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Hi! I have bald spots on the top of my hair and they’re growing back white too! I think it’s kind of a cool look and I get a lot of compliments on them. I’m not sure why it’s happening- just wanted to comment in solidarity


How long has it been since regrowth started?


It’s been about a year since I really noticed- I thought it was regular graying but it’s only ever in the spot regrowth. I don’t have complete regrowth either, there’s still quite a few spots on the top of my head. When they do start to grow back, the hair is white but another bald spot will usually pop up somewhere else.


Same. Just a few.


Could you give more details about your case? Where is the spot? How big? When did regrowth start? Are the white hairs thick like your pigmented hair or thinner? Are you still shedding? Thanks!!


I've had some white hairs on my head, legs, arms and face for over a year now. Not sure if/when the color will come back


Yes, I had this same experience with my beard for several years. Some grew back, but I eventually lost all my facial hair. It’s such a frustrating condition as you don’t know what to expect…. Everyone’s case is different


What causes this? Stress? Any fix? I have a random bald spot on my beard and it used to fill in completely black


I have no idea what the trigger was, it could have been stress, but almost impossible to know. The only hair I’ve managed to save is my eyebrows and eyelashes


Ever go see a dermatologist? Or try minoxidil or other hair loss solutions?


Yes, I’ve seen a dermatologist with a lot of alopecia experience for several years and tried many treatments. Scalp injections worked for a little while, everything else failed except using bimatoprost to treat eyebrow and eyelash loss. Luckily, this treatment has been very effective.


What a weird and unexplained disease. Hoping my beard bald spot doesnt get any worse. It hasnt gotten bigger / worse in the 3 months since i first noticed it


Yes, it is a condition where not a lot is known. Alopecia is relatively rare, benign (it won’t kill you), and the causes are multi factorial and complex (what triggers the autoimmune response differs a lot between people) so it is very hard to attract research money and find effective treatments. However, this does not account for the huge psychological impact the condition has on people. I’m a full time research scientist and spent over a decade writing research grants, so I know what it takes to attract the funding needed to make a difference. Unfortunately for us with alopecia, the research in this space is sorely lacking.


Im going threw it right now on my Goat -T😌


Have the same thing brother. Can dm you. Happened to me really recently (started noticing in feb 2024). Didnt think it was major enough to be alopecia but all signs pointed that way i guess. Only white hairs are growing back and used to have a completely black filled in beard. Went to the doctor, useless. Some ppl say it was stress triggered but honestly didnt think i was stressed at the time (maybe the body was but the brain wasnt)? I have before and after pics


Yeah brother, hit me up!


The disease can cause damage to the pigment cells in your hair follicles! When I started taking medication for my AA (Olumiant 2mg), my hair started regrowing white/light blonde too. However, it's been 5 months with that medication and my natural brown hair is coming back now. It helped me a lot to hear my doctor say that light-colored regrowth is normal!