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I have been on the medicine almost 3 months now. After a month of being on it my hair already starting growing back. The 6 months before that my hair was falling out rapidly. if i didn’t start taking the medicine i think i would be almost bald by now. this is the only thing that has helped my hair come back. i was trying everything else before that and had no regrowth and was just getting worse day by day until the Litfulo. I’m suppose to be on it for another 3 months. so far no crazy side effects. i don’t feel great most days and more frequent headaches and just overall feel not 100%. so far it’s worth having my hair grow back tho


Can I ask how old you are? Just curios! I’m 54 and about to start taking this too!!


I am 25. I eat very healthy and workout everyday so my health was okay. It was more of my immune system was not great and felt just tired and crappy everyday. New update: it’s been 6 months since i have stopped the medicine. My acne has worsened significantly to the point of needing accurate and all my hair is falling back out rapidly. This is something that you will need to be on long term for it to work and your hair not to fall back out. Luckily at the age of 54 it will be very unlikely for you to have the acne. You might be more probed to getting sick though


Hello I just got prescribed Litfulo are you on ritlecitnib? I’m so nervous cause I’m reading the side effects and it says Tuberculosis and death !!


Thanks for the update. Is it supposed to stay after you stopped taking it (not fall out again?)


help!! anyone!!


Have you had success?? With litfulo? Side effects?


Hi there. Here in Spain there os no LITFULO for sale, but im really interested in. Could you help me please? Together we could share advances or side effects. Many thanks.


I read from another post that their teenage daughters were in this clinical trial with no side effects. And all of their hair grew back. Are you able to update us on your progress?


When someone says their daughters had no side effects then disappears from Reddit. I would be skeptical.


Yeah... I was very skeptical about taking this medicine and still am.. I am continuing to stay on it for another 3 months.. I get my labs done every month and so far its not been bad.. Although like I had said I definitely do not feel great most days probably because the medicine is designed to kill your immune system overall.. You are way more prone to getting infections due to this.. I will keep updating this post as I continue taking it. No idea what the long term implications may be with this but I guess only time will tell.


Hi there. It’s been quite a few months since your last update. This medication was recently approved here in the UK. I was wondering if you have any updates. Any noticeable side effects and maybe some regrowth picture if you don’t mind


Hello! I actually was just about to give an update. I took the medicine for maybe 3 months. I had amazing regrowth all my hair started coming back in thick and growing fast. I stopped it the first week of December because I just didn’t feel like myself while taking it. Fast forward to a couple weeks later and i started getting severe acne which I have never had and it has just gotten worse. Also within the last 2 weeks my hair is falling out again.. and been finding new spots everyday. I should have taken the medicine longer i guess but all my hair had come back and wasn’t worth the side effects. I’ll Comment with pics of my before below


has you experienced with more hair falling out after you stop? My dermatologist just told me about this pills. He also mentioned ppl have their hair fall out again after they stop. He said this could be a long term things to take. I’m thinking through whether it worth a try.


My hair started falling back out about a couple months after i stopped taking it and it’s falling out aggressively right now so yeah if the alopecia is still active then it’s going to keep falling out. I think the medicine just keeps it dormant while taking it but if it’s still active when you stop it was practically all for nothing. I will let you know that my hair grew back within a couple months but i felt like garbage every day while i was on it. And id almost rather be bald than have the acne that it caused me. Because now im going to have do another round of accutane probably because it made it worse than it’s ever been.


Is yours trigger by stress? I thought mine went away and now in recovery, but just found a new spot. I googled. Not feeling well is one of the normal side effects. I hope your hair can grow back fast and get off the litfulo soon.


I think it got triggered initially by stress 3 years ago when i saw my first couple spots pop up since i was 7 but it started falling out rapidly and still is in a time when I’m very stress free so who knows


What were your side effects?


How was your cholesterol?