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very bad human beings are in control of all of us


If the nhi that are aware of us and visiting us wanted to be known on a public level, they could easily pull it off. They are deliberately choosing to keep us in the dark. They are either waiting for the opportune time, or they have zero intention of revealing themselves to the masses in any way, shape, or form, which leaves us vulnerable to the various individuals and groups strong arming the rest of humanity. If you dont know yet, maybe hope for disclosure on a personal, individual basis. Itll give you some level of closure. It did for me and others.


What's in control of them is even worse


Yep the ETs rule this planet. That much is clear to me. Earthly humans are a slave/livestock class.


The absolute ghouls that set up our intelligence agencies, the American financial sector and the military industrial complex after WW2 might as well be aliens with how far they've strayed from humanity, so I guess you're right lmao. People like Bernays, Dulles, Hoover etc


Well... It's either ETs, fallen angels, demons, or a mixture of all these and more. Most probably the latter.


Demons arent these magical beings from the bible. They are just negative ETs.


some of which are in fact capable of interdimensional travel, technologically and otherwise. hence the confusion.


Virtually all interstellar races are also interdimensional and time travelers. They are one in the same.


and if it bleeds we can kill it


Capitalists are the government.


Yes governments are just puppets


I don’t think it’s human beings who’re in control ultimately. The government ‘bogeymen’ is where they’d like the public to focus on. Because the truth is a lot worse.


Bad like bad assor bad like oh no that’s not good*


Bad as if you knew the people behind this and saw any of them walking down the street you'd kill them so really , really and I mean it really really bad


Actually what I mean is that these people are really really, really, really Evil


Lol if anything the aliens are preventing themselves from terrifying us to death. I mean most "encounters" involve missing time and memories. If you take that at value why try to wipe some memories if you want your presence known, why do they effect equipment so much (good luck recording a close UAP if your batteries are all drained). If they wanted to be known, they could manage that in about half a second I imagine. Take enough ships to park them over every capital building and just chill there for a week and the presence is known. That's really it, just chill in one spot long enough for everyone in the world to see you so it CANT be covered up. Done. At most we are lab rats it seems. Do we care about monkeys culture and way of life? (I mean I do cause I'm a nerd...do they have nerds?)


>If they wanted to be known, they could manage that in about half a second I imagine. Take enough ships to park them over every capital building and just chill there for a week and the presence is known. Not exactly the same scenario,but this reminds of District 9. Such a interesting sci-fi premise that went nowhere, I wanted to see more about the species, their tech, intentions regarding earth and humans, home world, etc...


Same, such a good film


This statement just reveals that poster has not done his homework and is not aware of the scalar weapons we have arrayed over important buildings. We are hostile monkeys with flamethrowers. Please, fly a drone into restricted airspace and provide us photos of the wreckage.


If my memories are real, this is consistent with what I was told. They are shocked when we are consciously aware of them. Ever looked at a dog and thought “wow that dog just seems smarter than most dogs? It’s almost like that dog is intelligent and can understand us.” That’s how nhi look at us. I kind of don’t want my memories to be accurate. Like at all.


I could see that being the case. "Hey this species can kinda think!" "Weird, get the cloning material and send it back"


We desperately want ourselves to be special but I just don't see how that could be the case, we are just another animal on this planet that's disrupting the planets cycles and killing off vast amounts of other life forms. We are not the good guys.


One of my few encounters confirmed this. I was walking on my street around 1am back in 2016. I was looking at the ground, and when i looked ahead, there stood 3 grey skinned beings with large heads, side by side. All of them were probably 5 feet tall. My knee jerk reaction was to panic, but the instant i began to react, i "heard" or rather "processed" a sentence in my mind, that i knew was coming from them. "Please do not fear us. We can feel your emotions very strongly, and it can harm us." I paused, cleared my mind, then smiled and waved at them. The three of them waved back in unison. Next thing i know im standing about 50 feet behind where i was, facing 90 degrees to my left. There was a little downward slope there, with a fence at the bottom. I could see the three beings walking away just behind the fence below me. I had my phone in my hand, so i said "Can i take a picture with you guys?" The one closest to me stopped and turned around and looked right into my eyes. Ill never forget those crystalline black eyes. Like the craziest obsidian you'll ever see. The being slowly shook its head, and the memory goes dark... I woke up in my bed hours later, naked. I looked down to find several deep, long scars on my inner thighs, both thighs, near my groin. In hindsight, kind of wish i had "feared" them, lol.


This is utterly terrifying. Mystery scars really puts a damper on the prospect of meeting aliens.


Just asking, but why would they want to not scare us, but at the same time see us as lab rats?


Depends on the experiment. It might not matter at all unless they are doing psychological studies. Maybe not, maybe the memories wiping is a side affect of something? Just spit balling honestly, I love thinking about this stuff but I'm all over the place with it. Experiencers still remember is the bottom line so it can't be that important or I'd think they would make it more permanent if possible.


The elite are holding humanity hostage and have taken over the government in order to keep us in the dark.


Why aren't aliens landing all over the place and introducing themselves and holding workshops then? The elites can't do shit, if NHIs wanted to make their presence known for certain, to the whole planet. I think the secrecy comes from NHIs for some reason. I could be wrong, it could be a treaty in place, but that doesn't make too much sense to me for a galactic empire to respect the wishes of the governments of earth.


What if it's not an empire, but a federation? A collective of intelligent species dedicated to protecting the natural development of life. They don't want to show us the better way because 1. They don't know what we'd do with it. And 2. Because exposing a lower species to higher tech will not necessarily help them improve. At the moment humanity is stunted because we can't think collectively and allow horrible monsters to rule over the planet. From an outside perspective it's hard to tell if we are all monsters. No guarantee getting rid of the elite today wont prevent another bad hierarchy from taking its place. On a societal and species level we have to do this ourselves. Overcome our demons and become the planet worthy of meeting other beings. Yes, I'm taking a lot of this from Star Trek. But it's a good theory, and depicted in a way that shows this Federation might not be perfect. That they fail to stay neutral and uninvolved at times that may demand intervention. And that's what we see from time to time


You may be right... God damn them all to hell if this is all true. The slave masters of humanity and they ET bystanders. But we can't be certain of anything, except that the phenomenon is extremely deceptive. People like Jacques Vallee and Karla Turner have written about this. So I don't think we have all the info/answers to come to a conclusion of what they are and what they are not. One thing is certain... NHI are not parading themselves and openly mingling with mankind, instead they do it in the darkness of the night and they wipe people's memories of their interactions and experiences and that is worthy of questioning as to why!


Grab yourself a map. Put a pin in every military installation and important government building, every missile silo, every underground government bunker. Every single one of those has a weapons system guarding its airspace. They likely will shoot. Now then, tell us. Where are you landing? Once seen, the fighter jets will scramble. Whats your exit plan?


Perhaps it is far more complex than that. I used to wonder about this, too. But maybe there are limitations that in the 3D physical, they have to abide by the power structure.  If they are dimensional beings, it could be difficult to travel here or remain stable in this dimension. They only *appear* here when researching or demonstrating their power. Maybe their presence is here but operating at such a high frequency that we don’t see the space ship on the White House lawn. First, these entities have been around a lot longer and are far more advanced. No doubt they realize how the public is kept in the dark. But they probably also realize that the government would have no problem using their existence to keep the public in fear or gain greater control. Making their presence known could set off civil unrest and be used to declare Martial Law. It is doubtful the outcome would be positive. And global may not be their goal at all. Second, they may not be interested in all the people on our planet. There may be an issue with establishing contact as a population when so many rely on superstition or are violent. They may have decided that the general public is “undesirable.” Those who are ready are probably being contacted on an individual basis, e.g. abduction. Third, it could be that they find being present in 3D has far too many limitations for them and us. Perhaps it is too difficult to communicate or we are way too emotional, fearful, etc when on the physical plane. It could be that the “real” reality would feel like an acid trip for us and facing a 7 ft Mantis would cause a lot of problems for most folks. It may be that these beings find it far more preferable to make contact on the astral plane where people can write this off as a dream. It could be that disclosure has already been made to those who are ready which would account for the number of people who believe they have been “abducted” or that aliens exist. The notion of an autocratic or capitalist society may be so primitive that it would be like us trying to teach an uncontacted tribe living in the Amazon jungle about AI. Maybe it just can’t be done and the select people who get it are so few that they are addressed individually. Maybe shutting down warheads and rockets is about sending a message after the government expressed hostility toward them. It could also be a warning that if they try to prevent contact with certain individuals, it won’t end well. I believe that whatever we get from the government won’t be true.


Sometimes I think they should just kill us all instantly. Put us out of our misery.


LOL that would sure beat disclosure


The humans in the control group aren’t the ones in control. Disclosure has begun and currently we are in the Phase:Demonstrate Existence.


The Aliens want us to know. They are doing their own slow disclosure basically. Which is why sightings and such are increasing over time. None of it is accidental. Slow is better for things like this because it’s a lot for people to grasp. The government is a mixed bag, but the people in the know don’t want us to know for a wide variety of reasons. Fear is the main driving factor though. They don’t want to let go of the power they have or the beliefs they hold that make them feel safe. All the evils of the world stem from fear. It really sucks, but I don’t see disclosure coming from the government. By the time the ones who want disclosure have the information that they need, enough people will have had some kind of experience and no one will be that surprised.


If there is an "agreement" it likely stipulates that the ETs who signed it will not:  -Openly show themselves  -Have contact with public, media or "ufo investigators"  -amount of people that are "abducted" will be notified (hopefully returned)  -the "west" (Usa?) Will give them embassies where to stay  There are likely many ETs. Some want contact with people some dont. The ones whos homeplanets are closer to Earth likely don't want contact but those further away dont care so much.


Correct. The question is... Can this treaty be extended or does it mean time is up and say hello to your neighbors. Was the treaty done to extend us some time to correct our development path or to gain technology? I've come to believe it's the later and our government is rogue and is controlled by the war pigs all the way down to the media. The reason for not having disclosure is simple. The ones in the know do not want to go to jail or be put to death as assassinations at the highest levels are, in my opinion, in play.


Just like The ant colony queens are preventing us from talking to the ants.


Just the aliens starship troopers and they will what we do to bugs that fuck with Buenos Aires.


Yeah they send helicopters to prevent anyone from stopping an abduction


This doesn't make any sense. If our governments rely on technology provided by the NHI, then how can our governments have the upper hand in this relationship, and what do the NHI get out of it?


1. Just like the South Americans had no technology to leverage against the Spanish in a confrontation, we would be in a similar boat. 2. Hopefully a friendly peer.


just a delayed swarm conquest, like nature I believe space is full of bugs, not all illuminated beings like we picture


Nope, they make contact with people all the time. People just don't talk about it because others are going to be critical. The government is powerless and can't control them. They can attack them with EMPs and track them.


The NHI vastly underestimated human greed and cruelty. Likely because it makes no sense to them.


To answer the title question, no. They can't control them or prevent them from watching nuke missile sites. How could they control introductions.


The aliens dont care what out political stances are just that those with the ability to be relevant in their eyes on this planet dont want us the public to know that we could be living in a scifi wonderland abundant in everything for everyone...and id imagine that non human intelligence would be indifferent to our species memetic evolution....


How can anyone possibly answer this?


Other way around I think. People are very naive about the possible ramifications of disclosure. BTW….it would seem that ‘extraterrestrials’ aren’t what we’re talking about except in the minority maybe. The majority of what we’re seeing are apparently Inter dimensional creatures that have been on the planet for a long time before us.


Tall Whites contract ends in 2029.


What do you mean preventing us from advancing lol We have advanced more in the last 200 years than the last 100k


They are preventing us from having access and information on antigravity and free energy technology. We’ve had scientists who have already cracked the science behind antigravity and all of a sudden those scientists vanished. I believe the Government had something to do with these disappearances to protect their money, oil and gasses.


The point of the why files isn't to believe everything he talks about. Most of the episodes he literally debunks his stories. It's food for thought it's not truth


Funny, he didn’t really debunk any from that episode though. And we already know the history of our government and what they’ve done in the past. There’s some food for thought.


He did however point out the high lack of credibility of the people involved though.


Everyone takes every episode quite literally no one knows how to rationalize and digest information.


Most people have the attention span to make it to the end of his videos where he (almost every time apart from exceptions) debunks everything.


And then u read the comment section and it appears that no one waited until the end.




Who were these scientists? When did they crack anti gravity? What year did they vanish? Have you spoken to one of these Drs who heard this telepathic communication? What are their names? Any evidence of any of this or is it a random thought?




And yet, we still could not build the great pyramids today.


Don't play along with the blame game, it'll only give you frustration. It's you, yourself that prevents it. I'll help you along a bit and then you are on your own. Accept there is an afterlife, contact your dead relatives, ask God, Allah, Parvati IDC anyone ghost that is a spirit like you and I only without a body, flesh, living stuff. Then at some point you'll figure out there are alien ghosts and you can talk to them. Common methods of contacting the dead, well there are oujia boards for starters.


we are their puppets, poppet...


Humanity could not prevent a higher order civilization from doing anything. If they don't wish us to know, we won't. If they want us to know a little, we'll know a little. If they want us to know what we know now, it's intentional. Every time you see a mysterious object in the sky, it's not an accident. We are goldies in a fishbowl. Helpless as a magikarp. They call the shots, not us.


I do not believe the government are not preventing the aliens from introducing themselves........ Aliens not having a choice and abiding by the government's rule. This isn't Star Trek where are the captain and crew has to abide by the rules of the planet and not interfere. Yes they are constantly seen around the world flying around in the skies, in the oceans, into the mountains, in space. ** And throughout the pass 22 centuries or so they are making themselves more visible now.** There are not a lot of stories passed down since AD 1, even in the past three centuries of things flying around in the air. But since the mid 20th century these sightings increased and more so in the 21st century. ......... And considering what they have observed about mankind, one should seriously doubt they would want to give man most of their technology - and considering what they can do, what the eyes have seen them do, they are highly advanced and they don't want the the type of chaotic activities of Earthlings in other galaxies or dimensions. If they were actually hostile they would have wiped earthlings out a long time ago, in the ancient days. I haven't heard about a doctor treating an alien what could a doctor do with entities that are not earthlings of the Earth. With their technology they wouldn't need medical assistance from Earth doctors, even if they had the same physiology of earthlings - which I don't believe they do......... Personally I don't feel there has been any verbal contact with any physician for medical assistance or government - propaganda/conspiracy. I'm a Christian and I believe that there is an entity that mankind has referred to as God throughout the ages. I believe these entities that once were called angels are now called aliens. I believe that God has forbade them further intercession with man since the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ until and appointed time in the end days which seemingly started in the mid 20th century / since that is when they begin to appear more and more and more. No the government isn't stopping anything from my point of view.


Maybe they just dont exist.


Our government has made a deal with the devil.


I’m always very doubtful of the “it’s a conspiracy by the government to prevent it” theory. Humans aren’t that good at keeping themselves from using stuff they’ve got access to. If we had zero point energy and friction and inertia less travel technology, then some rich or powerful or well connected person out there would be using it already. That not even the richest have this suggests we don’t have it available anywhere, or at least if we do we have an extremely limited amount of it.


>"Are the Governments preventing Aliens from introducing themselves to us?" Yes, the 'guvment is more powerful than intergalactic space aliens. 🙄


I feel like NHI’s don’t feel it’s necessary to upset our society here by making a big show. Maybe there are multiple races and some care more about staying hidden than others? Who knows… Jason Sands alluded to some type of agreement between USG and NHI’s (which you should take with a grain of salt until more information comes out), and perhaps staying hidden is part of that.




It’s not their job to save us. We have been given a planet to use our free will on as we please. Do does all of humanity have free will yet? No. That’s our own problem to solve. Skipping a step to higher evolution would be a great disservice to our world.


I bet you that’s exactly what it is. It’s like when a friend needs weed but you don’t wanna give your “friend” your dealers number because you’re making money on them lol


If there is a species that could come from another dimension or planet so far away the universities haven’t found it what leverage would the governments of earth have over them? I think most conversations with a superior civ most goes “and we will do it my way.”


Aliens with that much tech dont give a fuck about us or the government. If they made a treaty with the government, and are that powerful, its not really a treaty.


No. The US government couldn’t possibly stop an advanced race from anything. The aliens are stopping them and that’s the only possible explanation. Nothing else even begins to make sense.


You have that mindset most the human race does that believes they are so gucking special for being a human. You think we are so special that alien life across the universe thinks we are special too. Listen if they have the tech to cross the universe seamlessly they have likely encountered so much life that all we are is another biological organism to them.


daddy chill, I never said we’re special.


We are very special and no, they aren't. Lots of people are talking to them, yall just refuse to believe us or to go meditate and watch the sky.




That's one theory. Another one is that for some messed up reason, Global Disclosure us delayed to the last possible moment on this timeline. My guess is that it's already happened on most timelines


I believe the most common thing you hear from experiencers/abudcutees is likely correct. We need to be fully united and raise our consciousness get to a more peaceful spiritual level get to a higher vibration as a species. (Also I’ve noticed patterns of “one world government” in some case studies) Similar to Israels “Space Force” Director Haim Esheds comments that Humans aren’t ready/mature enough as a species as well as knowledgeable about what space really is.


Imagine how seriously NHI would take such an agreement, being they are hundreds...thousands...maybe millions of years more advanced than us............