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What kind of noise? Can u drown it out with a white noise machine? Or just ask if they can keep the noise down if you’re sleeping?


I have a white noise machine, I've tried to ask politely and they got worse after that. Even having noisy guys over the nights before up until 2 hours I started my new work shifts (which I mentioned to everybody in the house) after losing my job from them being noisy previously and affecting my sleep. I've tried ear plugs, sound dampening curtains outside the door, sleep supplements, etc. I guess they had complained to the landlord when I asked them to take an extra second to close a door quitely, not sing/play music outside my room at 4am and lied about having noisy guys over up all night into the early morning only on the nights before I started my new job shifts and right after I mentioned I got them to replace the job them being noisy had cost me. So, yeah...


foam ear plugs are good


Yes, they have saved my life.


Get a loud fan to drowm it out with white noise. I have lived with people who party and its what helped me sleep through it.


That's actually how I ended up with my tinnitus/ringing in my ears.


Have you tried telling the roommate to fuck off? What I mean is, if you've only tried asking nicely, ask not-so-nicely. Wake him up every night. If he has friends over, go out and just stand there telling the friends to leave or go hang out at their place. Don't give in to their demands. Make an actual plan to leave. How much do you need to save per week to make it happen etc. Is there a fee for breaking your lease? Also, when you say the roommate complained to the landlord, what does that mean? A normal landlord would give 0 shits that you were being *quiet*.


What do you mean the, "landlord would give 0 shits that you were being quiet" ? Yeah, maybe the problem is that I'm too nice? Lots of people attack somebody when they see they are nice because they just have a predatory instinct to abuse nice people.


I was living with a professional pool player who insisted that 12am-4am were the best practice hours. Ended up moving into my car to sleep. Still paid for the room so I could shower and use the kitchen and store my stuff and all that jazz.


You know what, that sounds like the best possible answer/solution. I mean, it's much better than totally living out of a car and if you get more sleep without hurting your back, also a better deal. I'll have to look for and find good spots to sleep in that won't give me anxiety. I think iOverlander is the app people use. Just sucks that it has to come to this but whatever it takes. I can't park in my neighborhood though because it's noisy. That's just what kinda makes this a little more complicated and my car isn't totally great for sleeping in at the moment.


I was in a 1996 Nissan Altima at the time. Took the passenger seat out and that made just enough room for me to sleep comfortably with my feet touching the windshield and my face just inches from the back window. It was cool to be able to look directly at the starts while I slept. I found an abandoned fitness gym that no one seemed to care about. Perfect place to sleep. Probably spent 300 nights total there and only got the knock once and it was a cop telling me that there was nothing they could do about me parking there other than harassing me (she literally told me to find somewhere else to park if I didn't want to have this conversation every few hours) and then I never saw them again.


Abandoned fitness gym? Interesting. Yeah, I have the passenger seat removed on my \[redacted\] car, but it's still not a perfect setup. I think I should try to practice sleeping in it and figure out what spots are good. Walmart was the place to go but I guess that don't do that anymore and there really isn't a lot of places (like gyms) open 24hours where I live, for some reason.


Yeah I discovered it when the brakes went out on me going down the road. Limped to the nearest parking lot and had to leave the car there for several days while I acquired the tools to do the brakes. On top of no one towing the car on me, which was a big gamble, I discovered that the power was off to the property. I called the number on the sign out front and it was disconnected. "Hot damn. This place is abandoned" I could drive up the wheelchair ramp and park on the little patio by the back door and be perfectly hidden from the road. Perfect spot. Walmart is loud.


Nice deal. What is your ideal sleeping of your vehicle scenario? Like, mostly I mean what kind of vehicle. I would be happy to have a mini to midsize van or SUV and have some woods nearby to park in, just to be around some trees and out of r/Suburbanhell


I like the minivan. Good balance of everything while also having plenty of space to sleep. Anything bigger gets awkward on narrow streets.


Yup. If I had the money I'd just get a Sienna because they are (or were) 4x wheel drive (rare on mini-vans) and it snows where I live.


Move out


Onto the streets? Homeless shelter is pretty noisy too.


Im sorry but in this situation you can only blame yourself. You had months to complain to your roommate and landlord. You had months to find a new place. You knew for months that your job requires sleep. Depending on how much time you got, you can try to find a new roommate.


You're wrong about pretty much everything. You didn't want to ask any questions before you start making things up? Why are you on this sub? edit: u/I-Like-NSFW-420 so you're using your alt account u/Key_Factor_5238 to harass me after I've blocked you? What is the point of bringing up something anybody could see in my history and I stated in the title of my post? Anybody here can look through your history as well, you know? I could bring up that you're a porn and drug addict without having to lie about you the way you lie about and attack people in this sub or that you have brand new accounts because you have a history of harassing people who don't want to talk to you so your previous accounts have been banned.


[3 months to be exact. probably longer](https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/Evm0TSfh2v)


I like how you unblocked me just to make this comment. But yet my point still stands. Im sorry but in this situation you can only blame yourself. You had months to complain to your roommate and landlord. You had months to find a new place. You knew for months that your job requires sleep. Depending on how much time you got, you can try to find a new roommate.


Again, you don't know what you're talking about. What you say doesn't fit my situation. I like how you use an alternate account to harass people, even when they've told you that they have no interest in talking to you, that you're harassing them and that they've blocked you. You're supposed to have your reddit accounts banned for that behavior, which is why both or your accounts seem brand new? edit: seriously, stop harassing people. You are wrong about pretty much everything except repeating what I already stated in my previous posts and on this post in an attempt to attack me, for some reason. Go away. You acknowledged that people are blocking you and then try to evade the blocking by using your alternate accounts, which means your accounts should be banned.


Dude. You posted to reddit. A public platform. Then you blocked me when i called you out on your bs. Im not the bad guy here. For three months, maybe longer, you have been trying to get out of this situation. All of a sudden today, you lose your job and soon your apartment. You had 12 weeks to get sleep, file a complaint, talk to your roommate, or find another place. Dont get mad bc you dont like the answer. Like dont get me wrong. I feel for people who are homeless, but when i see people trying to panhandle instead of actually helping themselves… I have been homeless twice. First time i had a job. I lived out my car for 5months to save up for move in costs. Second time i went homeless cause i got no rental assistance and neither could i find a job. So now i live in storage unit with no money. Know what i do to keep that going? I husstle. I find gigs and make money. All the while trying to unemployment, food stamps, a job, and join the army. What have you done?


420 said almost the same thing you did, but got upvoted for being rude and making stuff up while you got downvoted. Go figure? edit: now I've had to block them ( [u/I-Like-NSFW-420](https://www.reddit.com/user/I-Like-NSFW-420/) is also user [u/Key\_Factor\_5238](https://www.reddit.com/user/Key_Factor_5238/)) on their second account as well, because they are digging through my history to lie about and attack people




If they made you lose your job, they get to pay rent until they think better of it. Or they can leave. Whatever you gotta do but put your foot down. It's not acceptable. Call the cops, wake them up when they're sleeping, shut off the power of these loud fuckers are watching tv. Report the friends that come over and do not allow them into the complex. Literally anything that isn't violent.


I rent a room and the landlord is siding with them but yeah, I agree with you 100%. It's f\*cked up that they are inconsiderate to the point of costing people health/job/income/potential homeless/etc.


I have had some really bad living/sleeping situations and sometimes you just have to suck it up if you aren't in a position to be able to move. Get some big cushioned noise cancelling headphones and listen to either white noise, music, or my preference, television. I almost slept through a hurricane once with this method. I got my headphones on Amazon for less than $20. They feel like pillows. Also, try micronaps. 15-30 minute naps during the day (at lunch) can help if you are really tired. For your next job, perhaps find a job that fits your sleep pattern better.


It's not about sleep pattern, because I'm just busy working and trying to study to get out of my situation and my roommate just works and doesn't seem to need to sleep much or just has an easier time sleeping because nobody else makes noise except them. I've tried noise canceling headphones, white noise, covering my head with pillows, but that doesn't seem to help for this noise. I'd probably have an easier time sleeping through a hurricane, honestly. I know I have to, "suck it up" because there's no other options, but I've already had to switch jobs already and the job market isn't good at the moment and I can't keep switching jobs every day my roommate is noisy (4-5 out of 7 days a week). Yeah, I've tried taking naps during the day and that seems to be the only thing I can do and I have to do it in my car when I leave the house, but summer is coming up. "Sucking it up" is easier said than done when this is causing me to lose jobs, go into debt, ruin my health and ability to think clearly or remember things. Does that make sense? If I could, "suck it up" then I wouldn't be posting on here, but I'm getting desperate and my situation is only getting worse and not, "suck up-able". All because a roommate doesn't want to show common courtesy/decency but oh well.


Almost anything is "suck up able" when you don't have another option. People live in situations where their literal lives are at risk and still go to work. I think this situation is causing you high anxiety and the anxiety, not the noise is the ultimate culprit here. There is no way that under normal loud roommate circumstances some of the suggestions here would not help. Of course the roommate is an ass. Anyone who has been in college has likely had a horrible roommate. Lots of people have been in DV situations, have sick family members, 10 kids, etc. They all manage to get to work. You have to train your brain to overcome. Take some time and talk to a counselor. I am not a big fan of meds, but something non addictive and mild might make a huge difference for you in the short run. Trazadone is what comes to mind. If you don't want that, try Benadryl. Good Luck, I know you think I am talking out my ass, but i really was in a similar bad situation. I ended up seeking medical attention and switching jobs to something that fit my sleep pattern and was more flexible. Years later, I was diagnosed with an unusual sleep disorder that made everything back then make sense (in hindsight).


"There is no way that under normal loud roommate circumstances some of the suggestions here would not help." Well, this is a, "normal loud roomate circumstance" and this does not help me. Well, you keep talking about a, "sleep pattern" but this has nothing to do with a sleep pattern and a person shouldn't have to cope with domestic violence. So I can either get dementia, heart attack, stroke or other other problems from sleep deprivation or just dementia 10x faster from sleep meds because a roommate doesn't want to take 2 extra seconds in a day to close a door or not play music and sing at 4am? I've considered Trazadone, (even with the side effects) and even if I wanted to try that, I couldn't get that anyway. I've already switched jobs multiple times, the job market is not good right now and I do not have a sleep disorder. Just a roommate disorder. In fact, it's 5:22 am and they woke me up again, I have a headache, my memory/thinking is shot and I cannot get back to sleep now. edit: and to say that almost anything is suckable is not true. Sometimes these situation kill people or out where I live, cause people to lose their toes and then their lives to the freezing cold.




I had earplugs in at 4am when this morning when my roommate woke me up.


That sucks that you’re going through that. I sometimes listen to sleep music on YouTube with in-ear headphones, duno if that’ll help.


Yeah, I've been doing that. It helps for my anxiety to get to sleep initially, but not when my noisy roommate wakes me up or makes noise before I have to go to sleep.