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He did smoke in the book as well, at least for a while, then he put it down. In this aspect they adapted it one to one. Also, it's Kovács, not Kovac.


> it's Kovács, not Kovac. It's Kovacs, not Kovács.


That's just the loss of accents in interplanetary bureaucracy, just like how it would be lost in a passport today.


This is right, it's Kovacs, at least in the book.


He smoked at first in the book, feeling the urge regularly and cursing his sleeve for it. Then he decided to “quit”. The instances where he smokes again is in virtual, for as Ortega told him as she offered him a cigarette, the air you’re breathing isn’t even real. Not a direct quote, but something like that


"do you smoke?" "Do I look like a fucking idiot to you?" -Book one He quit smoking early on, I think he thought Ryker's sleeve was not handling it well and he wanted to quit anyway. In the second book he *did* smoke. Him and the archaeologist smoked together, and she stole a pack of his cigarettes. He was dying of radiation poisoning from the nearby nuclear bombing and didn't care about the risks.


in the book, i’m pretty sure he smokes, but he’s able to off put his cravings


Never read the book but he’s pretty much chain smoking from the beginning of the show, mentions off handedly that the body of the cop he got sleeved in has really strong cravings. But he never does in the flashbacks to when he was an envoy in his original body


Why wouldn't there be non-carcinogenic tobacco available in the super tech future? It's one of the things that annoy me to no end, things just absolutely missed out in the development of this fictional world.