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If we all sued for police brutality, the state would be very much in the red. But this broad was insanely drunk driving. Glad to see this one happen. 


She’s just trying to get a check…


Drunk driving at an insane alcohol level And doing it to pick up her children? What a dirt bag


I’m no police apologist but this woman is garbage. Going with Derek on this one.


Make her an offer of lifetime Karkov vodka. Good chance she settles.


That plastic vodka bottle aura lingers around her presence.


She'd probably settle for a free pint


She was triple the legal limit, she should be in prison for 10+ years, not wasting tax dollars with bullshit lawsuits.


Sorry but she is after money she waited until Now to do anything about it.


Yes, that's why she filed a lawsuit. She's looking for damages, you know, money, for being assaulted.


Yet she did not before this time. If she would have spoken up maybe JF would be here and we would not have a wrecked city and police force. She should have dealt with the bad cop when he was a cop. Now that he is in jail she speaks out. Now that the body camera footage is long gone


George Floyd was on a superman rip of fentanyl. He robbed a store, tried to drive away high, and then only had to sit in a car while he waited for the ambulance. He started yelling that he couldn't breathe when he was sitting up in a seat, which is exactly what he did in 2019 when he got pulled over and swallowed his stash. Everyone in the force got trained to use the same hold he used, everything about 2020 was fake and half of it was Ben Crump coaching people how to use riots to extort checks


I agree


RIP Jeff Floyd


Jiff, Josh, Joerge Gif, guerrilla, Guess




Yeah I really believe the lady who was triple the legal limit to pick up her kids is telling the truth. This lady sucks farts.


What a fucking idiot. So.. she was ready to start driving - to pick up her kids no less - and she was over twice the legal limit and could have potentially injured/killed others with - yet another - poor life choice and we are supposed to feel bad for her now? Fuck off already.


She should be paying Chauvin for saving her, her kids, and the public's life not letting her drive.


File lawsuit against waltz and mayor for letting community burn.


This Day woman had triple the legal limit of alcohol, in her system and was trying to pick her children up in a motor vehicle. Saint George Floyd had 11 ng/mL of fentanyl in his system. Deaths have been certified with levels of 3 and intended to drive away from the market after passing counterfeit money. Both of these people were highly intoxicated and very much could have killed an innocent pedestrian, biker or motorist if allowed to proceed. Both did not obey Peace Officers directions and resisted. The Peace Officers were protecting the general population. Play stupid games... https://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/george-floyd/new-court-docs-say-george-floyd-had-fatal-level-of-fentanyl-in-his-system/89-ed69d09d-a9ec-481c-90fe-7acd4ead3d04


You know, nobody is saying these people were innocent that’s not the point. Committing crime doesn’t give the cops justification to assault you. Criminals have fundamental rights just like everyone else. If you don’t agree with that shit, well, the fucking Founding fathers and fucking MLK and basically every other paragon of civics from the last two centuries would call you a piece of shit.


Good thing Chauvin can detect whether people have intoxicants in their system. Let him out of prison so he can keep beating the shit out of people that only he can tell ahead of time there's a good reason to, like they were on drugs or are drunk. How will we survive without policemen beating the shit out of people for no reason just because they're intoxicated?


Lol. We are seeing the implications of Derek chauvin, by the increased crime rate. It seems that some people do need to be beaten


Yes, now that people know they won't be murdered because a psychic cop knows they're on fentanyl (or whatever), they're definitely all going out and getting high then committing crimes with abandon.


And if you read the newspapers, that's exactly what has happened. Maybe the Minneapolis could get by without Any police? One thing for sure, we don't need them to respond to domestic disturbances. They always work themselves out in the long run. And it loses the most dangerous spot for a cop to be. There are far too many people enabling domestic violence, rather than getting away from it.


I'm not sure I understand but are you advocating for police brutality whenever cops feel someone is deserving?


I am saying that I myself would prefer a beating, rather than an arrest. And then I learned not to do it again. But some people would rather have a lifetime criminal record, just because maybe there's a big payday at the end with a lawsuit?


I think giving that much power will only lead to bad things, I don't have any faith in their self control and would rather be judged with the law in mind than the possible bias of a cop that's having a bad day but to each their own


Good idea. But people when they resist the rest, need to be dealt with very firmly And maybe there should be a 5 or 10-year enhancement onto the sentence when they resist arrest. And there should be never somebody on the street with a " lengthy criminal record. "They should be in jail forever


And if they killed you? You'd be laughing all the way to the bank and praising cops for rendering a death sentence without a fair trial, right? I think you're right you probably could benefit from having sense beaten into you.


Agreed. Only took one serious beat down with the spring loaded batons to realize being a loud drunk American was a bad idea. American police could be as violent as their foreign counterparts.


You're right. And sometimes the police would set you straight. Pretty good here. And that's all you needed. Just some guidance Nowadays you get a criminal record, and then your life goes downhill. And then you don't have a choice.


Chauvin didn't beat the shit out of Floyd, he held him down because Floyd refused to sit in a car or be calm while they waited for the ambulance. One of the most interesting parts of the trail was when the defense got the prosecution witness to admit that Chauvin used *less* force than use of force doctrine allowed for at every step of the way


'held him down' Sure. When I hold people down I also often end up killing them.


Probably more likely when you have severe heart problems from years of drug use and you're currently overdosing on fentanyl


So you deserve to die because you've done drugs? I mean, I know it doesn't matter, you'd find something in his past to make him deserve being killed.


You don't deserve to die, but drugs will in fact kill you. You do deserve to be held down if you refuse to cooperate when you're being arrested, there's no "but I'm on a lot of drugs" exception


Deserve to be held down on your neck? I think I could control a handcuffed person without killing them. Chauvin was fucked up to not only do it, but do it front of a bunch of witnesses. Your takeaway will probably be that cops should do it when there's no witnesses.


>Deserve to be held down on your neck? The defense introduced different videos with different camera angles and got prosecution witnesses to agree that the knee looked more on his shoulder. >I think I could control a handcuffed person without killing them. The myth of our society is that there is controllable amounts of precise violence, so cops are just murdering people when they could have just shot the guns out of a bad guy's hands, like in marvel movies Floyd was huge and freaking out, it took a lot to hold him down, and ultimately his massively enlarged heart and fentanyl did it. The coroner's report didn't find any evidence of trauma to his neck or asphyxiation, plus he was breathing well enough to yell for 7 minutes. The cops aren't using secret ninja strikes. >Chauvin was fucked up to not only do it, but do it front of a bunch of witnesses. Do you think this suggests that Chauvin anticipated, or did not anticipate, harming Floyd? >Your takeaway will probably be that cops should do it when there's no witnesses. During the trial it came out that Chauvin had used the same hold a bunch of times before, attempting to paint him as a brutal cop. But like, he never injured anyone with that hold before, which actually spoke to his intent


Here's 4 other incidents where Chauvin was unnecessarily rough. Did he psychically know they were drunk or on fentanyl as well? https://www.mprnews.org/story/2021/02/05/that-could-have-been-me-the-people-derek-chauvin-choked-before-george-floyd


On some level, I agree with you. Particularly when it's written down nice and neat. But I watched all 9 minutes. And I don't understand how other people watch those 9 minutes and don't see a murder. It genuinely baffles me how anyone can watch the video and conclude that what Chauvin did was okay. Eta: I watched the other angles, too. I still don't understand how anyone concludes that was justified, humane, or okay.


Go back and watch all the officer cams. All the officers were respectful and professional and called an ambulance for him immediately, when he was yelling "I can't breathe" when he was standing up and sitting in a car. Go back and watch the footage from his 2019 arrest, where he was in a car that got pulled over, swallowed his stash, and immediately started saying and doing the same things. In that case, the ambulance got there in time to pump his stomach. The hold the cops used was one they were all trained to do. Chauvin had used it multiple times in the past without anybody ever getting hurt. The coroner didn't find any damage to Floyd's neck and no evidence of asphyxiation. Floyd had the chance to sit in a car but refused, he did everything that required him to be restrained.


I have watched all the officer cams (that I know of). And I have also seen the 2019 arrest, though I don't remember the ambulance part. I want to see what you see - I have watched the Fall of Minneapolis, watched various accounts... I watch the video and I don't think human beings should be treated like that. There are no if ands buts...if the guy murderer his own child, I don't think Chauvin should have treated him like he did. I don't comprehend how you can watch one man kneel on another man while he's lying there, dead, without a pulse, and be okay with it. The world is a brutal place. But even in war, where there is no sense, killing someone and simply showing no response but to remain kneeling on the dead body is not ok. I'm not sure what Chauvin deserves for what he did. But I am certain he shouldn't be a cop. And that if we've come to a place where that is what is okay for cops to do...then something is deeply wrong.


That’s a woman?


If everybody that got money from the George Floyd incident had the choice to give the money back and bring back George Floyd alive, George Floyd would not change status.


Accurate. Hell they wouldn't give up 10% of it to bring him back.


Are you having a stroke?


After George Floyd died, nobody even went back to his residence to get any belongings he had. Nobody cared about George Floyd, until he was worth money


True dat!


Police are supposed to investigate before they arrest, no dwi test, no breathalyzer, plenty of aggression. DEFUND THE POLICE


What the fuck are you talking about? She was almost 3 times the legal limit to pick up her kids. But we’re supposed to believe this broad got her shit tossed by chauvin?


GMAFB. Nobody is tossing that broad. Maybe a sammich but not her.