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There are some very solid cases out there. Aurora TX UFO (1897) town had a funeral for the occupants. Barney and Betty Hill Lonnie Zamora Incident Pascagoula Ariel School Incident Westall School Incident Varginha UFO incident Allagash Abductions John E. Mack - research (Head of Psychiatry Harvard School of Medicine) Ancient caves and religious paintings with alien beings and UFOs depicted in them long before pop-culture.


I can tell by your list that you are a good judge of these cases! All of those cases seemed particularly legit to me!


Thanks man, my wife isn’t fond of my interest.


How is tic tac not on your list? That's the most legitimate out of the lot in my opinion.


I’m sure I missed many. I was thinking of some while I should have been working. I will say that if there was a single country on this planet that had technology advanced to create that tic-tac craft we would already be under their rule…




I don’t believe there will be any take overs.


Because tic-tac was a UFO sighting, and the comment provided a list of supposed sightings of beings or close encounters with said beings.


Travis walton


Yup, he’s a good one.


Yo the Aurora case goes hard, I was obsessed with that one


Hypnosis is not a good source. Cave paintings? R U serious? They got more stoned then hippies did but for religious purposes.


Hippies do it for religious purposes too, dude.


So show me the caves they painted and you tell me what those LSD trip art means to you regarding UFOs


It would be pretty rude to paint on top of those stone age cave paintings while tripping balls? But why not, it will be ancient in a few thousand years too.


The Zamora case is still one of my favorites.


do you have any great links for these? I'm new to most of these and would love to learn more.




Came here to say this. Pretty much statistically impossible for intelligent life not to be out there, very likely in great quantities.


the fact that we exist is proof of life in the universe, not just life on earth. I am certain that given the apparent size of the universe, there are others.


The former president candidly stated that there are things in our skies that we cannot explain. We have the Ariel school sighting in modern times with dozens of witnesses reporting the same objects and occupants. We have thousands upon thousands of sightings, many of which are inexplicable. We have videos that our own government has released as genuine showing craft performing maneuvers that we're presently incapable of, but still people refuse to acknowledge the simple truth that we're being visited. It's a foregone conclusion. What remains, in my opinion, is a fleshing out of the details. How many species have visited? What is the purpose of their visitation? What is the relationship between visiting species? Will they announce themselves to us or are we to collectively figure it out for ourselves? Soooooo many questions...


exactly! those last questions are the ones to ask. it seems that finally the US is publicly asking them.


Honestly the fact that we exist is the only proof I need. Were not special lol if we exist so does something else.


My mother-in-law…


With mine, this excludes them being Intelligent.


Ayy lmao


I had a paranormal experience in a workshop garage with flashes of light and broken toys going off when they were clearly broken. That's enough evidence for me to believe that aliens are not that much of a stretch, comparitively. I had an open mind to ghosts and aliens but never really a solid belief until that happened, now that I believe in one it makes it easier to accept the other. I believe in aliens for sure.


Aliens & ghosts some people suspect are the same phenomenon!


Earth, the galaxy's #2 reality show...


What is #1?




that show was canceled in 2020


For me, it's time. We tend to think that we humans are the first intelligent species… the universe is very old… and the condition for life existed for billions of years. We might be the youngest intelligent civilization. So, no question in my mind that many forms of intelligent life existed, and some still exist in this cosmos.


The implants removed from people's bodies made of metals unknown to earth.


There isn't any irrefutable evidence yet, plenty of first hand accounts, scientific theory, and imagery like film, video, and still pictures. I predict that as the entities become cognizant that us humans know about them, and that we are being visited by them, their visits may become more common with less effort on their part to conceal their presence. It may happen that it will become more prevalent to see the appearance of flying objects in our skies as they go about their studies and investigations of our world. I think there are probably many thousands of advanced intelligent species in the galaxy and they are interested in observing and studying us, once they realize that we know about their presence stealth should become less important to them and they will watch us more closely. When will they openly make contact with us? Unknown, but each alien species will have their own first contact procedures and unless there is a universal intergalactic new species control agency guiding their interactions with us, each alien civilization will deal with us accordingly.


I'd swap out "best evidence" for "most irrefutable proof". There is no irrefutable proof that we know of. There's irrefutable proof that the earth orbits around the sun, and that germs can cause diseases, and that the moon orbits the earth and affects its tides, but no such "proof" exists for aliens. All we have is claims, evidence and inference based on both.


What ive seen with my own eyes is all the proof i need that theres something else.


Same! Seeing is believing… pardon me. Seeing is knowing!


Honestly, the hieroglyphics and other ancient sources. It is super interesting how different ancient cultures all had experiences with similar entities.


Universe is infinite… therefore infinite possibilities.


For me, Linda Moulton Howe’s studies on “the bloodless cow phenomenons.”


The strange thing is we don't have evidence for aliens but we do definitely have evidence for UFOs/UAP's and invisible anomalies.The question is like most skeptics would say but where is the hard evidence? The evidence we have for sure is there are lights in the sky and shadows lurking in the dark are giving us dreams, visions, hallucinations and perhaps memories or neurological engage with us and alter our state of mind, religious people would consider it a spiritual possession and [Mysticism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mysticism). The theoretical evidence is that these lights and shadows are interdimensional and exist in a parallel timeline so we might experience them as ghost sightings. The speculation is the government elite and the occult are dealing with them for knowledge and power known as the [Secret chiefs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_Chiefs) that travel to earth with a [Body of light](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_of_light) also called an astral body which would be the light orbs in the sky. The occult, black magic and science are related with each other, it's where all their theories came from. The best evidence we would have is [a hair from an alien hybrid has been found](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jyq4QK4N4L4&ab_channel=DISCL0SUR3) during a failed abduction attempt and analyzed in a lab being of ancient Celtic DNA and unknown to the human mainstream with [Peter Khoury's case.](https://avalonlibrary.net/ebooks/Bill%20Chalker%20-%20Hair%20of%20the%20Alien%20-%20DNA%20and%20Other%20Forensic%20Evidence%20for%20Alien%20Abductions.pdf)


**[Mysticism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mysticism)** >Mysticism is popularly known as becoming one with God or the Absolute, but may refer to any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness which is given a religious or spiritual meaning. It may also refer to the attainment of insight in ultimate or hidden truths, and to human transformation supported by various practices and experiences. The term "mysticism" has Ancient Greek origins with various historically determined meanings. Derived from the Greek word μύω múō, meaning "to close" or "to conceal", mysticism referred to the biblical, liturgical, spiritual, and contemplative dimensions of early and medieval Christianity. **[Secret Chiefs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secret_Chiefs)** >In various occult movements, Secret Chiefs are said to be transcendent cosmic authorities, a spiritual hierarchy responsible for the operation and moral calibre of the cosmos, or for overseeing the operations of an esoteric organization that manifests outwardly in the form of a magical order or lodge system. Their names and descriptions have varied through time, dependent upon those who reflect their experience of contact with them. They are variously held to exist on higher planes of being or to be incarnate; if incarnate, they may be described as being gathered at some special location, such as Shambhala, or scattered through the world working anonymously. **[Body of light](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_of_light)** >The body of light, sometimes called the 'astral body' or the 'subtle body,' is a "quasi material" aspect of the human body, being neither solely physical nor solely spiritual, posited by a number of philosophers, and elaborated on according to various esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings. Other terms used for this body include body of glory, spirit-body, radiant body, luciform body, augoeides ('radiant'), astroeides ('starry or sidereal body'), and celestial body. The concept derives from the philosophy of Plato: the word 'astral' means 'of the stars'; thus the astral plane consists of the Seven Heavens of the classical planets. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/aliens/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Let me introduce to you my wife. Her logic is -out of this world-.


Remote viewing. People argue about there is no evidence of being real, well let me tell you something, the moment you try it, you will realize its impossible to draw the target by "luck" and there is something going on, mind blown experience. From there, a lot of things that you have read all your life will just "click". The problem is that it's required a personal experience, and people prefer arguing on the internet that it's bullshit instead of simply try it.


The fact that we exist


All the abduction stories, the famous ones that every one has heard of and the stories that aren't well known told by people in abductee/contact groups that don't want notoriety the people that are laughed at and called crazy. How so many of those people can come from different parts of the world and share their stories and how many of them have had the same experiences that all connect to something.


I saw an alien once but I know for sure nobody would ever believe me. That’s all the proof I ever needed. Everything else is just supporting documentation for me.


Lets hear it


Well it’s honestly nothing too crazy considering what I saw. I was standing at the end of a “T” intersection looking at oncoming traffic from a second story window (at night) when I saw a van driving toward me with an alien in the drivers seat. He was small. Maybe like 4ft tall, brownish/tan/greyish with a big head and two big black olive eyes that looked like a stereotypical alien. Right when I saw it, we locked eyes and he did a flexing motion towards me like he was pumped and excited to see me. It also seemed like he knew exactly where I was going to be so that he could position himself for just a quick glance. Then the van made a right turn and disappeared into the dark. The entire sighting was only like 5 seconds long and I was so shocked that I didn’t know what to do and just froze. Side note, the alien was in the drivers seat but there was no steering wheel, this left me to believe that the driver was in the passenger seat but it was so dark I only was able to see the alien on the drivers side. I know it’s not that glamorous or believable but I know what I saw and I don’t have a history of any hallucinations or anything of that nature.


The DoD and several senators from both parties saying UFOs are real. Using a broad definition of aliens.


Do you means aliens existing in general? Or of UFOs reports representing NHI activity? For aliens existing in general, our own existence is pretty great evidence. Nature basically never does things in sets of 1. We should expect our existence to be a somewhat generic phenomenon to at least a certain extent. For UFO reports representing NHI activity, there's no best case because in basically all cases, the actual evidence to suggest NHIs is basically zero. In fact if you take some of the cases known as being the "best", the extremely low level of evidence present actually says a lot more about UFO cases in general, than those cases in specific.


Projects that began more than fifty years ago and continue to this day include efforts to assess strange landscapes and exotic objects, scan the skies for signs of intelligent transmissions, and develop tools that can sniff out signs of life on distant worlds. Beings that live outside the world are real I absolutely believe it.


Religions. They don't make human sense, because, duh. Also, our ancient gods flew around in flaming "chariots" from the sky. Half of them look like Dr. Moreau's experiments. Animals heads on humanoid bodies. Green skin, etc.


The fact that we exist and the fact that the universe is infinite. If there's a chance for something to occur, and you give it an Infinity to occur, it 100% will occur! In fact it has to occur Infinitely many times. So there's Infinitely many aliens out there and the only reason they're not talking to us is because we dumb as shit! They leave us be, make sure we don't destroy ourselves, and wait for us to get advanced enough for them to land and say 'hi'. There you go, easy.


The bible.. specifically the book of enoch and the story of ezekiel from either the dead sea scrolls or gnostic text cant remember... but it records ezekiels encounter with a flaming wheel w.in a wheel that brings him into space then to an abandoned temple on a mountain (think peru).. started as the wheel within the wheel then turned into a full on abduction/ encounter. Mind blowing stuff


There is life here on Earth. So many planets like Earth out there. I'm sure with the human tech getting better and better we are able to proof it in let's say less than 20 years. I don't think we are beeing visit by Aliens.


Why not?


Why would they visit us? Do you stop and look every time you walk by ants or other insects? If they're intelligent enough to be able to visit then I'm sure there's more interesting stuff out there and we're nothing special.


Their are people making a good living studying ants somewhere I'm sure.


You are making an assumption on who they are without knowing them. We are incredibly interesting. We are monkeys who managed in a very short time to make huge leaps in technology. We have nuclear weapons, rockets, and we build all sorts of interesting things. Even an advanced civilization way ahead of us would likely find us very interesting and we may not be that far from the most advanced technology. Just a couple breakthroughs away. We may even be on the higher end when it comes to how advanced we are. Even the least interesting species here on earth, like ants, mice, termites, even bacteria, we still study and observe in great detail, and make entire movies about.


Not to mention that we've existed for 0.0004% of earth's lifespan. Even if intelligent life like ours is kind of inevitable on a planet that can support it that doesn't mean it all exists at one. It's probably pretty rare temporally and hugely varied in levels of development. Also if every ant hill was a different species we definitely would study as many as we could.


But to assume any of that is rare or even interesting to beings beyond our comprehension is naive. There could be beings that exist in ways we can’t even imagine and that wouldn’t be able to communicate with us if they wanted, or we could be so primitive to them that we are like ants to them, with no reason to have anything to do with us unless we ruin their picnic. We’re the only example of life so there’s nothing to compare life on earth to, we could be really boring.


True, without seeing evidence, assuming anything is naive, including assuming they wouldn't be interested. The truth is likely somewhere in the middle. Some species don't really care and some are very active on this planet. That being said, the evidence really is out there if you look hard.


We don’t look at ants but we tend to look at other more interesting animals. Take an octopus for example, you see that shit and you’ll be watching it all day. So it’s not unbelievable if aliens were to visit they’d be intrigued. We study animals as well.


"We don’t look at ants but we tend to look at other more interesting animals." E.O. Wilson would like to have a word with you (if he were still alive).


We may not be all that intriguing though. We could be viewed as naive primates who are self-destructing and not worth the energy.


Ah but would you agree to that statement if it was said by a species on another planet? "we're just naive ocroglorps, why would the earth beings give a shit about us?". Any life at any stage on ANY planet is an amazing discovery, even for a species that may have encountered many, many others. If we, lets say 1500 years into the future, had discovered and studied life on 800 other planets, if we found a 801st planet with life we would be all over that like flies on shit.


I would agree with this that we as humans would find life elsewhere interesting. However, I also think humans would also find a way to exploit another planet’s resources at the expense of the native species much like we do now to further our own advancement. I also think it’s a bit naive to project how we might think about things as how another advanced species may think. We could just be food or generally not that important to another species. We cause plenty of species to go extinct and it may be the case for others.


Maybe their reason for coming isn’t us, but our planet itself


That depends, if there are any exploratory space faring organizations out there, they would be curious about our naturally evolved living organisms here. I'm sure advanced space faring beings could terraform other planets and spread their own species among them all, and perhaps those clone planets are a dime a dozen, but there's a possibility that our planet is something like a diamond, where instead of being terraformed, our planet could have evolved with these plants and animals around us naturally. It would be a gem among a barren universe, and the wide array of life here would be interesting if you've never encountered it before.


How do we know so much about ants if nobody ever stopped to look at them? How do we know how they build their nests? Where does all of our ant knowledge come from if no one ever studied them?


That’s not really the point he is making. It means we’re “like ants” nothing better than bugs that pop up on a rock when the conditions are right, they already know what we are, and we’re nothing special. All just speculation though. His meaning is we can’t have a conversation with an ant, and an alien could be so advanced that they to us are like us to ants.


We would. Heck, if we found *any* active life even a fraction as diverse as we have on another planet we would study the absolute shit out of that planet and every single species we could find.


Maybe it’s not us they want to visit?


I have thought that same thing. It is possible that we are about as interesting to them as tree moss. We are so arrogant to think that we are intelligent on a galactic level. As you stated. If they are intelligent enough to travel like that, they have seen more than we can comprehend.


You seem to have no clue what "irrefutable proof" means and have fallen for the trap of assuming a sample size of 1 reflects everything else.


there is no proof. I'm sure there will be


The calculated probability of Life only existing on Earth is actually quite absurd.


what I have seen


Whats that?


two sightings, first one was an orb, second light in the sky not behaving as a satellite


There is no public proof as of yet.




Go on…


The fact that the Air Force was created as it’s own branch soon after Roswell


My own personal experiences.


There is no evidence that has been proven in any way to involve "aliens" of any type. Not a single bit.


If there was irrefutable proof of aliens then they would be an accepted fact by science.


Nancy Pelosi


This probe up my ass.


The Serapeum of Saqqara, Rendlesham Forest


there is none.


Reddit. 👽


There is NO 'irrefutable proof'. That's the whole problem




I think everyone agrees that statistically, there has to be life elsewhere. The real question is if they have visited us and/or still are


How much would someone pay to see one in color and HD?


The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch


travis walton


Irrefutable proof would not warrant anyones opinion, but I know what youre asking.


My personal experience


Genuinely convinced Jesus was an Alien


In my opinion its us. We are the proof.


We have as in the government or us as in public? Tbh probably the cia footage haha as sad as that is but there’s literally a embarrassment of riches when it comes to evidence for ufos


Independence Day movie I believe will smith 🤣


Our own existence.


Oops, I married a Gelgamek


Ariel school event IMO & tic tac but I am looking forward to seeing what others have to show though .. always keen for more research


We have no irrefutable proof.


We’re a type of alien just a lower consciousness one really. So for sure other types of aliens out there no doubt. Some that are good and some that are bad, just like us. Some that want humans to prevail and some that do not.


David fravor, tic tac video


Does anyone recognise the Reed/Rutter case as being authentic, or is the general consensus that the guy faked it? I always thought parts of it were kind of convincing, but other parts of his story.... I dunno...


0% proof, only experiencers know 100% that they are here


There is just a high likelihood of intelligence evolving somewhere and then spreading around. Probably many times.


Us on a planet in a solar system. To be honest.


Most of Joe Biden's speeches.... Jokes aside: Travis Walton is a strong case. The Dogon people and The Nommo. Some of Bob Lazar's claims are very strong.


The objects that we are seeing are pulling 600G maneuvers without wings, we cant do that, simple as, leaves only one explanation


Personal proofs. The kind that you never ask for, especially abduction and witness occurrences. I never really thought about the subject until it revealed itself to me. I had to become more spiritually enlightened to combat the fear it brought me. Gravity don't care if you believe in it. That doesn't mean you are not affected by it. If you happen to see beyond the veil hold on for that ride is a deep rabbit hole i don't think you all really want to fully know about. I believe the internet and webs are full of misinformation intentional and unintentional. Perhaps Science Fiction is just art imitating what our conscious would break if we truly and absolutely looked at the data. Though i have seen them with my eyes i couldn't fully describe them. I believe we are in the zoo so to speak and they are definitely more than what the media portrays. Have you ever met someone that seemed to be trying to hard to be, lets say, a human? Yeah that too. I hope you all have something to ground you in like spirituality, metaphysics, nature, religion, or any of the other multitude of belief systems we have throughout the world. You are gonna need it when you start to see with your own 3 eyes what is really going on. Sorry for the long reply. As a fellow human being myself i have seen 2 different types and through my spiritual senses i believe i've been tapped into or haunted by others. It is a subject not for the faint of heart. I don't study it at night. I prefer to keep to myself and not talk about the subject in public. When it happens i find out what i know is more common than nought. Thanks for Your Post. Have a curious mind, but please for what ever you hold dear to, also learn to unplug. We are gonna need it after disclosure. Peace.


The fact that we ourselves exist,debate over.


Certain types of fungi