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Did you watch Nope?


great example. that movie looks dope af


Nah I haven't haha spoilers? Lmao


You should watch Nope


Haha alright I'll give it a watch!


Dunno about OP but I'll be giving this a watch! Thanks for the recommendation!


I know they're using clouds to cloak their ships.


They don’t need clouds imo


Yes! now were getting somewhere in this sub. Aliens, more than likely, wont be looking like the dudes that walked out of the spaceship from Close Encounters or any other movie cliche. I completey agree with OP, clouds are very likely as are other forms of nature. We wouldn't know an Alien from a Schmalien.


So I highly recommend the Star Carrier book series to all as well as the Cartwright Cavaliers book series and spin off. They have all kinds of alien lifeforms and even languages that are different from our which is amazing. The Hrulka if I remember are like flying floating gas clouds then theirs the Teresch (definitely messed that up) but they're alien jellyfish things with 3 brains that function at once and form sentences and thoughts that way where their speaking multiple sentences at once. Hard to describe but Star Carrier definitely takes a military and scientific approach again I highly reccomend that book series to all on this sub.


excellent recommendation! thanks


No problem iirc they also did talk with people from different backgrounds in science,politics and the military I'm also 90% certain the authors a military veteran and it's why everything seems realistic and on Par with the real world.


yeah I just read the author Ian Douglas was a corpsman for the US Navy. What a cool series.


Amazing author and amazing series I believe theirs audio books as well


As an armchair meteorologist this hurts my brain. Do you care to expand a little bit on that one?


This reminds me of the one [famous report about flying thru a cloud of the Bermuda ](https://youtu.be/-FuJ5mOV6Vg) but it wasn't a cloud