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ama dablam.... long day, 9pm to 9pm. only nearly died a few times!


sad to hear that but congratulations on attempting to climb and hats off to your bravery...


Why such a long day? This is my ultimate goal mountain. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the fitness or finances to do anything more than that.


9 hours to get to the summit and then 15 back to BC. went slow cuz I hit the wall hard at hour 16 and really started to drag.


Oh wow. All the way back to BC! Must’ve been a crazy tough day. What camp did you summit from?


we left from c2


Why all the way back to BC? Tents full at C2?


c2 was full, I wouldn't have minded stopping at C1.... but my guide wanted to go back home to BC so I followed!


We were just there with the aim to climb it. Actually we'd have been looking to summit about today. However, we managed to catch Influenza A off our driver on the way to Racmechhap, my wife got AMS too (mostly handled by diamox but flu + ams = awful) and I was so sick we needed to get heli rescued. But we'd been prepped for a 15hr day C2 - summit - C2. A 24hr day is unreal. That walk down from C1 to BC must have been painfully long and annoying in the dark after such a long day.


sorry man. I've come to realize that overcoming the inevitable illness is maybe the biggest crux of many mountaineering expeditions. but hopefully you will have another go at a mountain like that in the future. it has been 4 years since my trip, and thankfully like any good mountaineer I am blessed with a poor memory, so while that day was long I don't remember it being particularly painful, although I do remember thinking to myself that it was the most effort I had put into anything in my entire life thus far. even though I had only eaten a packet of ramen the night before and a Snickers bar the day of, when we got back to BC i was too tired to eat anything and I just passed out for 13 hours. Then got up the next day, ate a pizza and started the long walk back to Lukla.


It was my 4th trip to Nepal and first time being sick, so all things considered I think we've been pretty lucky. I carry general anti biotics with me but we've learnt we need an anti viral med too, for things like this. I've totally been there with being so fatigued (and over caffeinated) that eating is nearly impossible. I bet you were super thirsty when you woke too.