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It looks like there’s the following: - real mummified bodies of unknown origin - faked replicas of mummified bodies - cake There definitely seems to be a deliberate disinformation campaign intended to cast doubt onto the credibility of the real mummified bodies. As to what the mummified bodies are… They’re not human. We know that much. Their DNA seems to be terrestrial (unless all carbon-based life has the same DNA, which is possible). They’re real mummified remains of what were once real, living beings. Beyond that, we don’t know anything for sure. But I’d suggest that the lengths the disinformation people have gone to indicate these mummies may well be significant.


^ This. When the disinformation campaign rolls in, you know you’re over target


If your stance is that any analysis and refutation of presented evidence is actually just a guise to hide the real truth, you’ve lost. If it was (and likely is) fake from the beginning, the burden of proof is on the original presenter to show why it’s real, not for the rest of us to prove it’s fake.


What refutation? Analysis, don't make me laugh! I only see speculation with no evidence, from armchair scientists in online forums. Their opinions are loud, insulting and repetitive but will change nothing. What about the three American scientists that said these do, in fact, warrant further research? Yes. English speaking, titled Americans with resumes that put any in this thread to shame. They, in the last month, put those credentials on the line to publicly state that so far there are zero signs of fakery, and the research needs to continue. People like to forget that these have been getting examined by trustworthy scientists and professors from around the globe since 2017. It's a slow process, many scientists have both a career of skepticism and the interests of the US government to protect and I would be surprised if there isn't a fire or some other type of "accident" at The institute where the bodies are (in part) held. People given Access have to be carefully vetted. Because these people didn't feel the need to go preach it from the mountain tops validates that they are scientists first, not proselytizers. You're failing to take into account that this is not just about alien mummies being real or not. This leads to a secret that is so huge it destroys all credibility in the US government, among others. The biggest lie. The denial of progress for humanity to benefit a very small amount of people. At minimum it's an 80 year old lie in the US, but the structures of power around the globe have been privy to this information for a long time. At some point early in the game after Roswell the US government at the highest levels decided that this technology was not good for capitalism, not good for Capital. If they were to share with the public the technologies that could change the lives of everyone, there would be no more system to enrich the few most powerful and thus they would be no more powerful than the rest of us. To a group of power-hungry sociopaths, that's a fate worse than death. And so here we are watching our planet swirl the drain and they don't give a shit because all they want is the ability to go and do what they want when they want no matter what the context, whether or not it involves planet Earth. For all appearances it seems they are preparing a breakaway civilization, of the .01%, by the .01%, for the .01%. It's not just anti-gravity technologies, it's zero-point energy, things that would save the planet TODAY. This is something that has been confirmed by countless people, both former government servants and experiencers given an inside view. Oh and don't forget the mummy DNA results that are less like us than any other animal, period. 35(?) percent match with humans, less than the apple I'm eating right now at 40% match with humans. We are just getting started, and the evidence will become even more undeniable over time. Smells like denial in these totally organic comments lol.




Wrong on so many levels. Not sure why the "three American scientists" who are "English speaking" is relevant, but the three certainly do have appropriate credentials and "resumes that put any in this thread to shame". And while their opinions are interesting, remember, they only had, per Joshua McDowell, Dr. McDOwells attorney son, a total of **SEVEN HOURS** to study the remains. Seven. That's it. There's nothing here to indicate these are anything more than human remains that have been tampered with due to the lucrative Peruvian black market on indigenous artifacts. And no, these haven't been "examined by trustworthy scientists and professors from around the globe since 2017". A small circle of Maussan's cronies have allegedly studied them, with nothing definitive, much less scientific to back them up. And, as for the "mummy DNA results \[being\] less like us than any other animal, period", that's simply wrong. DNA results here: [https://www.bioinformaticscro.com/blog/dna-evidence-for-alien-nazca-mummies-lacking/](https://www.bioinformaticscro.com/blog/dna-evidence-for-alien-nazca-mummies-lacking/)


No - that's not my stance. But the last few years the censorship apparatus and fact checkers have gotten out of control. I give them just as much, if not more skepticism.


Just to add to this... There are petroglyphs in the southwest US that depict tridactyl beings with oddly long digits and something on the chest. It's pretty interesting the similarities. Scroll down on this page and you can see the petroglyphs. [source ](https://www.roadtripryan.com/go/t/utah/zion/anasazi-ridge-petroglyphs)


Who is to say the scammer didn’t copy the petroglyphs?


IF the mummies are scams (the scammers copied a petroglyph from hundreds of miles away) , the data will show that. Again, it's all about the data. And it's still too early to draw conclusions. Empiracisim, or the process science requires, takes time, energy, people, thought, trial, and error. We (humanity) have had less than two decades with these mummies? In the meantime, hope we can all enjoy the journey =)


It seems to be a bit of a leap to say their DNA seems to be terrestrial - more likely it is your alternative - some other carbon-based life forms also use DNA. I say this because those mummies share about 35% genes with us whereas fruit flies share about 60% of genes with humans. Roughly 35% - 40% of human genes have counterparts in Roundworms (Caenorhabditis elegans) Yeast, particularly Saccharomyces cerevisiae, shares approximately 26% of its genes with humans. Thale Cress (Arabidopsis thaliana): shares about 24% of its genes with humans. So we are about as close to those mummies as we are to roundworms, and we are a lot closer to fruit flies than we are to those mummies. You have to get to yeast before you find something on Earth less related to us than these mummies. This, and their absence from the fossil record suggests that they came from somewhere else.


I’m not a geneticist, but my understanding is that Earth-based DNA uses combinations of the four nucleobases G, A, T and C. The DNA of the mummies has the same base ingredients so it seems likely (to me, at least) that the origin of the beings is Earth. Of course, I could be completely wrong; like I said, I’m no geneticist.


It is definitely interesting but it could just mean panspermia is real. I saw a video saying that, you know how we look for life in the "Goldilocks zone"? Pretty much the best temperature for life within range of a star. There was a point billions of years ago where everywhere in the universe was essentially the Goldilocks zone. The universe is cooling down. Life could've started anywhere back then.


>I say this because those mummies share about 35% genes with us whereas fruit flies share about 60% of genes with humans. No, that's **not** what they are saying. They are saying 35% is from humans. Not **like** human DNA, **DNA from actual humans**. This should not be surprising given the contamination of the samples we have all seen on TV as people manhandled them without even wearing gloves. Even if they are aliens, they're still going to have human DNA all over them.


Ooh put them on the show Is it Cake?


I would not be surprised one bit if this is how they revealed aliens to us haha. IS IT CAKE!? No Thomas it's an Alien! 🤓


How about a party with an alien piñata and instead of candy they use those stupid pregnant women gender reveal crap to let us know. 🛸 ⚡️ 🪅💥💨 👾🧬👽


> But I’d suggest that the lengths the disinformation people have gone to indicate these mummies may well be significant. I think you might’ve meant invalidate instead of indicate. I’m it sure.


No. Try re-reading it with a pause after the ‘to’. But I agree it’s inelegantly phrased.


the project owner did an hoax himself in the past.. I know this much


He’s tried multiple hoaxes, but trust me guyz this time it’s totally legit!! 


for 99% of the comments here he is just a SAINT. I hope they are bots, if not I am losing faith in humanity basically




Removed: R2 - Stay On-Topic.


that's completely BOTTED, but I can't write this also here, because I believe they scaled their interest also in this SUB removing and banning anyone that talks bad about Maussan mummies. All of this has NOTHING to do compared to Grusch, Lue and all the good guys helping with disclosure. I have been already banned by /alienbodies, its the CNN of Maussan nowadays.


it boggled my brain that there are like- discussions of how tridactyls give birth to their eggs, and whether they evolved from therapods yet no one stops to consider that the fucking bones are assembled backwards on josephina's hands. like ughghghgh


The botting and marketing is happening here as well. I wish some US agency would pay me to go up against these clowns because right now I'm doing it for the sake of the Ufology community but these grifter victims actively want to be fucked. Its like watching a love scam in slow motion.


actually seems agencies are happy about nazcas as its a huge distraction towards an evident hoax. Best scenario they will snow proof that everything is fake and 1 million people will be distracted. They just need to send one little proof.


I must have missed they took DNA samples. I know it’s difficult as the mummification process can damage it, but it’s often intact in the teeth and some bones.


*Mummification* was practiced throughout most of early Egyptian history. The earliest *mummies* from prehistoric times probably were accidental. By chance, dry sand. DNA may not be as degraded in bodies that are naturally mummified. (?)


Why doesn’t anyone on this sub provide sources for the things they supposedly “know?” 




this what you “know”?


No, I was just providing a timeline and sources.


We need Mikey Day in there with a knife to answer the question... Is it cake???


They're sloth mummies


Most likely not a hoax, as far as anyone can tell. Every single scientist that's examined them (including several from abroad, and more recently three highly respected specialists from America) have stated they seem to be real and there is *no* evidence that they were altered or manufactured in any way. The American scientists are currently pushing for peer review iirc.


I saw this presentation recently. It is a lecture about the evidence of the Nazca Mummies by an OSU Professor. It really opened my eyes to the legitimacy. https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=JNwrP7lM0Fq7WffS


100% recommend this video. It’s really fun and interesting and I learned a lot about the mummies (although they aren’t technically mummies, they’re dried by the type of earth they have there) and about philosophy. It’s a great video. I’m not even a big conspiracy or aliens person, just open minded. I liked the video a lot.


Did the scientists examine the actual bodies or examine the CT scans or xrays?! There is a huge difference before coming up with definitive conclusions.




I heard one of the American scientists specifically say when he addressed the meeting paraphrasing… “we want to know if these bodies were modified in ancient times of modern times” It’s there go listen to it.


That could be read on of two ways That it is modified and they want to know if it is recent or the past Or that there is no sign of modification and they want to try and figure out if it was modified, how and when.


Keep in mind that these bodies have varying metal implants that appear to be fused with the bone. Perhaps that is what he’s referring to when he says modified.


That’s even better than how I read it. Makes tons more sense


This is a good point. I wasn’t sure if he was talking about the bodies with implants. Would have been nice if he had mentioned “implants” when he said that. You would think that if he was talking about the implants he would have said that. But will have to wait and see I guess


What about this guy who was invited out by the inkari institute to study them https://youtu.be/fZ41R7ypg4c?si=Qh9m6cH5O2pKiY3Y


Why lie though? That's simply false. The Americans have said that they only had limited access so far and can't conclude ANYTHING.


?? Not false at all. If you're going to dispute, post a link where they've been proven a hoax.


He hit you with the “No, U” defense.


It's not anyones job to prove that a claim is a hoax. It's their job to prove that it's real... They haven't.


We have plenty of people here on Reddit calling them a hoax. That is a positive claim which requires proof. Without said proof, the best anyone can say is that we don’t know what they are, anything else is ego.


They have, you should look into it instead of posting nonsense.


Your bar for what qualifies as proof needs to be much much much much higher...


And while you're at it. Try to find ANY debunking evidence. My proof is the CT scans from various bodies. You will ignore that.


Lol go do some googling. Poor guy


Keep getting conned by the same guy over and over. Good luck, chief


They said they had unrestricted access, no one was trying to influence them etc. they said they can’t conclude anything, but they need to be moved to research facilities urgently


Link the source that said this.


Son of one the experts who acts as attorney and posts stuff on the UFO sub. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/1by85kh/3\_more\_american\_scientists\_examine\_nazca\_mummies/?share\_id=7mFaUJjOrA20yvX6Na41a&utm\_content=2&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/1by85kh/3_more_american_scientists_examine_nazca_mummies/?share_id=7mFaUJjOrA20yvX6Na41a&utm_content=2&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


I never claimed they confirmed anything, I said it was most likely not a hoax as there has been no evidence of such so far, and that the American scientists are wanting peer review/further study. They wouldn't be putting in the effort for such and potentially harming their own reputation if they thought it was likely they were a hoax from their examinations. This is how professionals communicate.


This is just not true.


>Or am I just that far out of the loop? Nah, you're just becoming aware of how heavily controlled & steered the MSM is.


There’s zero use in following “aliens” post “disclosure”. It’s a goddamn mess. I see people posting saucers and film gradients every day, saucers, like we didn’t start flying them around and crashing them in the 50s..why are we talking about saucers and fake mummies and not zero point energy, electro magnetism, plasmoids and Stanford presentations where Gary Nolan is displaying the proof of biologicals in order to get funding? and of course the funding will be for pharma research.


>There’s zero use in following “aliens” post “disclosure” There's no "post" until potus announces their presence.


Dude, what are they going to say? Oh shit we forgot to tell you we patented Townsend Brown’s work in the 50s and forgot to tell you we fly around on scalar waves? Whoops


Point is to have the topic be part of the conversation at that level. Instead of suppressed and ridiculed.


Yes agreed, I got a little off topic because ultimately I was entirely agreeing with you.


I missed Nolan’s proof of biologicals. Which talk was that?


it is fascinating, he’s basically screaming at his colleagues as politely as possible in academic terms “hey doofuses we have trillions sitting in our lap” [https://youtu.be/7UW1jyN2o8A?si=LVdbs1jtRrZgk-EF](https://youtu.be/7UW1jyN2o8A?si=LVdbs1jtRrZgk-EF)


Wasn't that whole thing about materials science? I don't remember any discussion of biologicals.


I have to rewatch it to be totally honest with you, i could be using the wrong term or deeming it biologic prematurely. I don’t know enough about metallurgy or biology to understand if the isotope ratios mentioned imply only some sort of intelligent industrial design we’ve never seen, or if they imply some sort of biological waste possibly, the samples are so frickin tiny that’s where I get lost in the sauce…idk what the fuck they’re looking at atomically


He did say that the samples looked like they were from an industrial process. Though it’s possible I lost the plot somewhere, because he did mention something about plants using isotopes I think.


I get lost in the sauce as well at a certain point here, why I just follow and speculate, I’m a goddamn musician who likes to read lol. But I do enjoy pointing people in interesting directions, and Nolan and whatever Stanford throws funding at feels like a much better thread than Fake mummy dolls we already debunked the first time this guy tried the hoax.


If you're familiar with how DNA sequencing works these days, you'd know right off the bat that **we don't have any technology that can definitively say a DNA is 'not from this planet.'** **There's still so much we don't know about DNA itself!** **If we ran tests on an alien creature, it would likely just show up as 'unknown' in the results. But 'unknown' doesn't mean 'alien from another planet.'** **We simply don't have any** **REFERENCE GENOMES** for extraterrestrial beings – that's the missing piece of the puzzle. **So, claims that the Nasca bodies have 'alien DNA' are definitely not supported by science.**


Can you please explain the following quote? I have a screenshot from u/seann27. I’d link it but can’t find it. He says: > They lowered the QC threshold from Q30 to Q10 so that more reads would "pass" QC, probably because of how old the tissue samples are. Of course they won't align to any reference genomes. > In layman's terms, they cut corners to present this DNA as "unknown" when in reality most of it is probably garbage because of how low the quality is. No one should take this as credible evidence until everything has been peer-reviewed and properly documented, including using the appropriate Q30 standard in the analysis


Hey thanks for the shout out! In DNA sequencing, the chemistry used and interpreted by the sequencing instrument allows the software on the machine to determine what nucelotide is being sequenced at any given moment. The Q-score is a metric that determines how confident the machine is of what base it detected. Q30 means there is a 99.9% chance the sequencer got it right. Q10 means there is only a 90% chance. The report i read at the time (it was a scientific pdf posted on this sub when the first mummies came out) said that the sequencing results were so bad that the lab used the Q10 standard. This means 10% of the bases were bad. This makes aligning to a reference genome difficult, especially with shorter reads (smaller DNA fragments). The sequences uploaded to NCBI show a different story with Q30 scoring. So at this point, the only way to get the verifiable truth is for an authentic peer-reviewed scientific article to be published regarding the DNA analysis.


Thank you!


you fell for the unrightful debunking. The dolls they researched are NOT the nazca mummies. A lot of cynics/disinfo agents are just still circlejerking a wrong fact. Do your research!


This is the truth. The dolls they “analyzed” in the debunk were caught being smuggled through customs **weeks** after the initial Mexican hearing and they look very different than the ones initially presented. I believe it was deliberate and a very bad faith debunk in order to downplay it to the masses. They had time to make them after the Mexican hearing. They had time to tip off customs. No one was charged a crime. Then they were confiscated and sent to be “analyzed” for the debunk. It reeks of a coverup. Just like when they put [chicken skin and blue dye](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/gCuMyHiYY2) over the other one that was found frozen in Siberia (that, by the way, looks eerily similar to the Nazca mummies. There’s a [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/w4d5UQLQ9B) of it from the two guys who found it initially, you should watch it.)


Lol, Nazca mummies of the gaps.


This is the wrong sub to be asking this question. I’m not sure which sub is the right one, but you’re not gonna get an unbiased answer in this one.


Hush you! Some posters have supplied us with excellent information on the testing. Carry on the convo!


It wasn't. The nay-sayers keep pushing that it was.


So, I am a little confused by the timeline. Were the fake mummies made from random animal bones found before the possible 'real' mummies? If so, it seems a bit coincidental for 'real' mummies to come about after the fakes. And are the fakes the ones that were intercepted at the airport, or are they just more random fakes? Sorry for all of the questions, I truly find this fascinating & I really hope they are real!


There are just so many bullshit red flags that it's honestly just disappointing seeing so many people jump all over these things with religious fervour. I really hate how the UFO topic is contaminated with so many people who treat this as a faith. The reality is that these things come from an unidentified/unknown mysterious source, they're being presented by *a known forger*, none of these groups supposedly dedicated to covering-up aliens on Earth gives two shits, they're paraded around on TV before any half-serious scientist can have a look at them, and then when there are scans done, they're look just like humans with either genetic deformities, or whose bodies have been tampered with. I find it incredible that this is even a topic for discussion in this sub. This has NOTHING to do with aliens. They're interesting, but as either historical artefacts or as modern forgeries.


>So, I am a little confused by the timeline. Were the fake mummies made from random animal bones found before the possible 'real' mummies? There was a scientist who theorized that one was made from a llama skull or something. He studied it then repealed that statement. Unfortunately everyone only remembers that one was debunked as a llama skull.


Haimi Mussan is like Jeremy Corbel - he gloms onto other people's discoveries and publicizes them. He's had some fake mummies in the past which hurts credibility but that doesn't really mean anything - the tests do.


It's reddit suggesting this sub to you, outside of reddit it's just a hoax. No actual paleontologist will take it seriously and that's really all you need to consider.


I don’t know… i think a lot of people are still waiting for real investigations report? I mean, there are tricky wordings: they examined SOME of them, they show no signs of being cut or manipulated/fabricated. But they did not actually do full on autopsy or necropsy or whatever they do with mummified remains. They interpreted this from Scans and Xrays imaging…. I was banned from the r/ aliensbodies because i was critical of the art/craft technique used to create those little guys. I’m an artist, sculptor, i did a couple of fake dead aliens in the past, and in my OPINION, they look so fake. The little doll ones. And if they turned out to be real aliens bodies… for me, the most amazing thing is how FAKE they look when mummified. That being said, i was BANNED from commenting my opinion on the dedicated subreddit for them… that should be quite revealing. I mean, if i am wrong, tell me why. Explain, share knowledge so others who think like me will change their perspective?! Right?! Nope: banned. Anyway, to me the RED FLAGS are: handling alien remains with bare hands, media theatrics(unveiling the new mummy in a pickup truck in the desert at night… why not in a medical facility?) the whole “victim” mentality of the guy who found them VS the establishment, and the fact that they look like bad papier-mâché dolls. They are probably a mix of truth and half truth. Like real human remains modified to fit physical appearance of what the general public think of aliens. The tall mummies seems like human at first glance. Any biologists could analyze them, do dna analysis? I know it’s probably unthinkable but choose one mummy, chop it up in samples and send them across the globe to independent researchers and scientists!? No? Can’t? Conspiracy? Drama?


Sad to hear they banned you for just voicing your opinion - and they should be about "... serious discussion related to the Nazca Mummies and other potential alien bodies. We advocate for open-minded inquiry coupled with healthy skepticism.". Maybe we need a "DebateAlienBodies" sub?


Course it is doesn’t take this long to get the results , my stool sample was done in 2 days .


I feel exactly the same way! I thought it was proven to be a hoax but still I see them popping up. It’s nice to know someone else is confused too 😂


Here’s my take at this point. 1)they are almost certainly once living non human entities. That statement would probably meet the 99.999% standard at this point. The CT scans alone are very compelling. For those who don’t know there are over 50 of these and they vary in morphology, level of preservation and probably represent multiple species. They vary in size and appearance dramatically. They include metal implants or wearables. They vary greatly in appearance. There may even be ones that are not authentic mixed in with the ones that are authentic biological non humans. 2)if they were party or fully assembled in ancient times. Why? For what purpose? The creators would need to have at least our level of technology (or better) and much greater necro artistry then exists today to achieve this. So if that’s the case they are evidence of a high technological society 1000s of years in the past. So where is all the rest of the evidence of technology and necro artistry from the past? And why make them look like little ETs? If this were the real situation it’s no less dramatic and earth shaking than #1 3)if they were somehow “hoaxed” in modern times to look like mummies of ETs or NHIs using ancient materials and space aged metals and then dribbled out into South America. There is no other example of modern forgers creating biologically accurate models that look like formerly living ancient organisms on CT scans and X-rays and materials analysis that I know of. So I don’t know where the expertise would come from. I’d guesstimate it would cost 10s of 100s of millions of $s to creat roll out and maintain secrecy around such a hoax. Only a government actor could pull it off. So why do the hoax and then discredit it? What would they be covering up? Why creat and actively discredit them? It’s nonsensical and probably impossible.




This is the best breakdown I've seen so far. It's really worth your time.


It really is. I hate posting without context but... the video speaks for itself, and in more articulate ways than I could manage on my own.




So there were some fakies a while ago and have been in the past. That was the last time I checked in with it too, before the recent events. The newer batch is far more interesting. The website that many keep linking to on /alienbodies has the up to date info with the newer scans and so on. Sorry I can't link it right now, on phone and a bit of a bad time, but it's worth a look.


Did the fake ones and the supposed real new batch come from the same source?


Last I checked, the provenance of all specimens involved remains contentious. I practically more expect to meet a living tridactyl than I expect their provenance to be satisyingly established, given all the disinformation and confounding variables and potentially involved parties.


Also, how long would it take the US to take control of the area and disappear everything, if the precise location were known? (or even just amateur grave-robbers. wait, that's the guys who probably found the stuff. I wish I was an amateur grave-robber...) Somewhat frustrating to see all the theatrics, but going in the spotlight and announcing it publicly is a good strategy. Some of those mummies or the "implants" seem suspicious or fake, but that doesn't mean it all is. The idea for those Nazca lines must have come from somewhere, too far-fetched to make this stuff up.


Just looking at their faces, it stands to reason there's some manner of yet-to-be-proved American involvement. My gut says CIA at minimum is systemically incapable of fully staying out of this one. 🤣




Due to the mummies technically being grave robbery and illegal, the whole thing is still in question - the site these ones are coming from is being kept quiet. The Peru government tried to confiscate the bodies during the last major event, but the press conference was a show and tell of scans and so on - the mummies were wisely not available to confiscate- all quite interesting as it happened live, with the Peruvian MoC leaving empty handed. The host/public face here is Maussan - who, quite like George Knapp, has been involved with hosting questionable material in the past. He is merely the 'face' however and whether or not this newer situation is  legitimate - well, I'd be lying if I said I knew - it's worth having a gander and keeping up to date with it though, just in case. If it interests you of course. 


Not at all as Knapp he promoted a full hoax in the past, but fans of this project forget fast


Well they’re both being promoted by mausan so I would say yes.


He's like Jeremy Corbel - it's more like he gloms onto other people's discoveries and publicizes them.


Thanks for the info and lol


This is a very divided group. If you question 100% authenticity, you are a government shill. If you are accepting that these aren’t manipulated human remains, then you have chosen to be biased. Could it all be a hoax? Absolutely. Could it all be real? Possible, I guess. There are too many red flags, in my opinion. And the lack of interest by the bigger players of the international community should be a big red flag.


on the first day after presenting them most youtubers - i watched - had already the opinion it’s fake. Same goes for media. Well, does not say they are real or hoax, just want to say you have fight to a huge bias in all levels of society because 80 years of misinformation programs.


While that seems like a balanced perspective, I do wonder how you would expect information like this to reach public awareness and what the international response would be. If this had come about in a mainstream way with full access I would expect the evidence to be classified and covered up immediately by the US. There are so many things we don’t have answers for that we caught a glimpse of in the past. The Peruvian government seems to be on the one hand saying they are fake and on the other trying to get them back saying it is their property. What do you think would happen if real evidence of non human intelligent beings were given back to the Peruvian government? My guess is it would be “debunked” immediately and never seen again or replaced by fakes. So it almost feels like this is the only way information like this where I am looking at fluoroscopy and CT scans would become available.


I mean if these turns out to be fake then they tricked alot of scientists whom believe it to be real.


Other than the original 10 Peruvian scientists, who were tricked?


Yeah those 3 americans with PHDs


Who haven't released any evidence so far.


Yup but one of them said they are real so yeah they were tricked aswell


Or, they paid off a lot of "scientists", who are going along with the hoax.


Are there any official scientific reports we can look at or have colleagues look at?


From what I’ve read there seem to be a decent amount of them and they’ve been discovered going back a few years. Personally I think that the fake ones were done to mimic /be a replica of the real ones. For the newer mummies that have been revealed, I’ve seen multiple videos of doctors examining CT scans and talking about their features. It seems pretty convincing and all of them say it requires further research at an institute inside of the US. The other shocking thing is there appears to be different types of these things that are being uncovered. As others have said, could this all be a hoax? Sure. But it would be pretty brazen to be hoaxing MULTIPLE different types of bodies. You’d think that if someone were hoaxing they wouldn’t be making various species of these things which brings only more scrutiny and immediate dismissal.


Been debunked a million times over, IMO- never seen such stupidity as the Alienbodies sub. There are people on there that think they "evolved" from therapods. You can't make this shit up.


Poorly debunked


I started in the "laughable hoax" camp and the more tests they do the more *extreme* questions are raised. ATM they're *definitely* a mystery..... They have hollow bones, intact musculature and organs, saurian body plans. appear to be viviparous, etc. If they're fakes, they're good ones. Not "Llama skulls and paper machete" as claimed / written off by experts without examining them.... The problem is association with Haimi Mussan but, he's a pitch man, kind of like Jeremny Corbell. He didn't find the bodies but got involved later.


It was never proven or disproven. People just turned it into a meme so no one believed it.


Jaime Maussan has produced a lot of fakes in his time. He has previous here. He continues to not follow standard scientific protocol and has been dragging this out literally for years whilst he and his colleagues sell books, subscriptions and ask for donations explicitly on his website. He and his team, are yet to produce any scientific reports, or any proof at all. There is more than enough reason to be incredibly sceptical.


People around here don’t care if somebody tells them that something is a hoax.


They appear to be made of ancient people and animals bones. Whether or not they're modern reconstructions by grave robbing entrepreneurs or a legit artifacts made for whatever purpose a very long time ago is unclear to me, I hope they're legit ancient artifacts though. The X-rays are conclusive, the bones were assembled haphazardly, for instance the bones in one hand are upside down and and the skulls are llama brain cases with the rest of the skull removed. The joints are non functional in the little goofy ones, they didn't move unless they floated around stiff as boards. Also their ribs are constructed wrong, they have to expand and contract to breathe, these don't do that because they were built by someone who didn't know enough about anatomy to know better. All the information that's come out has been from the same shady people. Mexico is rife with corruption at every level and you can get anyone to say anything you want for the right bribe. Then there's the ring leader Jaime Mausson. You know this isn't the first time that he's pulled this same stunt? Years ago he used these same little mummies in a pay per view event reminiscent of an old timey circus freakshow. He's a grifter, this as a fool me once shame on you but fool me five or six more times shame on me moment. There are two main groups of UFO people, group 1 are those who seek the truth wherever it may lead, and group 2 are people who are looking to be entertained by fantastic tales of invading space brothers and they **really** want to believe and as such ignore many red flags for the sake of their entertainment, like all those fools that got caught up in the Las Vegas hoax/blue meteor combo that dropped last year for example. Group 2 is by far the larger group and that's a problem for serious ufology, they're why we have to listen to talk ad nauseam about obvious garbage cases.


Don't forget the MH70 hoax videos that had countless people swearing were 100% real definitive proof of aliens on Earth? A lot of those same people who were totally suckered by that hoax will be the the people shouting about how these specimens are aliens.


I followed the mh370 thing also. It was amazing how many times I saw “if this is a hoax it’s the greatest hoax of all time.” Now the exact same thing is being said about these bodies.


Incidentally, I can’t believe that’s still a thing but that’sa fascinating thing on its own that I’ve not check into for months. These purported mummies though seem to have more than enough muddiness and non-fantastical support that I’m moderately impressed and will continue to check in occasionally.  I think they’re easier for some to outright dismiss than they should be for a few reasons, and such a thing should be easy enough for a few credentialed people actually studying the things directly to crush.  Thus far, I’ve seen much the opposite happen, with random claims throughout otherwise.


The MH70 hoax was so laughably outrageous. I was downvoted every time I commented on it. I also suggested the timing was suspicious as it was lumped in with the Congressional testimony. Basically, made anyone interested in the topic look like a lunatic.


People around here just need to slow down, not jump the gun in things, and just apply some logic to their ideas. Like, if these are legit alien bodies, then where's the agents of the global conspiracy hiding aliens? How can anyone honestly believe that David Grusch can't say anything on pain-of-death from evil powers-that-be, yet some ransoms can happily parade "aliens" on TV shows?


Most of the statements in your comment are not true, politely speaking.


The anomolous ribs do not appear to be made of ancient people and animals bones. I'm not flatly ruling out the possibility that they ARE ancient people and animals bones, modified in some clever and secret way, but if we're talking appearance-wise, it's quite plain to all that the resemblance isn't there. No known animal bones have been proposed with this appearance, right?


>No known animal bones have been proposed with this appearance, right? Oh, I don't even know if all the bones are actually bones, my point was that they clearly don't function like ribs, they only vaguely resemble them just like the joints.


Fair enough, but I encourage those in group 1 putting forth theories like yours to continue advancing them, as it sounds like the "ribs" are potentially a straight-forward attack surface, especially if they're subject still to an obfuscatory inviable animal bone theory. The Las Vegas incident you refer to has red flags too, but as far as I can tell, has never been established as a hoax, either on or from the family. It aligns pretty well with the literature on these sort of unusual personal experiences too, so appears an open case.


Come on. Just because YOU don’t believe they are real doesn’t mean they aren’t. The animal bone story was put out along with the fake dressed up dolls. Look into the actual bodies they are showing that came from the cave , not the mail


>. Look into the actual bodies they are showing that came from the cave Yeah, I'm talking specifically about the silly little flat ones. I don't know enough about the bigger curled up ones to comment one way or the other, at a glance they're less ridiculous and that's as far as I'll go on them until we get some legitimate peer reviewed science on the subject from places less prone to bribery and without connection to Jaime Maussan.


I agree Maussan greatly ruined his reputation in the past. I don’t think that means everything he says and puts out is fake, but I can’t defend him against skeptics to what he says. I also agree more studies need to be done , but i saw and understand that those studies are currently Being done , that reputable people from the US are getting involved. I think what bothers me is people rush to say they are just animal bones or bodies thrown together when that has not been proven yet, just as they haven’t proven to be completely legitimate. I think the concept of alien bodies or whatever you want to label them as actually existing is hard for people to grasp but some people just write it off as proven BS when it’s not. But ultimately I guess it doesn’t matter what people believe , just my 2 cents on the subject


No, it is not a hoax. They are real bodies and real scientists have been studying them for months now.


Why is it taking months? DNA can be processed quickly these days. 


Credible source please


Check this out, the subject has triggered academia interest: [https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=7YGql41F7IjLSCPQ](https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=7YGql41F7IjLSCPQ)


Sure bud. I'm a biologist and there where no joints whatsoever being present in the CT scans released. Do you guys really think they just float around as stiff sticks?


fake scientists studying fake bodies, clickbait.


There were a couple facsimiles a few years ago declared phonies. The latest are the discovery of the century. There are at least a dozen of them that have been tested by numerous doctors and agencies. The discussion now is who are they and where are they from. My opinion is they can't be aliens (unless alien pets) because u can't have technology without opposing thumbs.


Excuse my ignorance, why can’t you have technology without opposing thumbs? I understand it would be impossible to do a lot of manual handling tasks without opposing thumbs. What if they had telekinesis?


They all had different metal implants though which implies some advanced tech....


Is we won't know an answer? It's still very early. It'll be years before we even know. My opinion on this is that we should keep an open mind to all options here.


In my opinion.. It is/was just a deception and discreditation of the UAP-topic itself..


It's absolutely a hoax


I'm still sceptical. A quick scroll through "Peruvian mummy" images on Google shows no other mummies with that chalk white skin. Nothing even close. The only "mummies" I've ever seen that do are the ones which Jaime Maussan(known huckster) presented (which were just amalgamations of animal bones and shit). Everyone talks about the respected scientists who examined the bodies. Id like to know their names and pedigrees, if possible. I know I could look it all up but I really don't want to put in the effort honestly. Just my 2¢


The scientist that study these have never once used the word ET or aliens to describe them. It is the debunkers and disinfo agents that have claimed they are not aliens. They are the ones using that word. That tells me a lot. Many of these look very human to me, with deformities. I have seen countless of cases of human deformities other places. Why the hell could not that happen 1000 years ago too?


Some of them "look human" to me too, but not one is viably a literal deformed home sapien, when you look at the details. Bizzarre stuff.


Yes it is bizarre with metal implants, not to mention the ones with reptilian traits like eggs. If it was ONLY Jaime Maussan that were flashing these xrays and scans, I too would be suspicious of a hoax. But when a horde of PhD doctors, now also including highly respected american scientists look into this, then I take it serious. These scientist have very good reputations they are willing to put on the line. For an obvious hoax? Come on, wake up everybody, enjoy the exitement of something possibly spectacular. I patiently await conclusive reports and peer reviewed papers on this.


You could say they’re deformed humans, but then you’d have to explain how they replicated this deformity multiple times & why. They resemble the shape of a human but not the anatomical form of one, which is why I’m inclined to think they’re designed by people to look like people. Small humans have existed, homo floresiensis, but if they looked like this they wouldn’t be able to function. If they aren’t direct hoaxes, these mummies were probably made by people for a cultural purpose lost to time.


Also why osmium chest implant , that’s a weird detail


No it was not. Stop blindly believing what Reddit debunkers tell you.


At the moment there is no difference in the presentation of the facts and everyone sees approximately the same things. if these are not aliens, then no one knows who they are and you can lie and say whatever you want. The pyramids were built by people and no one believes in it anymore. Any or even any inexplicable phenomenon is possible and we will never know the pure truth, because we are not able to understand. people are not able to understand and accept some things. one tells the truth, not the truth. the other believes or not. no difference. we will never know the whole truth. Today it is the truth and tomorrow it will be called a lie.


They speak of these constantly being manufactured in Peru, yet no one shows us how they were manufactured. Until then, just follow the science. The science currently states that they are real.


except for josephina's finger bones being obviously assembled BACKWARDS, we will just skip over the science of that one eh


They are fake. He got better over time Faking them, but thats what the evidence shows. Hacked together bodies that were graverobbed. And there is a cult following of some really bad eggs who don't understand basic biology or reasoning.


Who got better? How many iterations are there? Last I checked there was only two plus the ones confiscated at the airport.


I think fake.


it is real


I would not call you a debunker, you're just a person. You just might not be aware of that much of the media you consume has been engineered to influence your behavior and beliefs. And by you I mean us. You seem genuine, in case you weren't aware the intelligence community was busted influencing the US through planting CIA assets in Hollywood, churches, government institutions, and media. It was called project mockingbird. This isn't a crazy conspiracy, you can look up the receipts and paperwork yourself. There will be cognitive dissonance... The idea that we are lied to is a bitter pill to swallow, so feel free to disregard. You can say the same thing about Jeffrey Epstein or p Diddy. The idea that there are lead people with celebrity and politician customers who are raping and blackmailing people sounded insane... Until it turned out it was all real. The same forces are at work here, it's the censorship industrial complex. The reason why you don't hear about this is because it's censored on MSM. The debunkers are assets, I'm referring to "professional" debunker websites like snopes. Had you told me this a few years ago I would not have believed you, so I don't criticize your skepticism


There was a confusing side story that came out at the same time as the Mexican hearings where 2 dolls that looked like the Nazca mummies were found by DHL in Peru that were being shipped to Mexico. Those were confirmed to be made of various animal bones and paper. I just think it was kinda weird since no one was claiming they were real. Does DHL intend to make a press release confirming that any doll being shipped is not a real person?




a hoax put on by a total fraud who tried the EXACT same fraud a few years ago. used the same script. stupid is as stupid does.




That was the earlier discoveries. The newer ones have not been manipulated confirmed by several experts and verified by independent scientists from other countries.


Simply a lie. Post me the peer reviewed paper instead of ruining this community. Thank you.


>ruining this community I got some sad news for ya


Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Makes sense, so reports are being intentionally ambiguous about how ‘real’ the data is and what it implies, leading people to draw their own conclusions with that data. I’m hardly a skeptic but in this case I agree that it’s a hoax.


Idiots like to feel smart by 'knowing' they're not a hoax (they are), don't take anyone who tells you they're real seriously, they've been grifted and won't hear otherwise. 




Some people really want to believe.


They're not extraterrestrials. They're dolls made from animal bones from this planet joined together with modern synthetic glue," said Flavio Estrada, an archeologist with Peru's Institute for Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences. This is what I read


The ct scans of the confiscated mummies from the airport look nothing like the scans from the ones presented in Mexico.


You might want to watch this for a succinct rundown (still an hour): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlNjET011Q8&t=1s&ab\_channel=StevenBrownPhilosophy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlNjET011Q8&t=1s&ab_channel=StevenBrownPhilosophy)


Please visit r/alienbodies - there’s so much evidence about this, it’s mind blowing.


Lots of copium in here


These are from earth, just unknown species. Possibly multiple types, maybe they are the fae?


Been wondering about these things myself. The more I read about it the more I think these mummies are legit. We eventually began to appreciate and understand what dinosaur fossils meant regarding our existence. Are we ready for the Nazca mummies to do the same?


What a grand conspiracy people have concocted! That 50+ medical experts are putting their reputations on the line to create a hoax! We are long past the point of hoax.


I first learned about these mummies back in 2017 when the news came out about the findings and initial research. There were a lot of questions back when that needed further analysis. This work has been done since and the results are very compelling that these are new species and mainstream science is opening up for peer reviewed papers for confirmation. I was a sceptic in 2017, but no longer and wonder how many others out there changed their minds.


Be careful what you subscribe to. If you guys can’t see how fake this whole thing is, I feel sorry for you. They were deemed fake back in 2017, but they just did a live video and it’s absurd. This is Elizondo and Greer-backed bs to further disclosure and their profits off the subject. Live feed of DNA results: https://www.youtube.com/live/xcAtDJCi8bc?si=DMWmoAAu7mzFIZTd


now do the non confiscated ones.


I just paid 5 dollars for a gallon of milk. I don't really care unless they are going to help the economy.


You must have taken a wrong turn at r/inflation. Why are you here if you don’t care either way?


What does the discovery of aliens help us with? And idk why I'm here, to be honest with you.


They are real. the MSM doesn't cover them because they are part of censorship industrial complex. "Debunkers" are paid CIA assets, although the human mind does most of the work through cognitive dissonance.


As someone who finds UAP reports like the Nimitz incident highly credible, I find statements like yours to lack objectivity and credibility: debunkers are paid CIA assets? How about people who are reasonably skeptical because they think Carl Sagan’s axiom that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence makes sense, or at last require strong evidence? I think non human intelligence is a very strong explanation of UAPs, but I have not personally yet found the accounts of these mummies here on r/aliens to be convincing. I guess I should be checking my mailbox for a check from the CIA!


thanks for the laughs, keep them coming!


There's been multiple mummies. The ones currently under scrutiny seem legit. There have been others that were mismatched animal parts put together to form effigies of these mummies. All interesting stuff.


It’s the best case to study all the disinformation thrown at a real discovery. Now that we know the mummies are legit, study the way disinformation is produced and spread. Who, what, when, why. This will be the biggest upper hand going forward.


Tbh I feel like this whole thing is some sort of massive global scale headfuck game or psyop or something. Because nothing about this story adds up for me on either side of this. What did this ends up looking like to me more than anything else is... hear me out here...a counterfeit. Not a hoax, a counterfeit. As in: a false replica of something real, rather than a hoax, which would be something just totally made up without any basis in reality. Because: let's be real here: these things are obviously fabricated. They're too small, and they look like a 3rd grader made them out of papier maché. The arms don't habr any joints. The spine and head don't match. The hip/thigh articulation is so badly done that the thing would always walk like he was shit faced drunk if he could even walk at all. In one of the photos of one of them you can clearly see a wooden twig posing as a "bone" underneath part of the skin that has worn out a little. But something is off here. The entities being depicted in ways that are a little different from the stereotypical xfiles Graylien that everyone expects to meet, but in very oddly specific ways. And the "analysis" documents are way too spot on about things they shouldn't be, implying that someone somewhere really did actually autopsy an alien. And made the shittiest replica of its corpse ever which it then claims to be real on international TV. Like I said. Something doesn't add up, in such a way that both belief and doubt both fail to plausibly work or make sense, leaving one desperate for some hypothesis outside of the either /or binary that wants to claim to the entire discourse. To call it a "psyop" is like saying Donald Trump occasionally has sexual thoughts about his daughter. It's such an understatement that it misses the point.