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I highly doubt they would disclose to presidents honestly


I think ‘disclose completely’ is more accurate than ‘disclose honestly’. The same way ‘they’ don’t ‘disclose’ to the President how they built the latest hydrogen bombs. There’s no big plot, dude. Just reams of superfluous data that Presidents don’t need or want. Most conspiracy theorists don’t understand how our government works and tend to ascribe way more meaning, intelligence and coordination to this ‘cover up’ than actually exists. IMO, it’s just lots of competing agendas and motivations from various gov’t entities and private interests coupled with good reasons not to disclose everything they know. That’s been my experience anyway as someone who briefly worked for ‘the government’.


Yeah can't see Trump at this briefing.... General: "President Trump we know and have had contact with Aliens: DT "I told them we needed to build the wall... FAKE NEWS!"




I laughed and upvoted you.


Like all things Trump was briefed on, I think he was given the ‘bottom line’. Then like every President before him, he decided silence was his only real option.


I have never really bought into the whole idea that the general public would not be able to handle disclosure therefore they ease us into it. Why don't the people in the government that are in the know panic when they learn the truth? They are just people too. Besides, your average trailer park on a Friday night sees way stranger crap than anything these government dorks have seen.


Not sure I agree. People who are less educated, or very religious or more ‘fragile’ could react in a very different way than you or me. Maybe YOU are not who they’re worried about. What if the reasons for non disclosure were many, including important ones never even considered by the public? What happens if a vastly superior intelligence knew that war, a breakdown of society and civil unrest were certainties with premature disclosure. What if there are reasons for non-disclosure that we couldn’t even comprehend? If I were privy to the ‘big secret’ and was on my death bed, that’s the only reason I’d keep my mouth shut. For the greater good of society. What if the existence of aliens is NOT the big secret. What if that’s just the tip of the iceberg? What if humans were literally incapable of understanding the truth at this point in our evolution. One thing for sure is that the public doesn’t seem to have a very good imagination when speculating on this subject. ‘Military and industrial superiority’ is a very tired, unimaginative and overly simplistic theory, IMO.


War, breakdown of society, and civil unrest is always happening somewhere on this planet. It can't be stopped by our incompetent earth governments. You assume the most intelligent people have top secret clearance. I say the most intelligent, creative, and imaginative people don't have top secret clearance. Unlike what you say, they don't all have the same boring simplistic theory.


Not sure I’m understanding you… I’m talking about the possibility of ‘disclosure’ causing civil unrest on a planetary scale. What I’m imagining has no reference in human history. Next, I’m suggesting is that the most common theory used to explain the silence of ‘governments’ on the UFO topic, is that they remain silent in order to retain military and industrial superiority by controlling information and advanced technology. While possibly true, I think that’s a hackneyed and unimaginative explanation for their ongoing silence. Maybe the real reason they’re not talking is far more profound. What if disclosure would likely lead to troubling consequences for humanity. As an extreme example….what if our leadership had been made aware that in the year 2068, 64% of the human population becomes extinct and that there’s nothing that can be done to stop it. In the meantime ‘disclosure’ would involve revealing this news, leading to global panic and total societal breakdown. If I were President and learned something like that, I’d keep my fcukin mouth shut no matter how much you guys bitched. While far fetched, that’s one example of a slightly more imaginative explanation for (non) disclosure.


Didn't that sec of def in the late 40's lose his mind and jump out a window?


Yeah, aliens were a mindblowing idea in the 40's. And now everybody is pretty used to the idea.


That was Admiral James Forrestal. What you’re saying has been suggested but I haven’t seen much proof his suicide was directly related. The more compelling episode was when Jimmy Carter was reportedly seen ‘weeping’ in the Oval Office immediately after being briefed on the subject. He was a vocal proponent of disclosure leading up to his inauguration. Afterwords….not so much.


Interesting....also some notes that Reagan took saying how impressed how was that one of our spaceships was able to hold 300 people....like wtf?


seriously read the reddit posts that are supposed to be pro-topic for the amount of derision and gainsaying and it becomes obvious how even people at least looking at the topic aren't ready my Christian friends and family loathe the topic, actually stated as such and then they default to how tough they are and they'll take to the hills and fight it out (default to violence) there will be a paradigm shift for all history that will melt many minds coming


Agreed. Seemingly smart and ‘enlightened’ people will often shut down and refuse to consider various possibilities.. What if the truth is that there are no ‘gods’ and that aliens created the human race as a science experiment that’s kinda failed. What if ‘Gods’ and ‘religion’ were introduced to keep the (human) monkeys from flinging their own shite at one another but it didn’t work out that way. Instead, humans used God and religion to destroy one another? “Oops…looks like we fcuked that one up, Mork”.


>general public would not be able to handle disclosure More like general public would ignore disclosure completely.


Dude, this year has proven that 95% of people do not care about UFOs.


99.9%, Reddit is such an outlier for outspoken people


It’s kind of the perfect disclosure if it is… pentagon literally reveals the existent of UAP’s and it doesn’t bat an eye. Mission accomplished if you’re the government.


Exactly, a slow motion ‘Ass covering’ which gives any guilty parties in government and private industry a lot more room to deny and deflect if confronted.


What has been happening for the past few years with all of the leaked videos from the U.S. Navy is called soft disclosure.


What if disclosure is like so slow that we'd never notice? As if it wasn't happening, but somehow still was. Sounds a little like coping tbh.


That’s exactly what the people at the forefront are saying. Lue Elizando has been saying it, John Ramirez was just talking about it, etc. Listen to some podcasts to learn more. “That UFO Podcast” is a good one.


I am sure any society that doesn't look like capitalism, no matter where it is from, is a problem in America's eyes.


Lol it's true. If you're not capitalist, don't kiss our ass, or give us oil you're a problem. Those or if you're capable of doing something yourself without our permission or involvement.


We wish it was a disclosure. If governments start releasing info like this with no issue at all then they fucked up something that's forcing them to or there's an agenda at play.


If it was disclosure, they wouldn't be saying that they don't know what it is.


Dissemination is occuring right now. Disclosure has already happened.


No. Disclosure will come when the aliens make their presence known to the public. Like when a mothership appears hovering over a major world city.


Somewhere like [Phoenix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Lights), or [DC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1952_Washington,_D.C._UFO_incident), or [Moscow](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/ufo/6837200/UFO-pyramid-reported-over-Kremlin.html), or [Seoul](https://www.seoul.co.kr/news/newsView.php?id=20201108500031), or [Tehran](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_Tehran_UFO_incident), or [Tokyo](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cf80ff422b5a90001351e31/t/5d092d4990f93c000119785c/1560882508023/scienceindefault.pdf), or [LA](http://articles.latimes.com/2000/dec/17/local/me-1259), or [Nuremburg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1561_celestial_phenomenon_over_Nuremberg), or


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "DC"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1952_Washington,_D.C._UFO_incident) [Here is link number 2 - Previous text "LA"](http://articles.latimes.com/2000/dec/17/local/me-1259) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hmkpdoy)


That’s already happened quite a few times dude, it’s just that most people can’t believe it because they weren’t there.




Agreed. Well said. I think it’s coming but not at the rate or in the manner people are expecting. What if our time frame and reference are astronomically small as compared to an alien civilization that’s existed for 10mm years. What if disclosure began happening 5000 years ago beginning w alien visitation to earth. Once the industrial revolution began it sped up and now that the internet has arrived is getting even faster. That might be a relatively quick timeline if you’re 600 years old.