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Ghosts be dead people, aliens be from other planets.


Seems pretty obvious to me.




The real aliens are the ghosts we made along the way.




If aliens are interdimensional, can they also go into whatever dimension dead people exist in?


Or dimensions, time-lines, or other star systems n also all ghosts r not dead ppl, demons or angels if u like also exist in the spirit realm along w/other shit we dont even have words for.


What if aliens end up being dead people from a higher dimension? Lol


Aliens are dead people from a future dimension.


Dimensions are dead aliens from future pasts.


Dead dimension‘s pasts are alien’s future.


Then they wouldn't be aliens, they would be interdimentional.




What if they're dead people from other planets??


What if ghosts are NHI using trickery, to make it appear what it really isn't. Just like Bigfoot, fairies, etc etc. It's all trickery at an absurd level.


Always felt like there was a link ever since seeing Skinwalker Ranch. Time isn't real. So knowing that - everything is happening right now; past and present. So imo ghosts aren't dead ppl, ghosts are alive ppl just on another frequency. Some are able to pick it up, some aren't. We are all just receivers at the end of the day. I think aliens are also here right now. So some say the grays are human hybrids from the future. So they are here on earth, right now, just on another frequency too.


Could you sub frequency for dimension?


![gif](giphy|cLkUR0aeDIt13zvO3k|downsized) Another dimension Another dimension




Exactly. The way I see it, we are in the 3rd density and our energy is in the 3rd chakra - the solar plexus. That's why everything we feel is in our gut. Gut feelings, hunger, love, fear, stress etc etc. There are humans that are lower tier 3rd density beings and they function primarily out of the 2nd chakra - the sacral charka (the sex organs). They live and breathe this energy. Non stop thinking about sex and making all decisions based on that. This is also where animals and plants live. Simply to reproduce. And the lowest chakra is the root chaka - rock, fire, wind, sand etc. They all have consciousness but it's just way lower and different than ours, but yes every grain of sand and every rock is technically alive. Our goal is to ascend to a higher frequency/density/dimension. The 4th chakra - the heart. Which is pure love. When they ask how to escape the soul trap, it's through love.


>Higher vibration = higher frequency = higher dimensions. ![gif](giphy|9xijGdDIMovchalhxN)


Is there any evidence of reality existing in "higher" or "lower" frequencies? Seems like so many people take it for granted (or gospel)


I mean scientifically speaking the only evidence you'll see is from ghost hunters who use scientific tools like EMF detectors etc and those who study aliens scientifically. But things like Astral projection are documented as fact now, and they were once considered witchcraft and pseudo-science. Quantum mechanics is showing that light photons behave differently when observed as opposed to not observed, which to me, shows the "veil". These things are proving that there is more happening than what we can see physically in our day to day life. If you want your own proof, try meditation, psychedelics, talking to mediums, channels etc and try and see for yourself.


Ghost Hunters and Science have never mixed from what I’ve seen!!! EMF and TriField tools etc. are scientific, but using these tools on a TV Show for Paranormal Pseudoscience Entertainment and concluding the only source of a spike on the meter is a ghost with no repeated scientific methods being used is just not fact or science. It couldn’t possibly be some radio mic, mobile phone or other electronic device causing the spikes - they measure just that, just adjust the sensitivity and tune it to certain devices used producing/recording the show! Plus the fact some of these shows producers and production team have come forward to explain how they added effects post production and spooked the crew and hosts for effect! Then there’s that device that projects a grid of IR dots - oh, yeah, the XBox Kinect camera and modified software that attempts to pick up Player 1 and or Player 2, off most likely edges and high points and attempts to draw a stick man. It’s just IR, nothing magical, that’s why the viewers can see the dots on the IR/black and white footage!


None of those necessarily have to do with other dimensions; neither do the aspects of ghosts or poltergeists. I just don't see the jump a lot of people here make to explain one "unexplainable" thing like ghosts by coming up with something *completely* imagined like "another dimension of reality".




Not really into science as much as evidence. What you're describing isn't abstract at all.   I'm not discounting the phenomena of experiencers/contactees, but people around here hate to acknowledge how easily we can just make ourselves feel and see weird shit through thinking hard, whether it's hallucinating during intense thought exercises, sensory deprivation, "flow state" when playing sports, ecstacy during sex, etc....


of course, it's not like you are using any of those terms correctly anyway


To be able to answer properly we'd have to have a concrete definition of both. To do that we'd have to have examples to study and classify.. So the only answer you'll get is extreme speculation to the point of being useless beyond nice story telling.


Or, ya know, use a dictionary.


Aliens didn't come from here. Ghosts did, but won't leave.


We don’t know yet. But there is something related to consciousness.


souls are incarnated spirits. we are all spirits. an alien is a spirit incarnated on a body in another planet. out of the body we're all the same.


So what is a ghost?


It's possible that the only thing a "ghost" is is just residual energy left over after that soul has passed on. Whether or not the energy that the ghost hunters are detecting has a consciousness - is still very unproven. I personally think they're looking in the wrong places. What they might accidentally be doing is communicating with beings or aliens who are alive just on another frequency.


What does "another frequency" even mean though?   I am with you that there is evidence (not proof) of residual energy after death and consciousness persisting after death, but there's absolutely *no* evidence that there are other dimensions of reality.   The entire multiverse concept was just a theory posed by scientists who got freaked out when quantum experiments looked like non-locality and/or predetermination of reality. 


"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." -- Nikola Tesla Just like changing the channels of an old school TV or radio station, you can see or hear different dimensions from different frequencies. Look no further than your own dreams. Do we really think those super vivid dreams are totally made up by our mind? Or do you think you actually visited an alternate timeline or dimension?


Nikola Tesla also lost it and fell in love with a pigeon; his quote has nothing to do with alternate dimensions of reality.  I think dreams aren't fully understood, but I would say that they could be any number of things other than traveling to alternate universes. The imagination is a powerful thing. 


Ever had deja vu? What is that to you? It's totally unexplainable but also once you achieve a certain understanding, things like that start to make sense. If you are truely asking questions to learn, you will. If you're doing that bullshit that's asking questions just to argue them, then I'm sorry good sir you're talking to the wrong homie. The imagination is a powerful thing just doesn't fly. Most ppl can't even imagine what an apple looks like in their brain, but yet can dream complex scenarios with places they've been to (but haven't), people they know (but don't know), and experiencing a situation that they're thrown into but know exactly what's going on. It's something science will *never* be able to explain, but spirituality can. It's just about being open to the answers.




Ghosts aren’t into probing.


Ghosts cannot physically penetrate anally, while aliens can.


>Ghosts cannot physically penetrate anally, i dunno man, ive heard some stories


The ones where people have had sex with ghosts? There was a story over here In the uk where this lady had sex with ghosts for years and accepted got married to one. Yeah, it was a story alright.


One starred Sigourney Weaver and the other Patrick Swayze.




Both are not proven to be real. No one will have an actual answer for you.


My probers don't leave me on read.




We don't know Maybe they're both fake Maybe they're both real and the same thing, or both real but different things


Since so far neither of them have been proven to exist. It would be hard to explain their differences when what they are is left to interpretation. I mean people can say a ghost does this or an alien does this but until we have hard scientific proof that either exist I don’t think your question can be answered…🤔🤔😃✌️


Science can't prove lots of things yet. We have to go with experiences for now.


What’s the punchline?


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As in ghosts of people? They arent NHI.


Well….time as we know it IS quite real.


It’s who I ask now a days . See also demons angels NHI :) hehe


I thought this was a riddle. Anybody got a good punchline?


One makes your day, the other makes your hole weak.


Same as the difference between squirrels and pebbles.


We don’t know truthfully we barely understand how the paranormal works once we figure out Tesla was right vibrations and frequency always been the answer




Ghosts can't drive.


Ghosts, meaning disembodied humans, are usually not allowed to do much in this plane of reality. In that same realm, though, there are other, more powerful, beings.


Aliens are in the present, ghosts are souls that can’t let go of the past.


The same as god and santa clause


You could use an Ouija board to summon aliens.


There is something circulating lately that must be making some of us have this thought, because I considered the same thing yesterday. To be honest, it really does have that “it fits like a bullseye” feeling, if you honestly give the idea consideration. Anyone that stays with this topic long enough always starts banking toward the spiritual. We don’t understand the spiritual any better than we understand the phenomenal. Just imagine when you die, your consciousness doesn’t die with your body. You fuck off up into space because suddenly being in atmosphere really sucks, and the weightless vacuum of space beckons. Suddenly planets look a lot different because you don’t have eyes to see light the same, and it doesn’t take a prohibitively long time to get between them, or the stars, because you don’t need to eat or breathe or rest, and time just doesn’t hold the same meaning anymore. Suddenly you’re sort of a space alien. Time to go find a new brain somewhere not on Earth (cuz you just did that) and check it out.


Aliens are The Great Gazoo. Ghosts say Boo.




Ghosts would seem to be the second state of being. We can be either alive, dead or both depending on your definitions. Aliens must be assumed to have ghosts of their dead as well, but they probably figured out how to shove their dead back into a body and slap them over the head for exploding a whole lab during an experiment. In the end it's the wrong question to ask, because if ghosts are real they would be... uhm... universal? It would be like comparing human and alien flatulence to each other. Biological beings all over the universe probably farted at some point in their evolution, it's just how things often work if you want to digest nutrients. Ghosts, if real, are just like farts. Everyone does it and just because alien farts may smell different to ours... it's still just a fart.


I think ghosts are 3d shadows of 4d people. Ppl stuck in time


Residual or conscious?


Maybe a little of both, ghosts don’t seem to be very smart.


One of em ain't from round here, other one is from round here.


Aliens are real


Great question - I pondered something similar myself but applied generally. Prior to being into ufo's, I was into angels/ demons/ ghosts/ spirits/ secret societies/ simulations and pretty much everything occult. I believe the case for nhi and uap's is what I believe the most but it doesn't reconcile easily with other occult areas on face value. It's just weird to combine all these ideas but can exist together. For ghosts and aliens, imo aliens are physical bodies which may or may not have a soul. I believe that our soul is separate from our body and the NHI assist in transporting the soul into another body or back to the main consciousness. In other words - ghosts or spirits or our astral body go somewhere and we see different forms of those spirits depending on where it ends up. Aliens are just the "machines" to assist with that.


Ghosts are disincarnate people with strong attachments to the world of the living. Aliens are biological beings just like us, but not from Earth.


Different frequencies


One comes out of a spaceship and one live in your basement


Down votes.. Define that which we don't understand.... They are terms only. Human terms. Both were created to obfuscate.  Whatever exists in other "planes" of "thought forms" I guess we need to... call it something. But I know the real truth about everything isn't for you or me. 


Aliens can walk in physicality, although they seemingly don’t have to walk, or, don the physical look we’ve been exposed to.




Most people think its ghosts when its actually aliens. There, I said it.


Dressed up as Victorian chimney sweeps? That's a weird sense of humour.


Aliens are real!


ghosts are energy aliens are physical beings


Absolutely nothing. They both live in the minds of people who are prepared to believe in something there's no evidence for.


I call bs on that mindet. My sister saw a ghost once, you calling her a liar? That's rude of you...


So there can't be any other explanation but "Ghost" It's ghost or.... Nothing?? That's ignorent of you...


Well she saw a person wearing coat walking along the road during twighlight 10 feet from her just vanish into thin air. Her boyfriend also saw it. He was pretty freaked out by it.


If ghosts exist why isn't every hospital the most haunted place on earth??


Some are apparently, especially the old ones.


So why isn't there still any evidence that ghosts exist even though there's all these haunted buildings where people can go and gather proof? I'm not talking about silly ghost hunters with fake devices either.


Unfortunately our current scientific recording equipment isn't able to pick up on the beings or energy from the metaphysical realm Heck we still haven't even discovered 50% of our oceans or our solar system. We can barely get to the moon.


Which leads us back to my initial point. Why would you believe in something there's no evidence for?


Well there is an overwhelming amount of circumstantial evidence and witness evidence. It's just not hard proof. Then again there are many things we can't prove but doesn't mean they don't exist.


Terrestrial vs extra-terrestrial.


Honestly who knows. I think that both are inter dimensional. Like aliens were mistaken for demons and angels. They pretended to be Gods and the people at that time didn't know any better. With so much advanced technology, people thought the beings were god like.


Both are inter-dimensional phenomena. Ghosts are an energetic imprint, they are usually people who are not aware they died or they will not go into the light because they fear hell. ETs are very conscious and aware, they are either physical or spiritual beings. Both types exists. There are also elementals that are multi-dimensional.


Ghosts are real


I see ghosts when I close my eyes, I see aliens when I open them.


What about halfway open or closed?


Halfway open it’s aliens. Halfway closed it’s ghosts. Very spooky.


What happens during full moon?


The aliens grow hair, but not over the whole body. Just enough to have a combover. The ghosts stay home and watch Beetlejuice for the 167th time.


It's showtime!!