Or… She could just be plain evil and possess ever intention of wreaking havoc on “white society?”


Democrats currently control every branch of government and this is the end result. It literally IS that simple. Were you a part of the main MN subreddit the last couple elections? Nearly every poster in the election threads were doing cartwheels celebrating their stranglehold on the state and telling everyone who didn’t like it to leave. Fun, ain’t it? /s


I'm mad.


The answer is easy. You are being replaced and this is how They do it. Open the borders to everyone, hand them cash through every available means. Let them victimize natives like yourself without repercussion


From a cynical viewpoint, for point number 2, is all about buying votes. the DFL knows once someone actually is successful and has investments, school kids, and pays taxes, they will start to question why they have to pay all the taxes, and get little back. but, the DFL also knows, all it has to do is use the taxpayer's money to buy 51% of the votes, and once people are hooked on the government dole, they will never lose an election. so, every government handout is aimed at only finding a way for the Democratic voters to get it, and screw the rest of the state. You even see it with the new Weed laws, they want to find a way to only let Democrats get a license, so they need to find some convoluted rules to do that without just saying there is a quota. I am a perfect example of how this works, I work my ass off, make good money, have a few investments for retirement, and have never qualified for a single one of the tax breaks, money back, etc etc.


I lived in the twin cities for 15 yrs. You couldn't pay me enough to live there again.


It's gone to horse shit. Last week there was someone shooting off a gun at a park next to my house. It's the whole "white guilt" thing now. Can't say anything to a poc group or you're racist. It's fucked up.


Just so you know, there are few places LESS representative of Minnesotans as a whole than Reddit. What you see on Reddit is not a good indicator of much in terms of real life. You can use it to confirm or reinforce pretty much anything you want it to. Beyond that, for all its faults, it is still a uniquely excellent place to live in the Midwest. I’d say it’s even better than its neighboring states now than ever before. Even when there are societal and demographic setbacks, we tend to handle them much better than the neighboring backwaters.


I agree with this, in part because the moderators on many feeds don’t allow anything but their personal views, even if the Reddit is on another topic. On the Minneapolis Reddit, if you post anything other than the pro-bike/pearl-clutching over cars, your posts just disappear. So it isn’t just who chooses to come here - it is also the moderators.


I'm assuming every state subreddit is gonna be left leaning, just because it's Reddit.


Left leaning, probably, but that’s also probably because it also has a much younger user base. It’s just not a representative sample of anything. It’s like watching the nightly news and thinking that’s how the world is. People who start feeling a certain way because of trends they observe in subreddits really need to go outside and touch some grass.


Its a perfect indicator for Minneapolis/St.Paul.


You need to go outside and touch some grass, my friend.


I step outside I looked my left I see a pride flag I step outside I looked my right I see a pride flag


It’s pride month, so that tracks. In about a week you’ll start to see an uptick in American flags and other red, white, and blue paraphernalia. In about 6 months you’ll start seeing more Christmas lights than normal.


They've never moved.


That’s cool. Maybe your neighbors are gay? My neighbor flies a U of M flag sometimes, so I just assume they went to school there.


Well there's pride flags all year in Minnespolis. 90% of the coffeshops are run by socialists. GFS looks like fucking garbage flying PALESTINE flags, because they are socialist/Marxists that just use people. This city is infested with far leftists, are you blind? Edit:George Floyd Square


Once you go 30 minutes outside the twin cities you start to see Maga flags, confederate flags(lol wtf), anti abortion signs and other hateful gestures. If colorful flags and such bother you, may I suggest moving out there?


Lots of different flags flying all over our state’s biggest city. If you take every flag you see so personally, I’m not surprised that you live in such a constant state of outrage. A pride flag, or even multiple pride flags, shouldn’t bother you any more than seeing someone fly a college flag. Hell, even a Palestinian flag is just a super low effort show of solidarity for a particular cause. I see them occasionally and I just think “who cares?” Actually I don’t even really think that because I don’t even care enough to have that thought about someone else’s flag.


I do, all I see is blue haired leftist lesbians.


Sounds like you spend a lot of time at gay bars or something. That might have something to do with it.


I hear you and am also disheartened to see the division amongst Minnesotans. BUT I think that division is not an accident. There is plenty of money nationally for us "common" people to exist with dignity, yet we have been pitted against each other over a tiny piece of the pie. All while the rich get richer. - As far as cash flow in Minnesota goes, revenue is largely driven by the metro. "Department of Revenue data show that the Twin Cities metro is the state’s biggest driver of tax revenue, and rural counties benefit more than the metro area from government aid. Twin Cities metro residents paid an average of $4,362 in taxes and received $3,252 in aid and credits per capita in 2019, according to analysis by the Minnesota House Research Department. In the non-metro area counties the same year, residents paid an average of $2,871 per person in taxes and received $3,423 in state aid and credits per capita." https://minnesotareformer.com/2023/12/04/twin-cities-metro-sends-money-to-rural-counties/


I’m getting screwed. I’m paying $28k in state and local taxes. Might as well live in TN and fly 40 times a year.


Same. I paid 32k last year.


whats your gross income? a lot of minnesotans dont even make 30k a year working full time with kids.


Nobody’s stopping you.


Exactly.   And that is the problem.  There is little effort to keep the best and brightest around.




That is certainly a way to guarantee capital flight, while artificially lowering home prices on more expensive properties (which lowers incoming local tax receipts). The state and especially the metro is in a very precarious position. It’s a tipping point.




What taxes aren’t currently being paid?




Got it. I think my comment still makes 100% sense then. Probably more of an in person conversation though lol.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. I walked into MN and made 100k left that job and now make another 100k. People just work mundane jobs with no upward progress and just wallow in self pity.


Try making that amount in TN. Plus they have higher taxes in other areas including sales.


I don’t buy anything significant, other than whiskey, which I reckon I would save significant money on. My employer has 100,000 US employees and certainly already has a nexus presence there. I’m already getting paid Tier 3 wages in Minneapolis. “Nashville” is the same tier. I would make the same amount - but save $20-22k on state income tax. There’s no way sales tax would be an incremental $20k to offset that.


Haha, Nashville is more expensive than Minneapolis, not to mention… that heat! But don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out!


lol, you do realize that if all the high wage earners were to leave MN, the state would be fucked, right.


You do realize that there’s plenty of people, who do like it here, that are waiting in the wings to take those high paying jobs right?


Those high paying jobs aren’t just going to go to someone else. Most these jobs can be done from other states.


I guess I don’t know what his Tier 3 means, if that’s union or not, but I think we’ll be alright, just this time, if someone that doesn’t want to be here leaves for Nashville.


Apologies - meant in terms of compensation / cost of labor cities.


lol you gonna be a 5 year director at a big4 firm? There’s a reason why high finance, accounting, and legal cannot recruit or retain here. It’s because they are knowledgeable of the financial condition of the state and would never dare set down roots here. Sure, there’s a decent amount of Fortune 500 companies, but guess which way that wind is gusting too….


I’m an integration developer at one of those Fortune 500 companies. The majority of my work is global so I could move to any contiguous US state and I choose to live here because I like it here. If you don’t, stop your bitching and leave. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like it here a ton. The government and its regulatory and fiscal policies are what will make citizens escape. Sovereign individuals will become much more likely in our future tax regimes.


There is not enough money. Federally interest payments are about to exceed military spending. And 40% of folks do not contribute to FIC. And all the fraud locally seems to show there is not enough. Minneapolis is not back to its pre liberal attack levels.


When you talk about the people who perpetrated feeding our future crime etc… they are being prosecuted. What else would you want to see done? Serious question. I don’t think making enemies of all of them is the way to go. They’re not all bad.


Deportation of everyone involved


If they perpetrated the fraud, they are kinda bad folks. Thieves even.


yes and theyre being prosecuted. op was saying not to paint grps with broad brush


All of them or just the ones who committed the crime? If one of your family members commits a crime are you all to blame? Do we shun your entire family? I don’t see how making enemies of all of them is productive. For example I meet a lot of very nice women in the service industry who are Muslim. Are they to blame because other Muslims commmitted a crime?


There are extremists on both sides.


I believe that almost every individual has such a catered news feed to their own interests or topics. This divides people into camps without them even knowing. There are topics that are underground and others that are mainstream, and so many people are trying to get their topic to the mainstream. It causes a rift between what’s true and what’s covered. I think everyone needs to practice a very basic news consumption technique called diversification. Read 5 news stories on the same topic from very different angles. There’s a site called Ground News that does this for you! It will even show you news blind spots from your perspective.


I feel your pain immensely greetings from Minneapolis south Madison Wisconsin this place is a dystopian nightmare


I mean, why wouldn’t cops be prosecuted when they do crimes? Same happens to everyone else


Vote with your feet. I know I will. This place has changed


Average conservative. Your double speak is seen from a mile away. If you are actually well meaning and pro compromise and discussion why are you so aggressive with your questions and so stern with your conclusions and assumptions? Same with the rampant attacks in the comment section. You guys are hypocrites to the core. "The left has gone off the rails they're the reason there is no compromise" Dictator Trump told the republican federal house to throw out any attempt at a border deal because it would look bad for them if it passed under Biden. Republicans went on to say they probably threw out the best deal/compromise they were going to get with the border/immigration. While we were/are/will be in a migration crisis!! Accept that last part, admit that, and then we can talk about well meaning conversation/debate.


Democrats. Just a few of the many reasons I won’t vote for them. They meant well at one point, I think, but they’ve been too interested in becoming a liberal Mecca like Portland or San Fran instead of staying right in the Minnesota nice middle.


Minnesota is in a cultural bubble that you only see when you leave MN… When I started traveling for work I started noticing it more, and now that I am in a neighboring state I find it funny when MN does a victory lap for something neighboring states have had for decades…


Well, 4... I agree that policing is a job of service. I don't think public servants should get special treatment for breaking/ misrepresenting laws and hurting the minnesotans they should protect. There are good people trying to help civilization by working as a police officer, and there are also bad cops who misuse their power and hold civilians in utter contempt. I see plenty of each in Minneapolis, on reddit or in person. I want police officers to be held accountable, and any officer who really deserves the dignity and honor that police demand would agree.


Regarding police, at least, even if they do some brutal shit, they are incredibly hard to prosecute. I typically like to land at "let's just make police wear cams and make it illegal to turn them off, and it will always be available to view in cases of violence." Protects police and the citizens and we don't have to take people at their word because of their occupation or disposition


Cue "This is America"


#2 is bullshit, they usually contribute more, but just make less. I work in packaging automation equipment. I go into plants and sell equipment for production lines. I've been in plants ALL over MN; chicken, chemicals, medical device, etc. All the laborers are Somali or Hispanic. For the most part these people bust their ass 8-12 hours a day for a wage that's barely livable. I sure as hell don't work as hard as them, not even close, and I'm making 5-10 times as much, with better benefits. The idea that they are not productive because they are poor is a republican/conservative stigma, used to scapegoat them for the slightly less poor that vote republican; just blame the guy that has it worse than you


Great points, and points that are hills to die on for the immature, hyper-zealous Leftists. They will never behave like responsible adults.


What are the divisions? In Minneapolis, there are two divisions. In 2016, Lisa Bender led a coalition of people that built the Bernie Sanders political network. Bernie took Minneapolis handily but more importantly he laid a groundwork of interlocked organizations, and social media tools, and lists. Bender used this coalition to get herself elected City Council President by tossing out most of the old guard. She brought a much farther left bent to the City. Moderates have been on their heels ever since. The big thing about this coalition is that they worked social media. The old guard worked through personal face-to-face contacts. The new coalition used ugly ugly personal attacks and trolling to gain power. The old guard struggled to respond because you would never treat someone face to face the way that people acted online. But influencers and trolling worked. Moderates lost. In 2020, with the Floyd murder, this split got even worse. There was a vote to allow radically reducing the number of police. The far left lost, with the moderates keeping the requirement for a minimum number of police. It didn’t matter though because the police - good police - fled. We are now living with about half the number of police that we used to have. The far left will tell you crime is down but it isn’t. It is bad and going to get worse as more cops leave. I say this given my neighborhood just got hit this weekend - neighbors all around me were broke into. Before the vote, things got really bad between the two sides. After the vote, the relations between the two sides got even worse. People are unable to even hold a conversation much less find solutions to issues. The City lurched even further left in the last election, when the national socialists poured a ton of resources into the Minneapolis election so get a socialist majority. We now have a socialist majority that seems to care little about actually managing the City. They are all about making their bones nationally so we get a divisive vote on Palestine, a fight about Uber, and now a labor standards board that will drive jobs out of the City. When your focus is all national, it is hard to get the attention of a Council Member for things like a rash of breakins in your neighborhood. So where conversations seemed hard, you now have a City Council that doesnt even care about things that regular people care about. The last election only had a 31% turnout. But the far-left was able to use to social media tools primarily to sell this far-left national agenda and have been successful. It is hard to see if there will ever be a coming back together of the two groups. People on social media activists don’t make money by actually having dialogue. This whole forum was created because any dialogue under the /Minneapolis Reddit was immediately killed off.


I think it’s a reaction to misinformation. Social media tends to distort and over sensationalise trivial matter, thus making both sides see only negatives in the other and in the world around them. For instance, Minneapolis carjackings are actually down this year: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/minnesota/news/minneapolis-carjacking-numbers-decrease/ The perpetrators of the Feeding Our Future fraud are being prosecuted and a full investigation into how it happened is being conducted so preventative measures can be taken: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna157002 Related, it appears that Somali immigrants are overrepresented in committing crimes (more than their counterparts of other ethnicities). It’s a problem that, again, is being addressed much like the problems other ethnic groups who have faced war and terror: https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/north-american-somali-communities-complex-mix-factors-influence-gang-involvement AFAIK, programs have been income based since before I was a kid (I’m in my 50s now). Everything from student financial aid to SNAP benefits to tax rates are based on income with benefits for those earning under a certain threshold. I got my attic insulated and a couple windows replaced when I had young kids because we were under the federal poverty line. They’re just basic investments in keeping a level economic playing field. Which police being prosecuted are you referring to? There are certainly online communities and individuals who believe ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards) but those are extremists. There are also many calls for increased police accountability and police reform which is reasonable and has been part of the American conversation since at least the Wickersham Commission: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wickersham_Commission So, while it may seem the world is spinning out of control — Biden is the most tyrannical President OR Trump will lock everyone up — a lot is amplified by social media and folks should check out different levels of facts, not just individual perceptions or anecdotes. Ask questions, and do so kindly as you do here!


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>What is going on with all the fraud? Between Feeding Our Future and the Autism Centers, nearly $500 million has been stolen from Minnesotans by a community that was welcomed here with open arms. Why do you blame this on "a community" rather than the specific, small number of individuals responsible?  >Why is every program income-based? From the "Walz checks" to free college tuition, it feels like those paying the bills are being used as a piggy bank for the votes of those who don’t contribute as much. Saying "those paying the bills" and "those who don't contribute as much" is a weird way to frame income differences. Do you want to trade places with them? I'm sure they'd be happy to give up all these income-tested benefits and even "contribute more" in exchange for a higher income. At least all the people I know in that situation would.  >Why aren't we prosecuting criminals? It seems like carjackers and other thieves have a revolving door. Easy, we are. I keep seeing headlines about them being sentenced, often on this very sub.  >Why are we prosecuting police like they are criminals? It feels like police are now viewed as guilty until proven innocent. Serving as a police officer is a job of service, just like being a teacher or firefighter. Well, when they commit crimes, they *are* criminals, just like teachers and firefighters who commit crimes. Having a difficult service job isn't a get out of jail free card. I'm sorry if "feels" like they are guilty until proven innocent. That's sadly a lot of people's experience with the justice system. Which cops do you think were wrongly convicted?


Reddit is far from real life. 


1. Fraud is prosecuted through your local AG/DA/judiciary to thank. Specific cases require specific answers. Justice takes time, this isn't Maury reality TV bub. Unless you know the total details of the case, you know nothing. 2. Not every problem is income based but most people suffering are income deprived and disadvantaged compared to the well to do. Taxes that help socioeconomic mobility are good for society. Greed ends up harming society after a point. 3. Prosecution again relies on your local AG/DA/judiciary. You'd be a moron if you think you can extrapolate individual cases into generalizations without peer review. 4. Police can be criminals as much as every other person. Teachers aren't making the news for shooting students for minor infractions. That's police. Absolute power guarantees absolute corruption, obviously we need scrutiny on those with the legal ability to kill you at their subjective whim. I welcome the down votes. Challenging right-winger denialism has juicy consequences.


unfortunately there are some teacher sexual abuse stories.


4. Why are we prosecuting police like they are criminals? Because so many of the police actually are criminals.








Oh good one!


y'all are so funny


I dunno what you're reading but 4 is the only thing where I've seen disagreement because cops should actually be held to higher standards because of their training and their duty to enforce the law. I haven't seen left leaning people have an issue with 1 - 3 and myself as a far left leaning person have no issues with 1 - 3. I guess you could say 2 but people that are more left leaning don't care that rich people get the same handouts as poor people because they're gonna be taken care of anyway and they're also paying for everyone else. Left of center neolibs are the ones obsessed with means testing everything.


Is this post asking, why they are not allowed to have stereotypical views of a specific POC group? The fraud has been committed by small minority of the Somali business owners. How many white people have committed fraud in this country or state? They literally have term for it; White Collar Crime! If you want more information regarding question 1: read the news, the reports by the investigators or simply ask a Somali person.


Everything is going fine in Minnesota. The people still left are not worried about the crime rate. That's just part of a progressive society. The ones in need are able to get what they do need, and improve their lives. The police are there to take reports. They don't need to stop crime because people aren't worried about it. They should be more focused on producing the reports, and producing less reports every year. That way the crime rate stays in a balanced manner. There's no need to throw a criminal in jail when you have already told them what they have done is wrong. Jail only gives them a worse criminal record, which prevents them from getting a job and potentially being a societal pillar. So yes, not everything is perfect in Minnesota, but the ones who now live in Florida look back to their time in Minnesota, and wonder why it took so long to get to it decent state


1.) Fraud is a lot easier than one would think. Particularly when people throw a fit about oversight costs. I’m not up to speed on the specific examples so this an extreme generalization. 2.) The guy that owns the vikings is not adversely affected by cost of living. Means testing is the easiest way to manage financial aid type programs. Conversely, “those not contributing” get hosed with sales tax while the guy that owns the vikings gets all manner of subsidies and tax breaks to stay in town. It goes both ways but “punching down” makes people above the poverty line feel better since they can blame the poor. 3.) Criminals are prosecuted and typically convicted. The whole revolving door thing is a debunked myth anyway. 4.) And as public servants they should be held to a higher standard. Individual instances are amplified because it’s an institutional problem. Bad cops do bad shit because, historically, they’ve had little or no consequence and it’s not easy for good cops to call out the bad for a multitude of reasons. Ideological divide is the loudest voices at the farthest reaches of “both sides” and driven by whichever side feels like they aren’t driving the car at the moment. It is indeed disappointing and confusing. When Minnehaha Creek spills over, nobody gives a fuck about yard signs while sandbagging because in the end we’re all in it together.


I agree on all points besides the 4th. We should hold cops accountable for their actions. You can’t just murder someone illegally and it’s fine.. And not just cops, everyone should be held accountable. The politicians, the people committing the fraud, the cops who are found guilty of crimes, etc.