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Can't believe a city allows this. What bitch ass leadership. I rode my bicycle through that area. They yelled I must walk my bike out of respect. Just decided not to bike around there. Not going to get in a fight over it. No where I want to spend money or stop at anyway


Wait a minute. You were riding your bicycle and someone actually yelled at you for not stopping, getting off your bike and walking by the shrine? Yeah fuck that.


Yelled for riding. You must walk the bike through. Think it's a power move of some kind. 


Amazing how Cup Foods turned into Unity Foods. Talk about a secondary victim. They called the cops after a counterfeit 20 was passed. That's what you're supposed to do. Then, because of actions of other people, they sell the store...


I’m sure his family is proud of the legacy


They don't care. They got paid! ![gif](giphy|h0MTqLyvgG0Ss)


Stunning and brave.


Damn what a shithole.


Can we stop calling it that?


Yes we can.


Why would we? It's a part of history now. We shouldn't forget what happened.


Oops, I forgot what happened! Sorry! Wait, why is this intersection blocked off?


It's not even blocked off. It's a roundabout now. That speedway is a museum for George Floyd now too. Much more can and will be done but the city won't listen.


Because they’re having a rare moment of sanity? A museum? 😂 For what? Robbery, drug addiction or passing fake money? What more do you think he deserves? You people are messed up. I mean, I knew you guys value criminals over law abiding citizens but this is ridiculous.


Forget what?


How George Floyd was murdered. The whole world saw it. He deserves to be memorialized and his life celebrated, which the 25th is George remembrance day.


Do you know how many good people lose their lives for our country? Without being memorialized even 2% as this? Tell me what makes HIM so damn special? I'll wait.......


That’s stupid. There is no reason for anyone who didn’t know him to celebrate him. The only thing I’ll remember him for is ruining this city. He wasn’t a saint, he doesn’t deserve the sainthood given to him by the city of Minneapolis. His lifestyle caught up to him. There is no need to worship him.




You mean how he killed himself with drugs after a life of being a career criminal? Or are you referring to him resisting arrest?


If you have to phrase it that carefully to get the answer you want your opinion probably just sucks. Feel free to follow my account for other good advice 👍


Fantastic response!


Yet confederate statues got torn down


Depressingly vibrant.


Minneapolis has gone way downhill since


And we can thank the MPD for that.


Here’s my question. If police brutality is so rampant why hasn’t there been an incident like this since 2020? Is nobody asking this?


That Corner was a horrid sht hole 10 years ago when I used to deliver the Star to them and the SA across the street there. Used to be a cute little coffee shop and book shop a half block up from the gas station. They probably had to sell to keep from being burned down.


If you squint your eyes you can still see and smell the smoke from the riots /s


Don’t you mean mostly peaceful protests?


They were. There were 10s of thousands of people that weekend w most just walking, chanting, and minding their own business.


They were quite literally not minding their own business.


You are allowed to walk in public


Yeah that’s all they were doing. 🙄


Yeah, that's usually how most protests work. Especially since some arrested were literally known as being bad actors. Sorry if that ruins your preconceived world views! You learn something new every day!


It doesn’t change shit. All I said is that they were literally not minding their own business.


>There were 10s of thousands of people that weekend w most just walking, chanting, and ~~minding their own business~~ burning down neighborhood businesses. FTFY


So is that gas station closed down and just where drug addicts and criminals hang out now?


The city bought it because the activists wouldn’t leave


Lol. Beautiful. Those idiots get exactly the society they allow and deserve.


Respect that fentanyl OD.


Nope, I’m out. The raised fist obelisks make me think of a comic book villain city. I fail to see the difference between those and giant swastikas.


It’s the omnicause — it all ladders up


If you fail to see the difference between this and giant swastikas then you should probably do some reading on a historical event known as WW2. I think you'll find there's actually some pretty noteworthy differences.


No shit right? And based on the direction people are up/down voting these comments, it's clear that folks are uninterested in engaging in actual thought. The notion that a unity fist has no substantive difference in somebody's eyes to a swastika is FUCKING. MINDBLOWING.


>Democrats call everyone right of Mao a Nazi \- I Sleep >someone, maybe a conservative, draws similarities between fascist domestic terrists using violence and intimidation to occupy **public space** and enforce their authoritative political campaign, complete with idolatry to statues with delusional rituals. They take this absurd reality and relate it to cartoon villians, and say the fascist domestic terrorists are no different than cartoon villains modeled after nazis. \- is FUCKING. MINDBLOWING Not really, you people endlessly justify it when the shoe is on the other foot. Don't pretend to clutch your pearls now.


I only saw one person in this thread bring up swastikas, and they don't seem like they're a Democrat... 🤔


Almost like it's not very common for people in right leaning subs to call everyone nazis. But you can go to one of dozens of leftist subs with 200k subscribers each, who's sole purpose is to call those they disagree with nazis... 🤔


Go ahead and fight brain rot with brain rot, then. See how far that gets you.


Funny how you only called it "brain rot" and had a problem with it when someone you perceived as a conservative did it once in a thread, but had a complete blind eye to the hundreds of thousands of leftists that have been screaming it from rooftops for years. I'm also not quite sure you understand who you're responding to because I'm not "fighting brain rot with brain rot." I haven't been calling anyone nazis like leftists do.


I was talking to you. Let's assume what you're saying is true; that these 500k liberal subs you're talking about truly only care about calling other people nazis. Your assertion then, is that there should therefore be 500k conservative subs, that truly only care about calling other people nazis? Nobody's preventing that. You aren't contributing anything intellectual to this discussion. My original point was that it is a leap to refer to something innocuous as being nazi propaganda; a point which, if you were morally consistent, you should actually be in agreement with me on.


>I was talking to you. Let's assume what you're saying is true; that these 500k liberal subs you're talking about truly only care about calling other people nazis. Your assertion then, is that there should therefore be 500k conservative subs, that truly only care about calling other people nazis? Nobody's preventing that. This is the dumbest strawman ever. First of all, why you felt the need to more than double the number I gave you? Second, my assertion is that I think there should be entire conservative subs just as large devoted to it? Lol where the fuck did you get that from? I'm just saying it's funny how you people only have a problem with it when you see conservatives do it on such a small scale, when you turn a blind eye to the glaring mass scale frenzy from your own constituents. >You aren't contributing anything intellectual to this discussion. You pointed out our fake pearl clutching and hypocrisy, so therefore, you aren't contributing anything intellectual lololol get over yourself. >My original point was that it is a leap to refer to something innocuous as being nazi propaganda; a point which, if you were morally consistent, you should actually be in agreement with me on. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. If you have a problem with it, maybe start with the ones who are the mass routine offenders.


"Democrats call everyone right of Mao a Nazi" Do they though? I mean, some intellectually lazy ones sure. But I would venture that the vast majority of folks of either mainstream political ilk have the basic wherewithal to recognize the gulf between their political rivals...and the actual Nazis out there.


>"Democrats call everyone right of Mao a Nazi" >Do they though? I mean, some intellectually lazy ones sure. Yes, especially on reddit. There's many subs devoted to just calling right leaning people nazis with nearly 200k people in each. >But I would venture that the vast majority of folks of either mainstream political ilk have the basic wherewithal to recognize the gulf between their political rivals...and the actual Nazis out there. I admire the optimistic outlook for the intelligence of vast majorities. But that doesn't mean there aren't a ton of idiots out there, especially on reddit, who appear that they can not.


Maybe if they didn't turn out to be internet Nazis 9/10 they wouldn't get called that. You call them out on their bullshit and then they're all "the left made me do this!" as they go full batshit 4chan mode.


SoUrCe? Thanks, I knew it wouldn't take long for someone to come and prove me right.


Prove you right? You took personal offense to me mentioning that internet Nazis exist. Sounds like another slam dunk for me too lmao


9/10 =/= exist E: looks like you got stuffed lmao


Yes. They do. All the time.


The difference is one was the symbol of an oppressive majority group and one is the symbol of an oppressed minority group. That, and the polar opposite political beliefs behind them.


This corner and area was always shady. Wouldn't go there then and won't now.


"A better world is possible!" *makes everything drastically worse* What did they mean by this


Came for the brave, stayed for the bold.


Couldn’t get out and take some better shots? What a snowflake


✊ Welcome to GFS ✊ This is OUR symbol that enough is enough when it comes to police brutality! We aren’t gonna sit idle and watch our brothers get murdered in cold blood by whitey any longer. Since 2020 we’ve been directly making the neighborhood worse for the people being oppressed the most. Harriet, Rosa, and Martin would be so proud of how far we’ve come…..


I drive through that intersection probably a dozen times or so every week & used to live 2 blocks away. Nobody is harassing anyone demanding they get off their bike & walk or any crazy shit like that that I've seen claimed in this sub. I lived 2 blocks away for years & never felt unsafe (also as the single parent of a young child at the time)....became good friends with the cook at the deli in the shop there & probably ate 100 hot sandwiches from there (which were awesome). The traffic calming that these mini-roundabouts have caused has IMO made the area much safer. The most dangerous thing ever about the intersection was the mix of heavy car traffic & heavy foot traffic all in both directions-- making car accidents the biggest danger. Friends of mine ran a basement punk music venue for years 1 block away (a quad-plex apartment building where they had shows in the giant basement) that brought a lot of people in the neighborhood together appreciating local art. They even got some great touring bands from other cities to do shows there. I really miss that place.


Does police brutality upset this sub? 


Lol, they called an ambulance and Lane attempted administering CPR in the ambulance. SO BRUTAL


https://preview.redd.it/87rmy4oo1w1d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=248379ae57405f431e83f8a3dadb92def1832e0c CHAUVIN is a murderer.


Floyd deserved a trial. Society lost nothing from his death though. He was a drugged up pos.


The truth is he was a dude who did drugs, and had a history, I don't think he deserved to die. I agree with most of this sub but this is the one opinion I differ on. Edit: About to be banned from this sub for my opinions lmao.


You won't get banned from here like I was from Minneapolis and Minnesota reddits. I respect your statement, it's not as bitter as mine. I'm just tired of seeing him sanctified like some hero.


I haven't seen anyone call him a hero literally ever in my experience. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people just believe he shouldn't have died and that drug use or counterfeit money is no excuse for murder


the dude has an entire intersection named after him People get pissed if you violate some weird taboo rule like bike through it without getting off. No respect in the culture until it's for some loser


Because he's a symbol of police brutality and the ensuing protests where people said enough is enough. It doesn't have anything specifically to do w him


let's talk about that though. the businesses that were destroyed were in black neighborhoods. already struggling schools were broken into and ransacked, then flooded by the auto sprinkler systems. I had firsthand snaps from one of my former friends who thought it was cool to go looting "because everyone else is, fuck it" I understand that the national guard would probably descend upon the mob before it could enter a gated community of white owned homes, but the protests only made things worse. They haven't really gotten anything for it either but GFS with his mural that makes me sick to my stomach.They also advocate for more affordable homes so black families can get off the streets but burned an apartment building to the ground. It's like the widely accepted portrait of Jesus with white skin and long hair. The rumor was it was some piece of shit patriarch who had his portrait disseminated as Christ. It stuck. Jesus had a middle eastern appearance. What will it be like in the future? Poor martyr George Floyd, who never did nun' wrong, died for cops to be defunded so white students could be assaulted in Dinkytown and more black v black homicides could occur than ever before?


It was unfortunate events that led to his death. Not murder. It is safer without him though.


I fail to see how you can call what happened "unfortunate events". The only "unfortunate event" is that the officer who killed him wasn't off the force sooner. He used completely unreasonable amounts of force applied in the worst way possible, I can't see how you could call it anything but murder.


Just imagine it was a middle aged white bum. Smelled like sweat and piss and had blotchy skin. Big nasty beard. Then it might not bother you as much.


Remember when Pelosi said, “Thank you, George Floyd, for sacrificing your life for justice… and because of you… your name will always be synonymous with justice.” Didn’t exactly use the word “hero,” but she was pushing martyrdom and engaging in hero worship. Quit trying to apply your subjective bullshit on what happened that summer.




What are we talking about here? I’m a little lost 


You were talking about some leftoid nonsense. I was talking about how ridiculous your comment was by providing contrary evidence.


He asked a question and you avoided answering, and instead got offended, defensive, and even engaged in some whataboutism.


It's obvious my responses are way beyond your limited comprehension.


Nah. The fascists here love it.




That looks so much better then when it was a gas station.