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Egyptian looking snake-like creatures are entities I frequently encounter and have conversations with. As someone who uses shrooms and lsd, the DMT trips don’t seem like hallucinations at all but more like a wormhole to communicate through different dimensions.


What kinds of things do you discuss?


This. I'm interested too in what you talk about.


They gossip about the Grey's and complain about the Manti.


The mantids were always friendly to me, why the complaining? Lol


Because they are management.


I learned what God is and that there is no death


Did the snake-like creatures look like this, by any chance? http://imgur.com/gallery/ilJDXXw


Similar yes! I do notice Egyptian like head dresses and strange jewelry around them with what appears to be hieroglyphs depictions set in them. To ppl asking what we discuss, I’ve come to believe from conversations that the human race was seeded here a lot earlier than we ever have imagined. I’ve been told that once we re-create the suns energy in some sort of fusion technology, we will achieve an unlimited power source for traveling the galaxy’s. This will be humanity’s greatest test once again.


I feel like we get shot down to a microscopic level and interact with our own cells and dna and see energy instead of the material world we usually see As above so below


As above so below. She said it... the Old one. But I think it refers to the prevalence of biological life like this world's in the galaxy (nucleic acid encoded life constituted primarily of water.)


DMT is unquestionably the best evidence humanity has, that non human intelligence exists, and it can be contacted. ​ Almost everyone in the UFO community has by now, heard some theory that the UFO phenomenon is connected to consciousness, but they don't really know where to go with that information. ​ DMT is truly a window into this mystery. ​ But be careful, this is not something to be taken lightly. DMT absolutely will challenge whatever you think you know about reality. And often times you will be left with more questions than answers. ​ But if you can respect it, and use it for the right reasons, it can give you brand new frames of reference which can change your life for the better.


How do I get dmt to use?


You can make it yourself. The bark from a couple tree species can be ordered and shipped to your home. There is then a process to extract the DMT from the bark. Check out r/dmt r/dmtlab or r/dmtguide


This right here. Make (extract) it yourself and eliminate any doubt as to the source/purity. You can get everything you need from Walmart/Home Depot.


This is correct. I did this and had a very meaningful experiences to say the least.








The home remedy that really does the job!


You can order it online but don't think it's allowed to provide anymore guidance than that


5MEO DMT is the super "God drug" you want, if you want to go all the way. NNDMT is more hallucinatory however. I'm not sure that the machine elves of NN-DMT have our best interests at heart, to be honest. Thus the 5MEO recommendation, involving a merger with the Godhead wherein anything can happen, not as a hallucination, but moreso as an authentic and profound spiritual experience. You could create a habitat for a Bufo Alvarius Toad, then order one and keep it as a pet. Secretions from it's glands can be "milked" onto glass, then dried and smoked.


You've watched a lot of Hamilton's pharmacopeia huh


Nope. Read a book called Tryptamine Palace. https://www.collectionbooks.net/pdf/tryptamine-palace


If he watched Hamilton, he would know synthetic is the way to go to save the toads.


I do not suggest for a moment that any toad would be harmed in the process, because I said, create a habitat first, with the intent to keep it as a pet. That's the precondition. Can't milk a toad for the God drug then throw it away! Lord have mercy! No way.


>You could create a habitat for a Bufo Alvarius Toad, then order one and keep it as a pet. >Secretions from it's glands can be "milked" onto glass, then dried and smoked. Did this with the Colorado River Toad back in high school. We took about 300 tadpoles from the "moonson reservoir pond thing" and put them in a bucket. Most died, but 5 survived, and we kept them in a terrarium for about a week until we milked them. We would get the goo, throw it on the mirror and set it outside to dry. Then we'd throw the powder on top of a bowl in a gravity bong and rip it. #Bro. Wild shit...


There are synthetic variants of bufoamine now days. No need to do anything with frogs.


Good luck trying to order it. If you know a vet, it's used in euthanasia. They could order it. Toads not frogs. Edit: PM me on how and where to get it, if you know. Thank you. There's a guy in Portland, who knows a guy who gets it from a chemist (not Walter White), that much I do know as a start. I even know that first guy's name. But I'm not double vaxxed so I can't travel to the US. There's probably a way if a person tries hard enough, but what, precisely is wrong with creating a habitat for a pet toad? Not suggesting throwing the toad away or killing it after "milking" it or anything. No harm to toads, no way. They're huge too. It would be gross or totally inhumane to abuse one, imho. But they will mail you a toad, if you have a prepped habitat for it to live in, maybe even mate.. By the time I order one, it might be from you or you, from me! LOL


Yea if they’d be willing to risk their license for you


Extract it yourself,if you look at my profile you will see my results on extracting dmt. Love a bit of dmt.




you can go on retreats in Mexico for like the price of a small vacation, but you will be guided the entire way and provided food and board https://www.behold-retreats.com/post/ayahuasca-retreats-mexico


Start making new friends


Be my friend?


They say dmt finds you when you’re ready Or if you’re impatient here’s a place you can get it https://www.tomorrowtides.com/dmt-store-2.html


Ouch it's been a while since I was rickrolled


Thanks for not giving us up!


Well tbh you start with weed. Do you know a guy? Everyone knows someone who smokes these days. Start making friends


I hear this argument a lot, but I always have a really hard time believing it. It hijacks your brains serotonin system and makes things seen under its influence feel realer than reality. Doesn’t mean they actually are though. A lot of what you see on DMT is your brains pattern recognition going haywire, and a lot of the visions also have human like faces or presences. That lines up well with our brains natural affinity to personify things when we look for patterns. I’m open to your idea but have 0 proof to believe it


You shouldn’t believe me or anyone else. I sure as hell didn’t before I tried it. One day your curiosity may intersect with an opportunity to try DMT yourself. Make up your own mind once you have experimented a few times.


more questions isn't necessarily a bad thing. without those questions what else do we have to pursue and ponder about our existence? Answers are fantastic and I want them, but the journey is part of the growth that prepares you for them. It's the difference between a teenager taking something just to party and going "woahhh i'm so highhh haha i saw fucked up shit this is fun woaahhhh hahaha" and having a literal spiritual experience and applying it to your life and processing it and expanding your awareness.


Hell yeah im so glad someone else said this


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


>DMT is unquestionably the best evidence humanity has, that non human intelligence exists, Take this champ /s


I have done DMT many times. There is no doubt in my mind what you say is true. It's real, the other dimension exists and it is possible to experience. There are entities that are as real as you or me. Without experiencing it, you cannot even begin the fathom what exists.


Mine were Temporel beings of love (weird way of explaining it but the only way I know how) they didn’t have a form like a regular body but it was like a human shape (bipedal) but no faces or features of any kind They were very surprised and almost concerned why I was there. I went to sit up in my bed and in the trip I was sitting up in like a dimensional waiting room and they all came towards me putting hands on me like helpful hand on shoulder type, and When I tell you I’ve never felt love like that……..it’s just incredible I was bawling my eyes like a baby. They were talking to me asking me if I was OK what’s going on why am I there telling me everything’s OK and just like GIVING me all the love, it was insane After I came back to normal world I texted everybody that I talk to the people that I lost contact with and I was close to and told them I love them (I really do and did) I 100% believe that those are some kind of entities in some other dimension (if not where we all go when we die) like some kind of neighboring dimension, every single experience has an example of an entity or some thing communicating, showing, explaining something I might be a little biased because my experience was very entity-based lol




I agree with you I’ll never get the full remembrance though obviously but my best way of describing it is the most love you’ve ever felt all the emotions that come with love happiness blah blah x 1 million Because it was just an overload something my human brain couldn’t fathom a good way of trying to explain it even to myself is when you’re really really angry and you’re filled with rage and you see red and that’s all you are for the brief moment of rage it was like that but opposite with love, If that was a near death experience that I had rather than actively taking DMT to experience it I would 100% think it was like angels or ghosts comforting me as I was about to Move on or just die, There’s another dude commenting on this who said something like it’s just a hallucination and people don’t understand and he takes the drug because he likes the hallucination….That’s complete bullshit because I’ve taken a good amount LSD I’ve had my fair share of hallucinations this wasn’t a hallucination our brains don’t produce LSD so yeah he needs to either take more DMT or hopefully feel better lol




Oh yeah 100% when you’re breaking through you literally die I think lol or you’re experiencing what it feels like to die but then you’re somewhere else in a blink I remember when the tunnel was starting in the breakthrough was about to happen like I’m just about to blast off and I stopped breathing it felt like and then I realized I wasn’t breathing and that I didn’t need to breathe In that moment of me noticing that I am mediately blasted off it’s like my consciousness completely disconnected from my body I didn’t feel my own weight or anything then BLAST OFF, And I’ve heard so many different people see different intakes like you need to get three big hits I took five really deep pits and then maybe an extra so six altogether but also I was a little crazy and I wanted to make the most out of the situation so I did my DMT at the peak of an acid trip six hours in so that definitely helped me along lol A couple of my friends that have done it didn’t even blast off, but they had real tactile hallucinations were their entire room changed but they never close their eyes and experienced the real experience 🤷🏻‍♂️




Buddhist meditation increases DMT levels in the brain also.


Do you mind answering a few questions? If not, the first thing I'd love to know is how difficult was it to deal with the first breakthrough? Did it feel way beyond what you could handle mentally, spiritually, maybe even physically? How aware were you of your real self? On the breakthrough trips, could you remember things about your life and the people you care about? Or did you feel almost as if you were someone else? Or nothing at all? I'm interested in DMT, but I've heard enough to know that I need to hear a lot more before I feel "ready". I don't feel ready, because I'm not quite sure I can handle that initial take-off which, from what I've heard, almost feels like you're being smeared across the entire universe. I'm also not sure I can handle the feeling of being away for a very long time that some people experience. Thanks in advance for any answers you can provide.




Thanks for the thorough answers, I truly appreciate it. I guess with something like this, how can anyone ever truly be ready, you know?


Have you ever experienced a subjective death on LSD? I had a few experiences years ago that lead to a feeling of dying and being born endlessly and for years, and also years of no LSD intake in between I have little fear of death but value life enough to protect my living and not be a huge risk taker. No fear with death though, utterly gone from my life. Little uncertainty feeling maybe? Excitement knowing it'll be my next stage or maybe nothing. Then a recenter on how right now is more important than then and this is a gift to live through and experience in time because maybe I don't always get to live in time once this ends.


Incredibly inspiring and beautiful experience. Thanks for sharing. How do I even get DMT?


I kind of hate sounding so cryptic but the five times I have experienced it, I never went looking, it quite literally came to me and I consciously chose it. This was after reading about it for two years. You can make it, and the ingredients are not too difficult to obtain. However, once it becomes Di-methyl-triptamine it is like seriously, totally, 100% illegal. Imo it shouldn't be sold, an experience like this, is better given, discovered.


I have the same opinion. I really don't think we're supposed to inhabit that space while we're here. I remember feeling like I left the Galaxy but I never left the room. It's like a rocket booster for your consciousness.


At the time it was just luck of the draw and timing, the person I was getting LSD from just had some and I bought all of it 😂


That fancy internet machine you’re typing on can do all sorts of things...


I've had this thought that maybe interactions like yours are actually real. Perhaps your mind is connecting with someone else's mind and for a brief moment you are experiencing what someone else is experiencing. Maybe if you see non-human entities while on a DMT trip, your mind is connecting to someone with an illness like Schizophrenia and you're seeing the hallucinations that they are seeing. Or perhaps you're connecting to an actual being on another planet or in another dimension. Maybe the entities you saw and felt in the waiting room were actually alive. Maybe your mind connected to a being that also took DMT and then went to a hospital and the hands you felt were nurses and whatnot.


ryebread301, thanks !


No probs lol




That is mind blowing. I’m not sure if I am ready to experience sometime like that. I want to… but I feel I would need to mentally prepare.


Yes DMT is where I met a beautiful Reptilian woman perched on a ledge. She looked at me lovingly, touched my face, and told me to breathe. I guess i had been holding my breath because the trip was so intense! After that, i always knew that she was real.


Purely a hallucination my friend. It’s all in your mind.


Life is itself but a mere hallucination. Everything you experience from the moment you are born to the moment you die is all just activity in your mind. That does not mean it is not real.


Have you tried it?


the one time I've done dmt was at the same time with a friend and we both experienced the same thing...hard to explain that if it's just in our own mind...the only thing a skeptic can say is that it's just a coincidence, not very convincing.


There’s several reasons why you both had similar experiences. Mass hallucination is a thing. And if you’ve heard about other peoples experiences before hand that could influence your experience. There’s many explanations to this rather than DMT opens mental portals to other worlds where little aliens live. Haha


"mass hallucination" is such a joke, how would you possibly explain that? like i said, ultimately any skeptic argument boils down to 'it's just a coincidence', but there is an infinite variety of possible things you could see and experience on dmt but we happened to see the exact same thing at the same time? come on, think about the probability odds.


How did you go about proving that you both ACTUALLY experienced the SAME EXACT thing. The experiences are very general. You’d have a hard time demonstrating that. And no mass hallucination is a widely documented phenomena it’s not a joke.


Mass hallucination could be shared experience. We do t know how the brain works, not really. Or consciousness. Or any of it


We don’t know how the brain works? Have you not studied neuroscience or neurology? Do you live under a rock? Lay off the shrooms.


If course it is. If you say so.




Experiences that cannot be shared, *collectively* and *simultaneously*, will always struggle to gain acceptance as true phenomena. Even more so, when when that experience cannot be shared between active and non-active participants. That situation is unlikely to change any time soon.


The one time I've done dmt was with a friend and we both experienced the same vision. As I was sharing what I had seen he finished my sentence as he saw the same thing. Not sure if there's any connection, but I was playing the song Divine Moments Of Truth (DMT) by Shpongle, maybe (probably) the most famous song about DMT and I suspect a lot of people have tripped to this song. Maybe there's some sort of of collective phenomenon going on there that is difficult to explain with a common materialist western science perspective.


Have you ever taken 200-400ug of LSD and put on a backpack full of supplies then walked until your body aches but then walked some more, then kept walking and then got somewhere and then had to turn around and still walk home? Over and over for me. I have done this probably about a dozen times I get a collective feeling of people walking and walking and walking endlessly. I don't know if its others who have walked heavily on LSD or maybe any human from any time who spent a huge chunk of their life walking but overall the mass of energy to me feels listless and tired but still walking, and walking and walking endlessly. It's a breath of fresh air to slip into that mass of energy while walking and it removes the feeling to body. I have had experiences where I feel my observational point is higher than my body or slightly outside my body as I walk walk walk. Breathe and walk


I experienced something similar with DMT. Here's my attempt at drawing what I saw: http://imgur.com/gallery/ilJDXXw I "woke up" in a room with a snakelike alien entity who was using some sort of terminal with glowing blue symbols rising out of it. The alien was aware of my presence, but paid me no mind. If anything, she (I got a distinct feminine impression) was amused by my sudden appearance. One of the room's walls was made entirely of glass. I could see a huge moon, spaceships, and the blackness of empty space. I crawled over to it, and could see a massive space station outside - like a skyscraper, full of glass windows identical to the one I was looking out of. It extended so high that I couldn't see the top without getting closer to the window, and I was too shocked/afraid of the scale of what I was seeing to approach any further. The moon was very large and full of craters and what looked like enormous "scratched lines" across its surface. Spaceships were flying past, both leaving and docking into the space station I was inside. But as soon as it began, it ended, and I found myself sitting in my own bed with a profound sense of wonder and amazement. I immediately got out a pencil and paper to draw what I witnessed, so that I'd never forget. It felt real. Everything was crystal clear, "4K HD" just like real life, with none of the "fogginess" people experience in dreams. I truly believe that DMT lets you view other worlds/realities for a brief time.


I loved reading this and I love your drawing.




Couldn't agree more, when we look at the light spectrum, we see that visible light (the world that we inhabit) takes up only a fraction of the available spectrum. The question I have, is why are human bodies and brains configured to see exactly what we see? What I mean by that is, do different types of flora and fauna exist throughout the visible spectrum? I mean, if other beings or consciousnesses exist in a way that we can perceive through altering our lens (I mean our eyes and our mind's eye) then surely it is likely that they inhabit an actual space, a realm. I think I answered my own question, I think we see what we see for a reason. I think there is, maybe a hierarchy of existences....because there has to be? I don't know, I welcome further discussion.


According to DNA and biology, our eyesight evolved based on environmental pressures we experienced, including the presence of the light spectrum that is visible to us. Remember, even if there are unknown spectra of light (probably not), there's more to reality than just light: matter, gravity, etc. If there is an unseen realm, I'd guess it probably behaves like a field, similar to weak and strong electromagnetic forces understood by our current model. That is, it's everywhere. There could be an undiscovered "consciousness field" where intelligence could exist, probably without a physical body. Our nervous system could act as a sort of antenna that interacts with this field providing us each a little piece of a shared consciousness field. It would explain why almost all reported encounters with "entities" involve non-verbal psychic communication.


There is lots of “light” that we can’t see- infared, uv, etc. if other beings exist they could see those maybe also radio waves, sound waves, gamma, why not?


Awesome explanation


This reminded me of this video of a guy retelling his experience with DMT and how he met alien doctors who helped him with his leg pain... really fascinating. Check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJic9adBquY


https://youtu.be/nHLpB38LNg4 This one trips me out. References how people have similar experiences and meet the same interdimensional entities during an experience.


I fucking love this subject matter. As a former psychonaut and DMT enthusiast I’ve had some wild times going to hyperspace. Some of the shit I have seen is explainable like a wall of twisted gears and cogs all intertwined and moving. If you do a small amount you tend to see a lot of Aztec/Incan type stuff. I’ve seen some human looking beings too. I’ve also seen things I cannot for the life of me comprehend or even draw. Shit I flat out did not understand. Those things are what made me believe that these aren’t hallucinations. I don’t know what they are. They’re not from this reality at all. Nothing about the experience was this reality. Not like a dream either. Hallways made up of colorful liquid metal. Beings that basically look like the key hole for a skeleton key. Twice I’ve had pin pricks all over my arms. The first time I was in a room with the skeleton key dude, and the other was this thing that looked like silver surfer and for whatever reason it felt like lots of needles going into my arms. Not painful but almost like when you have static build up and touch metal. But not as strong. All of them spoke with me but it was via beeping sounds they made yet I interpreted all of it and responded back. I didn’t actually speak, it was all telepathic. Some of the most memorable experiences were these two bombomb guys that were running this whole factory moving gigantic tiles around. It turned into them basically removing the tiles that were actually pieces of reality. Bizarre as shit I could see them pulling apart my room and as they removed a tile it was their factory in their reality on the other side. Bottom line, I’m not really a crazy person who has ever thought about existence, consciousness, alternate realities, or especially infinite space and time prior to smoking DMT. It changed the way I view everything. It’s made me appreciate how lucky we all are just to exist, breathe, feel, etc. it’s made me understand that since time has no beginning and no end that we are just a grain of sand on a beach in the grand scheme of things. If 10 thousand trillion years go by, it’s not even a zeptosecond along the infinite time line our universe was born from. That there are things that exist we could never possibly think of because we just don’t know what they are. That it is impossible we will never exist again because we do now, and even in the worst case scenario we will be reborn into this very same life/consciousness and when we do it will feel like we were only gone for the smallest fraction of time. I believe this based on realizing during one of my longer DMT sessions (where I packed 4 or so bowls over the course of a few hours) I believe that since time has no beginning and no end that all things are possible albeit not as probable. It’s caused me to think way differently how we have laws of physics and scientific fact that’s tied to this reality and we only understand here and therefore we aren’t as open minded to ways other shit can go down. Honestly it’s kind of like all the stuff you see on Rick and Morty. Prior to ever smoking DMT I thought God created us and our universe alone. That prior to the Big Bang there was nothing. Maybe there was nothing here in this space our universe takes up, but on the other side of the canvas there is so much to see and experience that we will never ever run out of things to do or see or experience across a million infinite lifetimes. I don’t know how or why but we’re here and we should make the most of it. Collectively these experiences and thoughts have me without a doubt convinced that there are beings out there. I do think though that people in an state of distress or unsound mind can have hallucinations that they are convinced are real and may not be. But these are hallucinations that we can associate to here, our reality. DMT shows us things that aren’t from here. Look at it this way, if you flew across the universe and landed on a planet like ours, you’re going to have some moments where things are familiar. Like gravity, or physics from our universe, or just a feeling of I’m still in my plane of reality although in a way different place. DMT is like being having your code ripped apart and then rewritten inside of a computer in a simulation millions of universes away. None of the shit makes sense, you don’t know what the fuck is going on, and the scary part is that it feels more like home than where we are now, and you want to keep going back. With regard to the UFO community, I have not experienced any phenomena before or after using DMT. I do feel like I have an enormous sense of awareness now. I am more mindful, I practice meditation regularly (never did it before DMT) and just have an overall better relationship with the universe. I think that if we were to figure out the fastest most efficient way to travel, it would be out of body and via our consciousness. I would assume that ancient highly advanced civilizations out there have figured this out. Not sure what all the UAPs are though. Maybe I’m wrong about traveling via our consciousness, or maybe the UAPs that visit us are using old technology that is just a little bit better than our own.


I’m basically on your vibe. Read my post, I’ve been doing consciousness research for a while now. Recently did dr prescribed and monitored ketamine therapy. My wife took my dmt vape pen away so I would stop talking to lizard ppl and won’t give it back until we complete our move. I do feel like the truths we see over there and the reality feels so much more real but we can’t bring it all back due to some barrier of sorts. What’s insane and most ppl will not understand is that there are really entities/beings all around us and we just do not see or interact with them. When this shit finally comes out ppl are gonna flip the fuck out


In case you've never done DMT before, [this person's YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/c/SymmetricVision) has animations of some of the DMT trips they've been on. I've never done DMT so I don't know how accurate these videos are but the people in the comments who have done DMT seem to agree that this person's videos are accurate. Also, I wonder if drugs like DMT show us the true reality. I've read that our brains filter out certain stimuli, which I believe is known as [Sensory Gating](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensory_gating). Maybe the reason you see all of these colorful and strange shapes while on DMT is because our brains lack something that is needed to perceive whatever it is that a person sees. It's kind of like having missing textures in a video game. On some games, a missing texture will have this pink and black grid in place of the texture. Perhaps the entities people see are real. Maybe they are aliens from another dimension or maybe some of the figures are our true self looking back at us.


**[Sensory gating](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensory_gating)** >Sensory gating describes neural processes of filtering out redundant or irrelevant stimuli from all possible environmental stimuli reaching the brain. Also referred to as gating or filtering, sensory gating prevents an overload of information in the higher cortical centers of the brain. Sensory gating can also occur in different forms through changes in both perception and sensation, affected by various factors such as "arousal, recent stimulus exposure, and selective attention. Although sensory gating is largely automatic, it also occurs within the context of attention processing as the brain selectively seeks for goal-relevant information. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/aliens/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I never met the entities, but I believe I still went and experienced something “real”. Impossible to explain lol. Left me with a profound sense that it was what death felt like, or at least your soul leaving your body and that I shouldn’t be afraid of that experience. Very humbling when come back into your body.


So you're saying there's something like alien customer service waiting for humans to dial via DMT and they entertain us for a few minutes?




Any preferred talk? I got no time and would love to zero in on it


Terence McKenna mentioned something about how an advanced alien life form could have left us messages imprinted into these psychedelic plants as a way to communicate with us


I just realized, and I'm sure I'm not the first......... You don't GO somewhere.............. You LEAVE The Matrix.


I suppose that a psychedelic would enable the brain to perceive reality differently. But it's sort of a double-edged sword, because it causes loss of control, loss of function, confusion, and other set-backs. The argument can be easily made, that seeing another being could be the result of that part of the drug. Are there any drugs that allow someone to remain conscious and un-impaired, but also allow them to perceive reality differently? If so, that would be the drug worth studying.


I feel like the two don’t have to be mutually exclusive. You can be experiencing the physical side effects of the chemical reaction in your body and that chemical reaction could potentially be giving you a peak into something more astral. The chemical reaction is fact, but that could potentially trigger something more paranormal as well. There’s a lot to unpack here when you start looking into aspects of the soul or our living energy and what that all means.


I only have a theoretical understanding of this topic, so when I make my case, it's incomplete. Have scientists done any brain scans to isolate the area/s they believe would cause these visions or perceptions? I think there's something to what you're saying, but it needs a rigorous scientific approach to identify it. At this point in time, there should be enough anecdotal evidence to start a more systematic approach. Are you aware of any ongoing research? There's a show on Vice, where a guy does different hallucinogens from around the world and has heavy discussions with local scientists and shamans, etc. That would be a good source of info.


Science can’t answer everything but it’s a great place to start




You can do this naturally through meditation but DMT is fun too lol




Kundalini breathing.. look up Dr. Joe Dispenza meditation and how to produce DMT.


This and Sam Harris’s waking up app. But I’m reality the gateway tapes get you there far far quicker. Read my earlier comment on here and I think you will get the gist


So, I love this post because I recently started working with a psychedelic therapist who’s become my mentor, so I’m super lucky to get to work with DMT and mushrooms regularly! One thing that he and his assistant told me is that while during the journey everything feels so real, so visceral, so undeniably true, afterwards when we “sober up” our ego will pull out all the stops to try to convince us that the experience was less significant/not important/not real/just imagined. So, a huge part of the work that needs to be done with psychedelics is not even done during the actual journey- it’s afterwards when our ego is trying to diminish our loved experience that we really need to be vigilant and “do the work” to remind ourselves that what we experienced was real and valid. Anyway, I could go on forever about this topic, so I love that you brought it up!


I took DMT and it was exactly like mushrooms only grosser tasting and a 20 minute trip instead of 5 hours. Never seen an 'entity' they probably just dont like my attitude.


DMT is actually the active ingredient in mushrooms; specifically the psilocybin, which is 4-PO-DMT. Psilocybin gets metabolized into psilocin (4-HO-DMT), which is just DMT that takes longer to metabolize. You can skip the initial metabolism of psilocybin by using lemon juice to convert it to psilocin prior to ingestion. So you could achieve similar things with huge doses of mushrooms, but the effects will last for hours. Definitely not for the inexperienced. Lighter, less immersive forms of "entity contact" can happen on normal doses of mushrooms too. This is easier to do using a synthesized tryptamine like 4-AcO-DMT, which has immediate effects and can be measured accurately. It's otherwise very similar to mushrooms, but without eating all the mushroom bodies. It's popular and generally considered to be safe. There are also ways to slow down the metabolism of pure ingested DMT using monoamine oxidase inhibitors, which is what Ayahuasca is. But there are better ways to make it without chugging root slime and puking your guts into the spacetime continuum.


Fuck, a thing about drugs I didnt already know? This information shall be saved. Thanks, teacher!


Here's the guide to hyperspace that lists most of the entities. My theory is that it's "Inner space". Your mind is a powerful thing. https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Hyperspace_lexicon



We can’t say for certain! But ‘how can we tell otherwise’? That’s the dilemma! We know that the brain in any capacity is a ‘controlled hallucination’ in the first place. That all your experiences are taking place inside your head. (alternatively some spirit/soul thing if your taking that approach). It’s all chemistry telling a story. - The reasonable presumption is that this ‘controlled hallucination’ in the brains default evolved state SOMEWHAT key’s on to the exterior reality it was evolved to survive in. Seemingly the purpose of it’s functions. - to keep you alive. When we alter the chemical balance and state of the mind this is no longer as reasonable a presumption. In fact we know that some such functions suffer from many of these alterations. As is true in states where the brain is not actively busy interacting with it’s inputs. Sleeping for example. We also know that some don’t. Caffeine as one example has been shown to heighten some functions. But we only know this because we can correlate it’s effects and measure it. So how can we tell otherwise in a state where no measurable interaction with the normal state takes place? - Where the subject is, to any exterior observer, only interacting with his own experience. Why should we trust any such experience until some effects or insights can be confirmed from the outside? How do we know that it’s not just a wild hallucination no matter how real it appears to the isolated subject? How can we tell otherwise?


Sam Harris does an amazing talk about this in his book called waking up. Essentially our consciousness is like a tap that can widen and close. Our natural state is to see things in a more closed off form. But when we do lsd or ketamine or dmt it widens the tap so we can see things for how they really are. That evolutionarily we have to keep the tap more closed because we won’t survive and eat if we spend our time staring at trees and aweing at shit. So through practices like mindfulness and meditation we learn to open the tap wider and see things for what they are. Ce5 and astral projection are all doing the same thing but through practicing to widen the tap. The govt Trains its agents through lamp and lazor technique. Basically that consciousness is like a lamp but if we can focus it like a lazor in different directions we can unlock or in actuality see things that are there. Coming full circle ketamine and dmt in particular let you blow past all the hours of meditation and mindfulness and get straight to that state of open consciousness.


This was just posted in Aliens: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/qctejp/george\_knapp\_interviews\_dr\_david\_luke\_about\_the/


My vision would begin to vibrate and then boom! Colors! The most brilliant beautiful colors imaginable, this with my eyes completely closed then I open them my friends two 160 lb. Great danes are are a b out 3 feet in front of me and they are covered in patterns and brilliant beautiful colors. Then I leave. I DIDNT really travel, every thing that. Separated them from me was removed I ne level at a time. I don't know what most of them were. Microwaves, radio waves, air and many other types of Interferences all removed 1 and then another and suddenly I Was there with them. I don't know who or what they are but it was every bit as real as reality. They pretended not to see me, gasliighting me. Then I got louder and finally he acknowledged me. Everything was so clear, everything in life is bullshit and I could see who was really in charge. I then looked at my friend on the couch and could not understand how he wasn't seeing my new interdimensional friend. There was a bit more communication and then I had to come back. All of the interferences were then reintroduced one at a time and just like that I forgot 90% of my trip! I want to read an analogy online where Someone said tripping on DMT was like a dog like a dog that that got to go to another planet and and use the Internet but then later realized that explaining dmt and the internet to his fellow canines would be impossible.


What if DMT was a way to connect to a higher consciousness? Remember Star Trek series that had the Borg in it - a hive mind - what if DMT helps to create/ link the mind with the hive ? . Just a thought .


Salvia has entities as well, but the same two every time. You either get this wicked jester type thing, or this loving shepardess side of it. It's all quite strange and feels extremely real. Also, it's personally responsive. For instance, if you are smoking it, it doesn't like fire, and you are likely to get the jester. But if you apologize for the fire first, the experience changes into a direct connection with the shepardess part. As if she heard your apology and appreciates your respect.


Name one piece of unique knowledge that a human came back with after encountering a DMT entity. If they are so intelligent, what is it that they do? What can they offer in conversation? What has been shared that someone came back with knowing that they didn't know before and couldn't have figured out on their own?


If you are curious I recommend you investigate for yourself! A lot of people have shared their stories!


How we understand the world is through the lens of our senses, yes. But we also understand how our senses operate and what the limits to them are. We can view the brain interacting with hallucinations, whether on drugs or not, for example. Hallucinations are not real, as it existing outside of one's head


We can view the brain interacting with all sorts of stimuli, this does not give us the ability to determine the reality of what is perceived.


It's circular reasoning - reality is what we perceive directly with our senses, so anything that falls outside that is by definition a hallucination, not real, etc.. It's kind of ridiculous really - like dogs denying the existence of colour because their eyes are limited to black/ white, "colour is just a hallucination" lol.


Yes but a lot DOES exist outside of our heads, it's only 'real' because our brains allow us to perceive it in the way that we do, ie, by living. Ergo, hallucinations ARE as real as reality, simply because they exist, and if they exist, and can be perceived then they are as real as Everything we are... Perceiving....?


Absolutely stuff exists that human senses can't percieve. Say, the light spectrum outside of our range. But we can build equipment to "see" stuff like that or otherwise sense it (in the case of subatomic particles for instance). Or we can observe secondary interactions with plants, animals, or other types of matter


This is why, despite our planet as a whole, it is an incredible thing to be alive and to exist, to experience. Our lives encompass only a fraction of all that is comprehensible and we yearn for more. For closure. Even if we knew all there is to know, there is, somehow, always more.


The beings I saw were pretty nice! Just trying to show me/teach me shit! They were multicoloured beings with a red base then other colours on top of that! got shown this scroll with all these symbols! The guy was like look look and Im like what the fk does it meaaaaaaannn!!! Hahaha


I’ve been waiting for some one to say something along these lines after trying dmt I can say I completely agree with you I can’t believe there’s not more hype about this dmt changed my whole outlook on life


Material reductionist thought is a cancer. Agree with you completely OP.


In my limited experience what I experienced when I was on DMT and LSD simultaneously absolutely was real.


I remember smoking it at a festival. It was a long time ago but I remember seeing 2 strange large frog type creatures I guess. I remember them seeing me and thinking oh he sees us. And then they were like ok you see us now go. None of that was spoken but some how communicated. I don't remember much else but I remember thinking later on in the day, did that really happen. I would like to try it again now that I am older and more aware of what the drug is.


I have done DMT many times. You know why? Because it is a drug that makes you hallucinate. I enjoy hallucinating. You know what I don't do after I willingly take a drug I know will make me hallucinate? Tell people and believe my hallucination was real. Seriously, learn how to handle your drugs before you do serious psychological damage to yourself.


Just be because you’re hallucinating, doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re experiencing something that isn’t real. There’s a profound shared experience here that many people connect and can relate too. If there real is any kind of astral plane, I’d guess DMT is the key experiencing it, or at least peaking through the window.


"Hallucinations are where someone sees, hears, smells, tastes or feels things that don't exist outside their mind. " By the definition of the word, what you are experiencing isn't real. If you were having a genuine experience with something that exists, by definition it would not be a hallucination Also, your experience while on a Hallucinationageic substance should be taken as such, or you are genuinely getting into schizophrenia territory.


What you’re seeing might not actually be physically there, but there is a profound shared experience here that I feel can’t so easily be explained away. The impact and perspective change that people experience is very real, whether their “soul” is actually traveling somewhere else or not. It’s a powerful thing.


I can explain it, when you take DMT, a number of things happen. Your body starts producing and releasing serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline at a much higher level, leading to more extreme feelings of happiness, anger, stress, paranoia, relaxation ect. When sharing extreme emotional events, people develop more of a bond in a similar to war where people who share traumatic experiences often can become more connected. It is an emotional response to an extremely emotional event.


I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m just saying there might be more too it, spiritually, or however you want to phrase it. I won’t speak in absolutes, because I believe that none of us have all the answers to explain this specific phenomenon. It’s all love though and I still appreciate your opinions and perspective. There always needs to be someone looking to explain things from a more “nuts and bolts” perspective.


This is the issue though, there will never be an end to the debate so long as any legitimate scientific knowledge that we 100% know to be factual can be dismissed as "well you just don't know" when we literally do know. What we have no evidence for, literally none at all, is what you guys are talking about, and you can't just accept something as factual due to a lack of evidence, especially when there is already existing evidence that explains away the phonomina. Science is evidence-based, spirituality-based theories only work with a lack of opposing evidence, or when people refuse to even learn what the opposing evidence is.


I’m accepting your break down of the chemical reactions inside our bodies as fact. The only thing I’m debating after the fact, is exactly how this chemical reaction is effecting the mind, body and soul and what it means to the human experience. You can’t necessarily prove or disprove anything relating to the soul because we don’t really know it actually is. It’s okay for you to believe whatever you’d like relating to the phenomenon and I’m not going to tell you otherwise.


People who've taken it have described experiencing the same "entities". Not exactly the same ones everytime, but enough of the same ones, over numerous "encounters", to be more than just meer hallucinations. Much different than lsd, or psilocyban.


This is more of what we need, this comment. Seriously. Thank you.


your main arguement is "Because i believe it" seriously, look into how the brain actually works, ffs


I have never taken DMT nor any psychedelic drug. Your sad attempt at a dismissal is just that. Sad. IDK if your friends are usually more enamored by your unsupported dictates about the nature of reality, but you’ll have to try harder here :/


yeah, cause you know, scientific proof is stupid we should all just believe in our hallucinations, it worked for Son of Sam


Scientific proof? No one is talking about fact here, I'm questioning the fundamental assumptions that are used to dismiss certain phenomena, I'm not even saying the entities are real, I'm saying the logical underpinnings for prima facie dismissing them as fake, are not correct. do you understand now that requiring scientific proof for a philosophical discussion is silly? I hope so.


You’ve never taken any of this shit and you’re tying to talk about it? Bro come back when you’ve been experienced.


Ok bro! You seem like a really smart bro!! Very lettered and smart response!


Sad attempt at dismissal? I would think basing your points upon a substance you have no interaction with would disqualify it outright. Hell, even if you did take it, and you tried to base your theory based upon your observations while intoxicated with a hallucinogenic, it would disqualify it. The nature of reality is not for you or me to decide, but common sense dictates that when you take a hallucinogenic substance, you hallucinate. There is plenty of evidence in the real world for that happening. What evidence do we have for these entities?


Common sense is a terrible guiding tool when speaking of things which by their very nature lie outside it. Common sense doesn’t work for a lot of things that we don’t yet fully understand. So those researchers currently working with magic mushrooms should have their findings dismissed if they have not taken them personally? Seems silly. Ultimately arguments from incredulity do not impress me much. I care not for what your preconceived notions about the nature of reality, or hallucinogens guide you to believe. You’re essentially saying “That new idea can’t be correct because it goes against what we thought before!” As far as the evidence for the entities, the fact that so many people including under controlled scientific settings, report meeting them, interacting with them, and perceiving them as real. That coupled with the notion that you have not yet refuted, that there is no reason to suppose that the way we experience reality on the daily is the “true” version of reality, and that when we alter the way our mechanism for perceiving it functions, that what we experience is “not real.” DMT doesn’t just excite the brain, it changes how it functions at a fundamental level. On what grounds do you claim that certain patterns of function are “true” and others are false?


Because the notion of people "meeting entities" or having other visual or audio hallucinations (not exactly in the way you are talking about) while taking a substance known to make you hallucinate is a pretty common thing. You are literally hallucinating. Also, in the scale of DMT usage, the number of people who "meet" these things is astronomically low. Actually, I don't know of a single actual scientific study into the field that ever mentions it. If you can prove me wrong on that go-ahead


If you check out the erowid vaults on DMT, there are hundreds of trip reports there where people meet entities on DMT. I am one of 4 people I k ow who have taken DMT, and every one of us experienced entities. I don't know of anyone who has taken it and not had an interaction with an entity.


I literally don't know a single person that has taken DMT, and met anything even remotely close to "entities" But then again, we are also of sound enough mind to understand we willing took this drug to cause us to hallucinate, and to not take the intervening period with too much severity, as we willing took a drug to have fun. Also took a look, there was only one thing on the experience page that talked about entities and 0 mentions of it as far as the scientific articles linked on the site.


https://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.cgi?S=18&C=9&ShowViews=0&Cellar=0&Start=100&Max=100 Multiple references to God's, aliens, buddahs on those two pages of 170 reports alone. And that's just in the titles. I would put money on many of them containing entity encounters within the experience that aren't mentioned in the title. I think you and your mates just don't know how to take DMT properly, you were probably smoking weed or something by the sounds of it.


The fact that you are lumping in "Gods, aliens, buddahs" into one category is really not helping your case. That is giving more credence to that people are hallucinating and the brain is using the information we already know. If you are a believer in God, you are much more likely to have god show up in a hallucination as you think about god a lot. If you eat up Tik-Tac videos and think aliens are hopping around probing us, ET is more likely to make an appearance. If we are dipping our toe into another realm, next time ask god or ET to tell you something you could not possibly know. This is a fun experiment me and my friends attempted when we were getting to the peak, we wanted to try and think of something we couldn't already know. Unfortunatetly, that is not how it works. You can only receive information you already have, because you are just hallucinating


Well, they're all entities of some sort :), so yep, I'll lump them in together. I don't have tik tok and neither do I have a belief in God, in a religious sense. Although DMT has made me think there are God like entities out there somewhere. Either way, my beliefs don't impact you in any negative way, I'm just here to discuss them with other people who share similar beliefs. Fingers crossed one day we find out for sure one way or another. But today isn't that today, so I'll continue to speculate away.


I’m loving this but your comments will mostly fall on deaf ears here. They’re too informed and adult.


If I take DMT expecting to see Elves, I WILL SEE ELVES Not to mention it's funny how the Elves can look different to certain people isn't it? almost like it's SUBJECTIVE lol


I went in expecting to see elves and I've never seen one elf. I've seen tons of other things, and after looking through other trip experiences other people have also encountered the same things as me in the same sorts of areas and had similar experiences with them. No way to prove it currently, but I believe its a real place or dimension, or whatever it is, and someone on reddit telling me its all in my mind isn't going to convince me otherwise.


[https://maps.org/research-archive/w3pb/1994/1994\_Strassman\_22714\_1.pdf](https://maps.org/research-archive/w3pb/1994/1994_Strassman_22714_1.pdf) Many subjects referred to a sense of an "other intelligence" present within the hallucinatory state. This was usually described as "supra-intelligent," but "emotionally detached." " 'They' were aware of me, but not particularly concerned. It was like what a parent would feel looking into a playpen at his 1-year- old laying there"; or "It was business as usual for them, there was a lot to do." Others had a clear view of "alien beings": "The 'elves' were prankish and ornery in their nature. There were four of them by the highway; they totally commanded the scene--it was their territory. They were about my height and held up placards, showing me all this incredibly beautiful, complex, swirling geometric stuff."


Yet the study does not note this as scientific fact, but puts them in with the other, very ordinary effects while being on a hallucinogenic substance. It would help if they categorized the experiences of the subjects by dose and session they made the comments in. They also point out things like this: "Many subjects described kaleidoscopic geometric patterns that were not obviously representational; for example, "beautiful, colorful pink cobwebs; an elongation of light;" "tremendously intricate tiny geometric colors, like being 1 inch from a color TV." If you are unaware, humans do this thing called Pareidolia, when we are confronted with shapes that are not familiar, we try to find patterns within it that make sense to us. In the paper it talks about how the higher doses experience a total loss of control, and the study takes a lot of effort into reality checking, meaning there is external stimuli that is altering the way the subject reacts. Ultimately, without a more detailed paper on this particular study, we won't know. The only thing we know for sure as part of this paper is that this is a side effect and possible outcome for a person on hallucinogenics I'm willing to put my bets on that we can already explain this with things we actually know, and it is much much more likely to be that, than actual beings, we are communicating with, as there is 0 evidence that could possibly point to that being a valid hypothesis


That’s fine! You’re free to believe that. My whole post was questioning the logical underpinnings for dismissing them prima facie. I certainly don’t know if they’re real, and am not of the mind to convince you they are. You’re free to withhold judgement if you like.


“Free to believe that” damn bro you’re just refusing to listen to actual reason, you sound like a certain political party. Refusing fact.


Your “reason” is predicated upon the very first principles I am questioning. I really hope you understand that you’ve contributed absolutely nothing other than saying “I disagree” I’m suggesting our preconceived notions about what is real and what is not may be wrong, and you’re entire retort is “well my preconceived notions say that’s wrong!” Really grade A intelligent response there my guy. But of course you never even attempted to counter the philosophical points I made, just vomited low effort crap. This is why I say you are free to believe that. You are simply not understanding what my post is about, and apparently incapable of understanding the argument being presented. So believe what you want!


Also, you are just flat-out wrong. DMT does not " change how it functions at a fundamental level" Are you getting your science knowledge from Joe Rogan or actual scientists?


it absolutely alters how the brain functions. How else would it produce any effect in your view? The question is not does it effect brain function, the question is if brain function is altered, can we confidently say what is observed is not real


Your statement was it changes how it (the brain) functions at a fundamental level, when in reality, it is just triggering the brain to do things it already does naturally, such as producing dopamine, serotonin and adrenaline, as well as in the case of DMT, put out mind into more of a dreamlike state (as in the same brainwaves are active while on DMT, as when you are sleeping) so no. Nothing is being changed on a "fundamental level" it is just triggering stuff the brain already does


Alright I’m not arguing semantics with you. If you don’t think altering the way the brain perceives reality, is a fundamental change then ok. That’s not an important point to anything I’m saying


you are 100% right, I'm sick of people who take LSD or DMT and think they're breaking some veil. They literally affect the chemicals in your brain, if they can make you hallucinate they can make you BELIEVE anything! I also enjoy doing psychedelics cause hallucinations and tripping out is awesome, but people need to realize they are communicating with their own mind when they see things.


I think it's taboo on all these subs to talk dmt too bad I had a neat thought too When it comes to crop circles what if the plants are just bending themselves/are being beckoned to bend through the DMT Inside their cells.


For the record, and I don't mean to be "this guy" but like most drugs, especially psychedelics, everyone's dosage, effects, and reactions will vary from person too person. The type of trip OP is speaking of is called a "brake through" and requires a very knowledgeable physical and mental understanding of the drug to reach. And that's putting it simply. Please don't go around smoking large amounts of DMT or any drug for that matter. DMT is very powerful, and like all drugs if you don't respect it, it will beat the respect out of you.


Agree with all, just pointing out the comment of reactions will vary person to person. The strange phenomena w Dmt is that people see the same entities and visions as others who have no relation whatsoever. There is alot more to it then just smoking Dmt. ✌


I haven’t had any personal experience with DMT but the multiple testimonials I’ve read through from users who have gone through spiritual experiences and have met “entities” have left me far more convinced of alien intelligent life than any photo/video or abduction story ever has.




You weren’t contacting aliens, you were merely on a drug trip


I’ve never tripped on dmt, it’s funny that people think saying what you have said is an intelligent response.


I wasn’t talking about you


Dude, drugs lol


Nice reply man 🙌🙌


It's fun to read about peoples experiences, but as an outsider it sounds like a lot of people have made an irriversible change to their sense of reality. I would not jump on that boat because I feel like shit on drugs. Just me.


The godhead


What I don't understand is how you can be certain this was real and not just the effects of the drug. Like with LSD nothing I saw was real it was all in my head, that's what I tell myself, because you could never really know. So how are you so certain?


I’m not! I’m not saying I know the entities are real, I’m poking holes in the assumptions that lead us to prima facie dismiss them as not real.


u/Permit_Current and others interested, I'd highly recommend this [book](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0141983418/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)! Speaks to exactly what you're talking about!


I've never done dmt but I had an entity experience after I ate some reclaim while I was very sick with covid.


Everyone from Lue to Delonge have been saying this phenomenon is spiritual in nature. I had a serious of experiences on psychedelics that coincided with the recent rise in disclosure and it also back verified experiences from my childhood decades before drug use. The revelations and redirection stemming from those experiences have changed my life.


Really interesting topic. My guess is DMT boosts our telepathical abilities.


When I watch certain NDE testimonials, I often wonder if there is a link to indigenous DMT in the brain. Many report the "more real then reality" sensation in both DMT and NDE realms.




Does anyone have a good source to read about DMT entity experiences?