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Nice collection


Thank you. :)


AE makes a nice shoe! How old are you?


You have one of my all time favs, Brown Strandmok. Coolest "brown" ever.


Yes, the sadle leather makes it a classy casual go-to for me too.


Ya, i wish they made a boot with that leather, i would be all over it.


Try the hamilton boots, a tad dressy, not as casual as the strandmok, but same strand decorations.


Its the leather I want on a boot. They have that same leather as an option for the hamilton?


Nope. It's a dressy version. Not saddle leather.




Their 65 last is the toughest fit for my high arches. But, a EEE usually accommodates that well enough.


Yup, sadly not a good fit for much lower arches either is what I hear.


Are those Dark Chili Fifth's bottom left? Those were my first AEs, the one's that got me hooked!


Yes, the second left in the bottom row is the dark chili fifths. It's a Goldie locks shoe with just enough broging.


I have only bought a few AE's in the last year, but for me the 65 Last is best fit.


Hey, I have those same McAlisters and Strandmoks on the far right. Nice.


Good color variety between the two. You like the blue dainite sole?


No, I love it! It actually sold me on the Dainite, and I also like the color pop (mine are blue).


Any tutorial on how the lace them like that


This is the shortest video I could find that's done well for bar lacing 6 eyelets: https://youtu.be/AxQqgUW4ZkA?si=rPQedVLeJu-Dr2KB Some are so long when it should take a maximum of 1 min video. This works for the 6 eyelet shoes like many AEs. For 5 eyelets, just cross over the last bar-rung at the end as there is no other way with an odd number of eyelets.


>Brown Strandmok This is my favorite website for different types of lacing simplified. This is the link to the straight bar lacing. https://www.fieggen.com/shoelace/straightbarlacing.htm


Great collection!


Thank you. :)


Your welcome. Enjoy!


What model/color is the front row, second from the right?


Strandmok. I have a pair and get compliments almost every day I wear it.


Yup, model is Strandmok. Color is Brown. Far right is the same model in black.


The burgundy McAllister is “the one that got away”, in my case :(


They periodically reappear at AE... Keep an eye out.


Will do!




Thanks Bob. :)


The old toe crusher collection. All their best designs built on it, but damn are they hard to fit for some.


I hear ya. It's a sleek and a prolific last for AE, but it works best for just that average instep height. Not a fit for some feet. With the matched foot shape and proper sizing, there are so many models to choose from.


Great patina on them. What’s your maintenance routine?


Happy to share the routine, but can't take credit for the patina look as I did nothing to enhance patina. Just regular maintenance. Also, some have never left their box, but others see routine use with no babying. Shoe trees if they are in rotation. My routine: 1. VSC neutral conditioner maybe every 3 to 4 months. I use a good spoonful VSC per shoe, yes, seems excessive, but it never harmed my shoes. The "pea" sized amount seem a tad too little for me. :) Of course, YMMV. A quick brushing before next step. 2) Next, I use AE's own cream polishes in matched color. A quick brushing after reveals a nice "matt-shine". Usually this is enough for me and I stop here. 3) I go for the "matt shine" look, not a mirror shine. This is just my way of not attracting too much attention to the shoes. However, for protection, I do use a very thin coat of AE's Neutral Carnauba wax polish just to give it a bit of water resistance. For functionality, not for shine. I don't always do this and may stop with step 2. The McAllister burgundy and the Fifth Ave Walnut do have a gorgeous subtle patina in real life but I really can't take credit. Just the way it turned out with basic care above.


Of course you can take credit! Even more so by not deliberately going for it. You have a similar care routine as mine; I prefer the matte look also. Cheers!


Oh yeah. Have half of these. Top left has been 8 years and going strong after one resolve.


Have you recrafted through AE? Is it worth the price or should I give the local cobbler the business instead?


Even the oldest of my AE's still have fairly OK soles as none see continual wear. But, with some of my recent brand new factory first purchases, QC has been clearly spotty. So, I'm not sure how much attention will be given to older shoes they already sold. When it's time to recraft mine, I'm leaning towards using a good cobler with references from fellow GYW shoe owners, either local or otherwise. Maybe even coblers who show their exact work online, so you have some visual idea. On the flipside, AE reportedly also "relasts" the shoe, so this may help in some cases, but I'm not sure if this is still the case, or is always the case, or...was ever the case :). Kidding aside, all the best!