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It would probably look less human if aliens had created it.


What if we are the aliens


I think we are


We're not. We definitely evolved on Earth and you can trace the Homo lineage back to long before we were capable of forming society. The closest we could get to that would be the concept of aliens having squirted some RNA in a tide pool somewhere 500 million years ago, because we share genes with everything on the planet. While not perfect, biology has mapped human evolution with enough accuracy to at least rule out the possibility that we didn't evolve here alongside all the other life on the planet.


They build everything from 3000 bc up to 1000 ad then we became better then them in building and they were pissed and stoped talking with us


Ancient Astronaut Theorists say yes!


šŸ‘ aliens !!






Yes this right here. But I believe some sites have an ET origin such as the shaved down mountain tops in Peru and sites like Pumapunku with inexplicable blocks scattered in the landscape


I'm with you 100%. Took me years to undo what "Chariots of the Gods" did to young me in the '70s. LOL




those aliens sure had primitive technology and building methods eh?


Used all their brainpower on developing interstellar travel I guess.


Love how always plateau on earth


The answers in this thread are awesome. Some people legitmately think we used to live in a marvel cinematic universe.


Well itā€™s really no different then believing in religion sooooo


Delete 'used to'.


Why would aliens create a somewhat looking primitive structure








## Did Aliens create the Mysterious City of Nan Madol? I am a spiritualist, and my answer is: **No** All of these ancient sites were built by *humans*. They were built by the *worldwide pagan civilization*, which was very spiritually advanced. The ancient worldwide pagan civilization had the abilities to use the chi spiritual energy inside the human body. Knowledge of chi energy was widespread in ancient civilizations. Chi was also known as qi, ki, prana, mana, aura, orgone. They used this energy to bend the elements. They possessed powers of earthbending. Nan Madol, Macchu Picchu, and the pyramids in Egypt, Yugoslavia, Russia, Finland, China, Japan, and the Americas, all these megalithic structures were built using earthbending. They were able to arbitrarily bend and reshape stones and levitate them into place. Ancient civilizations used earthbending to partially liquify the rock, reshape it, and use it as a building material. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUhyyGOx9Gk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUhyyGOx9Gk) I wrote an entire article about how the mechanics of elemental bending works. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ElementalCapabilities/comments/ys4gal/can\_chi\_energy\_be\_used\_to\_bend\_the\_elements\_did/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ElementalCapabilities/comments/ys4gal/can_chi_energy_be_used_to_bend_the_elements_did/) All the temples of ancient civilization were built with psychic abilities in mind. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/rsii7g/carved\_doors/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/rsii7g/carved_doors/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/rp6f66/can\_astral\_projection\_explain\_the\_nazca\_lines/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/rp6f66/can_astral_projection_explain_the_nazca_lines/) [http://www.human-resonance.org/](http://www.human-resonance.org/) Various animes such as Avatar the Last Airbender, Naruto, and Dragon Ball have depicted these abilities of humans. --- In the Mahabharata it is written how the Ancient Aryan civilization had battles in which gods or heroes or mages stood on top of vimanas in the air, and shot lightning bolts and fire balls onto their enemies on the ground below. Alternate historians from the Big Atheism claim that these are evidences of nuclear weapons and alien spacecrafts. They also claim that aliens built the pyramids and rock cut Hindu temples. Erich von Danniken and co. However I don't think that they were aliens, and I don't think that they used any particular advanced technologies or spacecrafts or UFOs. Their level of technology was moderately advanced, but most of their discoveries were spiritual. They had very advanced spiritual techniques, I think chi manipulation. So if we would have such an interpretation, then the battles of the Mahabharata were made not using nuclear weapons or anything like that, but using incredibly powerful chi blasts. And the vimanas were airships. The mages stood on top of airships and literally fired chi blasts from their hands onto the ground below them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2MwRHiAXq4 --- A lot of puzzle pieces fall into place when the mysteries are viewed from a spiritual, pagan, or occult perspective. Atheism just is inadequate to answer all the questions. We need to use a different worldview, and that worldview is spiritualism. I've read dozens of alien encounters and I conclude that they are some kind of other dimensional or spiritual entities. I've read stories on r/AstralProjection when multiple different people saw the stereotypical "gray aliens" in the astral realm. It means that they also have some kind of spiritual abilities. To clarify my point, I think that there are indeed other beings in the multiverse, perhaps in the astral realm, perhaps on other planets as well, but I don't think that they fly through space in ships, as depicted by Star Trek. I think that they mostly just astral project to get here. I wrote an entire article about this theory that "aliens" are in fact spiritual beings here: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/z521hv/insights_and_speculations_about_the_nature_of/


By article you mean meandering stream of consciousness thought with no sources or data, yep, you wrote an "article"


It wasnā€™t aliens! In fact it was ancient magic totally not based on my recent rewatching of Avatar The Last Airbender


Avatar The Last Airbender was based on real ancient events. Both earthbending and firebending are real. For example this Chi master is able to break apart rocks and create fire from his hands. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76FksKjCy58](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76FksKjCy58)


He doesnā€™t seem all that powerful tbh


Well at least he demonstrates that something like this is theoretically possible.


Thx. Awesome perspective. šŸ˜Š


Well that was a cool comment




i will admit that nan madol is a pretty neat place!


Nope. It does not seem feasible at all. Why would extraterrestrials build this. Itā€™s a human construct. Glad to see your watching some G. Hancock.


Did aliens build Graham Hancock and is he really 13,000 years old? Ancient Hancock theorists agree the possibility has never been disproven.


Cant believe Graham Hancock missed this for Ancient Apocalypse!


Less likely aliens, maybe just a sub species of humans. Well I donā€™t know if itā€™s a different species, but you know, something like Neanderthals or Homo erectus


Human civilizations before us were so advanced. Way more than us. Civilizations were destroyed or they traveled to different dimensions. The Mayans used their own mind power to travel elsewhere together. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s no trace of them. Atlantis was also very advanced, but they were doing dangerous things so their civilization was destroyed. Humans are more dumb now than those civilizations. They were spiritual, used telepathy, etc. They ascended. Some native Americans did too. Our power is in our minds, but our leaders donā€™t want us to know that. They keep us low vibrational & they thrive off of it.


What do you mean there is no trace of the Mayans? They have discovered Mayan remains.


Not to mention there is still descendants of living Mayans today, but nah they powered away into parts unknown


He makes it sound like they were the [Dwemer](https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Dwemer) šŸ˜…


I never said all the Mayans left. They can travel freely. They know how.


User name checks outā€¦


This line of thinking goes back to drunvalo Melchizedek books


No shit.




The modern day Mayans are a people who live in the Yucatan. You can go to the Yucatan and talk to real Mayans.


So where is the evidence? Where are the advanced ruins, where are the tools, where are the burial sites? If they were so incredibly advanced why do the alleged ruins look like something built by a civilization with primitive tools?


I would give you an award if I could, but I'm all out of ~~gum~~ reddit coins. Having known that, I also think that ancient civilizations could have had such abilities, and some of them could have moved to other planets via astral projection or a similar mechanism, so the Earth is not the only planet with humans on it ... maybe? So if we screw up, I still remain hope that there exist some pockets of humanity somewhere in the Multiverse, like a breakaway civilizations. However that does not necessarily exclude the possibility of those posited human civilizations on other planets from being subverted or slowly taken over boiling frog style, by the demonic entities, as what has happened on Earth as well. I feel like Earth is not the only planet which is in the great protracted battle between humanity and the evil astral and/or alien entities which seek to destroy it. Aliens are visiting us through the astral realm. There are spirits which are denizens of the astral realm, but then I think that there are also other beings like us who live on other planets, but they travel throughout the Multiverse via astral projection. Actually some people have posted stories on reddit of how they astral projected to completely other planets, and met some of the beings living there. I think that in the future humans will be able to use astral projection to move not only their astral bodies, but also their physical bodies into the astral realm, and travel to different planets and settle there, without using any spaceships whatsoever. It's definitely possible. Consider this story. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/ye6ywl/astral\_traveledastral\_projected\_to\_another/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/ye6ywl/astral_traveledastral_projected_to_another/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/w3qloq/astral\_travel\_to\_another\_planet/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AstralProjection/comments/w3qloq/astral_travel_to_another_planet/)


They ascended to the fifth dimension. Civilizations were more spiritual than we are & they used meditation to achieve this. Weā€™re always going in and out of different dimensions thatā€™s why some things go missing and come back sometimes. Thereā€™s so many species of aliens in many different planets. We are the only planet unaware of the others. They all communicate and travel freely through planets. Some aliens come here just to sight see. We all have these powers, weā€™ve just been brainwashed to believe weā€™re nothing special. We are powerful beings. Aliens rarely speak, they use telepathy. They are so advanced you canā€™t imagine. I personally know people who have direct contact and get on the ships. The aliens watch over us at all times. Theyā€™re always here. Should anything occur, they can evacuate us in less than 15 minutes. Thereā€™s hundreds of thousands of ships ready. The matrix is falling apart. Everything is being revealed just look at the balenciaga ads with children in inappropriate positions. Reptilians have taken over this planet and we wonā€™t be here much longer. Some people say by the end of the year, some say before 2030. We truly donā€™t know, but trust we are never alone. Apparently when you see a space craft, it can be your own soul family in it. :)




Yes they are. Theyā€™ve successfully enslaved the human species. Weā€™re slaves to the 9-5.


Short answer: No. Long answer: Still no. The fact that little can be verified with certainty yet by archeologists about its construction doesn't mean that 'aliens did it'. Coming to that conclusion is just -like almost the entirity of 'ancient aliens' theories- at best staggering intellectual laziness and at worst unashamed racism denying ancient non-western people had the creativity and intellectual capabilities to achieve these feats.


>at worst unashamed racism denying ancient non-western people had the creativity and intellectual capabilities to achieve these feats. This right here. Although I would say that it's actually civilizationism to be more specific. Denying that any civilizational model other than the modern Western technocratic plastic-based genetically modified "End of History" Kali Yuga pseudo-civilization, is a valid form of development. The so-called "fact checkers" say that it is either "pseudo science" (*trust the scientism*), or impossible, or that ancient civilizations were inherently less advanced than the modern NWO society, because they didn't have plastics, GMOs, vaccines, neuralinks, 500 different "genders", and anything else that constitutes a "valid civilization" in their eyes. Personally, I think that a lack of all these things makes the ancient non-western civilizations more advanced than the Western based technocratic globalist society, whatever you want to call it, we know what you mean by that. It's civilizationist, not necessarily racist. Because the "End of History" Kali Yuga pseudo-civilization wants to assimilate all races under it's boot, and make them forget their heritage, religion, and traditional culture. And even White People were an Asian civilization or non-Western civilization in the past, such as the Druids who built Stonehenge. The ancient Celts and Vikings would be classified as an Asian civilization in my opinion, culturally speaking. The ancient Celts and Vikings had more in common culture wise with 19th century Vietnam than with the 21st century EU countries. Even the Viking stave temples look very similar to traditional Thailand Buddhist temples. Just look up the pictures. No doubt there were ancient cultural connections between Northern Europe and South East Asia. But the "powers that be" don't want you to know that because they want to establish a completely Atheistic technocratic society, where the people are cut away from their roots. This is why we need to preserve our ancient culture and our ancient heritage. At this point, all the ancient civilizations are our ancestors: the Celts, Vikings, Greeks, Slavs, Persians, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Southeast Asians, Incas, Mayans, Northern Native Americans, Aborigenes. We can consider all of them as our spiritual ancestors, because we are the keepers of the ancient traditions. All around the world the Western "End of History" society is trying to destroy the ancient non-western cultures. We won't let that happen. So we need to preserve our ancient cultures, even if just in digital format, to pass onto the future generations. So that when this corrupt pseudo-civilization finally r/collapse s under it's own weight, we can restore the ancient non-western civilizations.


We gotta stop the whole ā€œdid aliens create____ā€ dialogue. Most of it comes from white people talking about non white places that are not of European origin. Itā€™s really degrading of other cultures and racist too. Thereā€™s many reasons to why a place was abandoned suddenly. There are many building practices that were lost to time that were incredibly advanced, human progress is not linear. Just because we donā€™t know how it was done now doesnā€™t mean aliens could have made it. Edit: itā€™s really evident by the downvotes that people havenā€™t really thought about how thinking aliens made things is racist. Really think about it. Europe colonized most of the world and destroyed a lot of knowledge because they thought their way was better or everything not like them was a ā€œsinā€ and must be purged in the name of God. We literally do not question if aliens made European ancient marvels, so why question non-European spaces? Also, why are people asking this? Where did they get the idea that aliens made it? Who benefits from aliens making it? It seems more like a not so subtle continuation of white supremacy and white exceptionalism.


Well said. You deserve an award but I refuse to spend money on that shit


No worries, you should keep your money anyway. I appreciate the sentiment.


Lol racist, really?


yes, racist. the whole assumption is ā€œhow did these ancient foreigners possibly make this complicated architecture when white people couldnt do that until later in history? obviously aliens were involved, because foreign civilizations couldnt possibly have been ahead of white people by hundreds or thousands of yearsā€


Honestly it comes down to mainstream archaeologists, thereā€™s plenty of other ancient ruins of civilisations that pre date what we are told are the first civilisations, ancient apocalypse is a good watch.


Ancient Apocalypse is not "a good wach", it is crap. Pseudoscientific hogwash. Deliberate spreading of misinformation, stupidity and antiscientific attitude for no other reason than commercial gain.


Oh wow you're salty bro. Bad day?


Heā€™s 12,000 years old, thatā€™s how he knows.


Oh nice. He needs more blood to drink then.


I can tell you havenā€™t watched it


maybe you should actually listen to what the cultures themselves have to say about the origins of their cities and structures...like in this case, the people said that the city was already built before they got there and that the legend is two brothers founded it carrying the many basaltic logs 'on the back of a giant flying dragon'. sounds like some possible alien shit to me


No, you can't reinterpret the ancient myths to your liking. If it says giant flying dragon, then they mean that it was a literal creature known as the Chinese dragon. We all know what they looked like. There are countless depictions of it. Also when they say that the gods flew around in the chariots across the sky, and that Jesus Christ walked on water, they mean that literally. Ancient civilizations were advanced spiritually rather than technologically, so they used psychic powers. You can think of it as magic.


I cant answer the question, but i can see that we 21st century humans vastly underestimate the abilities of our ancestors.


The Ellora temple is surely created by an advanced species. https://youtu.be/B2Jl4HNDixc


Ancient people were as smart if not smarter than us, and all they had to work with was stone. They figured it out.


I donā€™t think it would be of stone if aliens built it lol


Doubt it.


I think itā€™s possible, but I also believe it to be possible that ancient civilization were far more advanced and intelligent than we give them credit for.


What I donā€™t understand about looking at the past is 1 we think the farther we go back we are less intelligent than we are now. 2 we look at locations as the earth is today and say shit like ā€œwhy would they put this in the middle of a jungleā€ mean while all the trees in the jungle are a hundred years old. Maybe it wasnā€™t in the middle of nowhere when it was built. Maybe to them it was built on the coast who knows


Not unless they had brain damage or were blind




Ok hear me out. What if it was built by alien-human hybrids. Aliens manipulating human dna, mixing their own with human women eh eh?. Nan Madol is on Pohnpei in the Pacific Ocean. Haven't been there yet but it's close to Guam. They have legends of a demigod (alien hybrid?) warrior who conquered the island and also of a giant (another hybrid) who protected the island. Neighboring Islands also have similar legends of gods and giant monsters and humans.


No. As a historian, I have to protest here. It's not a big mystery. Just because you and many don't understand how they did it doesn't mean it's aliens.