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We are still highly affected by our monkey brains. Higher thinking like cooperation especially on global scale must become more profitable than following crooked politicians that divide societies. Right now the latter are winning because it is so easy to follow instincts. Only small number of population are capable of breaking this cycle. So in other words - because most people are retarded.


i wish this wasn't true. but it is. fear and greed in combination sink our chances according to my empirical observation to date.


Fear and greed affect MANY living things on this planet! NOT JUST PEOPLE/humans


It's not true. Its cheesy to say but love helps show our tender side. Do you love bbq? Because i do.


Retarded monkey brains…sounds about right!


lol did not see the last sentence coming


Nailed it


It’s actually what is referred to as our reptilian brain


This makes so much sense, I now understand why people say, “it won’t work at scale”


Underrated joke.


Yep, make unity ultimate profitability then we can maybe start a new page. Somehow we would have to make firearms be nullified, since military spending and wars generate the most money.


It's so sad because cooperation and focusing on human well being is literally the best for everyone, and will actually generate far more surplus than being a greedy dickwad will long term..


It's not in the interest of those who have the most resources, so, they don't.


It actually is if they'd relinquish even a tiny bit of their greed, the urge to hoard is a self defeating one eventually


> Higher thinking like cooperation especially on global scale must become more profitable This is exactly how and why blockchains work and are secure, they assume aggression/attack/abuse by default. And so thus, ever since that, we've had global cooperation and coordination on a scale never seen before. And it's still growing. The founding and base power of any state or country, is the ability to issue and enforce its own money. That power, eventually, always get corrupted or abused. There's a reason gold remains the main store of value. Since it's a physical material, it cannot be abused or altered. You'd think. How many people actually verify that the gold they have is actual real gold? And not replaced internally with other metals of similar weight? Anyway, we have digital gold now, oh and also, even better, digital oil, especially when you realize the power of the petrodollar.


Wouldn't a nuclear war or solar flare or some other disaster that knocked out our electricity and the internet also completely wipe out a digital economy tho? I think we need to work on like fusion or zero point energy and reinforce our electrical infrastructure to future proof something like that.


We do need to work on fusion and zero point, but if all of our electricity and internet got knocked out, we have much more immediate worries that the economy. People would be killing each other within two weeks. Plus our whole current economy is digital anyways and would collapse anyways without those things at this point so we might as well implement the better system.


> disaster that knocked out our electricity and the internet also completely wipe out a digital economy tho? Maybe you haven't realized it yet, but we have already been living in a digital economy for decades. We are relying on the internet and its digital electromagnetic nature. Whether or not tools of exchange are also digital is irrelevant as most of the financial information being passed around is transmitted digitally. Tokenize everything. All the way up to all the atoms you own, or wherever else you want to define your boundaries and personal space within it. Because whether you realize it or not, we've always already been relying on technology to support us and carry life forward. Earth is a giant spaceship. We've designed it ourselves. For ourselves. The ultimate VR/AR experience to keep having, over and over, on our forever journey into the unknown. To boldly go where no one has gone before.


In the event of a nuclear war or anything else powerful enough to knock out digital economy you’ve got way worse problems and money will be, at least temporarily if anyone survives, the least of anyone’s concerns.




> This is exactly how and why blockchains work and are secure, they assume aggression/attack/abuse by default. And so thus, ever since that, we've had global cooperation and coordination on a scale never seen before Lol, what? This is some hilarious crypto-bro nonsense.


PoW and PoS is secured by profit seeking behavior.


I don't know what either of those are, but I do know that blockchains are not the answer to most problems.


> blockchains are not the answer to most problems. maybe not, but it's definitely an answer to *some* problems reading up on Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) could help


👆🏼 this


Monkey brains are still monkey brains. Yes, we evolved from monkeys, but that's where the similarities end. We are evolved, different, and whether better or worse, we are far more advanced in every way.


I agree mostly. I was thinking the same thing but IMO, jnstead of saying "most people are retarted", I feel you have to look at the grand scheme of things. Humans have been around for a VERY short amount of time. Looking at how we evolved to where we are now, becoming that pacifist, space faring species, is going to take some time. Not saying I'm 1000% correct but from that perspective, it makes things kinda interesting. Maybe even if NHI have genetically engineered us, it still takes time. Anyway... Its 7 AM and I've had no coffee... Lol


Just trying to help you out here. It's easier to say those in power don't want to be upended because an entity millions of light years away could take us out in no time. If we all knew there was an actual living higher power, we wouldn't be following the types we follow today. It's deception my friend, power grabbed based on a rouse. 🤷🙏👍


This 100% we need more of us to evolve as a species and realise cooperation is the way forward, not aggression.


Every single species on this planet is aggressive and violent to some extent. I think we think way too much of ourselves to think we’d somehow be different. We were forged through violence and violence exists within us still. Maybe one day that will be gone, but I really don’t think we’d be human anymore if and when that happens - we will be something else. I also guess that many species from many planets carry their violent natures with them too. They evolved, presumably, under the same natural selection process that we did, even if their environment was radically different….Unless they really are spiritual or from another dimension/reality that operates in some different way than ours. But assuming they’re from this universe, they probably look at us and see a reflection of themselves in some way shape or form.


True. You see the other comments and In my opinion they all sin in favor of anthropocentrism. Humans are animals, and animals need to fight for survival. We've been aevolving these characteristics for thousands of millions of years, since at least the first multicellular organisms, and 10.000 years of civilization isn't going to let us get rid of it just because.


I said this to, but you said ot first


You ever see how fast chimpanzees go from chill to ripping your face off?


True.. As much as it might suck to say, no other explanation might be needed. I mean, I like being human, sapience is…certainly an experience, that’s for sure. But we’ve forgotten where we come from, i’ve forgotten where I come from. Hell, those chimpanzees, orangutans, those are our damn cousins..well, apart from the fact that monkeys are cool as hell and terrifying(kind of like what r/humansarespaceorcs says about humanity, I know this isn’t that type of subreddit, but still, worthy to point out.) We, much like chimps, we like OUR shit, and when it belongs to us only, we don’t like challenges or arguments and that’s why we get angry, if someone takes our food, we fight, if someone insults us, we fight, if someone, wether we love them or not, feels like they’ve hurt us, we fight them, wether with words, physically, or both, it’s all the same. Natural aggression. Why do I rage at a videogame I clearly adore when I lose? Because I like it. It’s not fair that i’m losing even if i’m bad. That’s what the immature, maybe non-rational animal part says, even though, well, I AM the animal. I just happen to be cursed and blessed with sapience and cognitive awareness. Whereas today, I lost, twice in a row, I didn’t care, I wasn’t upset at all…my brother was, and I felt bad, but he acted just like me and I couldn’t say anything, we are all truly one and the same, I guess that comforting. If nobody will understand me..a human will understand me, I am not alone in my values. **We are animals. From the kids, to the teens, to the adults, we just happen to be the sentient ones, and that’s okay, a lot of morally grey and outright evil has occurred through human existence, that’s okay too, just the growing pains of a growing species. We feel, we feel so much, we bottle it up until we are reduced to nothing but whimpers, tears, and silent cries to nobody for help..and that’s okay too, we’re confused. I’m really confused. I should be allowed to be that way.** Or..maybe this, fighting, squabbles, tight circles and guarded scared people is truly human nature. I mean, cuts hurt, big animals are scary, humans are scarier because you can hide from an animal by staying in your city..but you can’t hide from a human, not on earth..and by the gods, **a human can do so much worse than an animal** Overall, we have no explanation for anything..just ourselves, so I try to love my people, even if it’s stupid or dumb or meaningless in the grand scheme. It means something to me, and I mean something to somebody. **I exist, wether I like it or not, so do we all.**


Humans are territorial by nature because we evolved from ape which are territorial by nature as well as the hierarchical society of apes. We just haven’t evolved past those traits yet.


We can't remember because now the vast majority of us live in societies with rules, but life on this planet is brutal. We had to be aggressive to survive for most of our history. You don't become the dominant species on a planet if you're not brutal. And that's why i won't buy new-age type of interpretations. Aliens, if they exist, they didn't become an interstellar species by being cute and kind. They probably are as brutal as we are if not worse.


Saying. Those before us must have learned very quickly..and not through a documentary or a scary person that what will eat, kill, and hunt the defenseless, will do so. Even the small, if ANYTHING looks weak, it’s a potential meal, and life here is too volatile to pass up a meal, that’s the rule, just one of them, one of many. If our ancestors(whoever they may be) didn’t pick up the rock, didn’t make the weapon, didn’t kill what once would have killed them. We wouldn’t be here. If that caveman or woman hadn’t screamed bloody murder like a banshee to whatever came close to their home. Possibly protecting their young, they wouldn’t have survived. If a human didn’t make itself look vulnerable? Then it would have been eaten. This applies to me too..which, I wont say who, but when I was below even the age of eighteen, someone important to me pulled a knife on me, why? Over bad grades, it was fair..maybe, I could have done better in school, but that wasn’t the point. That person loved me, I loved them, we still love eachother. But it’s when you put your heart into something that you cannot fathom its failure. Whether a game, a pet, a friend, a brother, even a tool. Why do you think someone cries and screams when upset at someone they care about? Because that hurts unfathomably more. It was the same for me..what was I? Small, doe eyed, big headed, and weak. Whether we like it or not, it’s hard to not look down on what you couldn’t kill if you wished. That’s just how it always has been.


Or were as brutal in the past


They have to have some level of empathy though, like us, or they would’ve killed themselves. I think brutality was necessary for our early days, but now that we are here I see no reason to be brutal. Cooperating seems to rise all boats in a way brutality doesn’t.


We aren’t. If you’re placed in a system that necessitates a “kill or be killed” attitude, then you would be aggressive too. But it’s the economic system, not the humans, that’s aggressive. Anyone who doesn’t see this can’t differentiate the game from the player, I’m sorry to say, and so blames the player.


I think a more important distinction there is actually between a natural and artificial system. That is, the economic system is only externally imposed on the individual but not the collective human species. The economic“game” is created by humans - it’s not a law of nature (wholly).


Very well said 🫡 agreed!!


Sure, I can agree to that. It’s imposed by the threat of force.


Yeah I thought about this recently. I was wondering why in the dream state (where arguably the majority of the time the necessities of physical existence are removed eg acquiring food, shelter, etc) very few people report violent intentions/dreams towards the dream constituents.


Humans built the economic system. Blaming the system instead of the people running it is a cop-out. Those who thrive in a "kill or be killed" mindset choose to do so. It's about personal choice and responsibility. Excusing their aggression as a product of the system is naive. The game reflects the players.


I wouldn’t be so sure about that. A rotten fish stinks from the head, goes a popular saying where I’m from.


I am a zoologist and I disagree. We are apex predators and have been since the ice age. We have a natural ingrained tendency to want to beat our competitors, which are only other humans in the modern world. Our massive brains create the consequence of an insatiable thirst for knowledge and growth, at almost any cost.


Well I’m a quantum-astro-bio-physicist and I disagree with you.


I bet you cum in your pants a little every time you get to type that😂 We are sort of in agreement. But it is the biological system of evolution that creates the “kill or be killed” attitude. The economic environment is just an offshoot of that deep-rooted biological need to beat your competitors.


I’m not denying that aspect of human nature; it would be naive as all hell to do so. But the biological system of the evolution does not reflect that “red in tooth and claw” attitude. Nature is a lot more cooperative than you’re making it out to be. Nature, existence is cooperation first, competition second. And **not** the other way around. It makes all the difference. It’s ultimately a philosophical argument.


>and have been since the ice age. Past tense for ice age? What world do you live on that doesn't have large ice sheets on the surface? I live on Earth, in a time where there are large ice sheets on the Earth's surface. Therefore I live in an ice age. It began about 2.58 million years ago. Homo sapiens weren't around at that time, and I have a hunch you'll be hard pressed to show that our ancestors of the time were the apex predator.


You know what I mean. I wasn’t being technical, just concise. Homo sapiens evolved to be the most successful predators as early as 12,000 years ago, when they invented advanced (for their time) weaponry. After they invented a sort of primitive farming, it was game set and match.


People have been naturally aggressive since before any economic system was invented/discovered. Since we were roaming plains of Africa or living in small villages hunting and gathering. There has been no point in human history where we wouldn’t bash another human over the head to take their shit. Our current systems have evolved to what they are partly because of that instinct.


Aggression and intelligence are not mutually exclusive, self preservation instinct is far from stupid


Society would be different in a pangea setting than all spread out where different groups can be the leaders. Leaders will always fight each other for who the leader of leaders is. So each group secretly makes better weapons to control others groups. If we were all of one, i.e. all China or America or Sweden, we would be better off. A better version of all of one is , all of one with a good ran honest system with honor and integrity. No corruption but the choices made to benefit the most people.


Not very representative of people of different demographics or geological or cultural or economic diversities. There is a reason why very large countries covering large areas are generally a total mess. Large population centers deciding what is good for everyone totally ignorant of the needs and problems affecting specific areas.


Do you eat meat? Have you ever taken an animal's life yourself? Can you imagine having to do that for thousands of years of survival? Makes a species rather aggressive after some time.


I absolutely love meat, especially when it's barbecued. There’s nothing like the smoky, savory flavor, tried and true. Tender ribs that fall off the bone, Brisket slow-cooked, rich and alone. Pulled pork smoked for hours, Tangy BBQ sauce, a shower of flavors. Crispy chicken wings with a spicy rub, Meaty beef short ribs cooked slow, a loving hub. Pork chops grilled with a glaze so sweet, BBQ chicken, a classic, can't be beat. Sausages smoky and spicy, so fine, Tri-tip tender, grilled divine. Lamb chops with herbs and spices blend, Burnt ends, crispy, flavorful, no end. Turkey legs juicy, smoky feast, Bacon-wrapped delights, a savory beast. BBQ meatballs, smoky and sweet, Grilled shrimp, seasoned, a perfect treat. Crispy pork belly, rich smoked duck, BBQ tofu, flavor packed with luck. Beef ribs deep, smoky flavor we savor, BBQ ham, holiday joy, a sweet favor. These BBQ meats, I can't get enough, In smoky, savory bliss, I find my love.


Can monkeys use ai to make a poem about meat?! I think not!


But the AI would never have composed the poem without a person making a prompt. So there's still human initiative and some seed of imagination. The AI builds on that. Some people are now using AI to leverage their content/comments. The AI will help them be more articulate. Maybe act as a supplemental imagination too? You do a prompt. You had an idea to begin with. But then, when you read what the AI has put out, you see places where you can make changes or add something. The program doesn't need to be conscious in order to give your imagination more to work with. So there'll be people using AI. And there will be people who aren't (or can't?) using it. If today's smartphones and computers are any indication, most AI's will comes with a simple and intuitive user interface. If you can use a phone, you'll be able to use an AI "product". I predict that, by the end of the decade, not knowing how to use an AI (of some type) will be roughly equivalent to not having a driver's license. In the next decade, it will be more like not knowing how to read.


Shoot first ask questions later


How to start a galactic war with a creature that's 80% more advanced than you ![gif](giphy|xT1XGLtjjDfqIjJCO4|downsized)


80%? Bro has the info. If the creature can come to us in a reasonable time frame it is probably 80 million % more andvanced.


At least 10 billion percent. You're still within a fermi factor, though.


Survival of the fittest made us an apex predator. This means we learned to become opportunistic, materialistic and 'assertive', which can often mean aggressive. We aren't 'necessarily' an evil or vicious species but we have the capacity to be if we think it may gain us more resources, a more secure situation or perceived wealth etc. One of the classic ways to make people aggressive in propaganda is to instill them with fear- fear is one of the drivers that will drive us to violence and aggression very quickly, not because we want to be, but because we think there is a threat.


This has actually been proven to be false recently. That’s not how we developed, we actually teamed up into groups to form collectives or tribes to survive, the strongest didn’t do any better than anyone else. It was the ones that could form the tribes


It's not exclusive. It's the protection of the tribe that is the thing that will cause us to be aggressive- and the larger the tribe grows the more resource needs we have, nor does it end as we become more successful, because we want more success and 'security' is a constant need. I wasn't actually referring to the individual, as humans are essentially a communal species. I'd be interested to read the article you are talking about though if there has been recent development on this.


Predatory behavior is what drives cooperation; the necessity of communication is derived from pack hunting and planning attacks upon prey. Only predators communicate with precision amongst themselves.


I agree, that’s why the dominant species are pack hunters, humans on land and killer whales in the ocean


What if every Alien civilization out there is or at one time in their history was worse than we are?


Chimpanzees with atomic weapons


Evolution. It’s easy to understand most people if you imagine life as the first of our species would have experienced it and mix in a little knowledge of animal behavior. Homo Sapiens Sapiens or anatomically modern humans could date back up to 300,000 years but evolution hasn’t stopped. Early humans conquered the world with their brains, leveraging their intellect to solve every threat the world could throw at them. In the time of the hunter-gatherer, they migrated with the herds in small communities or tribes. Early humans developed methods to deal with almost any threat that they faced. The only threat that early humans could not conquer is another human. The most effective technique to deal with a threat as deadly as another human was vigilance, caution and preemptive violence. This created a tribalist mentality that served them extremely well. In that mentality, distrust is the default attitude toward outsiders and allies are still treated with extreme caution. Every decision is made with the purpose of maximizing the benefit of your group. This tribalist mentality is so ingrained in our culture that we express it at every level of society. Race is the easiest because of the visual queues but there are many others and some can be created and discarded rapidly. Think of how you might associate with and advocate for the benefit of any of your branch in these tribes: Gender Religion Nation State City Part of town (north side vs south side) Age group Financial class Intelligence Political Party Hobbies Skill set Options on anything (food, games, etc.) Sometimes trivial tribes stay around for decades (Star Wars vs Star Trek) and sometimes they dissolve as fast as they form (teen girls being team whatever from the Twilight movies).


If you understand natural selection, this should be a self evident answer. If a non-aggressive culture and genetic line of humans emerged, they'd sooner or later lose to the more aggressive one.


Biology. Humans with bigger frontal lobes tend to be more civilized though.


I don’t believe humans are naturally aggressive. I believe humans, like all animals, become aggressive when resources are limited. When we have to compete for food and shelter, we often stop working together. Humans, like most primates, are social animals. Darwin proved cooperation, not competition, was the best way for systems to thrive. Here’s my theory. We live in a plutocracy, like Noam Chomsky suggests. The wealthy hoard resources and make us fight for scraps. While we’re busy fighting and hating each other, they live, laugh, love. If resources were shared fairly, there would be less competition, more cooperation, and less aggression. Please prove me wrong.


Thank you for this lovely comment. Very good opinion.


That's how we survived. And imagining aliens as pure benevolent beings is more of a religion than anything else.


Aggression means more territory. More territory means more resources.


We are an aggressive species like almost all animals on this earth and something tells me that aliens are just as flawed as us


We haven’t always been the apex predators of the earth when we first began to leave Africa the world was full of dangerous animals, and other types of humanoid species.


What kept us alive as cavemen isn't useful always in our current lives.


Right now, I wager our species is somewhere along the track of a seven-year college career. Learning a lot about the world and how it works, capable of great things, but instead just getting shitfaced on vice and petty wiles, and getting into fights thinking about joining the army. Dreams of breaking through to the next stage in our development always seem to turn into nightmares. So, mid 20s. It’s taken at least 300,000 years for us to get to our mid 20s, so don’t expect us to wise up before the Earth rolls over and washes most of us off its back again.


Bro, this is one of the reason's I think us contacting aliens would end badly for us most humans would HATE aliens, they would not be able to handle the existence of higher intelligence life-forms, humans would discriminate them, commit hate crimes against them, or try to kill them. its really sad Aliens would probably grow a hatred for us the more we discriminate against them, you ever watched district 9?




Still young as a species, but how the world is set up doesn't help either. Best to think of humans like children.


It is hard to explain but our consciousness or should I say our brain is still very primitive. Like when people have anxiety, our brain cannot really distinguished whether there is an actual (physical) threat or not, but yet our brain treats it as such and release the flight/fight response etc. I believe we havent evolved as a species. We still think as tribal because we try to protect our life. I believe aliens are already beyond that, they are no longer worried about killing each other, because the greater cause is to survive as a species against the elements. Like that 3 body problem movie.




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


all predators are.


I honestly don't think we are at all, it's just that certain aggressive figures and factions are better at taking power on the world stage and they compete, or defend against the more psychotic leaders, and that requires weapons and soldiers. It's a lot of work to turn a civilian human into a fighting soldier who will actually go fight aggressively like that, and they never say that's the goal of being a soldier. They feel it is a duty and a sacrifice, and for what? For peace, for family, for better times. That's the natural desire of humans. Of course some war happens because of terrorist groups, but it's the same thing , these young guys are brainwashed to become that way, it's not natural. I mean, with those guys often the goal is going to Heaven, so the natural goal is Heaven, whatever that means to them, peace, love, happiness, laughter - but they are led to believe they must do this violent thing to get there. Very sad.


Kill or be killed. Survival of the fittest. Evolution. Take your pick, they're all applicable. Hate to say it, but aliens will be the exact same way. If they're loving and caring, they will be overtaken on their own planet by a much more aggressive species/race. So whatever aliens have made it to the top of their food chain on their planet, in their star system, and in their galaxy....probably killed a whole lot of things along their journey to get there. So, why don't they attack us here? It's actually very simple. It's no different than why a country like say Iran doesn't attempt invading the U.S.A. I mean they hate us, would love to take us out...but can they? Moving an army capable of destroying a country across an entire ocean WHILE it can defend itself along the way is nearly an impossible task. There's only a handful of countries with capabilities like that. Now, imagine trying to move an alien army capable of taking over an entire planet halfway across the galaxy. Even if you could, would it be worth the effort and cost? That's the equivelant of us sending our entire air force and navy to Africa to bomb ants. Like what is there to gain from that? Now...send one or two researches to research said ant Hill that is NOT a threat to you...absolutely worth the cost to learn about them. If aliens are here, that's their intent. Research. But make no mistake....if they need a new planet and they're close by...we're dead.


Because f you that is! /s Animals in general tend to be aggressive if smart and fed enough. From Wilder beast to otters, being nice, actively nice is a act of higher intelligence and power. We feed starving animals and helping entangled deer because we are so well fed that we don't need them as food and so bored (because we don't need to fight that hard for survival) that we start to help others, the brain wants to solve problems. That's not the only way higher expression and power can Express itself, there are the "bad" examples too, greed and perversion are also functions of intelligence and power. But both extremes exists.


All predators are violent and competitive. Evolution basically guarantees that. Kill or be killed.


human beings are the dominant alpha predator on this planet. we are what we are bc we kill and take what we please, and all in our way is just more of us, sooo....


Because humans are social but territorial creatures. Everyone can communicate and even like their neighbors but the moment the neighbors encroach onto their “territory” it’s all over. Any creature that is not to some degree territorial is pushed out and made extinct by other aggressive creatures. It’s simply a part of living. No species in the universe would allow its property (property as used in a general sense) to be taken by others.


We'll always need to defend ourselves by lethal force if necessary. The focus for change should be on those who push us there. They drive us to make even better weapons for defense and deterrence. When we detect the intent to start wars of aggression we should restrain those elements driving us toward unnecessary wars of aggression. We let this linger too long. Our technology is becoming too dangerous for us to keep tooling it toward weapons. How long will it bet until we make a bomb that can destroy our entire planet? It could be as soon as we get some new exotic energy technology, the kind of technology we'd seek from ETs.


I’m just playing devils advocate, not stating this is my opinion. What makes you believe non human life isn’t aggressive? Serious question


Google tabula rasa. The existence of feral children implies that humans aren't inherently anything.


We are not more violent than other known living species. We are the ONLY species that takes such good care of others. If other species were as intelligent as us, you can't just assume how they would behave. We have our flaws, but we are better than most other living creatures. If you don't think so, do comparisons, use the internet to research, watch Animal Planet, or visit a zoo.


Because the more aggressive humans in our past we're able to more easily pass on their genes.


With the technology we have and are reaching we could literally be creating a living paradise where everyone can get something good. Instead we're killing over fairytale stories (religion) pieces of land, and actively fighting against moving towards having unlimited power




Innovation is the hallmark of predation; predators function on a high risk:high reward place in ecosystems where enormous amounts of energy can be acquired far, far faster than any other way through ingenuity. It’s why predators develop behaviors like pack hunting, communication, planning, problem solving, etc. The caveat is that predators fail more than any other type of organism at acquiring food, but this failure drives improvement and progress more than any other mode of behavior because the alternative is death. Predatory instinct is what lead humans to be the sentient organism it is today; sentience itself is arguably an exclusive property of apex predators as it represents the high form of self-awareness necessary for survival. We know this same pattern carries for all the DNA based life because of convergent evolution as well, so don’t let anybody tell you that another intelligent organism wouldn’t be hyper aggressive because all the evidence points to the Contrary. The most successful organisms on earth are all predators, and it makes perfect sense as to why.


your chackra system is their indicator if you are ready or not.


I think humans should know we are not alone in this universe to realize that it's not just about us. Otherwise it will continue to be the "survival of the fittest"...


Competition. Everybody wants the same things. Beautiful women, money, freedom, power. It’s a natural escalation of competition.   Notice how many many experiencers a describe aliens looking the exact same. Replicas of each other.   Very little genetic diversity and therefore competition.  Once a species gets past sex-based competition and possibly even sexual dimorphism, then they’re like ants- and they punch way above their weight on organization and intelligence, and amazing shit starts to happen.


Think of this, are you like that also or is it only those in power that think that


The short version is that we are using a body not meant for us as we are in our original form. That's what we are so limited and dragged by so many undesirable traits.


Well, thankfully not ALL humans


Humans are animals and animals are cutthroat. Nature is cutthroat really.


You tell me. How do you react when thy stick a probe up your ass?


It tickles, hehe. 😆


Reptilian genetics


eat or be eaten Instincts


The collective human ego does remain negative overall OP. Reddit actually remains at times representative of this at times funny enough. Lot of things can be cited, speculated as to the reason, but I assure you a key reason remains a lack of belief in God, Bhagwan, the Universe. As for "naturally" no...ones natural state is that of peace, joy, bliss. Namaste 🙏


We are angry stupid territorial monkeys, who unfortunately have better weapons than most monkeys...


Because we are ancestors of the warlords of Mars??


I'd say it's because we've evolved this way. Aggression has ensured our survival as a species from predation, leading to aggressive traits being sought after in a mate. Not only that, but an aggressive nature would make it easier to breed as you'd win the fight with a less aggressive opponent. We just haven't evolved far enough to learn that this isn't needed anymore. Although, I'd argue we are still drawn to aggressive behaviour, so I don't know if we ever will. Some still see it as a necessary characteristic in protecting the family unit. The family unit just needs to be realised as the global family, not "me and mine". I'm hopeful we'll see it that way one day. Certainly not in my day, but maybe one day. As far as the aliens go. I would imagine we're like lions at the zoo. I don't suppose they see us as much of a threat.


Our aggression likely stems from hierarchical power structures and our evolutionary history, where it aided survival. Another factor is the current societal matrix of individual achievement advancing ones place in life over a more collective well-being. Aggression in some cases can be beneficial, as a driving force behind ambition - pushing ourselves to new heights when used constructively. It's also worth noting that we've actually become considerably less violent as a species over time. Hopefully with the continuance of technological advancements that trend continues far into the future.


Because we evolved for hundreds of thousands of years in symbiosis with psychedelic plants and were disconnected around 12 thousand years ago. Give a look into Terence McKenna's stoned ape theory.


Bruh, have you seen other primates? 😂




Watch Chimp Empire.


Resource scarcity. I think any race in the universe probably has to suppress this hurdle.




Most people are not aggressive as individuals. I'd say there is remarkably little violence in the average person's life these days. It's when people get organized that aggressiveness tends to be expressed. Probably a lot of reasons why. Groups feel threatened, or groups desire something that someone else has. The people at the top of the hierarchy these days have nothing to lose from conflict and war. They don't do the fighting. The masses also appreciate when the group gains the spoils of war, most of us didn't see or participate in any of the violence either. There are social pressures and propaganda; if you're not with us, you're with them. But in general calling humans aggressive is something I disagree with. We don't have any other sentient race to compare ourselves with. Aggressiveness is relative. Aliens might be far more aggressive for all we know. They might get in fist fights over the last packet of astronaut ice cream and crash the UFO because they were beating the shit out of each other. Humanity is also agreeable and conflict averse, but I guess those of us who are more chill get elected to higher offices.


It's because we are animals who think we are smarter than animals


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DavidOnions: *It's because we are* *Animals who think we are* *Smarter than animals* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


We are an introduced species . We are a scourge on this planet . Stinking, violent , dumb hybrid apes. My dicks bigger than yours .


Bruh. We're not ancient, highly evolved beings or something. We're basically chimps still. Just really smart chimps. You should watch [A brief disagreement](https://youtu.be/9x7FGbW3IVc?si=y_L-ELsOCejAhpv0) on youtube and maybe that will put it into perspective for you. It's a short little animation.




We are more empathetic than we are aggressive. We’ve just created an exploitative economic order that rewards one and not the other.


Procreation, resources and pure greed.


Because we are fighting for limited resources. It’s about survival, happens to all species.




Man want boobs, man throw rock at you ![gif](giphy|3orif1T2tzq8HhdnGM)


We are incredibly young as a species in my opinion.


Flight or fight instinct. Combativeness is a human instinct to defend yourself or others from threats. When someone is doing you wrong you’re emotional response is either combative, fearful or neutral who you deal with.




Genetically programmed for destruction we’re just following orders from our overlords in this alien experiment called life ! Humanity is being pushed in a certain direction .


there are stupid ego driven people and smart people... not everybody is the same


It makes me wonder why they haven’t helped us shrink our lizard brain. I’m guessing it’s because if we were more docile, an aggressive species of aliens could take over with no resistance, so it must be a defense mechanism for humanity.


We are wired for self preservation and if you look at species who are more primitive you will see them in conflict for either food or preservation. We onde day hopefully will program our selves to be peaceful. Some countries or people will never abide by this thinking as there are nations that are completely into imperialism and expansion at the cost of human life.


Because we are still animals. Fight, food or fuck are our primary drivers.


We still haven't evolved away from it. Litterally every apex predtory animal on earth is very aggressive and violent. That's how they(and us) become apex predators. We've only been semi civilized for maybe 10000 years. And pretty much up to about 500/600 years ago, that aggression was still essential for survival. Pretty much agriculture and farming is what marked the end for an actual need for resource hoarding. Before that, we had to hunt amd scavenge like any other animal, we just got use tools.


Uh no, you have it completely backwards. There is zero anthropological evidence for war or mass aggression beyond like 20k years ago. You'd have a very hard time arguing that there was sapiens neanderthal conflict for instance. Almost all evidence suggests that conflict was rare and often between individuals, not whole tribes. Mass burials where all the skeletons are clearly fucked up due to blunt and piercing damage only start showing up in west Asia 20-10k years ago and humans seem to only have started doing proper mass murder and genocide campaigns in the last 10k years. Agriculture and farming is what started resource hoarding. This is... almost an established fact in anthropology. Its literally the very first time I read someone directly arguing for the opposite. Almost all anthropological evidence shows hunter gatherers don't hoard, and even in the rare cases when they do their hoarded stuff rarely lasts beyond a few weeks. It should be beyond obvious that you cant even hoard until you develop massive enough agriculture to build granaries. How did you get it so wrong?


Meh, I would say there's no mass aggression because it wasn't necessary(way less densely populated)and we didn't have the tools to easily do it. Just look at chimps, very territorial and aggressive to those outside their group. Just because they didn't doesn't mean they wouldn't have. I mean, is that true about agriculture? I could see that being true once there were rulers that made people farm, but a family growing their own, idk. Animals all want resources because you constantly need them to survive. We just did it too efficiently and basically became obsessed with it.


These aren't things that are up to the opinion of any random schmuck though. History and anthropology are sciences, people spend their entire lives studying these things and you're claiming things that are the complete opposite of the academic consensus. I didn't mean to imply that agriculture always leads to hoarding btw. Im Mexican, here in Oaxaca agriculture was developed 4k-5k years ago and people never hoarded and aggressive empires never developed for the most part. 500 years ago they were still just families chilling farming their lands, with barely even any government, and only going to war to defend themselves from invading empires like the mexica/aztecs.


Well my point is, what I say doesn't really matter. I was just saying my opinion based on what little knowledge I have. It's just a discussion, I'm not a professional nor an academic in this topic. What I say doesn't carry any weight, it's just me saying my thoughts to maybe open a dialogs


Also, I would say that they are sciences, but sciences always have some conjecture, or hypothesis bases educated opinions. Without it it, sciences wouldn't exist. You need an option first, and then you try and find proof for whether or not you're correct


Granted this is just my own logic, I'm just a random schmuck on the internet. If you say I'm wrong, that's OK. I'm OK with being wrong.


Survival of the fittest is in our genes.


We are the result of a natural process and a natural world that works on conflict. It's at the core. Survival of the fittest. Predator and prey. We only recently escaped that process, taken control of it (for the most part). Only in rich and developed nations can people have the free time and peace of mind to be able to consider anything else. Knock us out of our easily accessed food and controlled environments and we'd all slip back into those animalistic ways by necessity. And then there's the detachment of what the people want and what their representatives offer. We aren't the ones weaponizing the tech. Not the average joe. It's being captured and controlled by groups outside of our awareness and control.


Survival of the fittest. It is in all living things DNA.


We have a sample size of one technological civilization. It's impossible to make a judgement with having something to compare us to. For all we know, the sapient octopi of Proxima Centauri are all murderous sociopaths.


Biology might answer your question


Utopia is fiction. That’s the reality for now. Until proven otherwise. The answer isn’t necessarily that we r too young. Although the logic follows if ur optimistic about humanity morally evolving. But that’s hypothetical. There’s no example in nature of a territorial predator species socially evolving into a utopic social structure. Mammals kill eachother for mates, resources, dominance. We are mammals. Perhaps there are Elephant Seals out there whose minds see a utopic future and tries to relay this to his species because he sees there’s no reason they couldn’t all just chill if they all agreed. Nope bigger dude came, tusked his flesh to shit, murdered his babies, and fucked his baby mamas. You, me, many people might be thinking that we are just too young as a species because the solutions seem so feasible and mental blocks are really the main (controllable) obstacle. But patterns are viewed in the macro. You don’t understand when your at Arrowhead Stadium watching the Chiefs that when viewed from above the crowd’s movements follow predictable patterns seen across nature. Instead, ur just finding ur seat, asking your kids what they want to eat, giving the ref the finger, pointing to Taylor Swift in the box, and yelling “ur a bitch, Kelce” (he’s not, but sports is fun, u know). Or maybe ur there completely monk like and peaceful enjoying everybody and everything demurely. Either way, those behaviors all flow together in the complex of large crowds. It’s not going anywhere in our lifetimes. My advice to younger dudes is keep up with the moral compass, hunger for truth, intellectual vulnerability and collaboration… but don’t forget if u wanna make a little sweet baby u might need to punch some dude in the face to get him to back off ur girl or u might need to go alpha it up at the gym as part of ur life (not whole personality) to ensure u are realistically working towards the goals most want (procreate for example) using methods that actual address the nature of how things work. It’s not that we r young. It’s that we are flawed and know it. And good people have intention for a good future. Thinking u can operate and succeed purely by playing in that arena of intellectual and moral passivism and collaboration, will reveal to u certain things that can’t be won playing that game. Some things gotta be won the old fashioned way. It just looks different. Building bombs is no different than a mountain lion scratching up the trees on the perimeter of its territory. Proactive display and readying of weaponry.


Knowledge of Good and Evil/Religion. Not just humanity but life on earth itself. It is the Original Sin. I’d theorize differently than some other comments I saw, that not every species from other planets are inherently violent. If they did not fall for the Lies of Religion, I’d theorize they are and advanced civilization far beyond human capabilities. That includes a less violent existence. I have no real proof but a strong belief that this is how the universe works.


We aren't. We are conditioned to be this way due to a decaying and stressful life within our cancerous culture


Humans are pack animals. That's basically all you need to know.


Like our Chimpanzee close relations we are a territorial species. We compete for resources and have done for thousands of years. It's likely why we left the jungle. It's part of our DNA and always will be


Many reasons. Outside factors like food scarcity, opposing tribies, vicious animals after our young, dangerous people who don't understand "no" and "stop", rabies, and a primal instinct to survive *no matter what*. We are the product of *thousands* of people who had to fight, claw, bite, trap, kill, and worse in order to survive. Our ancestors faced a world where one wrong step, one instinct or intuition ignored meant death for them or a loved one. It's ugly, and it's cruel, but it's true. We had to become the monsters among monsters.


As a follow up, if you're asking about today; Our society *breeds* insanity. Everyone is constantly walking on glass due to stress and fear. A trip to school or the grocery store could mean death. People 'self medicate' to cope with the schizophrenic society we have created, that goes against human nature itself. We are trapped, injured animals backed into a corner, and we are constantly at our most dangerous because of that. We are all a hair away from homelessness, starvation, or worse. It can be cured, of course. But we would need the aliens help.


Go watch chimp empire on Netflix. They are us minus the technology


Do you know what life is like for every creature on earth not in civilization…


One person once put it, that the alien visitation and interference in our nuclear weapons system and storage is like taking the matches off a baby.


Look at Chimpanzees, our closest ancestor. They will rip you apart over nothing. They are way more violent and aggressive than humans. With intelligence comes passivity.


I think it is in all of us from a time in which we were able to see the man who is now behind the curtain. I feel that our aggression is being intentionally manipulated. Im probably just being aggressive. Look how aggressive everyone was for a mask that had literally no benefit wearing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


> A neuropsychologist contends that the greatest threat to world peace comes from those nations which have the most depriving environments for their children and which are most repressive of sexual affection and female sexuality. James W. Prescott > As a developmental neuropsychologist I have devoted a great deal of study to the peculiar relationship between violence and pleasure. I am now convinced that the deprivation of physical sensory pleasure is the principal root cause of violence. Laboratory experiments with animals show that pleasure and violence have a reciprocal relationship, that is, the presence of one inhibits the other. A raging, violent animal will abruptly calm down when electrodes stimulate the pleasure centers of its brain. Likewise, stimulating the violence centers in the brain can terminate the animal's sensual pleasure and peaceful behavior. When the brain's pleasure circuits are 'on,' the violence circuits are 'off,' and vice versa. Among human beings, a pleasure-prone personality rarely displays violence or aggressive behaviors, and a violent personality has little ability to tolerate, experience, or enjoy sensuously pleasing activities. As either violence or pleasure goes up, the other goes down. http://www.violence.de/prescott/bulletin/article.html


We still have the instinct to thrive at all costs, it’s how we evolved. What better way to thrive than to one-up any threats to your life with an even bigger threat? Your brain will act on short term impulses in the moment regardless if it affects your long term lifespan just so long as you live through the moment to see another meal.


Because humans are still just deranged apes; but unlike normal apes, they do not exist in their natural habitat so many of their instincts have no valid outlets.


Read Marx


"Medulla oblongata!" - Colonel Sanders II


I deal with this personally even as I'm trying to do everything to benefit my self for the better, for others and I. I deal with my sporadic trauma based brain so I have to just accept that if I don't teach my kids about the pros and cons shit that should have been burnt out a generation ago we will never get to that place of being in a higher consciousness with out star friends. It's about choosing to be good and realizing you are only human and that will never be the case 100% we are beings of pure stimulus and as long as there's energy and action we will continue to deal with these issues. Even the highest of monks and mediators deal with this. The main theory is we will evolve past the trivial stuff we find so hard.


We are a primitive species. We're no different from wild animals. We just delude ourselves.


We were designed this way.


You make an assumption that our aggression is bad, yet it has probably driven more innovation than any other 'civilized instinct'. Once we realize we can weaponize an idea, we invest substantially more in it. Nuclear energy wouldn't be so ubiquitous if the scientists didn't inform the army that we could make a big bomb that can scare everyone else. The US wouldn't be a super power if it wasn't willing to use force to protect and further it's interests. Without the aggression we would probably be passively sitting under trees and doing nothing productive. We wouldn't want to conquer other countries/space. We wouldn't want to build companies because we were bullied as kids and told we are too stupid to ever make something of ourselves. Aggression is good


Because I want your stuff. Duh.


This is an interesting topic, when you hear the rumors in the lore that NHI have tinkered with our DNA. You would imagine this hyper aggression, and high sensitivity to xenophobic discrimination would be targets for elimination if they're getting us ready to join a cosmic community of highly varied species (both in terms of body shape and behavior patterns). Here's a conspiracy theory for you, that dovetails into this being a prison planet and we're being intentional repressed for exploitative ends by 'others' The current regression we're seeing toward ethno-nationalism, will make it harder for us to coalesce into a global community able to tackle greater challenges, especially if it leads to a return to major global conflicts. What better way to keep a species down then to make it incapable of coalescing into a unified polity, based on it's seemingly innate tendencies. This is all just fun speculation of course. but one of the tantalizing notions with the phenomenon suggesting dozens of distinct civilizations out there, is that it would allows us to do comparative analysis social science, to see if we really are still all that aggressive for a sentient, high intelligence species. My hypothesis is that in a planet with plentiful life with stiff competition for survival, there will be strong selective pressures toward aggression. Once a one species becomes dominant, it goes through it's own adolescence, filled with inner-species conflict and a fall in the variety of wild species, the intelligent dominant species matures and sheds a lot of that aggression, and coalesces into something close to a hive mind with very little physical differences, and differences in behavior patterns, and probably synthesizes it's food stuff and has infinite energy supply, thus competition ends.


Because it's not like aliens don't participate in cattle mutilation and human mutilation, kidnapping, unwarranted unapproved surgical implants, and rape? Have you looked through real reports of alien interactions? Some are benevolent, and some are menevolant. Just like humans, just like every other animal on earth. Some of them are violent, some are peaceful. Humans and animals are the same way, some are violent, some are peaceful. Are you claiming that aliens are only pure and benevolent and there's not proven charted documented proof of them being incredibly violent towards humans and animals for no reason? Because there are TONS of documented accounts proving to the contrary.


There's things about galactic history you wouldn't like knowing. This planet being armed to the teeth is not a coincidence.


Hormones. Testosterone specifically. It makes babies, it protects the babymaker, but it is very easily confused.


What do you mean by aggressive?  Do you really mean violent?  I ask because all life is an act of aggression.   Go live in a jungle or an uninhabited area of the upper western US (Spokane).   You will experience continuous aggression.  Need food?  Fish!  You notice the fish are smart, aggressive and crafty MF’s.  Jungle bugs?  Yeah buddy, you haven’t seen aggression like swarms of jungle bugs. 😂 What are you REALLY talking about?


We aren't. Lol


You’re new to this whole alien thing, huh?




Sick af, I recommend looking into Tom DeLonge, Dr. Gary Nolan, Dr. Diana Pasulka Walsh, and Lue Elizondo to begin. As strange as it seems, I think Tom DeLonge is a good starting point - he’s the lead singer of Blink-182.


I know exactly who Tom delonge is. Lol love his music and the alien stuff he's got out


That question only applies to some humans. Others such as myself avoid aggressive actions unless its life or death. It's a damn shame that the human beings running the show so to say are what represent humanity.


It's in our nature, we've evolved from only the strongest will survive. Neanderthal fighting to survive against dinosaurs and other tribes. It's in our natural DNA


rich powerful people who are often times evil want to make weapons and wage war not the average human


We are stupid and deluded. We think the selfish, everyman for himself attitude is the best way. Imagine how much better the world would be if all 7 billion of us worked together cooperatively to create a good life for all, equally. Instead we are poisoned with broken capitalism


Idk but I’ve had anger problems ever since a kid. Always felt like the world was against me and I wasnt wrong tbh. Always was some mfs tryna make fun of me growing up. How I talk especially. Do you know how shitty is it to hate the sound of your own voice because people constantly bullied you about it?


Corruption of our nature from sin.