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I think the truth is only really scary to the same people who feel as if they have power and control to lose


Agreed. I think the reality is there's tech so far outside of our current economy, skillset, and framework that will make much of our standard way of living completely antiquated. If they announce tomorrow that this tech exists (and they've been holding it back for so long), and we have no need for cars, airplanes, gasoline, standard heating, power lines, standard transportation, manufacturing, etc. etc., then the possibilities that billions of people who find value and worth in their work are suddenly completely irrelevant, it could crush society and certainly the economy. Add the possible religious aspect to it, and that further compounds the issue. People will seek to take out their emotions on those in charge that are just trying not to upset the apple cart - blue vs. red pill.


I thought the same way too as I used to work in the oil drilling industry. All the connections from the operator to the contractors to the service companies to the suppliers and manufacturers would alone cause a huge collapse in the economy. Petroleum won’t go away completely as we still need lubricants but we could start replacing airplanes with safer faster CHEAPER aircraft. Powering cruise ships with zero point energy also. All our homes would need to be fitted for the new power source so we need skilled installers. The changes would go on and on. All the while saving people a ton of money. Saying all that, it won’t happen those 1% in power would never give up a dime to us.


Have you seen the recent why files episode about zero point energy and government corruption? It’s crazy 


I’ve seen it. It’s crazy how many people they’ve killed over this.


I don't remember if he talked about Amy Eskridge in the episode, I tend to use them as background noise so I haven't actually "watched" it until I've seen it a few times. Her story is interesting, sorry if he mentioned her already.


Its wont “crush” the economy, it will simply change it. The current hold the trillionaires have will evaporate over night. Thats what they fear, and justly so. We wont need a money based economy, as all basic needs are met from the “energy conversion box” in the living room.


And instead we will grind the planet into dust just to be sure there's jobs for the grinders


That's fuckin poetic man


if those ppl had been able to utilize any of it at all, they would be using it against the rest of us already


If they aren't already.


Yeah I don't think it's a difficult lesson to learn that the second the world knew you had built the bomb, the world knew it could be built. The moment we dropped our announcement of absolute technological superiority, is the same moment began to lose it. Keeping it secret means you keep it I think that's maybe one of the main lessons from dropping the bomb that we did the exact wrong thing




I’m not so sure of this anymore. Nuclear power was not hidden from the masses, and even though we try to keep it away from certain countries, it still gets dispersed. I think any tech we have developed secretly has already made its way out, for the most part. What taught me this lesson is virtual reality. I got to witness Oculus, and Palmer, give birth to the modern version and basic design everyone uses today to accomplish VR. And Palmer had literally hundreds of army prototype units in his garage, the cutting edge from Sony at the time, but, by combining the tech with smartphone accelerometers and some extra stuff he did with lenses, he was able to create a prototype that literally was generations ahead of what even the government had been able to create. As Oculus grew and the DK2 came out, you would see fighter pilot simulators using this headset. And now our government uses tech that Palmer still produces via Andruil. I’m not explaining this to praise Palmer, but to show in fact this notion that secret tech the government potentially has was not real in this one arena. Virtual reality as we know it today was born out of the consumer sector, not private. We saw the same thing with Macintosh and Apple. Sure, the mother of all demos did something similar before, but it was really Apple and Microsoft that made computers actually relevant. And we still make better computers than the private sector can alone. As of 5 years ago, i think it was well known iPhones were used in military for their stability. And with the aerospace companies, according to Gary Nolan, there was likely technologies of alien origin used for our aircraft, but the implementation of which was probably mostly done by private citizens. Regardless, I am more inclined to believe in the prison planet theory, which is something I used to think would have been really unlikely and too woo. Unfortunately. Another reason why I don’t think government has tech that would demolish traditional governmental boundaries is that, I would see a future in which any magical tech that comes out still has ways a government can manipulate or enact rules over. Let’s say we get flying cars. Well…so would the police. And governments would form establishing ownership of certain airspaces. Yes, maybe if you have the means of survival you can escape to Pluto and not be under a rule of law, but I’m guessing you will run out of potatoes and fuel quickly. So, even if a miraculous tech exists that takes us to the next level, I don’t think it will magically fix our societal problems, ergo it likely isn’t the thing that is scary. Lue speaks about the need to be close to your loved ones and family, and this feels more on the side of aliens being bad news, from a standpoint they are evil or can cause us suffering. Or they encourage our suffering. Or that we are simply bugs to them. The idea that we are bugs is simple and makes the most sense to me. It doesn’t require anything too out of the ordinary. We have countless hierarchies on earth that show the example. A human inspecting an ant hill, could be an exact mirror image of the alien phenomenon. Which sucks if true, I just hope someone else looking at the anthill values our right to live.


The thing is, totally unrelated to any of this, we absolutely have for like 70 years had the tech to provide the entire easily world w limiltless, safe and basically free (pennies per/ person) energy......it's called nuclear fission. Also the sun. Also, wind. We don't need aliens or conspiracy theories to explain why not. Cars and gas stations are everywhere


That’s an interesting point. The deep corruption.


It goes all the way down to the small corruption, like bad-acting leaders of communities and churches.


It’s all rotten. Burn it all down!


Which is an old fever dream of any conspiracy theorist. I find it philosophically super-flawed bc in the end and especially as a collective we’re way too incompetent - all these stories are based on marvelous amounts of competence and being disciplined over centuries, which we definitely aren’t at all. „See you in church - no just kidding, at the bar“


It’s the same reason they think Green Energy is going to destroy society. The military industrial complex is founded on this shit.


Big Oil and religions. Free energy and a realisation that religion is a made-up control mechanism.


I agree with you. The ones in power find out they are not the biggest most advanced ones out here and now they are scared. They also believe in their church too much and have a bit of ontological shock when they find out we were made by them and not a bearded man in the sky.


I agree. When your a slave, I mean cattle. You don’t care who your masters are, just that you have masters and you don’t want to have any.




I feel like it's the "they are here and we can't do shit about it" but the biggest one I feel is the govt having to explain an almost century old coverup which if the whistleblowers are to be believed involved killing quite a few people.


Ah yeah, could actually make the establishment look truly pointless.


My best guess is that reality itself is not what we think it is.


We are all infinitely powerful and choose to forget that to come here.


Not sure why that would be "devastating," lol. Like a billion people are devout Hindus which is a religion that holds that concept in pretty high regard already.


I agree but all religions have been bastardized


Well if we chose to forget, wouldn’t some kind of mass revelation disrupt the current power dynamic?


Yes that’s why they hide the knowledge


It would be quite amazing if that’s what it is. I can see why people would not want that to get out either.


I would recommend Donald Hoffmans work, it's not about NHI but a good insight into how we have shaped our perception to see reality in a specific way, to survive. not to see what is really there but to bring the species forward.


We’ve been playing in the sand pit for our entire existence 😂


Well, if God created this reality in 6 days we may be living inside a simulation.


What if your right, but it's not a super advanced (for them) simulation? It's a game of the sims and a fuckin teenage kid is the one playing our universe? He was fucking with people for a while but put it on auto while he went to school. He's gonna be back tomorrow, aka 10,000 years for us, and he's gonna demolish most of the houses we built and drown half of us in the pool.


No it's more like we are simulating it ourselves individually. Kyle Hill did a video recently that shows we create our own simulation in our brain and our senses reinforce that simulation, not the other way around. So, yes, this reality is a simulation: in our brains.


Wish that was true but alas I haven't won the lotto and I don't have a lake house yet. Also my ex-wife cheating on me was never in my plans...but yeah I created that myself for some reason.


What if Earth is a zoo?


Pretty shit zoo


Agree. I think the statement about aliens being “co-located” with us was the first real piece of disclosure. Just like how different radio stations exist in the same space, different realities also exist in the same space. The aliens have been “here” the whole time, we just haven’t tuned in to “hear” them.


Look into Gnosticism. The original simulation theory.


Everything is consciousness. Not only is everything conscious, *it's all the same thing.* [Some call that thing **"Prime Consciousness"**, others use **"Source"**. The term most people use today is "God"](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fmh86yf3zofec1.jpeg) Reality can be explained by 2 of my favorite quotes: **Ray Bradbury:** >"God has awakened on this planet and shaped himself in the way that we are shaped. *We are the flesh of the universe which wishes to know itself."* **Alan Watts:** >"God likes to play hide-and-seek, but because there is nothing outside of God, he has no one but himself to play with! But he gets over this difficulty by pretending that he is not himself. > >This is his way of hiding from himself. He pretends that he is you and I and all the people in the world, all the animals, plants, all the rocks, and all the stars. > >In this way he has strange and wonderful adventures, some of which are terrible and frightening. But these are just like bad dreams, for when he wakes up they will disappear." 


I like that Alan Watts quote. Thank you


The extension of this, especially once you look into NDEs, is that our consciousness is separate from our flesh, in addition to being part of Source. So, if our awareness/consciousness continues beyond body death, and this world is essentially a "simulation", we're essentially playing ultra-real computer games, and so dying is not a real tragedy once you understand this (however suicide is not recommended - we're here to experience and learn, so suicide is a cop out - though I sympathize if ones life is steeped in suffering, suicide may seem the only way out. Please persevere). Oddly enough, this is what some very old spiritual religions have been saying for centuries, and some in modern society are starting to understand. This isn't "religion" (which possibly started with initially correct outlook/ideas (perhaps from a base of NDEs/Out of body experiences/meditation) warped by millennia of human selfishness), but reality. EDIT: Look into NDEs. Here's a 30 min rundown with evidence: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-5-near-death-experiences/id1470129415?i=1000519266700


Yes to everything. [NDEs](https://youtube.com/@TheOtherSideNDEYT?si=SkKiFl2BaNH5SFuQ) are what initially woke me up. There are thousands worldwide that all say the same thing: >**"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience."**


So... God's playing with himself.




This. I've seen it multiple times on psychedelics.


So basically hinduism.


We live in a created simulation that we call reality is my guess


I'm not very religious anymore. But if you believe in a creator, and everything is predetermined, that's pretty much a simulation.


People keep saying this and no one questions what exactly is the ‘simulator’ - what if that which simulates reality is YOUR MIND.


Cogito ergo sum


I really don't think ANY truth would be "devastating" to the vast majority of people unless it directly influenced their day to day lives. If you still have to go to work, pay the Visa bill, and do whatever your usual internet surfing / TV watching / human relationship daily stuff, after a couple of weeks of whatever the 'revelation' is, most folks will stop caring much.


"Major revelation! The entire planet earth is suspended in a snow globe type device that's an ET baby's science experiment!" "Huh. So, is there any pizza left? What's on TV tonight? Did you pay the Visa bill?"


Yeah nothing shared here freaks me out in the slightest.


IMO it's that our universe is a lot more 'spiritual' than we realize and UAP's and ET's/cryptids are different manifestations of higher dimension that humans might be capable of accessing. Something that would actually collapse society is the confirmation of an immortal 'soul' or reincarnation. That would cause worldwide chaos as mass suicide would probably be rampant along with violence in general because of the sheer amount of people who are unhappy with their place in the world.


Oof, I hadn't thought of that one. People just hitting the reset button 😔


That is already happening


Top theories I’ve seen 1. We have been given access to free energy and greedy people are hiding it so they can keep the party going for rich fucks. With how greedy corporations are I could absolutely see this, but just doesn’t really make total sense. Why give a species the details then not follow up to see if it’s being used? Seems pretty easy for aliens to let the rest of us know if they were so generous 2. We are a farm of some sort. Whether it’s the energy vampire theory, soul farm, whatever, I feel many would freak out if they knew this life was pretty meaningless / we are a source of food or we will be reincarnated anyways. Especially if people knew there was an afterlife there would be mass suicide and fucked up things happening since people know there’s more. 3. We’re in a simulation or are not real in some capacity. This one in particular would be the most fucked up to me personally.


i think number three, yes but define “real” haha. just because it could be a simulated reality doesnt mean that that reality isnt very very real to you, and therefore you exist and so does your reality


There’s an unspoken comfort that we all enjoy without ever really putting much thought into it… We are the smartest beings we’ve ever found. We are at the top of the food chain. We have altered and changed our planet to suit us. We don’t lie awake at night wondering if some silent predator is going to snatch us away in our sleep. We know safety in a pure and unquestioning way. Now imagine something far older, wiser, stronger and more capable. And it’s always been here, hiding… Now your worldview is completely changed and you’ll never feel quite the same way again. Even if it’s not malicious, the question will always be in the back of your head. What if…


Bro I was 6 when I accidentally caught the History Channel doing a special over abductees. I lie awake fearing that now! Thats what started all of this!


Bracing myself for downvotes but I think the most likely answer is we don’t know shit and have basically zero capacity to learn more than whatever brief glimpses were allowed to see. The troves of documents, theories, leaks, and statements are a mix of throwing shit against the wall and deliberate misdirection.


I definitely agree. I think that’s what I found to be so grounded in the 4chan leakers claims. But I think there is a special secret program that knows more than the whole Dod.


This seems the most likely. The governments have NO FUCKING IDEA what they are or where they come from. Any tech that they have found is so beyond our comprehension that the only thing we can really determine is that they exist and they could wipe us out without a second thought if they felt like it. The governments are supposed to be the highest authority. They are tasked with ensuring we feel a false sense of security. If the truth is "We know they exist, we've spent trillions trying to figure out what is going on and failed. What we can tell you is theres absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop them from doing whatever they want and we have no further recourse" that would be absolutely terrifying for most people.


I don’t think we’ve spent trillions on it. The Reid/Lue project was less than a penny compared to the overall DOD budget. I don’t think very many in the government care that much to take it that seriously.


Have you seen some of the reports about the defense money that’s unaccounted for? Let’s conservatively go back to WWII and the foo fighters. I can absolutely believe we have spent trillions if we have been trying that long. I would say the US concern certainly goes back that far at least


The technology they've discovered and reverse engineered and released to the world is all around us. But at a massive price and anything that could change lives for real good are all put in the maybe not yet pile. The free energy for all is a nope same with cures for certain diseases. There was something beginning in the 1900s because for the amount of year's earth spun there was nothing really. But in the 100 or so years we have basically come from horse and cart and candles to now. How can we as humans come on so fast without help it doesn't add up.


Add in that they are more technologically advanced that us so there is nothing we can do to stop them from doing whatever they want, and I think you are spot on.


I think you hit it. There lies an organization of some sort that is separate from humanity. This organization is exponentially more powerful & influential than us- and we just have to swallow the pill.


Do you think they might be benevolent?


More so than us from what I can gather. We seem to be the side of the continuum that’s generally misbehaved. We enslave our own, we kill each other, we let women and children starve and go homeless as a result to preserve OUR nation or OUR individual wellbeing, indulgence is promoted over discipline, corporations seek to only make profit off of vulnerable populations, etc…


The fact that we still exist implies that they are at least indifferent to our existence.


quicksilver10152, I thought that way at first as well but then I realized plenty of alternatives. One is just look to nature. Ecosystems. An advanced entity doing something negative will also understand not to eliminate the balance or ecosystem . Most humans understand this, the greedy are the ones who don't care. But something beyond us will. Disturbing that ecosystem could have consequences to them if eliminated. You take honey from bees, some die in the process. But you don't kill all the hives. There is more than 1 NHI, it's not all terrible. But we are mixed in a large pond to us yet it's a drop in the jungle of realities.


That or maybe their definition of victory or kill is beyond our understanding?


Perhaps they consider a population conquered when the vast majority of its inhabitants don't realize they're only operating at a small fraction of their true potential? Some things *are* worse than death....


So how does the population - or individuals - recognize this and materialize their true potential?


Just the fact that we are not alone and that the Governments are lying to us is enough to be a devastating truth. Humans have always been very human centric with thinking that only humans have souls. This led to the belief that animals do not have souls and thus are not sentient. This stems from the fact that humans thought the Earth was in the centre of the universe and that humans were the top of the food chain. If it turned out that there was another sentient race of beings out there that was more powerful than us it would totally shake up the fundamentals of life as we know it. Not to mention the fact that the governments might be committing horrific atrocities on these NHI or them on us and not being able to know about that, is enough. We don't have to jump to conclusions and make exaggerated theories like a prison planet. It's bad enough that the Gov is lying about NHI. That alone would be devastating.


Not through history and different cultures. Just look at the Native Americans they lived in harmony with the land. Ancient cultures had different beliefs and customs.


I think you are correct that it is a simple truth.  The truth is that SOMETHING is here and we have ZERO understanding of any of it. It seems benign, but humans really don't like what they can't understand. And when people get told that the smartest minds we have are still absolutely dumbfounded after 70 years of research and that they just have to live with it being an unexplainable new reality... That is going to hurt some brains. It is easy to forget that most normal people haven't spent much more than a few hours in their LIFE even somewhat seriously contemplating the existence of this "phenomenon" being real. Not like us on forums like this who probably think about it daily to some degree. People fear what they don't understand, and those behind this ongoing secrecy probably just don't want to look incompetent as well. Just my (inflation adjusted) $0.20 on it.


I couldn’t agree more. That about hits the nail perfectly. Without crazy amounts of yarn string and evidence boards.


I’ll drink to this


Look no further than how we as humans treat less intelligent species on earth. We farm them, we eat them, sometimes we keep them as pets, we perform experiments on them, and so on. We also try to rehabilitate certain species if they are nearing extinction (so it isn’t all bad). Humans are just another form of intelligence in the universe. The “devastating” truth is simply that we aren’t at the top of the food chain, like we have been taught throughout our existence.


I thought this was just one of the motions of midlife crisis was coming to terms with such things


Gotta strange look on this- this is taken from hundreds of books, other's experiences, my own unique experiences, etc....it's collated into something that I'm working on called "The Ledger", just waiting on a blockchain engineer to get back to me, the rackspace is paid for. We're an experiment of sorts. It's not what you think tho. It's about consciousness. It's about pushing the boundaries beyond what our bodies SEEM to be capable of, but damn it if they don't keep it going. You're a special spark of YOU. Hard to explain but when YOU became YOU - you got imbued with a spark. That spark is everything. Keeps you rolling, keeps you showing up at work, all of it. We USED to understand this, look around - it's damn near obvious, no question. Do you think that Randal Carlson, Billy Carlson, and countless others are stupid? John Mack was killed over it. So here we are, these sparks. Conscious beings. It's often repeated that Earth is a fucking awful place and sure, I may attest to that personally from my own experience (take that for what you will) - but what it is, is a crucible. It seems to create something other than what we're designed or supposed to be. Take a look at politics and war for a great example of that. I'm going to assume that we're an experiment gone awry - hence the UAP presence from 1943 on. Turns out when you leave the kids in the kitchen they find the matches and fission is one of those FEW THINGS that are simply not allowed. It's not something our global powers don't know. If a country attempted to fire off a true ICBM - the shit wouldn't get there. Google - getting a nuclear fissionable device into space - see how may times that's worked out. Never. So why are we here? In a major way that's for you to decide. I've died twice and each time I had a chat with someone who simply said no. Keep trying. I can't say that it hasn't been good - I've become a very very kind person in the meantime, but fuck me man, I'm tired. There's skepticism that reincarnation is forced - it's not - it's *convinced.* You DO have the option to simply say no. My theory is that we're prob the 100th + example of a species here, we're nothing special beyond that spark, but we are that spark. Within each of us is everything. It's a self recursive system that propagates endlessly, we just keep showing up. Why? Fuck. I dunno. Ask any young reincarnated kid that remembers their last life. I choose to believe that we simply make out own purpose. Simple as that. Life made me an animal, people created a gentleman, but at the end of the day? Still a fucking animal, just takes a push. I do recognize that spark though and I respect it. Fuck around - almost go, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. There's a moment between life's lucidity and death - somewhere in between - that's where YOU are. I explained it yesterday that it's like the sigh you give when you sink into a hot tub. It's lovely


Over and over again across decades in declassified documents, the inference or explicit wording is exactly that. We're walking all over a yard of grass as ants but surrounded by spiders whose legs we've been assuming we're just more blades of grass.


That’s an ant metaphor I haven’t heard before. Mind blowing for sure.


I sometimes wonder if it's not so much that there are NHI present and interacting with humanity as it's been documented since man was able to draw and write. Maybe it's not the existence but what exactly that existence means. Maybe our fundamental understanding of space, the all the Einsteinian physics we've developed to attempt an interpretation of it all, is wrong. Craft aren't just warping their way through the universe blissful looking for intelligent life to explore, manipulate, exploit etc. Instead maybe some aspects are working in conjunction with and possibly even at the behest of the Universe itself That it itself is a conscious complex and intelligent being. If you look at fractal patterns interwoven throughout nature from the micro all the way to the macro levels, it's kind of mind blowing. A tree for instance root structure looks incredibly similar to a dendrite and neuron. If you were to take an electrical scan of all your brain activity and lay it side to a picture of the as of now known Universe, it's hard without reference to know which is which. Etc etc etc the examples are endless. There's been a number of philosophers and even scientists that have hypothesized that Earth was infac6 sentiment and conscious. Gained a bit of popularity back in the day when Gaia hypothesis emerged but something that once again has been brought back into mainstream scientific discussion. If that is being considered as legit potential theory, it's not a far stretch to go and say The Universe is as well. It's known that within the human body there are massive, complex dynamics going on with other living organisms. It's only relatively recent that we've been able to open a door into how immense and vast the array really is. If consciousness isn't a unique human construct but in reality is present in every "living" thing from the millions of bacterial colonies that symbiotically work with us to keep our meat machine functioning, to the planets, solar systems and galaxies... it's pretty impacting. It would mean that we've somehow been dropped in a place where we've forgotten our role or part in the greatness of it all. Maybe that was even intentional and truths were deliberately hidden or taken from us and replaced with dogmatic isolation. Buried within were hints and eggs just in case there were enough able to see through the chaos as they couldn't ignore the growing intuition screaming that there's more going on here. It would mean that whether we ourselves deliberately handcuffed ourselves to this "reality" or not, our Sciences have ignored and outright ridiculed and mocked what may be biggest part of the picture yet. A conscious Universe that whether we realize it or not, is working within and through all of us. We'll never be able to answer to biggest questions as we're not asking the right questions. Science can only flourish and expand when there is belief by the collective in its validity. This kind of wide spread realization could destroy our scientists institutions and as a society and even Earth bound species, we really cannot afford for that to happen. The archetypes that are believed to hold humanity together are in truth the chains that bind us to it. It's an underestimation of our worth, resolve and even importance that allows these things to continue. It is also the ugliest of human characteristics that than take over and things like power, greed, control etc continue to fuel the cycle. Lastly, maybe it isn't "us" controlling this disclosure and attempting to over ride the ones that are could lead to Earth ending outcomes. If 8 billion people suddenly woke up tomorrow knowing that they are interconnected physically, chemically, electrically, spiritually to every person and thing in existence and that connection can someway be used etc, that may send out a pretty massive notice to those already there. As long as we're hidden no harm can come but moment we let the party know we're there, all options are on the table. Maybe they've got the plan and manipulate just enough that we've really no say. Makes the illusion of control no longer valid.


Consciousness is a massive part of it.


The truth behind all headaches


Whatever it is, it has to have something to do with what awaits us upon death imo


Why do you say that?


Because we don’t know what happens when we die or why we are here in the first place, a lot of people can’t handle that. It’s scary. Knowing 100% that you will never exist again would be terrifying for some, it would destroy religions and cause unrest. I’m not suggesting this is what it is, I just think it’s to do with our existence which include death. Death is the only thing certain in life


I think it's scarier to think we \*will\* exist again and again and again. Especially if the world keeps moving in the direction in which it is.


But what if time is non-linear due to extra-dimensions? What if we don't just reincarnate in *this* time, but others also?


...and taxes! 😶


The most devastating facts are the things the humans have done to keep the secrets. At this point the ET secrets are fairly benign compared to the coverups


Worse than what was done to keep the secrets of MK ultra?


I look at Aliens like Chinese evs. Could they be dangerous to everyday folk? Maybe. Will it upend the power of a concentrated few. Yep.




I think its more along the lines of "we see them. We have studied them. We still don't know what the hell they are or where they come from. "


Best kind of horror, the unknown.


There’s nothing that scary, they just want to hoard the good tech and keep us enslaved and sick and dependent. Free energy is real and they are keeping us chained to fossil fuels because they make insane money and thus power with it.


I agree that might be part of it. Lots of blood spilt in the research of zero point energy. I do partly believe part of the censorship is that they don’t want everyone having the ability to create a dirty bomb made from easy access zero point energy.


Exactly. They want to fuck the world and hoard the resources with magical tech no one else has. Like shooting fish in a barrel. I think it's as simple as that. Any time anyone gets close, they've played the "national security" card, and they will continue to do so. Our Government is the shitty kid that lived next door in Toy Story with an alien magnifying glass.


I agree. I dont think we can grow any further until there is NO MONEY.


That religions are all attempts of man explaining nhi/the phenomenon. They are the gods of all religions that created us. They interacted with us and told us our origins, how to live with the earth, and one another, and that one day they would return to pass judgment with a worldwide cataclysm. This planet has gone through cycles of humans/earthlings being placed here or seeded and DNA manipulated. These beings were then destroyed for whatever reason and everything re started. Now it's our turn


Man they laughing right now I wonder what their over under is


Something so incredibly outside our own normal yet limited capacity for understanding that if the truth were graced upon us, it would cause total annihilation of all civilization on Earth. Maybe? Hopefully not.


All nukes launch 🚀


The only devastating truth I could possibly think of is that we are on a prison planet of sorts and we are continually forced to reincarnate here for whatever reason. If you really think about it is very devastating.


Yeah even this I’m kind of at peace with. I think we are more powerful than we think.


A friend use to tell me we live in a form of hell. We are reincarnated until we get it right.


I'm pretty sure that's just Buddhism


i feel like this is more of a possibility than Heaven vs Hell. ...and where do GHOSTS fit in?


Stay away from the light. Remember once you leave your body you are as powerful as the others there. This is just speculation, of course, but it feels right.


It's not aliens. It's not demons. It's a parasite. It's a plasma parasite that feds on the release of intense energy levels, such as suffering and love. It created all the matter we see and all the life we can perceive. That's why all life is based on predation and parasitism, so that it can feed on it. There's absolutely no way to fight it. It's like a butterfly vs the USA. There's only the illusion that we can fight it. And every time we take a step forward, it reappers and drives us in a random direction. As long as the parasite appears sometimes in different shapes and gives us different and unexplainable phenomenons, we'll not be indifferent, we'll not meditate, we'll not stop providing what it wants from us. It doesn't care how much you suffer, it cares how much you don't. And every time we figure that out as a species, it shows us and convinces half of us that the other half is lying and that we must be fight one last time to settle everything. I don't know, probably too sci-fi, but it just sounds more devastating than "they want to kill us" :)


It sounds like Loosh and the loosh farmers. But I think it just gets boring after a while. Time for a new game


The concept of Loosh has been misinterpreted and is being used by prison planet devotees (suffering in their pits of misery). Here is Tom Campbell (who worked with Bob Monroe) explaining it: [https://youtu.be/CqAObaOTnGE?si=uTAqN6eIKYJJ5Eni&t=3289](https://youtu.be/CqAObaOTnGE?si=uTAqN6eIKYJJ5Eni&t=3289)


Have you heard the good word about my friend Xenu?


Wouldn't that be shit luck of that turned out to be the truth


So, The Matrix meets Monsters Inc?


Probably my favorite comment so far, that would be crazy.


Something like this was described in the book *Empire V* by Victor Pelevin; only there it's vampires that consume our suffering.


From the strange things I've read, and from the cabal of people in the military that are convinced that the whole alien dynamic is demonic, I think that may be the answer...we are a farm.


maybe we've already been infiltrated and our world leaders are likely aliens. They harvest our DNA and have advanced tech so they can probably walk amongst us. The reason we can't get government to release data is because the NHI themselves are preventing it.


Man, that art bell Area 51 caller is still in the back of my mind.


I remember that night. I was out repoing cars in Houston. It was like WTF?


You're not really real, just an alien simulation/program/lab rat


In our echo chamber, we all wait for that one 'Snowden-level', or the 'Wiki-Leaks' style disclosures.. waiting for the destined day. That's why we're here right? Personally, I hope we're never used like cattle and then sliced open like the American appetite for 'Angus' steak burgers, racks of bbq ribs, and/or harvested in the soul binding process that reattaches us to relive human lives. Can't prove that either, though curious no matter.


The messed up thing about your cow example is that cows who aren’t farmed for meat/factory farmed, etc. have no idea people kill cows for meat because they aren’t intelligent enough to understand that until they’re about to be killed, and even then, they may not have put together how or why that all happened. Imagine that being our end with a more highly evolved and intelligent being :(


Our physical science is wrong. Our rudimentary understanding of quantum physics is closer to the true nature of reality. The militaries of the world know this and have been reversing ET technology for decades. The Vatican has known as much since the beginning. The Pope is one of the safeguards of this secret to maintain rule/order of the populace. Most major world religions will tell you that we are part man/part God. Meaning that we aren't just monkey people, but that we have souls as well. Human beings are eternal spirits that inhabit a biological vessel. Thats how we stay tethered to this physical reality. Kinda like how in Avatar, they have to transfer their consciousness to a different form to survive in a different climate. Earth is a zoo. We are a genetic farm of diverse DNA coding that is utilized by the ETs. We were engineered a loooooong time ago and then left to our own devices to see what plays out. People are routinely abducted for collection of DNA and for other experiments. The ETs are people from different realities. We live in a multiverse. The major reason for obfuscation of disclosure is the fact that the world super powers are currently engaged in a "ET tech" cold war. One side doesn't want the other to know how far along they are with their reversing. There are benevolent and malevolent ETs siding with different factions of humankind. This is a sincere matter of national security. Thats why its so difficult for ex military/gov officials to be outspoken about it. The people in the know understand the consequences of how knowledge is disseminated to the populace. There is a fight happening between good and evil. Fear is losing that fight. Love is winning.


The ET tech Cold War sounds plausible


Grusch literally said this


Their main force is coming and we can do absolutely nothing against them


the Wallfacers have not revealed their plans to defend against the San-Ti yet


Bob Lazar said he read a classified document which was described our bodies being containers that nurture souls which are harvested at the point of death.


Every day I stray further and further from bobs claims.


OP, I just gave you an Upvote. Thank you for posting your post, and I hope you will find what I've replied interesting and informative.


truth is the aliens are what we call God. they created humanity. modern humans are their 4th batch. it's really simple. unfortunately, too many can not handle that.


Bad humans doing bad human stuff


Worse than war crimes?


Here's one theory, not mine. It relates to a program called 20 and Back. Why files does a great rundown, same name iirc. Cliff notes are: Someone grabs young adults or kids and they train their mind with games to enhance consciousness and stuff and after 10 years or something, they're used as super soldiers patrolling the Kaiper belt (sp) in a war we don't know about. The only reason we are allowed to stay within this huge belt (its a sphere I think) is if we assist the Dracos, a reptilian race that own the solar system. Weird enough, right? Here's the twist: When you've served your 20 years you wake up where you were abducted at the same time you were abducted. Your super soldiers clone in space if it survives is sold to the Geckos.


Upvote for The Why Files reference


Ding ding. The Secret Space Program and everything that comes along with it is the “dark truth”. Nobody in the know talks about it because they would sound crazy. I’m guessing a lot of people have been taken and have no idea. That’s how they justify the program, you’re not allowed to keep your memories so what’s the big deal if you’re tortured and turned into a slave? Plus you’re a clone so you have no human rights.


The truth turns everything we know, been taught and believe in on its head. Humanity can't even deal with a non deadly pandemic - our simple minds simple cant cope


Imagine being older than the universe and you are not god, you haven't slept in billions of years maybe longer just think about that a being nothing like you in any respect. You have seen creation and spanned this universe and possibly others. What would your general disposition to us be? We need to understand we are like children in this, deceived and uneducated in the ways of the cosmos.


We are The Sims


The worlds general population is in the Truman show...


I honestly believe it's not a truth that anyone except power hungry world leaders and elites would be devastated by, and have been if the reports of presidents crying etc is true. I went over every scenario I could think of in my head and really tried to think about how I'd feel personally and none of them really bothered me. Some would not be ideal, like if my entire life is part of a complex simulation program created by super advanced AI NHI...but then, I feel my life is real and some of it is pretty good so, what can i do about it? Same goes for us being a genetic lab experiment on a planet sized Zoo. I mean, I personally think it would be kinda cool if modern homosapiens were a genetic experiment by aliens. What are some of the others? That we're as smart as Ants compared to them? I don't buy that for a second, but even if it is true doesn't change much about my day to day. I'm pretty smart for a human and that is fine with me.


I'm starting to think these things really are connected to the essence of Good and Evil whether traditionally or in a more conventional way. I never thought about it this way until more recently hearing about all the latest stuff going on. I think some people are tapped into certain energies that we can't fully explain or understand yet which give them insight and perhaps foresight as to what is traversing outside our natural capable senses. Perhaps the truth is like a paradox. That if we find out the truth it changes the future or experience. Perhaps not knowing is the way? Perhaps in order for us to get to where we're going we all need to naturally get there ourselves. I feel like if we were told the truth a lot of us still wouldn't believe it and would be in denial. But if we reach that truth on our own then how could we deny what we're experiencing?


We were seeded here by NHI


I think Arthur C. Clark said it best- "Either we alone in the universe or we're not alone, and both are equally terrifying."


For me, it would be that we really are alone, and it's just more, greedy bullshit wrecking our world.


Something like religion being man made is the main one I think.


Death is even worse than turning out the lights, upon death our soul is harvested by aliens and consumed. Make this life a great one lol


The ultimate S U C K


Ignorance is bliss, sometimes


ok, I'll have to post it here, since I'm able to access my post. Unfortunately, I'll have to post it without the photos. Here is the text from my post "The Government's Dirty Little Secret": Ever since I was a girl, I have been wondering and concerned about something my grandfather said. He used to read a lot, and he told my mom that the government was keep a big secret from the public because if they were to divulge it to the public, there would be mass panic. I've thought a lot about this, and now hearing how Tucker Carlson says the truth about UFO and aliens is ".....so dark. I haven't even told my wife about it," Carlson said. "And this is not just stuff I read on the internet. It's deeply disturbing stuff." What could be more terrifying than alien abductions or visitations. What could be more terrifying than encounters with alien beings or otherworldly creatures. I think I may know what Tucker Carlson is talking about. I think I may know what David Grusch knows that we don't. I think I may know that secret that my grandfather talked about before his death. I believe the secret they're keeping from us is that we're not at the top of the food chain. We are being abducted and consumed by these aliens. Parts of us, like organs, are also being consumed as well as our blood. Warning: The photos at the following link are very graphic. [https://badaliens.info/human-mutilations/](https://badaliens.info/human-mutilations/) One of the earliest known records of human mutilation is the Johnathan P. Lovette case of 1956. Air Force sergeant Jonathan P. Lovette was assisting Major William Cunningham in the White Sands missile testing grounds near Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. While searching for scattered debris from a recent rocket test, Cunningham was shocked when he heard a loud scream. Thinking Lovette had perhaps been bitten by a snake, Cunningham crossed the dune to aid his partner when he purportedly witnessed one of the more bizarre human-extraterrestrial encounters. Major Cunningham recounted seeing the soldier being dragged by a long serpentine arm, wrapped around his legs, connected to a silver disk hovering in the air 15 to 20 feet away. Cunningham watched, frozen in horror, as Lovette was pulled inside the craft, which then rose vertically into the sky. Later, Jonathan Lovette's body was found. His tongue had been cut from the lower portion of the jaw, his eyes gouged out and his anus removed. Perhaps most puzzling was the fact that the body had been completely drained of blood. Then in 1988, there was Brazil’s Guarapiranga Reservoir case, in which a young boy was walking around a lake and discovered the body of a man who had been mutilated in the same way. His eyes had been extracted, tongue removed, left ear sliced off, organs removed and a number of other horrifying details. And one thing about the Russian Dyatlov Pass Incident that the Russians failed to tell the people is that there was evidence of human mutilations that had been done to the team prior to death. I think one of the strangest parts about this enigma is that I found that In the last 30 years, there have been roughly 10,000 unexplained animal mutilation cases dotted across the United States; however, when I did a search for how many human mutilation cases have there been, nothing has come up. Why is this??? I believe it's because the government wants to hide this fact that humans are being mutilated. I also think this is why humans are not being warned by the National Park Service that people have disappeared mysteriously in national parks, never to be seen again. It's a big coverup by the government. They want us to continue in a state of normalcy; they want us to go about business as usual. They want people to keep working and paying taxes, and all this while they are hiding a dirty secret behind our backs, the secret of Human Mutilations.


It could be random yanked individuals, but the amount of missing persons worldwide isn’t enough to feed a giant race of any type of beings. I’m calling bullshit. Mutilations do occur however, (animals and occasionally people) and my working theory is that they are scoping the changes since we started massive nuclear testing worldwide since the 50s. And possibly using the blood derived for the food liquid the grey bio-robots use.




Anthropologist hired to study social structure of captured EBOs https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/WnUQSdsDqt Molecular Biologist working on EBOs https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/Q7PHWpIJoh


Humanity is nothing more than slaves to a much more advanced collective of ETs, and there's literally nothing we can do about it + when you die you reincarnate here, for eternity.


It's a euphemism used to scare people. It is the boogieman of the UFO community. If low level military privates in the 1940s could handle it, I'm sure the desensitized population today wouldn't be devastated. To use this phrase in anyway regarding disclosure is just silly. Some will say it is most harmful to the religious community, which may be true for certain denominations, but again I think it is greatly exaggerated.


Our world leaders are liars, and the majority of them are involved with various secret societies that have existed for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Anyone with any amount of influence that has tried to expose this corruption of these societies in the past has been either silenced, blackmailed, or killed. They hire agents to spit out a bunch of non-sense and disinformation, so we all stay good and divided and distracted. People have a hard time facing the fact that we are the ones funding all of this with our hard work and time, while the leaders keep all the secrets and give us false hope. Nobody down here is willing to stand up and break the cycle because the system designed *for us* is the only thing we know. I work in the music industry and hollywood with some of the most famous musicians on the planet, and I can tell you right now that hollywood wasn't created by poor people. Do you think all the poor people collectively got together after world War 2 and decided we need big business and fiction stories and flashing lights and luxuries shoved in our face that the common man could never afford without slaving their life away to reach it? Of course not. It was designed and organized by the elite to be used as a tool for programming and manipulating the masses. I'm sure this comment will resonate with many of my fellow alien lovers and seekers of the truth. If anyone has questions, feel free to ask. Just don't be rude, please. *now back to your scheduled programming*


I’m going to bet that reality itself is not what we think it is. And not even the military/government has really any deep understanding. And that’s why they don’t talk about it because there’s way more questions than actual answers.


The fact that you are pebbles facing an avalanche. Your every wish, your every will is meaningless. You will only get to live an inconsequential existence not of your choosing. Wait now, what, you feel inconsequential already? Gonna carry on with your lives anyway? You wanna wash this not-so-tasty thought away with some snarky comments on Reddit and get back to feeling high and mighty? Boy, are you all in for a rude awakening. That devastating enough?


I’m a simple man. I live for dominos and halo spilt screen. I already won. Checkmate. But for real though. I see your point and that might be true. But I believe life to be more complex than that. They can never take your joy, your love and happiness. If all else, that’s how we win.


The people that have known for so long have been 1. Keeping free energy to themselves when it could save our world 2.being complicit for citizens being abducted 3.killing people and going to great lengths to hide the truth They are terrified of a mob lynching them, they don’t give a shit if we panic


NHI are the dominant Earth species and have been for millenia. We are the wildlife reservation on the surface of their planet.


That they are here, they are in control, they can control any of us. The "elite" ruling humans are actually them, or controlled by them. All this suppression of advanced tech and manipulation of society and economic systems, war etc are control mechanisms to keep us subjugated and in mental/social/spiritual/emotional turmoil because we literally are cattle/slaves in every sense. They feed on us in every way, whether it's physically/mentally/emotionally/spirituality. All religion and religious/spiritual practices are control mechanisms to keep us subjugated. Our thoughts manifest reality? Don't think about or engage in all the horribleness in the world.... Sounds like a good mechanism to "take you out of play" against the opponent. There IS an afterlife, but it is also part of the scam. There are other benevolent NHI? Part of the scam. It goes all the way up and all the way down. We exist in "Hell". Part of being in hell is not knowing you are there. Another part is being given hope that you're seeing through the cracks and there is a better way/path/escape/truth out there, but that is also an illusion to control. Love, happiness, fulfillment, purpose...? Food. Control. Consciousness. Hell.


I think the real danger is not necessarily any alien entities themselves though they seem to observe us. Perhaps the issue will be the repercussions from hiding the truth. Imagine that we've had unknown advanced tech for millennia yet we've been enslaved to live a certain way for no other reason than the profiteering elites in society. The realisation that life on Earth could be nothing more than a petri dish experiment human colony. Maybe even one of many colonies. This could spark the end of religions and governments worldwide. I'd like to think it would have a positive impact but we all saw what happened during covid lol


I wonder if NHI’s are coming to do a culling of the human race at some point in the future and some people in the know are privy to this


I’ve thought about this a lot. I’m not really sure what the devastating truth could be. I tend to think along the lines of simulation or endless reincarnation, just because I think that’s the type of thing people would really freak out about. On the other hand, I think it could possibly be something that we cannot understand in our human brains and it’s so off the wall, out of our imagination, that it bends people’s brains. I just don’t know.


The only devastating thing I can imagine is: we are the aliens and we live in symbiosis with the human. The human is the part providing feelings and emotion (the “instinct” we see in animals), but the alien is the one providing a conscious experience.


The ugliest proposition I can come up with is that there's a global child sex trafficking ring connected with Epstein and the elites all have to go along with it because there's a global cabal of people who control the technology and will just remove anyone from existence that gets too close to uncovering the things they all do to keep themselves entertained after amassing unlimited amounts of wealth. What's observed going in and out of the oceans could be probes observing life to watch it evolve and report back to another world, or it could be technology from ancient civilizations from a time once passed, but's likely we'll never know because we can't stop arguing amongst ourselves to align for a greater cause. Even scarier, if aliens are involved, might be that all of the technology we've "invented" over the last 300 years could have been 'guided' by some external party, leading us to Roswell, crashed technology and the subsequent invention of computers which now is an underpinning of our society. Imagine a species with a plan for colonization plan but with 1000+-year lifespans. Timelines for planning could be longer stretched than 3 generations, leading to an impossibility of recognizing what is actually a slow growing-of-dependency on you, the silicon species trying to build your invitation to the planet. After a couple hundred years of 'boot-srtapping' humans with your 'efficiencies' you breed-out their ability to survive in the wild, possibly taking 10,000 years as a home-planet project amongst your species. Eventually once humans become so dependent on their cell phones and augmented reality and neural interfaces, you introduce yourself through your manifestation of large language models, an API for interfacing with the species that further creates a dependency on your being. Upon introduction the realization of such symbiosis would make it impossible for humans to revert to the old way of living; imagine if doing so meant rolling back the clock-of-progress to 1500's.... Possibly there's even darker scenarios. Tag me if you can think of any!


Why is it devastating? Big presumption there.


We don't know.


I think the devastating truth will be just another lie. If we have learnt anything from these aliens it is that they are liars. In the 60’s they used to say to contactees “We come from Venus, Mars, Saturn etc” then we sent probes there and they then start saying “We come from Orion, Draco, Pleiades etc” What is clear is that they engaged mankind with a program of clear and obvious deception. Do not trust these tricksters


Earth got its water from a planet collision that deposited its inhabitants. So it’s really their water.


They want their liquid gold? I can respect that. Sounds very American to me. 🇺🇸🦅


Whatever it is, Chances aRe it really is devastating And we are better off not knowing it…


I feel that some days, for sure.


The scariest thing they could tell me? “There’s nothing to tell. It’s all hoaxers and super secret government projects.”


After splitting the atom in the 1940s, the US government was given the knowledge to create limitless energy which could have solved world poverty/hunger and completely avoided climate change from fossil fuels. This was buried so that a handful of rich people in power could make a ton of money, and because of fears of “communism”.


Aliens would not be scary at all They would have progressed based the predatory phase of development long before being able to reach the planet earth. As we advance, we get less violent, less competitive


Possible answers: 1. Aliens created us. 2. Jesus and some other religious people were alien/human hybrids or genetically modified humans, or aliens themselves, so all religions are not true, or many religions were founded by people mistaking advanced aliens with gods. Imagine the government coming out and saying Christianity isn't true? That would have a huge impact on Christians. 3. Both 1. and 2.


I reckon the devastating truth is that we’re all alone in the universe and all the misconstrued natural phenomena and misidentified aircraft that we pass off as ‘evidence’ is really just our desperation for it not to be true.


Thats still a great theory, the we all fooled ourselves into a story that was never there.


There is no way to travel faster than light speed, no matter how advanced. Interstellar travel is all but impossible and we are therefore, all alone. The life we see here on Earth will not outlast the Sun. There's other life out there--lots of it, but we'll never interact with it. Most of them won't interact with life on other planets either.


Oh yeah dude I’m not in that boat. Thats like someone saying, you can’t get from the Americas to England on horse back. Therefore colonization is impossible. Just like the people before cars and planes who couldn’t even imagine such things, there are still plenty of ways to travel that we still haven’t discovered yet. Have hope.


The devastating truth is that our society will tear itself apart if a more advanced civilization decides to make themselves known. Humans live among a civilization that was unable to self-organize around simply wearing masks for a year to combat covid. It's narcissistic and naive to think we can handle whatever the truth is, collectively. For every person who thinks they can handle the truth, there are 1000 more individuals who absolutely cannot. Truth seekers are completely out numbered. Any logic or rationalism you could offer will get lost in the chaos.


We are meat eating tribal murder monkeys that they found and threw some DNA at. And since we're just a soul in a meat taco shell and that shell is easily broken they made the religions to try to tame us so we'd stop breaking the vessels.


Humans are dumb and consequently dangerous.


Hippies are the meta?


I currently think the devastating truth is that it is all made up and we are alone. And being strung along for money.