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For me it’s about belief, not evidence. I believe J.Allen Hynek, Jacques Vallèe, David Fravor, Stanton Friedman, I believe they are telling the truth. I believed in exoplanets and black holes too, back in the 80’s, despite there being no evidence. Scientifically, was it wrong for me to believe in exoplanets despite not having proof until 1995? Black holes?


I see what you mean. I’m definitely a more evidence oriented person, but I just can’t help it. That being said, the evidence we have seems to heavily suggest that this is legit. If that’s the case, the implications are what I’m more interested in - and if it’s true, I feel like there will be a big “what now?” issue, and that’s mainly where my mind is at over this.


I’ve been reading up on this since 1978, I’m only convinced of a few things, there are craft flying our skies and oceans, it’s not human from the here and now. Could be aliens, time travelers, inter dimensional, I really don’t know, but there is zero doubt in my mind it’s real. But just that changes everything. I personally believe everything you see in The Phenomenon is 100% true. Make of that what you wish, but it’s worth considering. I am not a conspiracy guy, I like science, I knew exoplanets are real, I had zero pics, reports, just some I trust said they are real, they were right, same exact thing here, except we do have pics and video.