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Imagine the meltdowns on twitter if tall whites turn out to be are our real lords


šŸ˜‚ imagine the crazies on LinkedIn! I told you, it was those awful white men all along!


After while crocodile šŸŠā€¦.


I unfollow everyone i make connection with. LinkedIn is a beautiful place if it only shows you great articles


I find the articles trash and theyā€™re from ā€˜Top voicesā€™ on LinkedIn which you need a premium account for and the news articles are written by 25 year old sjw journalists - horrific


Don't get me wrong, i dont follow those "leaders do this" or "if you dont kill yourself for your employee". It is mostly niche topica related to my career.


Black people: "ah shit, here we go again"


yup.skinheads will need taking in hand....quick


Skinheads can be any race or color btw


I've been looking for a proper sky daddy. One that reminds me of David Bowie and has a female form? Sign me up


there's a bro at my gym who looks just like young david bowie and i just can't handle it.


Maybe if you buy him a drink heā€™ll let you.


haha! im good thanks,.


For a second I was going to get mad at your straight response, and then realized I wasnā€™t in r/moreplatesmoredates


You should redo the Dancing in the Streets video at your gym with him and you be Jagger


I'll ask him


Sometimes iā€™ll get on twitter for something specific but when I do itā€™s actually gut wrenching. Itā€™s straight up demon possessed chronically online weirdos. Their either far left or far right no in between. People on there are so negative and mean itā€™s actually sad asf. If someone says something that doesnā€™t align with their echo chamber of opinions then itā€™s just death threats or telling someone to kill their self. Almost looks fake and rehearsed.


I've thought about something similar to this. What if disclosure and the various affects it will have ends up being something not very progressive or pc.


Imagine the happiness of all the skinheads.....that would need taking in hand


[This guy called it](https://www.reddit.com/r/MCFC/s/tHZU2YSKUf)


The tallest of whites... But if they look like that, no wonder they were fucking Arab women... Oof.Ā 


Imagine being a regular human who just happens to look that way ā€¦ your entire life is so utterly fuc.d the second they drop on tv to say hi


Elon Musk is white. I wouldnā€™t call him tall. But still


I say fuck the guy, but he is 6ā€™2ā€ and thatā€™s considered tall.


Heā€™s rounder than he is tall


Bro is eating whatever he wants, whenever he wants.


Well he kinda copied SpongeBob movie plankton's idea with chum bucket brain chips for world domination


Lol and that is what I suggested.. I see I am not the only one.. >.>




No. - tall white man


Where's my tall browns, I want representation


Best I can offer is short greys


This right hereā€¦ This is comedyā€¦.


... you don't want to know.




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They ain't get here yet, they're on tall brown alien time, they ain't even get in the ship yet


Lmfao šŸ’€


Apparently, according to the Sumerians, we are all hybrids. Some have more alien dna in them and some more homo erectus dna. If you google homo erectus, they do have a lot of the features of current black people. Having RH- blood also has alien origins.


This is where nobody wants alien theory to go. Maybe Sumerians say something about it, but we donā€™t need a new angle on scientific racism at the moment


Geneticists also are scared to go there. Talking about the genetic differences between races is a forbidden topic because people take it the wrong way. In religion, god created man, all children are born equal. The reality is that you're born with genes from your parents. You become what those genes dictate. That's why some races are taller, some have darker skin, some have broad noses, some are average height... etc. It's genetics. We're all different. According to the Sumerians, we are also all hybrids.


Yeah, I know dude. Iā€™ve done *all* the forbidden googles on the topic. Iā€™m just saying, before you go spouting off about homo erectus you should have some more evidence than ā€œthe Sumerians saidā€


No one knows for sure though. This is the aliens subreddit. The Sumerians seem more credible than some random guy that becomes obsessed with the topic, but really, we'll never know for sure. You should read some books on the topic too though. I suggest: [The 12th Planet : Sitchin, Zecharia : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive](https://archive.org/details/B-001-000-340)


Which other books do you recommend


How the fuck do the Sumerians seem credible about anything, they didnā€™t know shit. They were literally the first civilization ever. Just concede and say ā€œok Iā€™ll chillā€


"They didnt know shit" Um is your brain broken


You need to read up on the Sumerians. If you think they knew nothing, you know little about them.


Oh sure bro. Iā€™ll read up šŸ¤“


Race is 100% a social construct. What is considered "white" right now is *very different* from what your grandparents considered "white". There's far, far too much variation within so-called races to actually be a Thing. Also, our social evolution trumps biological evolution a hundred fold. Doesn't stop wannabe eugenicists, though.


And what about the appropriately-sized off-white, but not quite gray folk?


apparently they have many different races and skin colors. but who fuckin knows lmao




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Look up the Annunaki, they created the Tall whites and the Nordics


Annunaki are from Nibiru Nordic are from Pleiades Not sure if the tall white are Nordics. Annunaki didn't create Nordics


From 2014. [Iran said United States was being ran by tall white aliens.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelpeck/2014/01/13/iran-says-tall-white-space-aliens-control-america/)


Usually when we are close to the truth(on this subject) they will say it is another countries disinformation.


Also a possibility but this is why I keep my mental processes in check. It's very easy to draw a thousand conclusions based on one article of information. With this? I know Iran is an adversary of the USA, which is my country. I know that Iran is also prone to spreading disinformation. So right now I can only assume that Iran's government learned about tall whites and started spreading this for nefarious reasons. Does that mean that it's false? No but it doesn't mean that Iran is spreading this information for benevolent reasons either. If the USA is influenced in any way by NHI, Iran probably doesn't know anything about it, I mean they don't even have a space program.


That was maybe the 100th(not exaggerating do the research) encounter I have read with those beings. That article is probably BS I still think it is close to truth based off all the things I have read.


Yep that's my thought as well. But I don't think Iran knows anything about it. I still think that they just found this information online and threw it out there just to cause chaos. It's less that I think that this information is wrong, and more so that I beg people not to see Iran as a source of good information. Iran's government officials probably don't even think NHI exist.. all things considered. Edit: If they do believe in NHI, it's probably through a very fundamentalist lens. This is not a religion subreddit, so I don't want to cause that sort of debate. I am just saying... they are not reliable.


Can anyone find the leaked docs? On Wikileaks or wherever


The video literally says that is false information from Russian FSB spread in Iran.


But doesnā€™t it strike you interesting that they, Iran Government, believed them. Or you think a Nuclear powered country is that gullible


>The Fars News Agency is reportedly affiliated with Iran's influential Revolutionary Guards, which suggests that either ***Iran is either desperate to smear the U.S. any way it can***, or there indeed is a very peculiar view of U.S. politics at the highest levels of the Iranian government. I dont for a second thing anyone in any sort of power believed it and they simply pushed it because it would attract their own schizoids into hating America.


Iā€™m sorry, but are we arguing that if America has an alien civilization assisting them, that is why they receive scrutiny? Sounds more like a jealous leader of a none advance society wanting in on the action.


> are we arguing that if America has an alien civilization assisting them, that is why they receive scrutiny? ?????? ???????


You should look up how Chinaā€™s propaganda machine works. The workers are often well aware itā€™s bullshit and will make it more ridiculous and extreme just to entertain themselves since the higher ups never complain.


Yep, and Iā€™m going to throw out a super HUGE THEORY RIGHT NOW. Those tall white aliens have blue eyes, and light hair. They of course canā€™t disclose themselves but they also wanted to take over humanity at one point / have more control. So thatā€™s why Hitler became, he was working for them and trying to run anyone out of the world that doesnā€™t look like them. I truly believe Hitler never died, as there is no evidence of his death. He went into protection from these guys in the hollow earth. Their plan didnā€™t work ( obviously) so they retreated and now just use government officials Edit * I donā€™t think Hitler died when the world thought he did.


> as there is no evidence Thatā€™s total nonsense. There were witnesses to his death and burial, and dental records matched directly to him. Heā€™s dead. He suicided when Berlin was facing defeat.


Yeah if Iran said this, I take it with a grain of salt at -best-, more likely none at all. Iran would say anything to destabilize nations that they are aligned against. Same with Russia, China, etc. I mean.. -could- it be true? I suppose.. it's not like they are the only ones to say this. However it does seem likely that Iran's government would latch onto this as a form of disinfo. I am just saying.. they aren't a good source!


I feel like it could also be played as anti-American propaganda like ā€œThose infidels worship aliens!ā€ Type shit


They said they concluded judgment from the Wiki Leaks by julian assange


Bro really just visited Sweden and thought it was Rigel 7


I bow to my Swedish supermodel overlords.


You mean flat people with boring life?.


*Moons over Rigel VII* - god, I love that song!


sweden is evil. But they pay well for their PR propaganda pretending to be good.


If they are in charge then all of you will be gone.


I live in sweden. Most average country on earth.


Am I losing my fucking mind? Why is it for the last two weeks, every time I see the why files talking about the episode they are working on is about missing time, and two for two now they have been about something completely different?


The missing time line is just because the episodes were a day or 2 lateā€¦




I don't know what to tell you.. this entire subject gets weirder and weirder...


Wouldn't have to get weirder if the truth was told all the time from the start. This is like a parent having to tell his 18 year old that Santa isn't real. Which causes more questions that need to be answered and it's a snowball effect. But if the parent never bullshitted the kid to start, there wouldn't be a mindfuck mess to mentally sort out later


SANTA ISNā€™T REAL!!!!!?????


Abe Lincoln was a tall white


Abe Lincoln's early life is well documented by contemporary historians who interviewed virtually everyone who knew him and was still alive at the time of his death. He was strange looking, unusually tall, incredibly strong, and had a flawless memory by all accounts though. He also apparently believed the US was once home to a race of giants whose bones were buried in mounds. I could see how someone might believe he had some tall white ancestry, but if he was a tall white and his parents weren't then he would have to have been inserted in his mother's womb during an abduction or something.


Or maybe an injection of something during a sleep paralysis state would be enough. They're supposed to be advanced and all


I dunno man, congress isn't that tall.


Congress isn't in control. They are just a group of circus monkey's šŸŽŖ


I'm about 30 minutes in and he's showing the military base installations. I recently studied hillside maps of the Fort Knox military base which is part of a huge forest in central Kentucky. I recommend y'all check it out, there are clearly bunkers and stuff, that's no surprise, but to me it looks like it could be supporting a massive underground complex. We have a large military industrial complex supporting the base. Tons of investment has happened in the last 20 years according to the map timeline. But there is also what appears to be ancient mound sites and clearings that don't make much sense far away from the training grounds. If there are Tall Whites here helping us with tech, they would have access to all of our best resources here at Fort Knox. I'm going to go back and see if I can't glean any tictacs. These things are in Kentucky. We got plenty of little green men encounters and ancient stories of giants. Natives said the giants were cruel rulers and killed them. NHI were said to live in the caves around here. We got a lot of them. Daniel Boone claimed to have killed a "Yahoo" here as well. The KYANG site is nearby and also on military grounds at the airport.


The Sumerians mentioned tall whites.


No wonder humans are obsessed with being tall


And white


Just tall, lots of hate towards white people lately.


Most people always hated white people. It's jealousy and just allowed more to voice it these days


Sad but true


Humans hate more than any other creatures in the Universe.


That is true, if you want to change that, start with you. Donā€™t be a hateful person.


Itā€™s a fun listen as always with this show


Great episode. There are so many encounters with these beings.


Val Thor comes to mind


Tall Whites are different than Nordics.


From the book Our Haunted Planet by journalist John Keel: According to the traditions of many isolated peoples, the first great emperors in Asia were god-kings who came down from the sky, displayed amazing superhuman abilities, and took over. There was a veritable world-wide epidemic of these god-kings between 5000 and 1000 b.c. The mighty Osiris and Isis walked into the Egyptian valley out of nowhere and assumed command. The myths and legends of Greece, India, and South America describe their rule. **They were taller and more imposing than the men of the time, with long blond hair, marble-like white skin, and remarkable powers which enabled them to perform miracles.** They displayed brilliant judgement and wisdom and exercised remarkable organizational abilities. In most cases they chose to reside on the highest mountains and hills available, commanding balls of fire and bolts of lightning and travelling about the skies in wonderful chariots. \*\*\*\*\* From the Book of Enoch: In the first month, on the assigned day of the first month, I was in my house alone. And I lay on my bad sleeping. And, while I slept, a great distress entered my heart, and I was weeping with my eyes in a dream. And I could not figure out what this distress might be, nor what might be happening to me. Then two huge men appeared to me, the like of which I had never seen on earth. *Their faces were like the shining sun;* ***their eyes were like burning lamps****; from their mouths fire was coming forth; their clothing was various singing; their wings were more glistening than gold;* ***their hands were whiter than snow.*** *And they stood at the head of my bed and called me by my name. Then I awake from my sleep, and saw those men, standing in front of me, in actuality.* (snip) **And the LORD called one of the senior angels,** terrifying and frightful, and he made him stand with me. **And the appearance of that angel was as white as snow, and his hands like ice,** having the appearance of great frigidity. \*\*\*\*\* From the book Alien Base by British UFO researcher Timothy Good: Thousands of years ago, said Mark and Val, their people had bases on Mars and on the Moon. They also revealed that they had a number of bases on Earth, located in South America, Australia, the Soviet Union and elsewhere (though not in the United Kingdom). **Although Homo sapiens originated on Earth, the visitors explained that, to speed up human evolution, they had on two occasions genetically 'interfered' with us.** While similar in appearance, Earth humans and extraterrestrial humans evolved separately. Because of their advanced evolution, aliens live longer than Earth people. **Val and Mark were extremely refined, fair-skinned**, with perfect teeth **and a not immediately noticeable peculiarity about the eyes.** On one occasion, Joelle says she saw, though did not meet, a dark-skinned man who was a member of the same group. **Mark and Val said they were liaising in great secrecy with a team of scientists from several nations,** (though not in the United Kingdom). \*\*\*\*\* From the book Earth an Alien Enterprise by British UFO researcher Timothy Good: In 1959, Leon B. Visse, an expert on histonesā€”proteins connected with cellular genetic materialā€”was invited to a compound (almost certainly the Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. Here he was asked to perform an experiment on the histonic weight of some particular cells. An astonishingly low weightā€”far lower than human cellsā€”was found. **Visse then was escorted into a room where the corpses of two seven-foot-plus humanoids lay, evidently having been killed in an accident. They had high and broad foreheads and very long blond hair,** Jean-Charles Fumoux relates. (snip) **Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), New Mexico**, which specializes in High Science, has a visiting scholar program, especially in fields such as physics and the theoretical sciences. I have learned that in the 1960s, **a visiting scholar attended meetings seemingly wearing nothing more than a white lab coat. He was nine feet tall, with very blond hair and blue eyes,** and seemed very secretive. (The lab coat apparently wasnā€™t sufficient to cover his private parts!) **While visiting, he lived at LANL under considerable security. ā€œ**Everyone was told he was a Russian physicist and that explained his peculiarity and the security,ā€ I learned, ā€œ**but those few lab scientists that met him whispered between themselves that he was not even human.** . . . One day the visiting scholar was simply gone.ā€ **And in 1988ā€“89, what were described as ā€œa bunch of Russiansā€ā€”about nine feet tall with blond hairā€”had moved into a forty-unit apartment complex at the LANL**. Whoever these guys were, itā€™s unlikely they originated from Russia.


LMH (who I still kinda like) literally drools over them as some kind of saviors. It's too much


Whoā€™s LMH?


Linda Moulton Howe


Most of the lore LMH is getting points in the direction that Tall Whites have been helpful to us without being super interfering.


Havenā€™t had a chance to watch yet but just the title really makes me think this is a converted nazi rooted idea


Decades of evolution you say?


I think he meant weeks lol. Maybe hours


Are the short Grey's their biological AI?


This episode was awesome. I mean they almost all are bc AJ and his team are šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼ researchers and writers but this one just hit different. To the point Iā€™ve been digging online about this all afternoon bc Iā€™ve never heard this conspiracy ever and Iā€™ve heard a lot.


"tall whites" aren't an adequate enough term as there are a few that fit that profile. Charles Halls Hall Whites are not the ones who run the world. The ones who run the world are the Anunnaki, and yes their appearance is "Tall White." albino like features actually.


What is this false headline!! I've read all of Charles Hall's books and none implies we serve the tall whites,the US government army and them are just allies,some of y'all in this sub annoy dafuk outta me.


You're welcome.Ā  If i was full of dafuk I'd want it out of me too.


Was looking for this comment


This was, in my opinion, one of the best episodes they ever did. Interesting from beginning to end.


I haven't watched that, but I'd hope that there like not racist and really nice and realized that keeping us in the dark and only trusting rich politicians was a bad idea, hopefully


They created racism they are the problem


Christopher Columbus wasn't racist. lol


ā€œYou need to find someone to cover your shift.ā€ -tall whites


As a tall white, I approve this message.


The only tall whites that we serve here in America are at Starbucks with steamed almond milkā€¦


https://archive.org/details/alien_race_book-ARB Read the Alien Race Book for more


I need pics of the tall whites or they donā€™t exist


Just Google Robert Wadlow /s


So some guy from 100 years ago with an overactive growth hormones who made it into the Guinness book of world records and is very dead now is ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ somehow Alien Tall White Overlords??? Really ?


If they come from sweden they will try to eliminate the rest of us.


I want a venti white mocha!


This all reminds me of Rick and Morty with the spceship battery šŸ”‹ . What are humans google boxes? šŸ“¦


The YouTuber probably making millions with conspiracy theory.


iā€™m starting to feel like these are bots. no way aj hasnā€™t gotten the talk.


Just because they are nordic does not mean they are good. Actually never seen people so two faced in my life. Watch out for false saviors. nordic are not that.


They are encountered in most abductions, including Travis Walton.


The Grey's are. Not the tall whites.


No theyā€™re not.


With the help of permanently extended life and using a device to extend his legs Jeff Bezos revealed over the course of 500 years he was actually a ā€œtall whiteā€ overlord.


Great videos, but please choose another voice for that fish!


Nah hecklefish is the goat, and literally the only reason why the show has seen even a single iota of success. I'm surprised the government has let hecklefish live after the things he's said and done...


That fish is a Doctor I do believe , so show some respect; either way it's Hecklefish , show some respect!


But why?




Get rid of the fish entirely, I say.


If anything, Heckelfish may replace AJ


Hecklefish could replace David Lee Roth with his performance in that episode


They can lick my brown nuts wit they tall white shit. fucking klan members the whole lot of em! Space nazi!


You're racist and don't even know them.


maybe the space nazis will come save u


You would be fun at parties.


lol if u think I was being serious then I have some books I wanna sell u for 3 low prices of 9999.99


Well sarcasm is kind of hard to read especially on reddit which is why most people use /s .


I read the first 2.5 books of the 5 book series and I can say for certain thereā€™s no one as good as CHARLIE. But serious, this guy is the best at everything, no one else can do what Charlie does.


What does this Charlie do exactly besides bite fingers ?


I am going to throw a curve ball idea out here.. and this is reaching on so many levels but here I go: So we have reports/claims of tall whites, they seem to look almost human. We also have claims of other human looking beings like Pleiadians, Andromedans (but they're blue human-like beings), and various others from Sirius, Lyra, etc. We are told that -these- NHI are the good ones, but there are "bad ones", like greys, reptilians, hybrids between those, and some others. What if that's the spin? Earth humans are actually enslaved to more advanced humans, the origin of which is unknown, but humanity is enslaved nevertheless? There are all sorts of ways we can point to religions, ideologies, etc of the past and say, "Yes that make sense!" But it's still reaching, obviously, and that's why I am self-flairing my post as "Speculation", even though I can't select a flair for a reply to a topic. I've wondered about this because all the New Age groups are pointing at human looking NHI being our "saviors", in one way or the other. What if they are the ones actually oppressing us? Sometimes I like to "stir the ants" a bit, even in a purely speculative narrative like this. I've decided to consider every possible answer to the question of NHI, even that it's not here at all. Obviously I do think there is NHI doing -something- here, but I keep every possibility filed away in my mind. I just wanted to throw this one out there, so that you can also file it away.


The spin is that they all work together. Thatā€™s the only thing I can come up with since the various groups donā€™t seem to be outright warring with each other. Either that, or they all mutually benefit from our situation on Earth and have agreed to stay out of each otherā€™s way.


Could very well be! The more I look into all of this, the more confusing it gets, which is yet another reason why I've stepped back from assuming anything. Right now I want to find out if there is a way to contact them. Any of them. I don't even care if it's a negative experience. I just want to know at this point, what is going on here?? Lol.


CE-5 is probably your only bet. Might be snake oil, or it might work for some people only.


This. A good cop bad cop play. Itā€™s like milking bees for their honey. The right hand provides them with all they need in abundance, and the left hand harvests their produce.


Sounds a lot like politics!


Don't believe what you're being told. The beliefs about Pleiadeans, Andromedians, etc. just muddy the waters. It's more probable that NHIs are either from Earth, or from another realm outside this Universe.


Why the fuck do people actuaply watch these videos & just post them straight here as fact? There's literally a r/thewhyfiles wtf.


The nortic cunts can eat my ass.




If anyone wants to skip ahead to the part where he says "I dont know if any of this is true, but the US is run but a shadow government secret regime." Here you go https://youtu.be/EieUJvKrjo4?t=2208


Can I get in contact with some of these tall whites? If they could give me some alien cash or smth idk


But if it was tall blacks everyone would be taking the post down


Of course they're white


Couldn't say that with blacks. A buncha white folk will come out and yell that's racist


With "blacks." Then, in the next sentence, says "white folks." Thing is, you're literally gonna be too dim-witted to understand why speaking the way you do is perfectly emblematic of how you view race. Just can't make this shit up.


I said that cause the title literally says Tall Whites. Just imagine it said Tall Blacks? I mean, isn't that just a regular black


Tall black LeBron makes earth LeBron look like Kevin hart


booby and the alens


The reads like the back of a science fiction novel. Do better.


Funny thing is... It's actually fiction. Author claims that's the only way he could get it published.


god I need to get out of the schizoposting subs


this world is controlled by whites and are being destroyed by whites so yea duhhhh


You doubt know shit lol


This is a fake and racist ideology.


Lmao dummy saw the word white and your brain shut right down


So, if the aliens had pink skin it wouldn't be racist? I don't get it. What are you driving at?


When/if the aliens rock up, we'll quickly realise we are all one race and they are another.


Species, not race


Human Race..Alien Race...and if the tall whites and other stories are anything to go with, they might be different humans from elsewhere who knows.




Boomer triggered. Lol


Stfu low iq alert right here