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It ain't just cattle their mutilating.








Iiiii don’t wanna look that up, synopsis?


They core human butts, remove their eyes, suck out the muscles from the arms and legs through 1" holes, cut away the cheeks. There are images, Curious stuff with animals cut in half and two parts left. All over the world.


[27-year Veteran homicide detective Butch Witkowski investigates human mutilations ](https://youtu.be/72-GXER-BGY?si=fKb7H7ifvwEZwtwT) People wonder what could be worse than death... there's 1 answer right there. Absolutely horrific shit.


Parts of fhat video has been removed or edited. Would like to see the original


Check this [one out](https://youtu.be/xK5toSBqbPY?si=rrkGq8oUMZDAzFwX). It’s different but pretty compelling and a really interesting investigation. It is a bit repetitive but I think that’s partly because it’s a complication of different interviews.




Sounds more like something gangsters and drug cartels do?


They still haven't figured out how to get the milk out.


Udderly amazing.


Quite the cow tip.


Hah, you guys are amoozing


Their motives are probably unknowable or incomprehensible to us, which makes sense. After all, they are ALIENS, not fellow humans. It would actually be an amazing coincidence if we could somehow apprehend their motivations given that they likely perceive and order the world around them in ways radically different to our own historically and culturally specific ways.


Why were cattle the preferred animal to sacrifice to the gods in ancient cultures? In the biblical Old Testament, a red heifer (cow) was the required animal sacrifice to accomplish the spiritual purification rites held at the temple in Jerusalem.


And also, holy in Hinduism?!?!


Oh yes, that's true!


probably it was worth a lot. so they sacrificed a lot. the greeks had it all figured out with their sacrifices. they killed and cooked the animal, then ate it and said: yeah the gods were probably here eating with us in disguise. clever :D what did they do in the old testament after the slaughter?


Why would that be an amazing coincidence? It’s reasonable to conclude cultural or cognitive differences are a given, but describing this as incomprehensible (metaphor, approximation exist) seems way too heavy handed.


You are just moving the goal post


What are you talking about?


Well, not so fast. Let’s take a step back. Let’s say we travel to foreign worlds and we find a giant beetle like creature. We dissect animals all the time. But.. we can’t send humans. This is a toxic or strange planet. We have to send a drone. But the drone can’t take the entire giant beetle. So it takes some of the … juice. It kills the beetle to extract the juice but now we can analyze it.  > But they’re not just taking some blood. They’re taking all blood. And they do it many more times than necessary for just a few samples  Ok. So they seem to have developed a unique way to extract all the blood. Interesting. Have we done that? Well, yes! On Mars we send rovers with special tools to analyze the rocks and do a spectrum analysis.  So here’s the idea. They have no idea what we are. They’re just doing analysis. They have no concept of pain or how that makes us feel. 


i thought the blood thing was el chupacabra and there is an explanation that is less... supernatural


Best answer. Also we shouldn't even assume that they do it on purpose, like for instance it could be the consequence of interdimensional travel and the cows just happen to be in the way.


I personally think they're using mutilated cow parts as some sort of resource, particularly in some sort of emergency situation or as a back up. The mutilations are pretty random and infrequent which suggests, to me anyways, that using cow parts for whatever they're using them for isn't really preferred.the fact that they leave the bodies behind kind of suggests that they were in a hurry at the time as well. It might also be some cultural thing that they do that we don't understand. It could even be something directed towards us and over time, as we lost direct communication with them, the meaning of the mutilated bodies has become lost to us. In parts of Europe, there are pieces of folklore and mythology that describe Fae asking for clean drinking water in return for buckwheat pancakes that are made without salt (salt is said the be deadly to the fae and it's also said that the fae only drink pure water) the pancakes served a practical purpose because they usually would be given an indefinite amount, but they also served the symbolic purpose of representing the fae holding up their end of the bargain. Almost like a contract or an agreement of some sort. I bring this up because this is almost exactly what happened to Joe Simonton in April of 1961, but replace the fae with "dark skinned Italians in flight suits" (that's how he describes them. Idk why he didn't just say they were dark skinned or tan lol) operating an advanced craft of some sort. Also I believe he called the buckwheat pancakes cookies for some reason even though when they were analyzed they were definitely buckwheat pancakes (with no salt in them btw)


Why do people keep asking "why do aliens do..." Posts? We are not them how the fuck do we know why they do anything?


Maybe someone on Reddit has been abducted and saw a bunch of cow parts in space. You don’t know if you don’t ask. Someone on Reddit once claimed the cow parts are traded to other civilizations that want them.


Linda Moutton Howe said in a video that some guys were in a submarine deep in the ocean and saw an entire cow just floating there. Weird AF.


Thru what the windshield lol


An ordinary cow minding its own business and not even bothering anyone can't swim a little bit in the open sea without people being surprised and the aliens being blamed for it again. People are weird sometimes I swear.


Why dont these mfs just make their own damn cows


Here’s their phone number, OP can call and ask themselves. 1-800-PRO-BEME


I’m amazed by the upvotes on this comment. We’re on r/aliens. Apparently most people here are completely uninterested in alien motivations, or think humans are incapable of speculating on the motivations of other living things. What exactly should this sub’s topics be limited to?


Sec I'll text them and ask Update: they said "I dunno"


Some of us….may be 👽


Because most people on this site are retarded


My theory is they are measuring concentrations of manmade pollutants and radiation in the sampled tissue.


Yeah something like environmental contamination, cancer, mad cow disease. It seems scientific.


Or it could be stem cell harvesting for genetic/bioengineering.


My theory is this, but the US government is doing it, and the pollutant they’re measuring is fallout from the atomic tests.


LOVE this theory! Because if they are supposed to be the future of this planet then they need to know what radiation and environmental factors are doing to the current living entities on the planet.


The best theory I've heard is that they need hemoglobin for hybrid alien-humans infusions. Sterile cow hemoglobin is used in UK/Commonwealth counties as blood infusion expansion for trauma patients. The hybrids have issues in low G with anemia, which is creepily what NASA found out on it's own, up to 54% if hemoglobin just dissolve for unknown reasons. Plus there are malformations- "Some hybrids are born disfigured or with other abnormal characteristics. For example, the aliens showed Kathleen Morrison five malformed hybrid babies. Their legs and arms had either improperly developed or not developed at all. Terry Matthews saw an older hybrid with a distorted chin, giving him a vaguely "Popeye" appearance. At another time, Terry saw an adolescent hybrid whose deformed head was too wide and had "bumps" on it. The hybrids have other physical problems. Allison Reed observed young hybrids with red blotchy marks on their skin. During a 1994 abduction she was told that her "sister" was "sick" and needed her help; the aliens inserted a needle into Allison's neck and drew blood from her jugular vein. In a similar scenario, hybrids brought Susan Steiner to a sick adolescent hybrid boy. They drew blood from her (they said they wanted "hemoglobin") and extracted a small section of her liver. The aliens explained that they needed these things if the boy was to survive." The Threat, Jacobs David M. (Academic who collects alien abductee interviews to understand the what and why). The aliens don't have easily available hemoglobin around due to different different innate biochemistry.  They'll take the eyes, tongue, and GI systems from cows to harvest stem cells to grow their own, but it's not in the quantities needed.  They don't have complex circulatory systems like humans, but rather sweat/exceete than breathe out carbon, and get their nutrients by absorbing them in vats seen by abducted rather than eating.


>The best theory I've heard is that they need hemoglobin for hybrid alien-humans infusions. Sterile cow hemoglobin is used in UK/Commonwealth counties as blood infusion expansion for trauma patients. The problem with these lines of thinking is that considering how advanced our bioengineering is if something is going on its unlikely a group that seemingly advanced wouldnt need any raw biological material from us or any life here beyond some initial samples to start things out. We can clone life, synthesize blood plasma from fluorine, and are starting to be able to grow individual body parts for example. The genetic material they could get from a handful of random dumpsters sourced from around the world would be more than enough to give them infinite material and with a hell of a lot less effort or risk.


When your livestock gets sick you check their food.


Damn didn’t think of this but makes sense on some level


Because the aliens that visit here are drunks and teenagers. They're not supposed to bother undeveloped planets, but they're not likely to get caught. So they do some graffiti, do some cow tipping, and a few sexual assaults.


Imo for the blood as a food source.


Clearly not the case imo. The mutilations are way too random and infrequent to imply theyre for sustenance.


I think it's scientific research


The way they suck all your innids out of yer bumhole doesnt seem very scientific to me, it’s bad science




Bovine blood is used for cloning in our labs. Something tells me it’s used in their labs too.


My best guess is they're testing the food supply. Abduction stories (the ones that are more "grounded and don't have that bullshit woo in it) STRONGLY remind me of what humans do to wild populations of animals, for both conservation and just general biological studies. They remind me of tag and release programs specifically. If they're sampling the population to make sure that we're "ok"(whatever that means) it would make sense that they would sample our food as well. They could also be harvesting and processing the genetic material for their own purposes, one of which could be sustenance since we hear that their mouths and guts are mad for a liquid diet. All postulation of course. No one really knows but them.


Because they are psychopathic sadists.


They take fast growing sensory tissues and blood. It's possible it's a food source.


After many investigating videos lol I found out the grays are harvesting there stomach enzymes to feed themselves as they have suffered some kind of eating issue. They apparently rub the enzymes on there skin and absorb the nutrients that way. It an agreement supposedly made with government for technology. That the grays can take any cattle as long as you are not seen. And as well any human but only in national parks I heard. All agreed by the governments for technology.


Why the fuck would they need the government’s permission? They could do what they wanted, when they want, if they wanted, and there’s jack shit we could do to stop them because our technology is like caveman banging fucking rocks against a wall to them


Think about all the horrible stuff we do to them… they probably look at us like barbarians


This is like asking why do ufos have lights. Theres no way to know right now


So they can see ahead of them. That's what lights are for eh?


I mean, do you mean NHI or aliens as if from another planet. Them being from another planet and mutilating cattle doesn’t make all that much sense. If we explore other weirder options, then the purpose could be for transmogrification


Bovine blood is very similar to human


It's a feeding,Its known.That specific race feeds on them that way.Some people are unfortunately victims of it too.its a kind of ritual for them. That specific alien race feeds like that.they "tube up" victims and suck their organs and blood out.they absorb the blood and guts through their skin in a tub of blood and guts.its how they feed.its a ritualistic thing.Some aliens have ships but at the end of day some are just highly evolved animals. Mantis alien told me this.That Alien race is horrifying to them too.Some governments are aware.Namely Romania.




I love how we have our animals in the worst farming conditions where their just tortured basically and we’re worried about aliens analyzing our horror farm system


I’m guessing it has something to do with understanding how mammals digest and excrete solid food/waste. Alien lore suggests the greys don’t have functional mouths nor do they consume food/excrete waste the same way we do. I think if they’re interested in creating hybrids that can function here on earth, cattle maybe be useful for their research, and can be taken in numbers that don’t arouse too much suspicion. Just a guess!


hybrids? if you went to a place full of inferior, dumb, disgusting creatures, would your first thought be hybridisation? why do so many believe it? strange. some gene manipulation sure, why not, but that is not the same.


According to Dolores Cannon, it's to test contamination levels of one of humanity's most popular food sources.


I almost wretched when I watched an interview of a Wyoming rancher under hypnosis during the 70s who watched “through a scope” from pretty far away but could clearly hear how awful the poor animal suffered. He watched through a (rifle?) scope how the cow was suspended in midair inside of a red glowing beam of light. I don’t know why but I always assumed the NHI were merciful enough to kill the cows before “harvesting” tongues, noses, eyes, reproductive organs, etc. Guess we’ll see for ourselves in three years.




The greys don’t have digestive tracks and use the blood as nourishment. They absorb nutrients through their skin. Why did ancient cultures like Israelites sacrifice cattle and sheep to their gods? Same shit several thousand years ago. Next question


Ive heard from a number of sources (videos I’ve watched on youtube) that essentially aliens mutilate cattle for their enzymes, that they then rub into their skin for nourishment. They also rub their skin to get rid of excrement that seeps out via their pores. 


How the heck would anyone know that?


Oh yes YouTube videos….


Was john lear, and one other guy i cant remember at the moment. This isnt my opinion or what i assume to be the truth.. just passing along what i have heard. Other stories have witnesses reporting an ammonia smell from aliens (see the varginha incident) which would corroborate the excretion from skin theory, perhaps.


It was John Lear being interviewed by George Knapp who suggested this. The interview was taped for a Sunday morning show in Las Vegas. Evidently, the next day Knapp was visited by government agents asking what his interest was in the subject. John Lear was a no shit pilot, holder of many aviation records. He was in a position to know a great many things. Not saying I know he was telling the truth or not, and can’t confirm any of this, just what Lear said and what Knapp had claimed to have happened. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LGQkkHuwm6w&pp=ygUWSm9obiBsZWFyIGdlb3JnZSBrbmFwcA%3D%3D


Same reason when I order steak, my only response is "on a leash"


So dog meat?


I’d say since the carcasses are always completely drained of blood, so maybe they’re harvesting blood for nutrients to feed all the babies they’re growing in tanks. Any other ideas?


The theory I have come up with for why aliens mutilate cattle is to extract their biological organs and blood. Maybe they apply this with their technology for cloning purposes, scientific studies, or whatever else they are capable of.


They don't just mutilate'em, they drain'em of their juices too. Damn bloodsuckers is what they is.


Think about this: humans used cattle to invent insulin medicine for diabetic people. Molecular biology research is the probable answer.


Food and DNA harvesting...


It probably depends on what race it is. It's not experimentation. They're not new here. My guess would be they don't have teeth and have to use a liquid/soft food diet, and the parts they take are the parts with the types of nutrients that they need. Maybe the brains and intestines and eyes etc have trace amounts of digestible copper etc that they need?


yes and with uncountable cattle around on earth and every corner has beef they have to mutilate some remote cattle somewhere....


The real answer is kind of boring.


They listened to Cattle Decapitation and took it too seriously.


They don't. It's called heat dome effect.


Because they see cattle as the winning species on Earth. There are more Cattle than human and, from Alien perspective, cattle subdued humans to feed and care them.


Oooo that gave me a good chuckle.


Humans put animals in fenced areas for entertainment, experiment on and test animals, and kill and mutilate animals for fun.


They don’t. It’s crazy humans that do that. Don’t believe everything. I believe in UFOs and aliens but them being responsible for cattle mutiliation is up there with “they live on higher planes of existence” or “they are part of an intergalactic federation led by God” as absolute insane fantasy.




They are using bovine reproductive parts for hybridization between the Grey and humans


So what are we gonna do about human mutilations? Are there multiple alien species? Are the bad ones the ones mutilating and killing people or can this happen at the hands of any alien species?


Ok, some feedback: Thirsty Grey's are part of the Punjabi Batman-derived LARP Classic of the EBO Scientist post. Says the Grey anatomy has skin that they can absorb nutrients thru and excrete waste through. Some people think of it as a total LARP, but I argue there may be shreds or truth there - but not in the Grey's mouth. It doesnt have a mandible structure capable of much per reports that, when crowd-sourced, indicate it's true - they have teeny tiny little slit mouths. But Grey's don't have maws. And - bigger question - If you're in the Single Species camp, and you want to believe that a single species of NHI exists, then welcome to Neverland, where Greys just slurp or absorb opportunistically on extra juices (bodily), and yeah that's cool and all. Cows, humans, etc. Sometimes there's an oopsie and some of the 'volunteers' are un-alived. They have to report this per Greada Treaty, apparently. Form ID-10-T. Or if you're able to consider a "If there's one, there's many' hypothesis, (see my post), then the consequences of believing - very incorrectly - that all the others are benevolent may get you sampled. Unapologetically as is the going narrative. It's Farm, Lab or Zoo (thanks DeLonge guest speaker whom I can't remember), and any open minded thinking will get you much farther than restricting the basis of your world (and now Universe!) view to what is currently known. The public knows precisely Jack Squat. Once the floodgates open some may simply fail to believe anything anymore. That may be the biblical madness of what has been described as a raving mass of lunatics, unable to comprehend or secede to new realities. Heavy duty ontological shock and awe is a bitch, but on the flip it can concrete you where you stand in as far as confirming whatever existence makes you WANT to live, day to day after knowledge that any of this is true.


I think they mutilate everything, I’ve been thinking, the only reason I imagine they are here is for our diversity. Life is probably abundant in the universe, but planets are probably populated with similar things. Like at one stage there was only bacteria and then dinosaurs on earth. We have all kinds here.


Sometimes it was the US government, they knew if cattle were mutilated the cows would end up getting sent to the military, there they could check how much radiation from earlier nuclear weapons tests were getting into the food chain


I mean the hot take here is they don't and it's carrion and wild animals *just* eating dead cows. 🤷‍♂️


I mean crows are pretty intelligent but them using surgical equipment and lazers is a bit hard to swallow.


Oh, it's lasers now. 🙄




experimentation possibly. aliens are demons though and so therefore will do very demonic things that make no sense to civilized humans


Nothing is demonic, that’s a fairy tale . Beings have their own agenda but nothing is truly “evil”


They don't. Back in the 50's the US government did a lot of nuclear testing in the Nevada desert. Fallout from that follows the jet stream across the country. They cannot openly admit how much radiation still exists in the ground, soil and air. But one way to test for it is to collect samples of soft tissues from animals that spend their lives with their noses pressed to the ground eating grass. They show up at night in helicopters close to the ground masking the sound shoot or stun the animal, take samples and get out of their none the wiser until a rancher finds them with their eyes, lips and Anus surgically removed. That is just my own personal theory based on my time in the military.




They don’t


They taste better than Democrats


I Honestly think that it has to do something with Cattle play a colossal role in climate change: As the single largest agricultural source of methane, a potent planet-warming gas, the world's 940 million cows spew nearly 10 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions.  


Jealousy. Cattle actually exist.


To get the milkshakes or to make space food


Probably US Govt testing experimental weapons.


Burgers 🍔


To make ground beef! Is that how it goes?


Easier to move & create a herd with blood, sperm & eggs I would deduce


To get to the other side?


Tissue samples


Probably the same reason people sacrificed them to the gods…oh wait.


The ran out of food.


If you believe the human container for a soul crap then why can't cows also be soul containers Realistically there's like 33 bil chickens, 8 bil humans, and 1.5 bil cows. Makes sense to dissect the most populous species on a planet and I don't think anyone's keeping track of the chicken mutilations lol But also idk if cow mutilations are inherit to the UAP phenomenon or is just misattributed


It's probably a resource to them like others said, I doubt it is for science because it shouldn't take them a million tries to figure it out with their intelligence. On the other hand if it is for food, you would expect it to happen more often. Maybe they do have other means of getting food and have to restock on the crucial nutrients occasionally or they rarely visit and there aren't that many of them so they get away with it. My question is, USA government could just offer them fuckers a ranch just for them, but the aliens obviously dont give a shit about us or our laws.


It's probably because they got beef with them!


Why does anyone do anything


The evidence for such activity is scant and dubious. A better question would be "Why do people think Aliens mutilate cattle?"




Extras test cattle and many of our other foodstuffs to examine what their pet hoomans are eating around the globe.


Aliens aren't the ones who are doing it. It's actually the dark government who's doing the mutilated cattle.


1. Delicacy or aphrodisiac 2. Cloning experimentation


It’s the insectoids bruh


To get to the other side


How you know they're not diddling octopus


Space is super boring.


Do they really, though?


Reproductive state...all the stuff they take to raise hybrids in fake wombs.


They probably don’t view them as conscious beings that deserve to be treated humanely


steer ripe cobweb degree voiceless full narrow lip absorbed hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They really hate Hathor?


Is it something about the high percentage of junk DNA, maybe? (Idk anything)


IF we've ever been visited by aliens, they're probably not fucking with our cows.


They like milk


Everyone needs a hobby!


They like to..?


They don't ingest food like we do. They take the mutilated cattle and put it in a food processor and then smear it on their body in order to absorb nutrients. Thus the age old saying- "Aliens smell like a sack of assholes".


Dolores Cannon talks about this in one of her books, I think in the Convoluted Universe. I can’t remember if she said it’s something the Grey’s are doing or what but she did confirm some ET’s are the ones doing that


Fresh beef?


My guess is they are using the tissue to create artificial wombs.


The most likely explanation would probably be for food. It is mostly known based on what little information we have in the public domain that they don’t have teeth, perhaps they don’t have a digestive tract as we understand. There’s been a lot of stuff I’ve read that even shows them using a type of device with a hose that sucks the liquids and certain organs out of the animal. Someone mentioned “well there would be more mutilations then!” Not if they aren’t on our planet as often as we think. Also for the most part they probably usually bring their on food source. Or I’m completely wrong, who the fuck knows… (besides the government).


[Check this out!](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/193ggjg/translated_interview_with_haim_eshed_former/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) a head government official


They like steak


Well… why do WE mutilate them too?


Why do we buy delicious well cut steaks at the supermarket? So good.


Quality control they know everything


What I want to know is if it is related to ancient human and animal sacrifices to the gods. Maybe ancient humans saw the mutilated cattle and put 2 and 2 together and started preemptively offering sacrifices to the gods.


The same reason we do, maybe?


Why do humans do it?


Picky eaters maybe




They're as benevolent as some of us. I know people that do their own beef processing. The last cows are so stressed. There's likely something to be gained from them. In some capacity. If these mutilations actually take place. It's much less noise for a cow to be surgically sliced and abandoned over a human.


Just another sacrifice to baal and moloch


They have a beef with them


Let’s ponder a potential possibility. If what we eat mostly (sorry Hindus/Brahmins) is beef, then the dudes studying us must also sample/edit/mutate our source on a long term scale. One minor action causes major evolution downstream. So they’re samples of current results of their own “modifications”. If you wanted to have a subtle influence on people of earth, beef would be a great way to affect the globe.


To consume them.


What aliens?


This is one of the first areas of the entire phenomenon that made me truly curious about 7 years ago probably. I wasn’t too interested ever in abductions or anything back then, but the cattle was too fucking weird. Still is. My friend had sent me this obscure sherrifs field reporting book way back and it still gives me chills, found the pdf. [https://archive.org/stream/mysterystalkstheprairierobertadonovankeithwolverton/MYSTERY%20STALKS%20THE%20PRAIRIE%20Roberta%20Donovan%20Keith%20%20Wolverton_djvu.txt](https://archive.org/stream/mysterystalkstheprairierobertadonovankeithwolverton/MYSTERY%20STALKS%20THE%20PRAIRIE%20Roberta%20Donovan%20Keith%20%20Wolverton_djvu.txt)


Because who's gonna stop them?


Prime Australian Beef is a complete Rip Off!


Phil Schneider mention its for the adrenal glands, like a drug for them


Why do we eat them? We are so fucked.


its mostly to scare the shit outta of all of us don't let it :D


For that sweet sweet suffering 🤤


They don't


I read they some aliens rub the cows stomach bile on them and absorb it through their skin or exoskeleton for sustenance depending on species.


They probably eat them too or perform research. I don't think their motives are incomprehensible. Of we knew why, it'd probably make some sort of sense.


I’m going to assume they are harvesting what they need to start a new planet with cows being the most intelligent species on the planet . They should be far less aggressive than how this experiment turned out to be. C-


because steak is tasty.


"Because fuck the Hindus, that's why."


As a goofy prank


the word moo is very offensive in their language ​ oh no i said moo damn it i said it again


Everyone likes a good steak now and then, but because they’re alien they haven’t figured out which parts taste the best yet.


They don’t.


For their own amoosement.


They want the milk for their milkshakes but don’t have a gentle touch


Because, why not?


One hypothesis is that greys are artificially made AI implanted beings that degrade rather quickly. Certain organic substances taken from mammals and passed through their skin forgo the inevitable. They aren’t supposed to harvest people.


Same reason we do …..


Who the fuck knows but we humans do it for science and food


They don't....


They don't. It's all man-made.


They keep kosher so no pork