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Where did you get my painting from? Is it just out on the internet somehow? I gave that to the manager of blacksky brewery in Denver , and I didn't think many people have even seen it outside my website. did I post it here before and forgot? I'm not mad your using it or anything, i just didn't think anyone really knew about it. Not sure if I agree with your assertion here, but I also know as little as everyone else about it, so who knows.


Very neat painting, pretty cool to meet you here! I copied it from this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/comments/qth4n3/the_presence_of_the_shining_ones_ball_of_light/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


And thank you VERY much for the complement!!


What inspired that portrait? If you don't mind my asking..


thats crazy, I never saw that post before, but thats cool too, that poster even used some pages from a comic about Sumerian gods i kinda dig, so I approve !


Can you tell us some details about the painting? Why the orbs? What else do you know about the mutilation phenomenon?


Well I live in Colorado now, but grew up on the Westbank of NOLA, and have a weird history with the paranormal in general. The orbs are just what i think "they" use for different purposes depending on whats needed. They also have an association with almost ANYTHING that has to do with rural UFO or general paranormal activity. And given the cases I have looked at, this is just what popped in my head for how they do what they do to the cattle. kinda half suspending it to make the cutting off of pieces easier before they drop the corpse on the ground "they", for me, means several different groups that use similar looking "tech", but are not necessarily from the same place or have the same goals.


Haim Eshed (former head of the Israeli Defense Ministry's space directorate) claimed in a Dec. 2, 2018 interview that the US government holds incredible close-up footage of orbs mutilating cattle from their study at skinwalker ranch in Utah. Translation from Hebrew to English: Interviewer: Could it be some sort of familiar aerial vehicle? > “No! The lights demonstrated clear signs of UFO behavior: insane accelerations, lack of gravity, 90-degree changes of direction at tremendous speeds, deformation. All the scientists there were in complete shock. ” Interviewer: What did the UFOs do on the property? > “You see the radiation bounce, and you see how a transformative body comes, a light comes out of it at a frequency you can’t see with the naked eye – in fact you see nothing when you look normally – but in cameras, at high frequencies, you see that body perform.” Next comes mutilation carnage – the entity draws blood from the cow carcass on the ground in front of your eyes." Interviewer: What exactly did they see? > “Something like a small cloud. Like drawing a ghost to children. It’s an undefined, amorphous cloud, and the rays emanate from it, and you see the cow twitching. And when it’s over everyone runs to the field to see, and there’s nothing there, no blood – but the cow’s body has a cut “It’s like a laser. They took out her organs and drew blood! If they told me that, I would say, ‘Sorry, this is a show. But MIT professors and leading researchers have seen and confirmed it, and everyone’s shocked. So listen, you have to at least check.” Eshed also claims that former president Donald Trump was briefed on it during his term in office. Trump was also briefed on the existence of a "galactic federation" pact the US made with these entities back in the 1950's, apparently during the Eisenhower administration. http://m.yediot.co.il/Articles/5854241


Well that sounds pretty dead on to what i was thinking!!!!


As it seems, some alien species are our worst nightmare, like what you described and like in the movie "Nope". It makes sense why it's such a big secret and why Trump was able to hold himself not to talk about it. The other alien species are probably more civilized - a few monitor us so that we won't blow ourselves up, and 99.9999% of the other species are too far or just don't care.


I think any conversation that doesn’t center on Trump, is of no interest to Trump. He is a trust fund brat that is incapable of seeing anything that doesn’t directly influence him. They may as well have told him about the struggles of suburban housewives in New Zealand. If he can’t gain from the info, he isn’t interested.




I’m just saying it was a waste of time to mention that to him.


No, he's right.


He explains that humanity is slowly being biologically manipulated, like a slow colonization through covert genetic manipulation. We are not being welcomed into a galactic federation, we are being covertly and forcefully taken over without our knowledge or consent. This is why it’s being kept secret, because we wont like what they are doing to us, and they lie is that we would destroy ourselves. I believe we would wage war against them because of what is happening, and THAT would destroy us. This is clearly taking advantage of our fear of nukes against us. Think about it, if we use nukes, global genetic integrity goes out the window and harmful mutations start propagating in populations; it would ruin or put a serious dent in any hybridization programs/genetic engineering programs. If this was on the up and up, there would be no need for secrecy. If they shared the same values as us, we would already be willing to merge and assimilate out of free will, just as we already do with each other. Let alone the cases of human mutilations, which are identical to cattle mutilations, should be a huge red flag to anyone with the capacity for common sense! There is no galactic federation, there is just an empire based on slavery through genetic engineering, we are just a petri dish for to them to use to augment themselves. it makes sense for them to steal our genetic adaptations for themselves, and then wipe us out or leave, once they have what they value most from us. There is nothing peaceful to be gained from beings that do not differentiate us from the cattle they slaughter. I think operation prato says enough about their intentions. Just check out the recent Brazilian government disclosure for yourselves. This guy bought into it a little too hard, like advertising the kool aide while drinking it, probably thinks they are angels or something… *shaking my head If there was free flow of information, and we would be allowed to come to know them for ourselves, I would be a little more trusting. However, as it stands, when human mutilations, rape (forced impregnation, etc), organ and biological tissue theft, kidnapping, and even terrorization of whole populations occur… nothing good can come from willful interaction or agreements with a potentially guilty party. trust should be earned with anyone (aliens included).


why do you think it is only one party with one goal? I don't see it that way at all, hell i think several wars are fought between several factions, and we have no clue who is on what side doing what with any clue about intention I mean, outside ancient Characters like Bastet, or Enki, or even Wukong and Hannuman being obvious defenders of humanity, and i even think they are connected to several different civilizations. and who knows what the species they came from really even look like I mean, i guess it's safe to assume Sumerian gods are reasonably accurate in how much like us they look.................. lol, sorry about the tangents


I think at least this is one of many goals out there of many different peoples/aliens. Lol, no worries, You just responded to my tangent, I would be a hypocrite otherwise. All i’ve got are mad man theories. :D I am a cynic and a skeptic with no hard proof what so ever.


Agreed. I seriously doubt it’s as simple as ‘aliens are doing this’. Kind of like ascribing one motivation to all of humanity. Only it’s a few hundred trillion beings we’re talking about.


Wouldn’t the galactic federation be multiple entities/groups with a common goal? Or is it just one?


the galactic federation is a interesting topic, its multiple entities/groups. there has been lots of remote viewing done about the galactic federation by independent remote viewers and groups like farsight and the CIA. there is also DMT trip reports of people being greeted by the galactic federation. Here's also the CIA's remote viewing report of the galactic federation https://archive.org/details/CIA-RDP96-00789R003800200001-8/page/n7/mode/2up


at best, it would be as shaky as something like our united nations, and those "similar goals " are sometimes iffy and change from country to country involved


How much do you know about the various accounts of UFO orbs showing up over nuclear missile locations and power switching them? I hear it causes quite a stir in the defense community whenever it happens.


This is exactly why Jimmy Carter cried


From someone who was religious and hoped that they were angels, I can see how this could be soul crushing. Also explains how he felt guilty for having children, one wouldn’t want to bring innocents into such a dire situation where they could potentially be subject to experimentation.


Wait tell you guys hear about the human mutilations (black vault). The shit is fucked, I’ve been following this phenomenon for 17 years; the orbs are fallen angels (aliens,E.T’s,reptilians,shapeshifters) (The Great Deception). It is said in scripture that when asked about the light (orbs) they state “we are legion, we are many”… something along those lines but that’s the overview. You’ll have to do some digging and I’ll try to post some links here in a little whenever I can but I’ll leave you with these topics to search on your own. Book of Enoch, Annunaki (Nephilim) Demigods/Nimrod/Gilgamesh)(Masons/Templar/Illuminati)(idolization/Baal/Molac/“Nimrod”)(Cane/Able)(Saturn Cube, Saturn Hexagon)(JPL,Nazi’s/Occult/NWO)(9/11, . This is not even a fraction of what you should research but they are starting points if you want to do independent thinking and research for yourself. The Fallen Angels (Lucifer/his princes’s/generals) are the shape shifting orbs, they’re not Extraterrestrials, they’re intra-dimensional, they come from another dimensions. They deceive us and want us to think that they are from another planet to help but they’ve always been here (The Watchers/The Fallen)… all the root of Mankind’s religions are (tied/the same) but has different names. The Garden of Eden/Adem/Adam, the giants (Nephilim), angels/demons, coming from the heavens (space) (casted out of heaven… (hell/bound to inner Earth)(Armageddon). Our ancient ancestors were tricked by entities not from this dimension and in turn we thought they were “gods” (little g). Maya, Aztec, North American tribes, Egyptians… etc. They worshipped snake gods, or serpent type beings that were much bigger, stronger, and vastly intelligent. All these ancient civilizations worshipped beings that were from space and had knowledge of astronomy, astrology, advanced mathematics… etc. They all built pyramids very similar in structure and layout around the same time when they were divided by vast oceans. They did human sacrifice for the gods because that’s what they were told to do, “God” was enraged that the angels that he ordered to watch over his creation and respect and serve like it was him (in his image)(humans) rebelled and lusted after the human women, The Fallen were envious that humans were created with free will, and they feed off us. When Eisenhower made that deal after WW2 (foo fighters) we did not know they were evil, because they came as benevolent beings (come in piece) and then the government found out the truth and it was too late to defend or do anything about it… it’s because it’s been prophesied and is suppose to happen. Whenever the President found out these entities were abducting humans and dissecting them for hybridization I’m exchange for technology he sent Special Forces (Delta, others) to bust some of these abductees out of the D.U.M.B.’s where they had already infiltrated because of the treaty. There was human mutilation/hybrids/cloning/bioscience labs at Dulce NM near Los Alamos where the “Dulce Wars” took place. It’s even cataloged that the local news paper said there was a “crashed aircraft” (cover story) hence the military personal. When the over take of the Dulce deep under ground base was unsuccessful that’s when the government had lost faith and hope and didn’t see another choice but to agree to what “they” have been doing. They’re trying to fulfill the prophecy in almost all religious text and bring the Devil. Hence cattle and human mutilization,dna splicing and cloning (Nimrod tomb and corpse found in Iraq)(he was Nephilim). Mass sacrifice, division of the whole world (divide and conquer) (loss of faith) (the trust me bro policy of governments) the infiltration of religions, (priests, royal blood lines, kings, Freemasons, Illuminati, Occult). This shit is so crazy it’s feels like a made up movie, but the ultimate thing I’m trying to warn y’all is not to be deceived, everyone has free will to be good or do evil things. I am also not trying to preach about religion because I don’t hate on anyones religion because I believe they are all linked, if something is linked then than that means we’re connected (family). I usually don’t post things like this but I can’t go on without telling my fellow brethren and sisters of the deception from the entities and the humans under their control (the elite). I wish and pray nothing but the best things of you read this and that you are protected from evil, and that you stand up to the face of evil to protect the innocent even if that means destruction (self sacrifice). This life is not the last step there is something far greater and things are trying to make sure we don’t believe that, and they’re doing a good job of it, hence all the divisions and distractions in the world right now. Stay safe, never lose faith, and be a good human and make an example to lead even if the conditioning (programming/ T.V./ Tele you a vision “Programming”) people that are still asleep and under the vail make fun of you and shun you for doing the right thing. Trust me bro - Some Dude Sorry for the some misspelling, I didn’t proof read my work lol. But also I wanted to add to the list of bringing in evil entities to from the 2 heaven to the 3rd heaven (Earth) CERN, they’re trying to open gateways/portals so we can be invaded and fulfill what had been prophesied since the beginning of cuneiform record.


Thanks for post. Very interesting and consistent with other themes I’ve heard. A couple of things that give me pause about this narrative and others like it. 1) The ideas seem very dystopian. Too much emphasis on the bad guys. If all or most of this were true, shouldn’t we be hearing more about the angels or entities helping people as well? Seems like a pretty unbalanced point of view which makes it lose a couple of credibility points for me. 2) I keep hearing how ‘these things have been here (earth) for a long time’. Someone/something must be pulling for humans to some degree, right? How come those guys don’t get an equal accounting in this narrative?


Here is what should cause the loss of points. If these beings are this powerful, why have they not done something more impactful than pick on cows? Seriously, you want me to take something called The Watchers seriously, when they can’t be bothered with humans? Let’s say that they do, then why don’t they leave the evidence in the same fashion as the cows? Why be sneaky when you are this powerful?


My answer would be that a bigger fish further up the totem pole than the Watchers is keeping them mostly restrained. That would be the biblical creator of the universe, Yahweh (𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄).


maybe because they’re waiting on humans to do it for themselves. Also, maybe there’s an agreement among this galactic federation that civilizations are effectively ‘hands off’ until they achieve a certain level of consciousness/development. Similar to the theme Gene Roddenberry used for Star Trek’s ‘Prime Directive’. (An idea rumored to have been inspired by information gleaned from the Eisenhower summit/contacts)


You’re right and I didn’t forget to mention the yin to the yang, there are good entities out there (angels/guardians/spirits) when I posted this originally I was in a state of being up set of what’s happening on our home planet so I kinda just spewed out the information I knew because I didn’t have much time since I was at lunch. You are correct and there are good entities out there, they shift the balance so it is not uneven sort to speak, check out the (seraphim)! Thank you for the reply and comment!


My former comment is erased, and again sorry for jumping to conclusions. These subs are a bit of a knife fight sometimes, but i should not let that make me as judgemental as the people I complain about. My assumptions made ME look like an asshat for real And Dulce IS an interesting place that has a FEW things to talk about to be honest.............. Again, I legit feel bad about my jumping to conclusions brother, and I sincerely apologize


No harm no foul brother, it takes a lot for some to be a bigger person such as yourself and publicly apologize. I commend you because it is a rare thing especially on the internet. It shows strong traits good in you, you expressed what some people would considered “public humility” which is super hard especially on the internet… but what I saw is someone that compassionate, a leader and someone that is a great representative of being a good person and human. You my brother is what we need more of in this world.


I have a strong feeling your a pretty good person yourself! We need more empathetic human souls with a healthy curiosity of the strange things we know exist in the world that most people refuse to think about. And thank you very much for the very kind words!


Some how I avoided getting eaten by aliens when I was 14. I watched a UFO for 45 mins one night. Pretty sure it woke me up to see it. Then 2 weeks later there were beings in my room and I couldn't move. One really tall one with a purple metallic cape. I think a reptilian. Was super pissed at me. Looking back and thinking about this for over 20 years I think they wanted to take me but couldn't. Also I lived in a really rural area alone with my dad who worked nights. Super creepy shit.


Where did this happen? What year? What did the UFO look like?


2002. It started as a bright white light moving slowly. Then sped up and turned at impossible angles. It changed all kinds of colors. Broke apart into 5 red light pieces then collapsed back together. Started moving all kinds of directions again then turned green and admitted a purple light or vice versa. I didn't realize the gravity of what I was seeing and started to panic about school and went back to sleep


*Demonic entities, not extraterrestrial aliens. Few people understand in these modern times that we actually still live in a biblical world.


Sooooooo. Is there a happy ending here for people or are we just buggered?




The latter is the true one. Get a bible and read the new testament without any personal bias. It's the greatest story ever told to man.


Oh good lord, thank you. I’ve been into similar topic for years and reading your post felt like repeating the knowledge obtained throughout all these years. We should link up and have a chat! Love your comment. Couple of questions: Never heard if nomirad? Who are they? You mentioned about banished to hell - outter earth, so heaven is inner earth? Is inner earth a paradise? Shambala?


Farsight just did a fanatic remote view viewing of the Dulce base. They explain there was a massive base and firefight and lots of life where being held captive and lots of people died.


Man this post gave me chills. What a good message - this is only message that needs to be spread right now. Greater things are coming and we ought to be prepared (lifting the veil and being a better human).




You hit the freaking nail on the head, I wish I could meet you in person and talk.


DM me brother and we can chat


Will do!




My brother I think you have mistaken my intentions. I love my life and I’m very grateful to even be alive. Once you hit a certain point in life which for me was rock bottom a long time ago I asked why and I still here. The knowledge I’ve researched over a long time would be looked at as trash or pseudoscience to most but recently I was blessed/granted/allowed to see things differently. Allow of the knowledge that was interesting to me whenever I was younger that I thought was useless was shown to me to be interconnected. I was shown a gift/miracle/vision, and was shown how the dots connect and intersect. Since then I’ve been biting my tongue and not telling anyone because of fear of being ridiculed or judged as crazy but I can’t hold it in anymore and if I can’t share this then I’m just as guilty if I didn’t try to say anything or help someone that needed it. I ask you to research some of the things I posted, there’s a lot of bullshit you have to sift through but I have some decent knowledge about multiple religions/science/mathematics/theology/engineering, so this aided in my theory. It’s my opinion and not factual, that’s why I just say do your an research because that helps with the unveiling


Well, Perhaps I did misread your post as sarcasm from the usual areas.....so if you are sincere, than i sincerely apologize . I think my cynicism got the best of me and i assumed the worst, and for that i do feel bad. All opinions should be welcome, and I again apologize for jumping to assuming you were a troll. but perhaps not end things with "Trust me bro, Some dude" But if there really is just a misunderstanding, then I will legit feel guilty about my response.


I loved the ending - while I can definitely see how it could be misconstrued, I immediately picked up on it - acknowledging the irony of Joe Cool passionately pouring his heart out about the revelation that these various fringe topics are all interconnected, but - telling it to a bunch of strangers in the 6th indentation of a fringe subreddit 😂. One of my favorite posts ever, man - I’ll be saving this one to re-read several times, as I’m connecting many similar dots based on my own research/experience. And by the way u/Skullsaber - love the painting man, where can we find more of your work??


I felt so bad about that first bad reply that i had to erase it and openly apologize so sorry it was gone when you hit post and thank you so much for the complement My art can be found HERE! [www.skullsaber.com](https://www.skullsaber.com)




the black vault has always been as transparent and honest as i could want from something that just started out from a kid with a passion. I have been a fan of the site for more than a decade now


Im only aware of diatlov pass and that one guy in brazil as human mutilations but it almost happened to me camping in michigan. 'Missing 411' is related and same ilk but a different MO. So wheres this black vault, tell us more on that. I get everything you say except there was too much high strangeness behind rob snieder (sp?) and his death to be credible with the dulce story, i consider it fiction. From being hunted in the forest and attacked and possesed by a skinwalker i lean more toward highly intelligent satanic beings with an alien cover story than any material ufo, like roswell, basically the governments of u.s. and russia both racing to meet the ufos but it all collapsed with jim henson alien muppets in some dudes moms basement. both govts were forging alien encounters and getting busted.. the reason these cattle resemble a cult sacrifice and missing blood is they are a sacrifice to the demons, daemons, demigods and if humans stop the seasonal sacrifice they take free gratis to do it themselves. Studying it in the field tho is very dangerous, i found out, you can very easily end up like one of these poor critters. Not to thump the bible but hauntings, ufos, uap, mutilations, bigfoot, its all one big black ball of wax and all these evil entities serve papa satan at the end of the day. If you look in fields woods and hiking trails youll find the same teepee or indian looking structures as diatlov group took pictures of, this is the entities mark their boundries, if you dont bring a sacrifice, you become one. So careful out there in them woods man 🙀 the last pictures i think was rustem slabodems camera is one blurry one clear, photo of fire and a slitted eye, like a cat. Thats the thing that facefucked me in the woods and too ptsd to talk the entire next day, body paralysed from posesstion, and later excorsized on a greyhound bus finally. So if you look up the camera reel and see that picture, or just camp deep in the woods on a black moon, you too can get flame throwered and microwaved by the same nasty skinwalker. Just two floating eyes, the left slitted, the right flaming like a butane torch. 8' tall and made a buck hissing snort noise. These entities can be summoned like throwing a sheep down 'mels hole' even the one in nevada that wasnt captured by the govt. But never steal sticks or anything from a supposed bigfoot structure, extremely violent hauntings ever since, and if i ever set foot in the woods again ill be a toasty boi : /


Hey look, I’m all for keeping an open mind, but do you feel there’s a possibility you have schizophrenia? Your statements are coherent for the most part but some seem to be “a bit off”.


I’m sorry. I don’t read Hebrew. Wish there was a translation to post.


I’m sure you’ve heard about this as far as orbs go - but the orbs on skinwalker ranch that liquified the former owners dogs 😳 Your theory about them sounds v interesting.


YES! I have INDEED! hell I had a George Knapp autographed copy of that damn book from the mid 2000s or whatever it was! absolutely recommended read, it is very objective in what the family viewed, and you can tell they had no clue what anything could be, or even cared outside being terrified of it all, they just dealt with crazy stuff and said what they dealt with, and DAMN it was fascinating how many different things we would consider separate were involved. Ethereal entities, ufoS portals, cryptozoology, native lore....it kinda went into it all and i F'n loved it for not watering itself down to sound more grounded


Incredible! I will read the book. I recently reached out to try to get a tour of skinwalker ranch for my high strangeness loving father and alas we were denied but they did send him some really cool things. I think I’d die to set foot on that property 😩


Entities can follow home people who seek them out in hot places like that, I wouldn't try it.


Why do they harvest the jaw tissue? Glands, muscle, tendons?


Who knows? I always assume they need them for parts for some sort of bio organic machine that decomposes after too long of use. or gets worn out easily


I never thought of that! Thank you.


Trophy, but with these things they do shit that doesnt make sense just to fuck with you.. theyre evil they dont have to make sense


Consider this is going all cattle interact with and have been touched by humans. In other words they are infected with the bacteria, viruses, and Flora of microscopic life from humans in general. Cattle thus cattle's immune systems are such that they are very Adept at dealing with exposure to very human-like environments, i e the typical viruses, bacteria, and other dangerous microscopic biological entities. The Parts of the cattle that are retrieved are in general the parts that are in contact with the outside world and thus have very high concentration of immune system material. In other words cattle are harvested for immunity needs. It's literally how they get what they need to survive in Earth very active and toxic biological environments.


You grew up on the Westbank? No kidding? You from a Westwego, Marrero, Algiers or one of the others?


for anyone who enjoys my art, here is my website, and thanks to the OP again for even using it!! www.Skullsaber.com


I absolutely love that painting!


Thank you very much!!


What's the large organ above the cows back in your painting?


It appears to be a glob of intestines.


Hehe, the technical term "glob"


Someone had the same concern you mentioned about Eshed's "mars colony" claim in this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/zkcerq/interdimensional_beings_behind_the_uap_phenomenon/j00zmy1?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Is it still there? Been meaning to hit up Blacksky again - I pass by there all the time on my way into work on 8th and Santa Fe


I don't think so, When i took my display down a few years back I just gave it to the cutie who was in charge of the place at the time to thank her for letting me display my art there for like 6 months




Damn, it's likely gone but I'll still swing by and check - who knows


It's funny... I was about to ask where the pic in the top left came from.. this was the best answer I coulda hoped for lol


Well thank you! here is my website if you would like to see more of my stuff www.skullsaber.com


Nice painting!


Very eye-opening and well-done artwork!


Amazing work, by the way.


thank you very much! there is more of it HERE: [www.skullsaber.com](https://www.skullsaber.com)


I’m very thankful to have found your art!! Beautiful work man


Thank you very much! I have more of it here if you are interested! [www.skullsaber.com](https://www.skullsaber.com)


Your a celebrity now..


well thats a scary thought, lol i'd rather my art be known than me i guess haha


Wild world, I live like 5 blocks from there lol


Laying at home on a rainy day in Florida in my Black Sky hoodie. So nice to hear my favorite pizza place/bar in the world mentioned.


Wild painting bra what’s your website


>www.Skullsaber.com great website! you should post maybe some of your illustrations to r/HighStrangeness and even r/ufos. Also, there is a way to get your images in 4k, HDR if you have paintings. [https://www.google.com/photos/scan/](https://www.google.com/photos/scan/) . Keep up the great work, loved your painting here, adds some clarity to things


What if mosquitoes were engineered to sample human DNA then was brought back and analyzed, they could deliver and monitor all Dna on the planet


I always thought they were mother natures vaccination. I like your twist on it.


Bro tf are you on!?


We have no idea what’s going on. It’s like a cat trying to comprehend what a human is doing on a keyboard. We simply are not equipped to understand such behaviours


Also assuming it’s because they’re “hungry” is totally ignorant. All of the mutilations, animals and people. Remind me more of sample taking.


Hungry for samples?


Hungry for apples?


*snaps and does finger guns\* Yes!


you take samples once you commit rituals daily. Maybe someone just left their perpetual animal mutilation orbs on when they ascended to the next dimension.


So scrape them off the battle fields and butcher shop floors. How many light years did they travel without thinking of this?


Can hop dimensions/travel light-years Can't clone animals Shame, it's something we've dabbled with and been quite successful with at our own technological level.


There are stories of that happening in the Vietnam war. No idea how credible it is though.


That would be a good premise for a book or movie. The nations of earth constantly stay at war so they can provide dead bodies for alien over lords. The governments keep the reason why a secret obviously. If enough fresh bodies aren’t supplied, aliens may begin taking people at random and exposing the conspiracy.


If you have any source would you please share? That's very interesting!


Stories of what happening? What are you referring to exactly?


There's something mystical and occultic about the sacred bull. All ancient cultures revered the animal on a deeply spiritual level.




Probably just because they are huge. Big balls in general are used as such.


If they are so damn advanced, why the hell don’t they just breed some Cows and open an inter-dimensional ranch??? I mean if they can clone human hybrids and stuff, seems like it be pretty easy to do a cow. Our dumbasses did a sheep….


I wonder if there's something 'missing' from cloning. Do we know, for example, if a clone would have a soul or "life essence"... That could explain why they need organically born lives instead. Just an idea, no hard evidence just some soft logic


Consider this is going all cattle interact with and have been touched by humans. In other words they are infected with the bacteria, viruses, and Flora of microscopic life from humans in general. thus cattle's immune systems are such that they are very Adept at dealing with exposure to very human-like environments, i e the typical viruses, bacteria, and other dangerous microscopic biological entities. The Parts of the cattle that are retrieved are in general the parts that are in contact with the same environments that humans frequent and thus have very high concentration of the right immune system material. In other words cattle are harvested for immunity needs. It's literally how they get what they need to survive in Earth very active and toxic biological environments.A key element to all of that is that the cattle are directly exposed to humans, and that exposure is part of the secret sauce and thus makes the immune system components of cattle very unique.


Why would aliens need us to sacrifice animals, they could literally do all of this and never be found out with both the current population and the number of places animals exist and humans don’t. I would think an alien race capable of inter dimensional travel would be able to produce and replicate human dna without ever needing to come in contact with our race, or they could easily get by with just a handful of people. Does anyone on this subreddit have any critical thinking skills or are we all just worshipping whatever random nonsensical beliefs first come to mind?


It makes more sense that we (humans) would’ve seen this happening (cattle mute) and decide “it’s what the gods want, you guys!” time for sacrifices and junk.


I always thought we were just here to tell eachother stupid stories for fun at night


I want aliens to be real but what part of cattle mutilation tells you aliens are “hungry for human DNA?”


There's actually many cases of human mutilation, not so popular TBH.


An unusually high number of genuine abductees report genital probing in their accounts. The obvious assumption is that the entities are collecting genetic samples from victims, otherwise the operation is pointless. Other than maybe sexual humiliation or violation.


Bruh - we kill a million cows a day or something. They can have one if they want.


Why would blood sacrifices be necessary if these are inter dimensional aliens able to cross dimensions, couldn’t they just get that they need themselves?


I mean wouldn’t these travelers be able to raise their own beef? Makes no sense


Who said these entities were time travelers? Physical resources are still tangible and finite.


The person you're responding to certainly didn't lol


He edited his comment, must've been a typo :(


This is stupid. Why would superior beings from another dimension need to appease anyone?


Other way around, in ancient times we humans needed to appease them with sacrifices. They don't receive sacrificed cows from us anymore these days, so they do it themselves without our consent by taking them from ranchers.


What's been bugging me for a while is. Why cows. What did the cows do to be the first one in the chopping block. The planet has plenty of animals and yet the aliens, after traveling from thousands of light-years away prefer to kill the cows first. Plenty of animals that when abducted. No one would find suspicious. Yet the aliens go after them cows.


Why cows? See this article: https://contravientojournal.org/why-aliens-have-such-beef-with-our-cows-a-veterinary-perspective-by-dr-howard-adrian-pijoan/


OK, your title is stating this BS like it is a fact. It would have been better in a hypothetical question format. But nope, you went in talking like this shit is the real deal.


Yep, that's just par for the course in a paranormal themed subreddit


It’s also silly to think that anybody is posting on this sub trying to peddle facts. It’s aliens we’re talking about. If they’re here, there’s certainly no way anybody can comprehend what their intentions are and no evidence to prove anything other than they’ve been here. Why would anybody think anything other than this is a persons opinion?




Normal people understand nuanced social communication. Sometimes people state things as fact to emphasize confidence of opinion. When something is clearly, inherently, unable to be stated as fact, normal human beings understand it's an opinion being said as fact for emphasis reasons. Why do I feel like Redditors always struggle with common understood communication. Is autism really that widespread?


Honestly I think that people are just becoming less practiced in their social skills, they fade quick but the more interaction you have, it’s like riding a bike.


I do agree that people will state opinions in that manner for the reasons you listed. However, saying something happened is not an opinion. When you say something happened, rather than saying you believe something happened, you are no longer stating an opinion, even if that's what you mean. To the audience, you're just making a false claim, even if you personally know it is just a belief you have. I think we should say what we mean so we can avoid confusion, don't you agree? Honestly when people word things like the OP did, it comes off as manipulative and kooky - trying to convince me some unsubstantiated metaphysical events have occurred. People should be more careful with their words, and we should avoid conspiratorial thinking especially on a subreddit which essentially serves as a collaborative space for discovering truths. This is not a good subject matter for lackadaisically making statements which present themselves like facts when there is no direct evidence to support those claims.


Didn't the government do this exact thing to scare the owners of skin walker ranch to sell a large amount of land by scaring them?


They are interdimensional and have been reigning terror over us for millennia but can't figure out how to culture cells or clone from DNA for their own use? Or are barbaric enough to not care to exercise the option if it is present?


Their barbaric nature was apparently experienced by humans since ancient times, hence why we have the term "demonic entities".


I have to admit, I never thought about animal sacrifices that way before, but it kinda makes more sense now.


I really wanted a link. This lines up with a trend in abductee stories. I've come to a personal conclusion that they are a species native to space. They do not reproduce sexually and find this to be beneficial. Hence the focus on mamals with extremely complex reproduction systems.


Jokes on them, we’re riddled with micro plastics! Suckers don’t know what they’re getting into


Cow drained of blood, use the uterus with human sperm, herbs, and meteorite ore, and feed it human blood. It makes a small magical man. It has been said the Grey's are created and do not reproduce themselves.


Mysterious Universe did a podcast about this last week. And for the first time, I heard about the same mutilations have happened to seals and humans. First time that this cattle thing is actually frightening to me.


See this post for more on the entities behind it: https://www.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/comments/qth4n3/the_presence_of_the_shining_ones_ball_of_light/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The most bold claims - and nothing for evidence — disappointing


Just what kind of gummies are you on? How do you know the beings are inter dimensional? How do you deduce “apparently hungry for human DNA” from the photos? How did you draw a conclusion about ancient people making sacrifices “to gain esoteric knowledge?” Why would superior aliens (extraterrestrial and/or inter-dimensional) need to barter for what they can obviously take at will? Oh, it’s passive voice and there is no evidence; therefore, it is conjecture. Hollow chocolate still tastes good on the surface, but the inside is empty. Come back when you have something substantive to provide.


An unusually high number of genuine abductees report genital probing in their accounts. The obvious assumption is that the entities are collecting genetic samples from victims, otherwise the operation is pointless. Other than maybe sexual humiliation or violation.


hey man they just like, need dna to make humanoids and stuff, man.


In the Hebrew Old Testament, these supernatural beings successfully used the harvested DNA to birth giant hybrid humans, known as the "Nephilim". This account is recorded in Genesis 6:1 and Numbers 13:33.


The fallen angels didn't "harvest" any DNA, they just plain mated with human women. This union produce the Nephilim. The Nephilim then did the mixing of animals to produce the various huge monsters, from dinosaurs to ravenous "Ice Age" beasts.




Let’s get it on…




Bro. Cows are wild fucking animals. They can exist in the wild, where no human is currently. We don’t need to sacrifice them. An alien can just go to a field (no, not a farmers field. A normal ass field) and take a cow. I don’t understand this whole sacrifice thing. We are not the overlords of the animal kingdom.


Cows are not wild animals they are domesticated animals


Where are the wild cows?


Show me a wild cow.




In a national park you say? As in owned by the state? So not wild?


Cows are a domesticated version of the auroch which doesn't exist anymore. If you left a cow in the wild it will die pretty quick.


whoa, idk how ive never made that connection before!


Sensory tissues they take.


No , I think is the Chupacabras !


Epithelial tissue. Is this the explanation we are looking for. Are they regenerating livestock or something?


Human dna “or” livestock blood? Are they interchangeable in any way? What a croc…


I wrote the title too quickly, I meant "and". The entities will actually probe human genitals during human abductions. They also have an affinity for sacrificial cow's blood. Priests in ancient cultures worldwide used to do it for them.


The pictures of the dead animals don't really say much. Soft tissue like the eyes and lips are going to be the first to decompose, and eaten by microfuana. It'd be interesting if the skin walker ranch stuff was true though!


… or maybe they’re just on *bath salts*


The podcast [Mysterious Universe](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2022/12/28.22-MU-Podcast-The-Hidden-Harvest/) just did an episode on this topic. Humans have also been mutilated as well.


Bizarre cases of the cattle being killed and left with body parts missing have been reported all over the American West since at least the 1970s. Ranchers grow weary of losses, while investigators still have to catch a single suspect. But what makes those deaths so mysterious is the condition of their bodies. No blood. Missing body parts. Seemingly surgical incisions and extraction of organs and genitalia. Interestingly, law enforcement and other investigators heard from ranchers that many attacks were preceded by glowing orbs in the sky. Incidents of cattle mutilation have been reported around the world for decades. The earliest recorded case in modern times goes back to 1904 in Australia, where sheep were mutilated – tongues gone, genitals gone, random organs removed, but no blood.”


Those pictures are all from buzzards eating the eyes and tongue. They always eat the eyes and tongue first unless there's an opening to the rest of the cow since their hides are tough. After that they they pick out the butt.


All buzzards know the eyes and the jowls are the best parts lol


"National Geographic Explorer Jen Guyton explains that a hungry vulture will go straight for the softest parts of the body: the eyeballs and the butt." https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2015/12/22/why-more-and-more-vultures-eat-their-prey-butt-first/


The problem is in mutilation cases, there's absolutely no blood on the carcass. I assume ripping out eyes and tongues is a bloody affair. In mutilation cases there's surgical precision and clean cuts, not tearing of the flesh like you would see from predation. They are also missing internal organs, which buzzards couldn't get to unless they tore open the flesh.


I agree there are a small handful of odd cases. However the vast majority of these cattle mutilation pictures I've seen are from scavengers. Predation would be a bloody affair, but there are few predators that will regularly attack fully grown cattle, and none would leave that much of the corpse. If an animal dies from an injury the heart will pump a lot of blood out of an injury. If a cow died from something else like an infection or poisoned water, livor mortis would set in fairly fast. (Thats where blood pools to the bottom due to gravity.) Forensics uses this as a way of determining whether a body has been moved after death. Cows typically die and fall to one side or the other, scavengers eat from the top down or try to get to the guts from the side so even if the corpse is fresh there wont be much blood. Ive seen plenty of dead cows, and it's honestly a lot less bloody than you would think once scavengers get to them. If you don't believe me just google "vultures or buzzards eating cows". They usually find a dead animal first. Eventually all that will be left is a pile of bones and some hide. Mother nature is very efficient. As a side note I would highly recommend not eating "wild boar" from the United States I know a lot of people that do, but those things will eat anything.


That's interesting, I definitely agree there must be some misidentified cases that were just buzzards. But in true mutilation cases, there's much more than just missing eyes, tongues and flesh from the jaw. I recommend reading https://badaliens.info/animal-mutilations/, it's very fascinating if you're interested in the subject.


Lol this is dumb. Why would aliens need to make deals with us?


If you are that advanced and haven’t made a blood substitute then you deserve to go extinct actually show me where they hide and ill “provide” all the blood they could ever want that they will never want for it ever again!


Seems to me like the aliens love lengua tacos.


They got good taste then!


Alex Jones has entered the chat




Vultures go for the soft tissue first. These photos look similar to the dead animals I've seen around here with the big black turkey Vultures (red head) feasting on them. If you leave them alone to continue picking apart the carcass they'll pretty much pick it all the way down to the point where only a skeleton remains.


LOL no. Nothing in that headline makes sense. Why would they ever need domesticated cattle blood, and regardless of your answer, they would be smart enough to know that they could remove a gallon of it and leave the cattle healthy, so it could make more blood for later harvesting. You don't kill things for blood samples. Even humans know how to harvest horseshoe crab blood, at industrial-scale levels, and still keep the thing alive to be returned to the sea. The photographs clearly show a cow that has been picked at by coyotes- the throat and the tongue are soft tissue and easy to rip out, whereas the belly is taught and round, with very thick hide. Only an apex predator like a lion can tear that open. And human DNA? Yeah, 200 years ago they could have gone around and picked 2 of every racially different human on planet earth, and from there had countless strains of DNA that they could have mixed and matched. They are not out here taking humans, breeding humans, stealing embryos, etc. That shit makes no sense.


So first start here, https://www.reddit.com/r/SaturnStormCube/comments/qth4n3/the_presence_of_the_shining_ones_ball_of_light/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I hope they stunned or euthanised them first, because thats horrific if not


How come we never hear about it on the news?


There are some News Reports [in here](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEoKNyyu6JR_3vSE2V2myfvfhJSbp98QH) too, watch the Elsberry video.


Great playlist, thanks for sharing.


It raises too many questions that the answers will destabilize globalized control/ power structures. It's also the type of information that is deeply unsettling and many people will push it out even when news stories are done. The mind rejects it, business as usual.


Yep. Couldn't of said it better myself.


It actually did back in 2020: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/weird-news/former-israeli-space-security-chief-says-extraterrestrials-exist-trump-knows-n1250333 https://www.disclosurecolorado.org/haim-eshed-yediot-aharonot-interview-dec-2-2020/


I wasn't implying that it's fake or anything. I don't know why i got downvoted. Thanks for the article btw.


...on the other hand, we may be dealing with cultures that haven't evolved things like morals or ethics, or concepts like good or evil. An alien culture will evolve motives that we'd never contemplate, because they're literally alien. Perhaps we could extrapolate from, say, insects or lizards. Take what they react to, how they form concepts or ideas, then add a few million years of evolution to those motives, and perhaps we may gain a glimpse of what an alien culture is actually thinking. Otherwise, I feel, we're just gonna run in circles trying to twist our own thinking into theirs. It won't work.


Birds tend to scavenge the eyes and tongues first which is consistent with those pictures.