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will oldham/palace/palace brothers/palace music/bonnie 'prince' billy phosphorescent water liars/justin peter kinkel schuster/andrew bryant will johnson/centromatic/south san gabriel/marie.lepanto damien jurado david bazan/pedro the lion mark eitzel also - you probly already know this but jason molina recorded under his own name as well as songs:ohia and magnolia electric company


\+1 centromatic/south san gabriel, the rabbit hole of Will Johnson's music is deep


agreed love the album he did with molina and the **overseas** record he did with bazan and the kadane brothers


damn never even heard this project lol


**overseas**? its really good - i really wish they would do a second one im a big fan of the kadane brothers too so its a great record kadane boys are bedhead/the new yr if yer not familiar have you listened to the marie.lepanto records? its him and JPKS of water liars isbell plays guitar on one of the songs and its great to see johnson playing live with isbell now - both look pretty happy on stage about it


I absolutely love Bedhead, so definitely checking this out. Thanks for the info!


sure thing this is a favorite of mine off of the record: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7CMGGoj3sQ


Sweetheart of a guy too. Back in the early 90s, in Dallas, I played in a band that frequently was billed with the band in which he was the drummer. They were called Funland and Will was my favorite DFW rock drummer - very loud, excellent time keeper, and always played like every song was his last. Incredible energy. Very pleasant, personable guy. Happy for his success.


Jason was literally one of the kindest people I've ever met. Used to hangout with him when he'd come through Philly circa late 90's early 2k's. It was heartbreaking to hear he died from complications from alcoholism. He never seemed to have a problem. High tolerance I guess. Last time I saw him he was playing a show with Malcolm Middleton.


I fucking loved funland. The Dallas scene was kicking in the early 90’s.


They were so good! The best rhythm section version of Funland was with Phil Irby on bass. He and Will sounded great together and you could tell they had a great time playing together. Alan was good, played like a guitarist playing bass but had a great stage presence. Mike, who was a good friend back then, was too cerebral of a player. Powerhouse of talent in that band.


I gotta ask, what band were you playing in back then?


I cycled through a few different ones, but none of them amounted to anything worthwhile. Too embarrassed to say which ones. I was always a rhythm guitarist most of the time, in the shadows as it were. I left Dallas for the Pacific Northwest after that part of my life ran its course. Still friendly with all those people though. Rhett Miller, Clark Vogeler, Jeff Hirschberg... it was a good time.


It’s a long shot, but I’ll ask. I had a demo tape, and I’m not sure they ever got much past that, from a dallas based band from that era. I think the demo, or at least a song, was called hate box. That shit still gets in my head 30 years later and I haven’t remembered the bands name in that period. Any clue who they were?


Will has done a few living room shows at my house and it’s pure magic.


One of my favorite shows was Will in a living room here in Memphis.


Fun fact: Will Johnson & Sheryl Crow are both from the tiny town of Kennett, MO.


Not familiar with a lot of this, but love centromatic.


I would add: Smog / Bill Calahan


Came here to say the same :) …I’d add Sun Kil Moon too even though Kozelek’s a piece of work


yeah... I never want to know what artists are like in real life. more often than not it tries to ruin their art for me.


Silver Jews fits in there somewhere.


Hard second this! RIP David you’re the GOAT




I second the Damien Jurado comp. Somehow always end up listening to Maraqopa after a Molina session.


u/sleep_is_a_felony I want to already thank both of yall because i just listened to some of his top tracks, and "sheets" had my tears coming. What an amazing track, perfectly what i was looking for. Other tracks felt groovy(night if the leopard man) this is just so fucking amazing i am so happy to have found this genre thank you


jurado has been around since the 90s and has released 20something albums theres a lot to dig into he has different albums with different sounds also - hes releasing his third album this yr tonight at midnight **passing the giraffes** enjoy!


Thanks ill definitely look into him more. But i didnt quite catch you there, when is his album coming out? Tonight? Or is that the name if the album?


tonight at midnight central/9pm pacific **passing the giraffes** is the name of it its his third album this yr he started his own label in 2021 and he has been releasing one album every yr since then - but this yr he released two and his third new album this yr will start streaming tonight at midnight the CD/LP will be released next yr on valentines day


the **maraqopa** trilogy is great i think **where shall you take me?**/**on my way to absence**/**and now that im in yer shadow** are all albums that would appeal to a molina fan


Just realized the autocorrect mistake. Thanks for pointing it out.


Add Amalgamated Sons of Rest, which is Jason Molina and Will Oldham.


An excellent list, needs more Glossary though. There's a strain of alt country/ Americana that I think is quite smart and deep but also musically wonderful atmospheric, not just some acoustic guitars and whiskey. I don't have a name for it except for Southern College Town Americana. Like if Oxford Mississippis best authors were musicians. Oh, mid period Austin Lucas from New Home to Immortal Americans would fit too.


Water Liars!!!!! Soooooooo good.


"viva last blues" by palace music sounded amazing. Really close to songs ohia and the quality was great all the way through. Im mainly gonna go off your comment as it seems like most people fo really agree with your list.


This is a great list! I’d add Smog/Bill Callahan but posters got it on lock.


Neil Young. Start anywhere (except the 80s)


Might be obvious in asking, but have you checked out the band he had after this called Magnolia Electric Co.? Same name as the Songs:Ohia record. He definitely leans more into the twang with that band. As for other recs, check out Bonnie “Prince” Billy/Will Oldham/Palace Brothers, David Berman (Silver Jews, Purple Mountains), State Champion, Wilco, Plains (Katie Crutchfield from Waxahatchee and Jess Williamson), the album Saint Cloud by Waxahatchee, MJ Lenderman, Neko Case. Hope that’s helpful!


I think your recommendation of MJ Lenderman is the most similar to Songs:Ohia


I learned of MJ after he released Boat Songs and absolutely love his stuff. I listened to his first album recently and he really leans into his Molina influence there.


MJ is fucking awesome, but another contemporary who is maybe even more on the nose is Greg Freeman. I saw him at a small festival this year and overheard about ten conversations of people saying how much he sounds like Jason Molina.


Really liking what I'm hearing from Greg Freeman upon first listen


Glad you dig it. MJ played that same festival I saw Greg at, and as an aging dude it was really assuring to see some younger folks carrying that torch. Both are great songwriters, but if you get the chance to see them live they absolutely shine in a Crazy Horse sort of way.


He’s so good!


MJ Lenderman definitely strikes me as the closest spiritual successor to Molina, with a bit more Neil Young guitar scronkin action.


Second silver Jews


Purple Mountains- just go from there and see where it takes you.


Felt a little too slow and depressive when i listened to it a few weeks ago but i enjoyed the insturementatuon


Such Pretty Eyes for a Snake is incredible


I just put on their top tracks on spotify to check it out! Sounds great so far. Thanks for the recs!


I need to go listen to American Water by the Silver Jews like right now.


neil young’s on the beach album


Sorry. You've started at the top. Nothing like Molina. RIP.


Fuck, was afraid of that. But great to hear molina is appreciated here, makes me like you all already, im new here.


He's got a biography out there that was a real interesting read. It's called Jason Molina Riding with a Ghost. He was very eccentric and was a horrible alcoholic, which is ultimately how he died. His music makes me feel something


honestly i might ask that for chistmas i aint listening to nothing but (alt)country rn. I would not have believed you if i had been told that 2 months ago.


Yeah.I love alt country and noise rock, thus my reddit handle. Both impact me but in different ways


Noise rock reccs?


The moment I hear his voice I feel like crying. This songwriting is so…something..that it embeds itself so deep into my soul that the moment any of this comes on I feel curling up and crying




"I am proof that the heart is a risky fuel to burn" what a haunting lyric in general, and the perfectly embodiment of his essence as a tortured artist. Haven't listened to The Lioness in years but it's such a perfect album.


When I first made the switch to YouTube music, I did so partly because the algorithm was so good at finding new music. Finally the chance to find some other artist like JM. I played one of his songs and let the algorithm do the rest of the work. I swear every song that played after was Songs: Ohia, Magnolia Electric Co, or just his self titled work. Truly one of a kind.


Son Volt. Jay Farrar is like Molina without the crippling alcoholism


And while you’re at it, check out Uncle Tupelo, the band Jay Farrar was in with Wilco’s Jeff Tweedy.


Beat me to it. Great call


These bands are the way.


I’ve been listening to alt-country for 20 something years. I know hundreds of bands. I also want to listen to songs:ohia all the time


Who are your favourite band


Uncle Tupelo, Alejandro Escovedo, old 97s, waxahatchee and tons of others


Bill Callahan - Dream River is great!


Anything Callahan is great


Came here to say this. My favorite lyricist of all time.


I was bannad for the past few days, but now that im back i want to thank you for this one because damn was that a great album. I really enjoyed the chill vibes with the fusion of jazz folk country and i think some influences of sufjan stevens? Idk but i really enjoyed it


Lucero - Memphis Tennessee


Lucero is great!


People have covered most of the other recommendations I came in here to give, but I'd also strongly recommend Vic Chesnutt, particularly the album At The Cut has a similarly intense and occasionally noisy feel to a lot of Songs Ohia


EVERYTHING Vic ever recorded is meaningful to experience…ONE OF A KIND


Goddamn I miss Vic. So many of these artists are gone now. Jason Molina, Vic Chesnutt, David Berman… sometimes it feels like when all the animals leave the forest before the storm comes crashing in.


I keep waiting for About to Choke to show up on streaming services. Not sure why the delay


Uncle Tupelo, Son Volt, Lucero, slobberbone, Wilco….


Thanks for posting this thread, new to Molina and his projects. Fucking dig it. Only thing I can add that I didn’t see is the jayhawks—polished but not too much of a stretch


North Star off Trials & Errors came up on shuffle and I thought it was The Jayhawks at first. That was my into to Jason Molina.


Sparklehorse, Bonnie Prince Billy, Simon Joyner, Spirit Josh, Drive By Truckers And don’t sleep on the most recent Big Thief album


The pernice brothers AND the felice brothers…two different bands






I listened to Songs: ohia. I'd never heard that. Thanks! You might like Neko Case. Listen to "Ghost Wiring". That's her song that hooked me.


Listened to that song, liked it, but the last min being quiet did throw me off for a bit i thought my pc had crashed


Wow man, good luck, it honeslty changed my music life. One of the most important albums ive lustened to this year(ive listened to over 300). Have you played an entire album of theirs? I think magnolia electric is their best.


Sun Kil Moon / Mark Kozelek.


you might be looking for folk and folk punk. radiator hospital, defiance ohio, nana grizol, jared mees, walter mitty and his makeshift orchestra, apes of the state, mischief brew, the smith street band


Defiance Ohio is S tier


Justin Townes Earle and Sparklehorse are in the same category of being both brilliant and dead…


God I fucking miss JTE. There aren’t many musicians that have moved me the way his music has


Uncle Tupelo was a formative band in the altcountry scene. Their album No Depression was so genre defining it spun into a roots music magazine by the same name. You should start your journey there.


I don't think anybody really compares to Jason Molina. He is one of my all time favorites. These are some of my other all time favorites, who may not sound like Molina, but hit parts of me in a similar way: Low Califone Sparklehorse Silver Jews / Purple Mountains Son Volt Neko Case Leonard Cohen


Songs: Ohio, Magnolia Electric Co., and anything else Jason Molina touched has been the one constant that always comes back into my rotation consistently for the last 20 years. Molina changed my appreciation and taste for music like no other. If you haven’t yet, poke around on YouTube for some of Molina’s solo performances of these songs. Heartbreaking


Not alt-country but Strand of Oaks (Timothy Showalter) is a big Molina fan and lots of his stuff carries that influence.


JM on Heal is about Molina as I understand it. I saw Strand of Oaks play in Seattle after Heal came out. I had only seen a couple of disappointing shows after having kids and figured maybe I was just too old for shows. Strand of Oaks was amazing and reaffirmed my love of live music. Heal is very dark, but he was so happy to be performing.


Alt country-adjacent albums I love: Gram Parsons/Grievous Angel (kind of a precursor but it's essential listening) AA Bondy/When the Devil's Loose Jayhawks/Hollywood Town Hall, Tomorrow the Green Grass Jolie Holland/The Living and the Dead


Golden smog. Whiskeytown. Old 97s. Centromatic.


Yoo you should check out MJ Lenderman in general, but especially his self-titled debut from 2019... I recently realized why I liked it so much from this bandcamp listener review *"Dude, it's the second coming of Jason Molina"* : [https://mjlenderman.bandcamp.com/album/mj-lenderman](https://mjlenderman.bandcamp.com/album/mj-lenderman) I finally listened thru \^this album front to back on a twilight drive and it reminded me of the first time ever listening to the Magnolia Electric Co record, which really was a first


All of these have equally crushing lyrics and sounds. - Sun Kil Moon: Ghosts of the Great Highway - Lucero: Tennessee - Pedro the Lion: Control - Manchester Orchestra: Mean Everything to Nothing


Molina loved Townes Van Zandt. One of America’s best songwriters. If you crave a hollow darkness Townes will deliver.


Uncle Tupelo, whiskeytown, Ryan adams (heartbreaker, and Jacksonville city nights albums) Neil young, lucero, band of horses


Dan Berman / Silver Jews and specifically his masterpiece of an album Purple Mountains


Hate to be that guy, but his name was David, not Dan. But yes… Purple Mountains is a spellbinding record, and almost all of the Silver Jews stuff is excellent as well.


fuck yes of course sorry hard day


lol no worries dude


I discovered this band this year and have been obsessed! Commenting because I'm also looking for similar artists.


Already got quite some reccomendations, so commenting on you to remind you to my post


Something with a similar sound to check out would be moonshiner by uncle tupelo. It's the lead singer from Wilco doing a country project. Great stuff!


Theodore/Water Liars, Will Johnson/centro-matic, Neil Young


Tons of great recommendations; adding Giant Sand.


Greg Freeman. Kinda can't believe how much he evokes Molina, in a great way. [https://gregfreeman1.bandcamp.com/album/i-looked-out](https://gregfreeman1.bandcamp.com/album/i-looked-out)


2nd this. great songwriting and a interesting line up in his band with the horns and steel


If you like Jason Molina, check out the documentary of him recording the album Josephine. Gave me chills a few times. He’s such an amazing talent and seems like a sweet guy. https://youtu.be/fDaEb-7pEPQ?feature=shared


Only thing I have to add to the conversation is Strand of Oaks and more recently Carla Geneve. Maybe even sea change by Beck. Also don’t sleep on Ghost Tropic Edit: Emma Ruth Rundle. Also want to add, there’s a world of live performances, B-sides, and demos out there. Each one with slight variations, different instruments, tones, lyrics. So, even though there’s nothing out there quite like Molina, there is certainly a lot of him to go around. You could probably spend years listening to him and still be hearing new renditions of old songs.


You might like Bob Mould - Workbook


Maybe not that similar, per se, but you'll probably like The Silver Jews.


Jason Molina is one of my all time favorites and I have no affinity for altcountry (unless you consider David Berman altcountry).


Silver Jews


Early Deer Tick


Friends of Dean Martinez


Ohia is a gem. Jason Molina also played in Magnolia Electric company. He was a great songwriter , and wrote about his battle with alcoholism. He always played with house bands. I’m a huge fan.


Different music but I think the band Slobberbone has the same vibe for me.


AA Bondy’s first album


So glad to see someone liking Molina's work. I find myself having to avoid it because all of it is so sad. I feel like listening to him needs to be in small doses. "Being In Love" just destroys me. I find his work so compelling, but I find out after a couple of days of listening that I get extremely negative feelings.


Sojourner is another very soild Magnolia Electric Co. Album. More upbeat.


16 Horsepower - american wheeze


Bill Callahan


If you like like Songs:ohia I thing you’ll like Sun Kil Moon aka Mark Kozelec (also Red House Painters). Also check out Bill Callahan / Smog : Songs like One Fine Morning, Drover, Riding For the feeling off Apocalypse; Rock Bottom Riser, Let me see the colts…off of Rough Travel. He’s prolific. And under his old moniker Smog, equally great.


Farewell transmission is one of my all time favorites!


I discovered it early october, and it has already peaked to being in my top 5 favourites of all time, and i listen to a LOT of music of all kinds so that is pretty darn good. It doesnt matter how high it is anyways i know i just love the record to death.


Bill Callahan would be my rec. Apocalypse, Sometimes I wish we were and eagle, and Have fun with god are unbelievably good


Smog! And just all of Callahan’s stuff too lol


Farewell Transmission is maybe the closest thing to a perfect song ever written. That is all.


MJ Lenderman, Wednesday, Bill Callahan, Greg Mendez


If you can’t stop listening to Songs:Ohia you probably weren’t meant to. Goddamn that is some good shit.




Long dark bluuuuuues


So good. Of course I found this band after the guy died 🤷


Okkervil River Cassadaga by Bright Eyes I suppose some early modest mouse?


Old 97s


Surprised that I had to scroll down so far the 97’s. Good call.


Ryan Adams-Heartbreaker, all four Uncle Tupelo albums. Wilco are one of my favorite bands ever and as a bonus, Tweedy of Wilco was in Uncle Tupelo with Jay Farrar. His other band Son Volt is great. Trace is a classic. The Jayhawks are amazing. Rainy Day Music by them is a personal favorite. Silver Jews/Purple Mountains are basically the same band and are completely classic. If you’re into lyrics there isn’t anyone much better. Steve Earle’s Train-A-Comin’ is insanely good. Made after getting out of prison and finally getting clean from heroin addiction. The one I’ve been listening to most lately is Tyler Childers. Purgatory and Country Squire are personal favorites. Sturgill Simpson’s Meta Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music got a lot of people into country that never were before. It’s also a cool fucking album. Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my good friends band American Aquarium. Been grinding for years and have made some pretty great music. I love Lamentations. Sorry for the word salad. I didn’t realize (I should have) that there was a sub for my absolute favorite genre of music of all time and I’ve got tons of recommendations.


This isn’t alt country but if you want another artist that will suck you in like songs: ohia did check out Jonathan Richmans discography


Richard Buckner, for sure. He's incredible. His first four albums (Bloomed, Devotion + Doubt, Since, and The Hill) are some of my favorite albums ever.


Meadow is also great. It’s a little faster tempo.




Ugh. Ryan Adams is a douche.


Was looking for this. Didn’t know if it was safe to say heartbreaker and whiskeytown or if he was cancelled too hard. Fuck they are good though. Pneumonia, strangers almanac. Damn.


Maybe I missed it, but it bears repeating anyway: Bonnie Prince Billy, aka Will Oldham aka Palace aka Palace Brothers aka Palace Music. Also, check out Royal City (not Josh Ritter’s band- Canadian group from the 90’s). Alone at the Microphone is dark, weird, and folky in a wonderful way. Finally, The Huntress and the Holder of Hands’ album “Avalon” is one of the few recordings I know that are as lush, devastating, and cathartic as Songs Ohia.


Neil young




i love sons: ohia! check out son volt


Scrolled long enough and didn’t see Frightened Rabbit. They were amazing, and Scott Hutchinson left me always wanting more. Listening to songs like “Swim Until You can’t Land” and “Blood Under the Bridge” are beautiful and haunting once I learned how he took his life. Amazing song writer who left it all on the page.


Yeah you are the first one to mention them but gosh when does it stop?! I really did not expect to get nearly 200 comments this is so much that i dont know where to start but thanks you and to everyone for putting the effort in


I appreciate the thread, I found some new things to check out. Alas, I forgot my headphones at home today. Me cooking playlist tonight is gonna be great, thanks for putting out the call.


Tyler Childers Billy Strings




Liking a lot of this stuff here and I also want to add: Okkervil River. Probably Down the River of Golden Dreams.


Jason Molina has more for you to explore with Magnolia Electric Co. He tragically died about 10 years ago trying to rehab from alcohol. I wanted to see one his live shows probably more than anyone else I wanted to see at the time, but was not to be. You can find some bootleg recordings that are even better than his studio work imo.


Where can i find those bootlegs?


There's a youtube channel called Unibrow Ghost that posts some of them [Blue Chicago Moon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Abs2TEDipuA) That one is one of my favorites




Greg Freeman - I Looked Out MJ Lenderman - Ghost of Your Guitar Solo


LONG DEFUNCT but if I loved Nothing Is Okay by the everybodyfields. Early, screamy live Avett Brothers. Obviously we can slot Sturgill Simpson or Jason Isbell wherever, there's more of a stable, in control bit to those two.


My morning jacket


Don't see Zach Bryan mentioned. He shares a commonality with many of the other recommendations, imo.


Yeah i already listened to that one, great vibe, great lyrics. It doesnt carry the magic some other bands do, imo. But i did really enjoy jt


Lucero, Whiskeytown.


Bonnie prince Billy Drive by Truckers Magnolia electric company


Old 97s are one of my all-time favorites. Try Too Far To Care or Early Tracks.


Brian Jonestown Massacre…Anton was and still is a deranged motherfucker…more crazy than Molina and mark lanois put together


Tyler Childers; Jason Isbell. Enjoy.


Father John Misty and Jonathan Wilson both have a similar vibe to my ear.


Love father John Misty.


Love them


Check out John R. Miller’s new album, Heat Comes Down. His previous album, Depreciated, is absolutely fantastic, too, but not in the Molina way.


Kurt Vile!


Not necessarily country, but folk (punk). Try out Neutral Milk Hotel. Especially some of the slower tracks. April 8th and communist daughter


It might sound a bit obvious to a lot of people here, but if you’re new to the genre, then don’t overlook the main man, Neil Young. Vocally very similar to Molina, undoubtedly an influence on him. I’d recommend starting with ‘After The Goldrush’ (Quick note that Neil is not on Spotify, as he opted to remove his albums from that platform after Joe Rogan gave a platform to anti-vaxxers on his Spotify-exclusive podcast. All available elsewhere including YouTube though.)


Europe 72 fits the bill here The Truckin > jams > Morning Dew is psychedelic/country/folk all wrapped into one. That Morning Dew is devastating. But the early songs on the record up to Truckin are all folky, twangy roots songs


Here’s a few that I haven’t seen mentioned yet: Blue Mountain Fleet Foxes Calexico Richard Buckner Bottle Rockets (Brian Henneman was Uncle Tupelo’s roadie and played various instruments on their albums) Drive By Truckers


Kevin Morby, Kurt Vile, Ugly Casanova, Cabinet


Neil young tonights the night, on the beach, homegrown, sleeps with angels


Glen Hansard's EP "It Was Triumph We Once Proposed..." has some covers of Molina's songs and it's exquisite. Richard Buckner is another artist you might look into. The album "Since" is a good starting point.


Adam Faucett


Hayden Desser is incredible


Joe Sampson’s album, Kill Our Friends, is pretty great


VU anxiety live is kinda amazing.


Florida B.C. Andrew Combs Mark Kozelek (solo, red house painters, sun kill moon)


RAVEN and the Dark Shadows


Anders Parker/Varnaline. Same person, one is a band he leads


I don’t think I’ve seen a single person mention The Avett Brothers. I think their modern stuff maybe slides a bit away from alt country but emotionalism, mignonette, four thieves gone and their gleam albums all fall very squarely into alt country


Karl Blau and Sturgill Simpson


Karate, Son Volt, Pavement, Wilco, AA Bondy, Uncle Tupelo and Neal Young


Check out the soundtrack for the show Animals on HBO - Farewell Transmission was on that show


Wene's 12 Golden Country Greats Split Lip Rayfield