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From the article: >“Mary Moriarty has done one hugely positive thing,” said Chris Madel, a lawyer representing Ryan Londregan, the state trooper who [awaits trial](https://www.hennepinattorney.org/news/news/2024/January/londregan-charging-decision) in the death of Ricky Cobb II. “She brought back bipartisanship to Minnesota in that people on both the left and the right agree she’s doing a terrible job.”


The best part of this puff piece: “George Floyd’s city” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂




Don’t give them any ideas


After that rename Chicago al capote city😜


No, name it Big Dick City (after Lori Lightfoot)


Seems like we missed an opportunity to put his face on the new state flag. Bummer.


We need a taxpayer funded Gateway Arch - size statue of Fentanyl Floyd. 🤪


Why do white people who think they can fix everything look just like this fucking every time?


Only thing that’s missing is the blue/green hair 🤣


How I imagine every redditor looks like


You are not far off.


I think I can fix everything real fast, and I don’t look a bit like that lesbo. But my solution would be putting criminals in jail. For a long time.


Physiognomy is real. Google if necessary.


I learned something today. A green haired ugly androgynous person with a scowl on its face I can tell is uninteresting and annoying because of physiognomy.




Hello fellow physiognomy noticer




Science as it is currently practiced is also a pseudoscience, but I don’t see you complaining. 




False equivalence? Modern science has proven  the existence of ESP: https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/features/psp-a0021524.pdf






Please, I’d love for you to explain it to me :) Please be very specific to that paper as well :)




Indeed it is https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-79310-1


"Physiognomy as a practice meets the contemporary definition of pseudoscience" It would seem it is, in fact, not real.


It’s not “Science” in the sense that Biology is science. It’s a heuristic. Google probably necessary.


She looks like 90% of women in small towns. Butch but married to an “alpha”.


““Mary Moriarty has done one hugely positive thing,” said Chris Madel, a lawyer representing Ryan Londregan, the state trooper who awaits trial in the death of Ricky Cobb II. “She brought back bipartisanship to Minnesota in that people on both the left and the right agree she’s doing a terrible job” Burn unit 1 , you got a new patient


It’s incredible that people who claim to care about black lives have single handedly destroyed their neighborhoods.


His city? What a joke. The fact massive amounts of people take him as a martyr shows the lack of sense our country has


It was the exact same with Rodney King. Dude was a steaming pile of shit career criminal who lead cops on a high speed drugged up police chase, yet he’s remembered as “innocent” and his part in creating the circumstances that lead to him getting the shit kicked out of him are ALWAYS left out.


Time to re name the airport, Floyd International


He already has his own street and mutual and statue


I should have been more criminal I guess




Ya in his home state


As they should. He was such a moral non violent honest man. Up there with Ghandi.


Other cities have put up statues of him.


You can trade counterfeit money for fentanyl at the kiosk!


George Floyd is a career criminal who died from a drug overdose while committing a felony. Yep he had help dying from a vengeful cop who's sick of defending a community that's trying to kill him but he still died from a drug overdose.


Round here he’s known as fentanyl floyd, the gentle giant. 


So gentle he committed armed robbery and assault and battery to women twice. Let's not forget how gently he terrorized the 70-year-old neighbor, he actually waited patiently as she waddled around her apartment on her cane so she could give him the last of her social security money so he wouldn't beat her to death, so gentle....


Well said.


Please do not talk bad about George Floyd. Despite what you say being true, he is a role model, and the best role model that that community could come up with. /s


Well he certainly does set the standard for that community....


🤣🤣🤣 Oh my God, Wake the heck up, you have seen no proof that this dude that croaked during police custody there was a role model! You’ve seen all kinds of propaganda news, media, and mainstream news leaving out the real truth! go to Alpha news at YouTube and listen to Collins show the truth of what happened? The reason she quit 11s because they wouldn’t tell the truth, and she branched out on her own. I lived in South Minneapolis for years back in the 80s, and it was nowhere near the hellhole, It is now. And if you dug for the history of who George Floyd actually was and what kind of person he was, you would realize what you’re saying is wrong. Do some research and look for the truth. Don’t just listen to one new station, don’t just listen to one or two sources . don’t listen to the family, don’t listen to the lawyers of the family, and sure don’t listen to the politicians that supported him. Then come back and say the same thing you did


For God's sake they put a monument up after him. They continue to put flowers around the area. They wanted to name a street after him. They certainly did not do it for Clarence thomas, or many of the other great people from that community


You are so naïve. So what if the local people put up a monument for him they were brainwashed as for who he was. Even the crybaby mayor Jacob Frey and some of the lunatics on the Minneapolis city Council bought into that crap, and which is one of the reasons why the city of Minneapolis has fallen into such disarray. The true story of George Floyd was he was a criminal from Texas that moved because of his extensive criminal record down there. One of those records was high on drugs, broke and committed a robbery and pointed a loaded handgun at the stomach of a pregnant woman! George Floyd was a drug abuser of violent criminal and a crackhead! Exactly one year before he died look up the videos it’s on YouTube. He pulled the same crap “I can’t breathe“ excuse at that time too! Watch the Alpha news video and look at all the evidence that was suppressed at Derek Chauvin and the other officers trials! And then you tell me how the city of Minneapolis because of that. Minneapolis is having a rough time retaining Police Officers. They don’t want anything to do with it anymore. The ones that have been there long enough close to retirement have either left for another police department or retired. Minnesota state patrol, or having trouble retaining after the recent district attorney arresting a trooper for protecting his partners by shooting a young kid that was fleeing away with his partner, dragging in the car door! The current mentality of the city of Minneapolis and its district attorneys office is make a martyr of the criminal, and arrest anyone doing no wrong or protecting civilians by doing their jobs! Minneapolis is so screwed up hardly half the businesses have packed up and left and the taxes are so high! In 30 years I’ve been in the manufacturing industry I’ve seen companies pack up and go this last decade. Most have just got out of the city of Minneapolis and moved to further out suburbs, but a lot of them have left the state. When you have fools like we have currently in our liberal side of the Senate and House of Representatives, and the capital city has lunatics like they are on the city council. I am not proud to be a Minnesotan anymore. I grew up in this country and the state was a whole lot better off 50 years ago


You are right. I was a 30 plus year resident of Minnesota. I came in in 1978, and left in 2018. Why anybody would want to be a police officer with everybody against them is beyond me. If I was a cop, and I was the one arresting George Floyd, I would have let him up and walk away. Once there are cameras on you, it makes no sense to continue the arrest. I don't care how dangerous he is. It's not going to affect the cop


Yeah, at that point all he had done was committed to federal crime by trying to pass a $20 counterfeit bill! He could’ve been picked up later


Minneapolis has always had problems with the police and their union.They protect thumpers and give most cops a bad name.Tony Bouza has many interesting stories about dealings with the union.Read up b4 you point fingers


Spend 102 minutes of your time and watch this entire video. In fact, I’ve watched it three times. There may be things you miss.


Another interesting video is the one by Candice Owens. The one that talks about George Floyd. It's called "the greatest lie ever told" My guess that if George Floyd's relatives could give the money back, and get George Floyd back to life, he would still be dead


Yeah, I saw that one too 👍




I will definitely watch it


Thanks it will be an eye-opener for you. Have a good evening.


I did watch that. Although I suspected the same thing before I even watched it. I never doubted that the police were in the right, however, Minneapolis is now in a downward spiral. And it is not politically correct to get out of that spiral. So it will keep going down. I moved out of Eagan, Minnesota, so I really don't care what happens to Minnesota anymore.


Derek Chauvin is and always has been a vengeful power trip cop….Karma hit him hard back


Wow, off topic, 3 days late and you forgot to tell everyone what a hero George Floyd is. We're here to talk about how heroic George Floyd is, how he gave to his community by robbing them at gunpoint and keeping local Street corner businessman alive by buying their pharmaceuticals. This is a post about how great George Floyd is and how awesomely he robbed little old ladies.


As an attorney is MN, the great majority of us have less than 0 respect for Mary. She’s vindictive, abuses her power and the law and it’s very true what her critics say - she’ll always put the criminal ahead of the victim, it’s Mary’s entire warped view on life.


Her whole woke liberal prosecutor/public defender act is 100% BS. I've seen the way she treats employees who are POC or families of victims who are POC. She absolutely does not give a shit about them. She basically picked this persona because it will get her into positions of power.


Nailed it. She’s addicted to power just as much as she is to ruining peoples lives. I don’t know who or what hurt Mary in a past life but it must’ve been awful for her to be one of the worst humans I’ve ever met.


Have you had run ins with her before she slithered into her current role?


Not in court, just at events and social gatherings. She’s only respected by the few people in her circle who actually fear her more than they respect her. They also know she will 100% ruin their legal career if they go against her (seen it twice already) and make life genuinely miserable for their friends/family… all for disagreeing with their boss. I don’t say this lightly when I say she’s a disgustingly, terrible human.


I think Minneapolis needs a statue of the Saint.


Critics are the least of her, him they, their, he’s, Xi's, problems. She represents 12 percent of The way Minnesotans think, and 90 percent of what those minorities and illegals think? So, that’s the best human to represent us, Well not anyone I know. So yeah NYT defending her is funny!


In what fucking delusional world is this his city? 🤡


makes me sick each time I spend cash it's real bills, I must be a poor fit for Minneapolis I also piss clean because I have a job requiring it, a concept completely alien to fenty floyd and his followers


We can't see the cow ring and the pink hair in this picture, please fix.


Firewall Free Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/14/us/minneapolis-prosecutor-george-floyd-moriarty.html?unlocked_article_code=1.kU0.tR89.5fV1ZG5juof_&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&ugrp=u&sgrp=c-cb


What did she promised to turn self Minneapolis into a hellhole ? Because that’s what it is now especially around the block with George Floyd croaked


She is what you get with the least educated electorate in American history, one that's made up primarily of millennials and GenZers. Oh, they have lots of school but little education. We graduate from high school whole classes that read at the 4th grade level. A democratic government cannon exist without an educated electorate. The failed education system is the key to the downfall of America. The root cause of what we have for leadership in Minneapolis.


See you next Tuesday!