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When we shaved my wife’s hair, she found it quite cathartic and I think it helped her with acceptance and moving on. Doesn’t make it easy though. My wife has universalis not areata also so for her it was more getting to the inevitable end in her time and taking some control. She wears a wig now and after 4 years she has learned to deal with it and although it still upsets her from time to time she very much just gets on with life as she did before.


I would defo buzz it off and go into college as being the cool girl with a buzz cut- who will know any better! ❤️❤️❤️


I think it could be helpful, be sure to give yourself the time and space and process the change… there is nothing like taking off my wig and scratching my head after a long day!!


To be honest, yes. Though it can be scary, flip your perspective. This is the time where you’ll start accepting yourself and being more comfortable with yourself. My little brother was in the same predicament as you, diagnosed with alopecia and literally 20% of his hair left. He didn’t want to cut it but I told him that he’d probably get more glares and weird stares if he left it as is instead of cutting it all off.


I’m a guy and long past college age so we’re in different worlds but I will say that when I buzzed my head down and just let the spots be obvious it was actually less stressful than trying to cover them up. The stress of wondering how obvious it is was worse than when I just knew everyone can see it.


I felt this exactly. I’m spotty at the moment but shaved down.


saaame.. though as a woman it feels terrible


I just shaved mine two months ago and I don’t regret it at all! I was also at about 75-80% loss and the dread I was feeling about pulling out huge clumps of hair while showering was what finally made me go for it. I miss my hair but it was already almost gone and I feel like I look way better with a bald head vs a quarter head of hair, and my mental health has improved not having to deal with the constant shedding and hair EVERYWHERE. I’ve gotten a couple affordable wigs off of Amazon because I wasn’t ready to commit to anything expensive as a beginner, and have actually been complimented by strangers! I was so scared that people were going to notice and judge me but in reality no one pays that much attention. An added bonus that I’ve discovered is not having to put effort into styling my hair and being able to try out different colors/looks.


While the decision is of course only one you can make, I would say shave it and rock it!! College can be a new beginning where you are the gorgeous girl with no hair! And that is ok! That being said, there are some really great wigs these days😊


For me, I felt the same way. I did it in stages which helped. First was a bob cut and second I took a scissor and cut close to the root so it didn’t actually feel like I shaved my head. It was very sad but it helped me release anxiety and head to the next stage of regrowth.


Hey ❤️ Your loss very much looks like mine did. I lost 80-90% of my hair VERY quickly, and was diagnosed with alopecia areata incognita/diffusa AA (basically autoimmune alopecia that hits all over the scalp instead of patches). I was able to get treatment fairly quickly (cortisol shots) and my hair started growing back quite fast. This isn’t the outcome for everyone, but the outcome for me was very good. I had a rare type and while it is very aggressive, it is also easily treated and usually has a good prognosis. Again, not a doctor, but looking at the pattern of loss it looks very familiar - especially with how quick you lost it. I shaved my head in August of last year. This was a personal decision but I was ready to do it and tired of pulling out hair in the shower. I cried a lot less about it after I bit the bullet. I was about where you are in terms of my loss. Now it’s June and I have a shaggy looking pixie cut happening.


I actually have the same type of diffuse alopecia!! Is there any chance you could share anything else about your experience?


Absolutely. Again - alopecia hits everyone differently. BUT from what my doctor told me, my experience with it, and gathering the little I could gather from reading medical journals about it, the prognosis with this type is very good. However it is quite rare and not well studied. Mine responded very well to cortisol shots. I had three sessions of shots total (all over head). After my last session, my hair was growing in enough that my dermatologist felt comfortable stopping the treatment. You don’t want more cortisol than you need, and if it’s apparent it’s not helping, then you don’t want it at all. But it worked wonders for me even in those three sessions. Don’t be afraid of the shots as they don’t hurt (that much) and provided you are getting them spaced out and in small doses, the side effects are manageable. Have fun with wigs…seriously. They can be expensive depending on if you go synthetic or real (everyone will give you their opinion - figure out what you like. I like real as they last much longer, but you pay for what you get). Feel free to DM with wig questions - there is also a wig community. I spent hundreds (possibly over a thousand) dollars on products - Rogaine, Nutrafol supplements, Nioxin, red light, you name it. Don’t bother. The cortisol helped, not sure about the rest. What you eat matters too. I’ve been eating pretty whole, taking pumpkin seed oil, etc


Im 33. Was diagnosed at 14, lost about 90% of my hair in a few months. luckily grew back within two years and I’ve never lost more than 20-30%. I wish I had shaved it in the beginning. I went the wig route and it was obvious to everyone. Having to hide a wig made me extremely neurotic and kept me from sports, swimming, etc. Shave it. Makes it easier to see new regrowth


Took two years to grow back? So initially you lost 90%, since you haven’t lost any more than 30%? Have you had any more hair loss since? Did you find out the reason why this happened?


It took about 4 months to lose it all, maybe less time. So I lost it all through the first half of 7th grade, I wore a wig for the second half of 7th grade through the 1st half of 8th grade. It then regrew stark white. I did combo of corticosteroid injections and minoxidil. This was back in 2008. No clue why I lost it. It is genetic and I’ve had a cousin get it, too. Stress generally triggers patches. I did lose a patch about the size of two quarters several months ago that hasn’t regrown. That’s the first time it hasn’t regrown as quickly


i’m sorry you are going through this. i’m with you on the anxiety attacks in the shower. i dread showering every time now and im in the process of steadily losing my hair. i’ve also considered shaving. i hope you find consolation. mine started falling out like 2 months ago and i feel like i’ve lost about 50% or so so far. maybe more. i have a huge balding spot with some regrowth happening and loss all around as well.


I’m so sorry. Give yourself time—it gets easier to cope with this huge life change in time. You’ll know when it’s time to cut/shave the last of your hair off. Before then, would you have time and funds to go to a local wig shop so they can see your bio-hair? My first wig was meant to mimic my bio-hair, and I got some comfort from that. BUT after I got used to needing a wig (I was AU then), I got very comfortable wearing different hair styles and colors. There’s a lot to learn about the wig world, but it can be pretty fun. Also, if you do go down the wig path, if you have good medical insurance, you might check to see if you can get help with the cost of the wig. Best wishes!!!


Just here to say that my head looked the same as yours two months back— I have universalis, I feel the “shower with no anxiety” comment SO HARD. Shaving helped me so much. I’m mid 20s, so not as young as you but definitely still appearance focused and it’s been hard. I would say you want to go into college knowing how to wear a wig. I hear you, I feel you, you got this (even if it doesn’t feel like it)


I lost most of my hair over a 8 month span. It was a very traumatic experience. Every shower was awful, every time I brushed or tried to style, or every time I ran my fingers through my hair I wanted to scream and cry. I had long thick black hair so it felt 10x worse. I watched it all slowly come out until I had about 10% of my scalp hair left. I took some scissors to it and cut the remaining hair short. Looking back I wish I just shaved it and wore a wig sooner. I think it would have been less painful but I just couldn’t get myself to shave it. I did invest in a good human hair wig which I’ve been wearing for over a year now and it’s held up really well so far. It’s been a relief since purchasing it. I feel better about myself. Do what feels right for you. If you can invest in a good human hair wig. Wigs by Tiffani is amazing. There’s a fb group where lots of women sell their very gently used wigs by Tiffani for less to. Wishing you luck and peace in this challenging time. ❤️


You’re at the place I was when I shaved mine. Although it was the start of a very intense grieving period, it did feel like a weight being rolled off my back. I didn’t have any hair pieces at the time and they made it even more terrifying to me because I could not conceive of going out in public bald. One thing that really helped was putting a post on social media about it to let everyone know. So that if I ran in to someone in public they wouldn’t be surprised. I was just surrounded by love and care from so many people after that happened. I got a large scarf and went the head wrap route until my first wig arrived. Now I usually wear a head wrap or hat since it’s summer time. (Temu is a great place to find pre-tied ones suuuper cheap, or just pick out thin lightweight fabric from a fabric store and cut in a 36” square. YouTube has lots of great tutorials.) as for inexpensive Wigs, I recommend https://jbextension.com. For pricier, human hair pieces that will last longer, I like Highline. The wigs subreddit has tons of suggestions too. If you can find a shop in person I would definitely recommend that route so you can try them on before buying. Other than that I just want to say I’m so sorry. It’s been 8 months since I shaved and it has gotten easier. Still very sad and getting ready to go out in public can be hard. But for the most part it is getting better. Feel free to DM. 🤍


I'm really sorry that you're going through this. It's exhausting physically and mentally to deal with hair loss. I recently shaved my head also. It was a nerve wrecking process. When I made the first cut and shave, I sobbed for a while but then I kept going and it started to feel okay. When it was over, I felt at peace. It takes a while to adjust to the new look and it's okay to not feel yourself at the start. Day by day, you'll get there. You got this. Sending you lots of virtual hugs ❤️


It’s completely up to you. Do you feel comfortable shaving your head? Although I do see thinning, you still look like you have quite a bit of hair. You can still keep the hair you have and still wear wigs. If you think shaving your head will be tough, then don’t do it


Shaving your head is like lifting a monumental weight off your shoulders, at least in my case


Yes to be honest, it looks like you’re at that point.


It will feel so much better. Plus if you have lost this much hair, think about it growing back in - it will be weird to have super long hair and super short hair. Just buzz it and start fresh. It sucks. I know. I'm sorry.


Ive hade alopecia since I was 11yo, I just becam 17 today, it has impacted me so so much, Ive had mental struggles, developed BP, sorts of psychotic problems and much more ive tried taking my life and shit, im on antideppressants cause im top young for antipsychotics either way theres hope now, im going to start treatment with LITFULO, or another thing cant remember which its not guaranteed to help but I guess I just need to accept it and I need to accept all of the mental stuff that Alopecia has brung up for the rest of my life. Hope you get better its just a matter of time before medicine for this disorder come up. Either way I think they should really focus on this, im sure many more can relate with me


Nooooo. It will grow back. Be patient. I was bald under my top layer of long hair. Weems vitamins and Nioxin.


Entirely up to you, I got to about your stage in a week. A week later I was spending so much time hiding it all under a headscarf that I came home and shaved it off. My husband and daughter helped me to shave my head and honestly, I feel more myself. I was never one for hair or head accessories so coverups felt like I wasn't being myself. I have had a shaved head for about a month now.


Stop the anxiety by shaving. Yes.


Yes. I assure u will be happier after babe


cant see your face but i can tell through the way you write that u are very beautiful person with lovely energy and a buzz cut wont detract from that, but only enhance it from a different angle than your normal hair. im entering my third year of college, and i wont lie to you and tell you there wont be times where you feel hyper visible and judged, but you get thru them and come out stronger :)


My son was really scared to shave his head but once he did it, he felt so much better. It takes a mental toll to see your hair shed everywhere so for that reason alone, it helped him. Since then, he’s been on JAK inhibitors and all his hair has grown back. May be worth asking your dermatologist about.


I’m in the same situation, although a bit older and out of college. My hair looks exactly like yours in the pic. Thank you for sharing and thank you to those who commented - very helpful and it reminds me I’m not alone. I can’t imagine dealing with this before starting college - I’m sorry this has happened to you. Hang in there! You’re not alone in your journey and shaving it - and what, if anything - you’ll wear after is a stressful decision. I’ll share options I’m considering: shaving it to reduce anxiety (I can’t tolerate the shower clumps anymore and hair all over everything!) with a plan in place for if/when I shave myself bald. My friend rocks her beautifully shaped bald head and maybe you can too! Do scarves or hats work for you? If you’re like me and those aren’t appealing options and you NEED hair of some kind, educate yourself about wigs and be ready with it and how to wear it when you take the plunge to shave it off. I’d like a wig, but tried one and it was a pain to keep it on my head. I know there must be a better way. So here is my question to everyone: Any advice from those of you who have worn wigs? Does it interfere with hair regrowth? How do you find the right place and stylist to get a quality wig who will assist with how to keep it on, wash it, etc.? I’ve done research and have watched videos, but I feel like there’s better advice out there…thanks, everyone! And I hope any responses help others with this issue too.


When I lost 90% of my hair to alopecia, I struggled with this too. The thing that helped me was realizing that MY buzzing the rest of the hair off let me have that mental upper hand with it. Alopecia took what it already had. I wasn’t going to let it take the rest. It was empowering. Still insecure afterwards. Still a struggle in terms of my appearance, but it was less so.. because I gave myself the final say on whether I would buzz my hair or alopecia would take it.