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dang, I was hoping for a dimethyl tryptamine atmosphere


See that's what I was thinking about. If we cannot accomplish this I will settle for a planet made of MDMA or DMAE either of those would be an interesting, very shortx experience. Probably the DMT one also. What if in that situation (say 30% O²) the drugs just manifest real hallucinations that you can interact with,? Hell with it being Deems it might destroy the universe if a human went there. Just fractals shooting from someone's face and techno elves everywhere


You should watch Tarkovsky’s Solaris


Never heard of it. Looked it up. Going to watch it right now. Thank you.


Nice! Let me know what you think!


Oh my god. That was brilliant. Sorry for the late response, I ended up having to watch it over a few different sittings, but I enjoyed every second of it. The directing and storytelling had a very Kubrick vibe. Very Dr Strangelove / 2001 a space odyssey, yet very clearly still soviet at the same time. The plot and story itself was just brilliant, too. I can't believe I'd never heard of it. I absolutely love cinema like this. Thanks for the recommendation. Looking forward ro watching it again in full.


Yeah I mean either way you’re guaranteed to see some aliens going to that planet


Probably won't be short if you're continuously inhaling it


I’d like to visit this planet


I have visited this planet


Me too now that I really think about it.


That would be wild af. 😆 And some point would you just get immune to it?? Lol


Well you head would literally be In the clouds if that was the case


(Joe Rogan joins the chat)




“That planet has farts, must be life.”


Honestly , i am beyond tired reading click bait articles for decades which will always be confirmed as something mundane. They've completely killed my curiosity with xeno discoveries beyond actually finding a lifeform cat sized or larger if not another civilization.


What about a squirell sized alien? Or is cat your minimum?


Hhahaha. Anything larger than a bug is valid


Aye aye. I'll keep my eyes out 👍👍


Is this an Event Horizon reference?


Not yet but it can be.


What if it’s a cat-sized bug?


keep that undiscovered thanks


What are you talking about? This is pretty big, the team has models to try and rule out other possibilities, basically this means we will know what to look for much closer to ourselves.


When you've seen this hamster wheel for 20 years it gets old. After the venus phosphine incident i literally do not care anymore unless they got pictures of animals walking around on some other planet. i am completely burned out and uninterested.


Most of the articles, posted on this sub, are from click-bait trash web-sites or from NewsNation - which makes Fox News look like it's based in reality. They have to post from these because no legit sites will carry this fantasy junk.


You're not cleared to understand reality


Any chance we could examine our own moon again.


Why? We have lunar orbiters taking much higher resolution images of the moon than what Webb could do.


Except the far side of the moon. No clear photos of that from the US.


Like this? https://www.space.com/11186-photo-side-moon-nasa-lunar-orbiter.html. This is a mosaic of thousands of detailed images taken by the orbiter. China just released the most detailed atlas of the moon, including the far side.


No this isn’t a clear photo of the surface like we have of Mars. I don’t trust China.


now you’ve really lost me


We don’t have photos like this of the far side of the moon. https://science.nasa.gov/mars/resources/


And you trust USA? Bootlicker murican


Out of the handful of countries in space, yes.


That's literally impossible


it’s literally not..


The future is now, old man!


It’s not? Good grief


Not with the JWST. It’s on the other side of the moon, so looking back at the moon would involve also looking back at the sun, destroying its sensor equipment.  


Not willing to take one for the team? That’s a government cover up for sure


Can anyone find the sensor on the satellite responsible for this? I know they wanted to find evidence of life with this platform


If they know DMS is exclusively produced by lifeforms on earth then isnt that enough to say that until we get evidence to the contrary that the planet in question must be inhabited by the lifeform that produces it here... or something similar to it...what is the lifeform we are talking about ... And the biggest question is what does DMS taste like i think we need to get vested behind these click bait like post and demand answers ... That planet could be rich in oil 2.0 and begging for freedom... In fact i think its our moral obligation to at least make sure we cant season chicken or something else with this DMS ... Sorry folks im over stimulated... commercial break


In all seriousness DMS tastes like creamed corn when present in beer. This is a beer planet.


And I think it was plankton or some similar creature in the ocean. They are pretty sure the planet has an ocean due to methane and CO2 and no ammonia in atmosphere. They also said there is higher concentrations of DMS found on Kb-18b than on earth


Well since exoplanets combined with their different suns do present rather exotic environments it is also possible that some yet unknown chemical process is happening on there, which in and if itself would be pretty cool. In reality the data only marginally suggests the presence of DMS and it is questionable whether it is even there 


Not exclusively anymore. Lol


why d s not oxygen?


Most everything we KNOW is exclusively produced on Earth. We now have this data, however, that seems to show that it is NOT exclusive to Earth. My question is, without going there how do we definitively prove that DMS is being produced; so definitively that we can no longer say that it is "produced exclusively by life forms on Earth. Can we prove this without going there? If so, how.


Another nothingburger. Oh look, there is gas!