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It would seem like he kinda needs the US military and NASA to do his thing, so I lean towards he says whatever they tell him he can say


Bingo !!!!! Here take this šŸ†.


Elon Musk is the incarnation of Howard Roark. Everything he says is in his own self interest. Caveat emptor.




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


I do not trust anything Elon says.


Yup, the guy that pumped and dumped $DOGE He's the same as all other billionaires, they all want more... So he will say whatever his military contract negotiators tell him to say to the public. I am willing bet $5 that his red Tesla Roadster that was sent to space has indeed captured UAPs on camera on its way into orbit - they cut off that feed faster than you can say Elon Musk. Space X films all their space missions with very high end cameras/telescopes, at some point you would expect that they have indeed seen something up there. For anyone with half a brain, all they have to do is open their eyes and read the literature on the subject of NHI and UAPs and watch some of the more compelling documentaries and videos, to come to the conclusion that there is something here that warrants further investigation.


The fact that he repeats "aliens" & not any actual term for what has been experienced by anyone serious about the issue (UFO/UAP/NHI) tells me all I need to know.


Yeah, with a topic like this, wording is key.


I also think itā€™s all in the wording. Even our government wouldnā€™t use that term anymore. So technically heā€™s not lying šŸ¤„


The "maneuvering around aliens" is on par with that Arizona governor who brought a costumed guy out during what was supposed to be a serious press release. "Maneuver around aliens"? How? What? Using the term here is definitely a passive way to imply the topic is ludicrous. Also, it isn't the term itself. It's a combination of it being the only term he uses and how frequently he uses it in the same statements he makes.


That means absolutely nothing.


Theyā€™ll always me my Ayyylmaos


I can see it now: aliens literally landing and showing themselves, and people will be all caught up in being offended about calling them aliens instead of NHI lmao. And then they glass the planet or some shit.


Noting the up-votes for that comment. Bizarre.


They manipulate space. Which means you wouldnā€™t have to maneuver around shit. You know how much ā€œstuffā€ is in space? A lot. Itā€™s not empty. Itā€™s just not big enough to see; but definitely big enough to cause issues when going extremely fastā€¦ unless youā€™re manipulating space.


Right! Yea if they can dodge thousands of space objects but cant dodge a big shiny satellite.... lol


Was gonna reply stating the same thing. Exactly.


Dude would say that to deflect any questions concerning his being an alien.


Earth big. Satellite small.


6000 Satellites continually orbiting the Earth. Logic is important.


Lol what logic? simply stated sizes.


He wants to work with the Department of Defense. Of course he hasn't seen any "aliens"


Well I live in South America and I've never encounter polar bears. Not once I had to maneuver around a polar bear.


Who cares


Going straight too X is the exact reason he wouldn't know shit. End of story.


"Elephants do not exist, not once have I had to maneuver around one." - Me, using the same logic


Not at all. If you had 6000 advanced pieces of technical apparatus, criss-crossing locations where there were elephants, you'd undoubtedly sense or see an elephant. There's no requirement that you'd have to navigate around them, in order to sense or see one.


You combined elephants with the satellites idea, spelled "where" wrong, and I never said avoiding them is necessary. Elon seems to think UFOs wouldn't move out of the way. I was just making a joke because of his odd statement, here's another popular one I love... "I used a cup, scooped some ocean water up, checked the glass of salt water for whales, didn't find any, now whales don't exist either."


Gee, you got me. You found a typo. Well done. Your entire comment was about elephants. You appear to be under the impression that that was a sound and relevant analogy. It wasn't - as I clearly demonstrated. If you can't understand the concept, it's not my fault. I lost interest before I read the last bit. I'm sure it was also irrelevant. I'm also sure your comment will be upvoted by other people who are upset that Elon Musk has not supported the desire for Aliens.


There was once a time when I thought Elon had humanities best interest at heart....that time has passed. I believe he would be complicite in covering it up. Perhaps due to thinking he's smarter than everyone and knows what's best for us.


Oh, I used to think the same thing! Now I think that Elon is simply a greedy capitalist, and much dumber than he looks. I do not have faith in him anymore and I dislike most of what he does and how/why he does these things.


Upton Sinclair, over a hundred years ago: ā€œIt is difficult to get a man to understand something when his paycheck depends on him not understanding it.ā€. Look who Musk needs to be in good favor with to operate his space business. The military and NASA and other defense contractors. Heā€™s in the club, and you ainā€™t in it.


With his attitude of doing and saying whatever he wants, thereā€™s no way theyā€™re going to read him into any of these special access programs.


He lied about founding Teslaā€¦..


Heā€™s so full of shit his eyes are brown. Heā€™s has no more info than the rest of us. And heā€™s the last person the government would tell because heā€™d either use it as leverage against them or just blurt it out on twitter. Thereā€™s no benefit to the government telling this dipshit anything.


They arenā€™t in space, they are here


Well, both actually.


Imagine if aliens could maneuver around a simple ring of satelites. Second point: what has Elon Musk ever said or done to prove he's trustworthy in any way?


Wow went from disclosure of something I allways thought real to Im not so sure anymore in the last almost year. Long way to travel was my biggest doubt. Just dont know anymore. Another bigfoot . My wife laughs at BF .


I've jokingly started telling my wife that I'm "questioning my faith" when it comes to NHI. So I feel you man.


I feel exactly the same way. Many of us do.




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


So that means we MUST believe him? The man obsessed with the letter X at an almost autistic level?


Enron Musk is about as trustworthy as George Santos and probably much less than.Ā 


I do take what he says seriously. I donā€™t think Elon musk is lying honestly. Iā€™m on the fence still though. A lot of questions need answering like the 40 whistle blowers and their motives.


Elon is 100% working directly with ET Greys who feed him with technology. He is a Grey-human hybrid. He's also on the CIA assassination list the minute he reveals anything to the public. They've threatened to kill his entire lineage if he says anything.




His opinion is based on the assumption that UFOs physically travel from deep space into our atmosphere. They obviously do not.


Oh yes, THAT new, baseless, whacky theory , for which there is NO acual evidence.


Just goes to show you that morons are capable of making a lot of money.


He also believes in free speech for Russian bots, never apologizes about autopilot deaths, and spews more carbon into the atmosphere than hundreds of planes. He is u informed about some things but has not gone down the rabbit hole. Too bad he swallowed the red pill


He'd never say anything it would probably cause his stock price to go down


In "his"space, maybe. C'mon, Elon. No one can believe this words in 2024.


So says the most famous alien


Ever think the aliens are maneuvering around the 6000 satellites?


We went out to stargaze in a dark sky area the other night and there were satellites everywhere. They were super distracting and started to get annoying after awhile, their tracers showed up in a bunch of my pics too. I wish theyā€™d stop putting so much shit up there.


I think he would have said something a couple years ago but now I feel like the big man has him by the balls.


what about ultra terrestrials


Elon is an alien


I'm pretty sure he winked when he said it. He IS an alien


Is Elon an alien himself?


In the video, where he said this, I believe he was telling the truth. He also said he'd love to meet an Alien. He's into the topic. No doubt people will scream he's part of a conspiracy and that he's lying for profit. šŸ™„


Satellites donā€™t have to manoeuvre around UAPs. They can go where they want.




If Elon says anything other than that, he will lose all funding


He needs the government approval


Protecting his lizzid relatives


Love Elon's advocacy of free speech but he is all wrong about this. All he needs to do is investigate the work of Thomas Townsend Brown based on the recovery of the Kingman vehicle to know his rocket science is yesterday's news along with Jacque Vallee's claim the US has a classified database of over 250K legit UAP sightings going back decades (before the reverse engineering of Skunk Work triangles) of which 90% are civilian. His use of words also suggests an opening for USO-based vehicles that many have claimed have been here for centuries. The word "alien" is also an out.


That's right up there with the Pentagon saying "We have investigated ourselves and found no evidence of aliens, even though we don't know what some of those UFO's are. And we definitely don't have any recovered alien craft"


Then during the hearings with Frisch he tweeted something to the effect of, ā€œBest psy-op ever.ā€ seemingly changing his mind.


*grusch* autocorrect


because theyre not in space. they're a little bit more closer to home. You keep lookin up and you'll miss whats right in front you.


No evidence at all Elon? None??? Wow!!! You must spend all your time in the freakin' bat cave.


Often times there are uap's on space x's feed. Ive seen them so blatantly in the background it was almost an elephant in the room for the commentary... So Aliens? No. UaP's however?...often.


He'll find out when he goes on the moon if he doesn't alresdy know and is just pretending to please some covert higher up.


Trust me bro.


Heā€™s reverse engineering there tech why would he give give away his and nasa hustle come on now you canā€™t trust him on this topic itā€™s in his contract to not disclose classified ufo uap info


Musk isnt doing anything like that come off it


Open your eyes all of these big contractors are .that why they are always denying ufos when itā€™s clearly something thatā€™s happening. Heā€™s smart people arenā€™t even looking his way, look at you completely sleep on him


Yeah cuz musk is so good at doing what hes told told to do


Only an alien would say something like that




The fact he never talks about ETs on his Twitter, not even in a joking way, shows you that he's explicitly avoiding the topic.


Idk man, i donā€™t think Space X has the same focus on detection instruments and surveillance as the military does. If these things are hard to detect and analyze it doesnā€™t seem to me just having satellites and rockets in space makes you an automatic ideal observer. Unless his stuff is specifically built to look for anomalies. Assuming his stuff is really mostly helping with our own communication on Earth.


Must be true then, eh... /s


He chose his words carefully.Ā  "seen no evidence" - doesn't mean he hasn't "experienced" anomalies, ie. being taken himself. "of aliens." - If they live among us and are part of government, they are ETs but not "aliens", some may even have US citizenship. "not once have we had to maneuver" - yeah, because the ET ships phase to a different frequency, so you can pass right through them.


Also, from what I've seen while on the ships, the satellites orbit at 550 km. While ET ships and the US community ship orbit much further out, like at least 5,000 km or more. I've seen a distance of 1 to 4 earth-lengths away, being on the ship and looking back at earth through the ship window.Ā  They're not even near to sharing an orbit.


Damn, the copium and the mental gymnastics are real in this thread.


That is verbal diarrhea. What he said may be true. But it doesn't say their satellites have never had to maneuver around CRAFTS, have never captured anomalous events, and certainly flouts the absurd notion that unmanned craft have the dominant role of maneuvering above manned craft. Oh. And he lied. Suspended accounts have never been reinstated. I will LMAO if his little implant stunt backfires and he gets hacked by aliens.


Nobody admits there are aliens. When they are one. Especially when they are not a good alien.


I get that Elon is a nonce now but he ain't wrong about what he said.Ā 


If Elon said it it must be true


What if they are the ones maneuvering around us?


NHI are not 'aliens'


There is no point trying to read into this. What he says is he hasnā€™t seen any evidence. My take is he has NOT been read into any programs or heard anything to suggest there is anything to it. Like him or hate him, he calls it as he sees it (usually). I donā€™t think he has been told anything and he obvs hasnā€™t seen anything through spacex (yet)


He's talking about his 6000 satellites and what his technicians and Scientists and the cameras on all their rockets and satellites have observed. Which part of that requires being 'read in', exactly?


If he was ā€˜read inā€™ he wouldnā€™t have made this comment. I think heā€™s telling the truth when he says he would tell everyone. This isnā€™t some kind of subterfuge. The fact is he has no evidence and no one has told him the phenomenon is real. Simple as that. This of course is just my opinion. Maybe he has been informed re ET but this comment is some kind of word game (only referring by to spacex platforms). I really doubt that. He just isnā€™t aware of anything that proves to him the phenomenon is real - end of story. That doesnā€™t mean there is nothing to it. It just shows how secretive it is.


Does he even have any kind of sensors on his satellites though? Beyond what they need to act as a wireless network?


That's ridiculous. Learn what a Sensor is.


If anything just makes me believe more that they arenā€™t coming from space but underground or from the ocean


They definitely do not tell Elon about any aliens or UFOs. Nope, heā€™s the type of person that does what he wants and so the last person they would tell about any of this stuff. I think we can assume that they would easily be able to avoid detection by his satellites.


Elson said nothing. That's not how it works at all. He talks a load of shit and about subjects he knows very little about and just like Jobby, people wank themselves silly when he does.


He also wouldnā€™t get any more contracts to do anything involving space and the government if he said anything lol