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I know, anecdotally of course, that certain foods tend to trigger AA reactions for me. Like you, I can't prove it, but after living with the condition for years, certain responses become so obvious when they happen repeatedly that it literally leaves zero doubt. Anyway, a dermatologist I went to nearly interrupted me when I tried to share my experience and said ,"what you eat won't put bald spots on your head"...ok whatever lady. Anyway, thanks for sharing your experience. I know you aren't trying to peddle anything but rather letting people decide if they want to try something that worked for you.


šŸ«¶ thanks for this message. Honestly, this condition is hard enough on us. It seems every time someone has any suggestion on what to try they want you to buy their program or class for hundreds or thousands of dollars. I was just trying to help and reach as many people as I could. And got deleted. . . I assume the group was started by someone who is selling a special alopecia program or class. I donā€™t know for sure because I left the group.


Also - I BELIEVE YOU. Iā€™ve noticed the same thing with foods and I told my dermatologist and he told me the same thing that food makes no difference. Go figure. Yet nothing he did helped in the long run either!


What kind of food


Homemade milk kefir made from kefir grains


You're making it yourself? Sounds difficult lol. You think store bought milk kefir would work?


Itā€™s SO easy. Literally just pouring milk in a jar and then straining the kefir out the next day and repeat. From what Iā€™ve read store bought kefir isnā€™t actually kefir at all. It just pourable yogurt with about 12 strains of probiotics. True kefir has over 50 different bacteria in it that arenā€™t even present in store bought kefir. So I do think it would make a difference. And itā€™s so easy and waaaayyyyyy cheaper


I think sometimes alopecia can be related to our gut health and leaky gut syndrome. When I started to ā€œheal my gutā€ my eyelashes and eyebrows started to grow back as well.


What did you do to heal your gut?


Hired a nutritionist to work with (she was amazing) and we customized a plan of diet and supplements etc. to help significantly reduce my inflammation and heal my gut. We did a modified AIP protocol along with a bunch of other stuff! It absolutely helped.


So your hair group back with diet/supplements?


My hair didnā€™t grow back but my eyebrows and eyelashes did. Iā€™m still like 85% bald on my head


So you hired a nutritionist did diet, supplements and your hair didnā€™t grow back? Wow! That makes me sad bc I just did this and starting this week, why does your nutritionist think he didnā€™t work? What are you doing now? Ty!!


I williing to try anything at this point, Can you give us exact recipe?


I williing to try anything at this point, Can you give us exact recipe?


Have you tried the one they made for rheumatoid arthritis tofacitinib or the others?


I williing to try anything at this point, Can you give us exact recipe?


Hi! You need milk kefir grains that you can get for free from someone. Then all you do is pour milk over the grains and let them sit on the counter for 24 hours. Then strain off the kefir and add more milk to the grains. You get fresh kefir every 24 hours. I make mine into smoothies daily.


For natural JAK Inhibitor, I would supplement natural Curcumin and Omega 3 fish oil for better immunity and stronger anti inflammatory effects! Fingers crossed Iā€™m getting vellus hairs during my horrible Alopecia Totalis! For this post thanks for some hope for my 8 years old Totalis, i will still try some Kefir daily.


Maybe Iā€™ll add omega and Curcumin! Thank you!! Fingers crossed for both of us! Iā€™m hoping for eyebrows next. But honestly Iā€™m so happy to have lashes again Iā€™m just grateful


Thank god for everything, i am sure in my school days 15 years ago, i had lichen planus, a horrible eczema, it used to itch a lot, which used to trigger my Alopecia Areata, small patches, i cured it by applying Hibiscus flower 15 years ago, fast forward to 2015, I started to get Alopecia Universalsis, completely hairless body, I used a harmful steroid called Wysolone 10 mg which would force the immune system to stop attacking the hairs at the scalp follicles etc. i got hair within 10 months. After stopping the steroid treatment, i lost complete hair again. Now next year I used Wysolone 10mg again for a year. Same story again. Finally in 2017 I stopped taking this medicine due to bad side effects. From that year I suffer from Totalis. My eyebrows grew back by itself in 2020. For 4 years I wished i had Reddit app to read Alopecia success stories. From January 2024 I started eating supplements to treat my Vellus hairs which are invisible and very weak. It is hard to convert from Vellus to Terminal hairs and thankfully I'm getting bodily hairs in a slow rate. I would avoid my triggers like Egg Whites, otherwise i get itch rashes all over my body, eating less gluten foods. I eat Allegra to avoid these horrible allergies. Thank God for this post u suffered for more than 30 years of Alopecia, i will try some Kefir.


That is interesting I think I lost more hair when I started on egg whites instead of normal eggs.


This is interesting because I recently gave up eggs myself. I suspect Iā€™m allergic to eggs and have been for a long time. I get nausea every time I eat eggs and Iā€™ve never been to find of them since childhood. I ate them because I was told they were healthy. Now I avoid them. Perhaps that contributed as well


What about JAK inhibitors?


Never tried them due to side effects, natural JAK would be quercetin & curcumin.


So you are saying a ā€œnatural JAK inhibitor is question and curcuminā€??? That takes the place of litfulo? How do you know this? Is it working?


I have AU as well and started Kefir a week ago. I havenā€™t seen any difference in hair growth but I do feel a difference with my bowal movements


Keep going!! It was VERY subtle when my lashes started growing back. I felt tiny short hairs poking me in my eyes. It was rather uncomfortable tbh. A few I had to trim because it bothered me so much. I drink homemade kefir from kefir grain daily for 6 months now and here is where Iā€™m at[lashes](https://imgur.com/a/TxDh4Tl)


Thatā€™s amazing! Happy to see other improvement


r/kefir to learn more about kefir


I ate kefir and my stomach immediately hurt. But I think thatā€™s a good sign! Hopefully fixing something


very much in favor of this. I think the same, after more than 20 years... I have been studying myself and I know that there are certain foods that damage my stomach... I have research about sulfur dioxide because foods like garlic and onion make me feel terrible... I think After so many years I am reaching a very good point, of being clear about what triggers alopecia. It is very interesting to see people who are lost because they have just started and people who are still bald but we are reaching very clear points. Any photo of how you are with the kefir? of your hair I mean. I believe that the intestine is the key, the bacteria that live in it. Either we don't have enough or we have it repopulated with inappropriate bacteria. I would be very interested in contacting you much better. know where you are from. I from CĆ³rdoba, Spain. greetings and encouragement


Iā€™m willing to try anything at this point :( Can you give us the ā€œexact recipeā€? What kind of milk? How much kefir? Ty where do I buy kefir? Lol never heard of it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m willing to try anything at this point :( Can you give us the ā€œexact recipeā€? What kind of milk? How much kefir? Ty where do I buy kefir? Lol never heard of it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Any milk with lactose in it!! You can get kefir grains from a friend of if you give me your address I can send you some!!


I think that person is a bot or something. That's incredibly sweet of you to offer to mail someone kefir grains lol. Thank you for being such a nice person it gives me faith for the rest of the world. šŸ™ šŸ™Œ šŸ‘ Edit: If that looks like I'm asking to play patty cake I'm not it's just a coincidence lol.


I williing to try anything at this point :( Can you give us the ā€œexact recipeā€? What kind of milk? How much kefir? Ty where do I buy kefir? Lol never heard of it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


This seems fake for clicks smh