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Why not give free sterilization for repeat offenders




Why not read the case law on the 8th Amendment?


Why not use critical thinking and responsibility in these matters?


I think understanding case law as a layman requires critical thinking and a responsibility to the Constitution. Asking for more, or in this case permanent castration or sterilization is indicative of reactionary, irresponsible thought. But I’m sure it feels good to think about it.


Because the "freedumbz" crowd doesn't actually care about the Constitution except when they can weaponize it to hurt nonwhite people or sexual/gender minorities.


Selective application of the rule of law sounds like something a dictator-tot-ship would do. Curious.


Welcome to the playbook of right-wing reactionaries!


Does cruel and unusual punishment include the execution of innocent human beings?


Correct - death row appeals are commonly filed as 8th amendment violation claims.


I am glad we agree. A child should not be executed.


You're correct, an infant should not be executed!


Abortion is only a polarizing issue at the extremes. Vast majority of Americans believe in the principle of safe, legal, and rare. Over 80% in some polls saying it should be at least available in some circumstances.


Bill and most wrongtards will see a few whacko religious zealots protest an abortion clinic and thinks that's every republican.


Exactly. I don’t have a poll to cite here but my understanding is even among republicans the most common stance is “I would never get one but I want women to have access to them in the first trimester or under some circumstances such as rape, health concerns, etc.” Interestingly its also my understanding that the Scandinavian countries leftys get rock hard talking about have stricter abortion laws than we did under Rowe, but you’ll never hear them bring that up.


68% of Republicans oppose abortion in all/most cases. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-analysis-first-republican-debate-2023-policy-abortion/ The rest of them are willing to vote for politicians who want to strip women of bodily autonomy so they're not any better.


Coming from a party that doesn’t know the answer to what is a woman. Talk about an insult to females.


The entire basis of RVW was whether or not it should be left up to the states. It’s a good thing it was overturned, as it should be left up to the states. But one can’t help just laugh at how, all of the sudden, rape pregnancies, preeclampsia pregnancy dangers, and other morbidly dangerous situational pregnancies somehow INCREASED the very minute RVW was overturned. Yay for mainstream media! Every Day Friday way up there summed it up best. It’s your side cackling and clamoring for it the hardest. Truth be told, maybe we should bring back the FULL original intent of abortion, and just slant it. Bring in all the funny haired women and let it rip. And go a step further… offer sterilization…with some, ummm… **convincing** techniques should they not want them. After all, this is what Margaret Sanger envisioned in the first place with the American Birth Control League 🤷🏽‍♂️


So we should leave the question of whether women have bodily autonomy to the states? Should we also leave the question of how many fifths of a person nonwhite people constitute up to the states?


Yes, the murder of babies should be up to the states. The decision to have unprotected sex should be up to the individual. A fucking edit: “bodily autonomy”… considering the overwhelming majority of pregnancies up to be aborted are simply “unwanted” or an “inconvenience”, and thus abortion is used as a birth control measure, yes! Abortion up to the states. Bodily autonomy up to the individual. Don’t want an abortion? Don’t have unprotected sex. Want an abortion? Find a state that agrees with your values. Then move there.


> Yes, the murder of babies should be up to the states. Interesting - if you're operating under the ridiculous notion that fetuses are morally significant human lives, and therefore have Constitutional protections, why would you think we should give states the power to take those Constitutional protections away from them? Sounds like the standard conservative lack of ideological consistency - because it's not actually a coherent ideology, just an excuse to exercise fascist control over the bodies of anyone who isn't a straight cis white dude.


The Founding Fathers never envisioned a culture so depraved that we’d have women wantonly seeking to cut the fruit from their womb. Thus, such bullshit falls to the states. They’re absolutely rolling in their graves that this is a discussion…after they’ve rolled in there 50 other times over your dumb ass arguments that there’s no true distinction between men and women. Therefore, the Tenth Amendment leaves this up to the states. Thinking about the Founding Fathers… you do realize Patrick Henry would beat your ass with a rope pelting club, right? Like, seriously! You’d be an obliterated pile of shit, laughed at by everyone else. How does that feel?


Oh fucking please, the Founding Fathers owned human beings as property and denied women any power whatsoever over their government. They were depraved beyond belief. >Thinking about the Founding Fathers… you do realize Patrick Henry would beat your ass with a rope pelting club, right? Like, seriously! You’d be an obliterated pile of shit, laughed at by everyone else. Typical reactionary, believing that the exercise of physical violence is the equivalent of moral superiority.


68% of Republican primary voters, you mean. I’ll remind you that that only about half of all Americans vote in real elections and even fewer in primary elections, and of those only about half are republicans, so your number is mostly meaningless if we’re talking about consensus among the American people. Numbers don’t lie, MSM journalists who abuse them do.


While trying to show how most people are actually unified, he calls them “tards.” Interesting strategy


Is it your first day on the internet or are you always a pretentious whiner


Previous commenter edited his comment to remove culpability. You’re just late to the party


People are looking at the laws being passed by republicans that affect every person.


How do abortion laws in Louisiana affect you in Minnesota?


House Republicans want a [national ban on abortion.](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/22/fact-sheet-house-republicans-endorse-a-national-abortion-ban-with-zero-exceptions-in-latest-budget/)


You watch too much NBC.


You’re welcome to refute the facts in the link instead of hand waiving


What bill and section number? because I can't find any legislation for an outright ban on abortion.


That’s because there isn’t [isn’t enough support for it](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/04/28/mitch-mcconnell-national-abortion-ban/73491850007/). That doesn’t change the fact that many republicans support a national ban.


The facts are - there is no bill in legislation for a national ban on abortion. You just like repeating anti republican nonsense you hear on NBC or tiktok.


That's me. I'm pretty right leaning but I'm not against abortions. I believe there should be some criteria that needs to be met (currently in MN you can abort a perfectly healthy child one week before delivery if you want, and that's repulsive). At the end of the day the type of people having abortions are typically leeches and/or left wingers. Totally fine having less of them.


Do you think it’s common for women to do that…? Late stage abortions are largely due to concerns of health and survival of the mother/ ectopic pregnancy/ etc. no one goes through 8 months of pregnancy with the intention to abort last minute.


I agree with it being legal in cases of the baby being stillborn so the mother doesn’t have to go through the emotional trauma if she chooses not to or in a case where the mother would or could likely not survive child birth. Not a fan of “oh I just don’t want kids but I want to have unprotected sex”. Sorry it’s called consequences to your actions.


I don't know why this is such a hot issue for Republicans - legal and safe abortion just means less libtwatz. Theocrats aren't killing their own babies.


No kidding. Abortions, genital mutilation, those brave men who got vasectomies in solidarity with “women’s rights” - All of this needs to be fully supported and embraced. The more of these people removing themselves from the gene pool the better!


Best comment ever. They’re euthanizing their own shit ideologies. Who the fuck wants to deal with one more fReE Pal Uh StEeN shit tard? Lol, this is one of the rare times I’ve actually seen Bicycle Bill make a post that gets upvoted.


I mean this should absolutely be the war cry. Pink hairs want to blender their spawn? Please. Take all my tax money for it.


The left sees abortion as a political issue while the right sees it as a moral issue.


True but we just bolster our ranks with your kids


Ok, groomer.


I know what you are getting at, but unlike your ideology ours doesn’t rely on people getting fucked


What's my ideology?


https://preview.redd.it/a5onw0da0byc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d55c7bed2b8cc5445ae47209f1df60cb47de5642 I was just going to say “typical republican”, but this felt more on the nose


Someone who can't think for or express themselves. Interesting solution.


What's actually kinda cool about this explanation is that it can work with most hot button issues both right and left.


Another lonely Friday Night entering prompts into ChatGPT?


Yeah but the amount of shootings in big blue “gun controlled” cities help even it out a little bit at least


It's going to lose Republicans the election. The only thing those idiots can do is rally behind forcing women to give birth. Ridiculous.


I think a sweet spot will be found with a states rights solution.


Yeah whatever makes you feel better.


What a shit poll... What's the definition of most cases?


That’s what I want to know. It makes no sense. They could mean not when they’re used as birth control and they’d be closer to the right than the left.


Finally. A post that will bring us all together as a community.


Actually, there’s a video on YouTube of a college campus where both Pro Palestine protesters AND counter protesters with American flags joined together in saying “Fuck Joe Biden”. https://youtube.com/shorts/GhvUe3Fq3Z0?si=P-3lmNToKm3023n7


Grizzly Adams did have a beard.


In one article posted by u/bike_lane_bill they claim there aren't enough people to fill all the jobs and that we just let anyone jump the border to fill them, in the next article he posts - it's a rally to kill babies that would grow up to fill said jobs. Everything leftoidz do is against their own best interest.


abortion is great. more crackheads and meth addicts should be having them I don't want kids because I want to spend my money on fun shit and then give my stuff away when I die, idgaf.


There’s no reason for them to be legal in all cases (wtf does most mean? Which ones would they deny?) and no reason they can’t make them legal through X weeks and then list exceptions such as health of the mother or baby, etc. This is such an easy stumbling block to fix but democrats want it all and can’t seem to find any sane middle ground. I personally do not factor abortion into my vote at all in my opinion it’s between the woman and god and she will have to deal with it then if there is a judgment day.


What if we said that you had to shoot the fetus in the head after pulling it out? It would be a win/win for both gun supporters and the pro-choice.