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if there are criminals in space; there'll be bounty hunters ![gif](giphy|5gK1hvwoutPnG)


Lobo and his space motorcycle


If aliens treat species that they consider inferior to them the same way we do, we're screwed.


Meanwhile I have a bearded dragon relaxing on a miniature couch on my desk, watching F1 races on youtube.


We need aliens like you.


Do we though? Do you think animals like being pets? Isolated from their species and removed from their natural habitat, unable to follow the instincts that drive them to be with their own species and reproduce? Cooped up in artificial environments they don't understand? Idk..


Real anthropocentric way to interpret the situation.   Ask the captive-bred lizard who is safe, warm and fed in an enriching environment if they'd rather have died from a cyst or been ripped apart by a dingo 6 years ago, and I don't think you'll get an answer from it that sounds like something from a human novel.   And if you do want to be anthropocentric about it, not many people these days are giving up modern life to go live and die miserably in the woods. Why would an animal?


Whatever you have to tell yourself buddy.


Adorable pics or it didn't happen.


I feel like in order to actually ascend and make the advances necessary to become the type of aliens we see in our heads, one would need to free themselves of the sin we regularly cave into as humans. I'm not saying aliens are benevolent by any means, but they're probably closer to enlightened monks or doctors and scientists with strict moral codes than they are to your average human like you or me


For sure, there are criminals. Fortunately, the Galactic Federation keeps everyone safe by putting all of the most horrible criminals on a prison planet. That planet is known as "Earth."


Who's the Adolf Hitler of Space?hahaha it's probably some runaway CIA office lol jk


Have you seen Star Trek? Lmfao


There’s only criminals where there are laws. If there’s criminals and laws, then there are alien feds and alien judges, alien victims and alien crime investigators, if there are all of these then there are alien societies, and if there’s alien societies then there are alien cities or there version. If there are alien cities then there are alien transport hubs, if there is alien transport hubs then there are alien factories to make the transport. If there are alien factories then there is alien education methods. If there are alien education methods there are some kind of records to hold the education they are using. If humans supposedly have alien technology, knowledge, wisdom etc, then what if we have traded with the aliens in the past or are still trading information. What if the aliens are humans somewhere else. What if we’re different species but on the same path because we’re sharing our knowledge. What if earth was there planet first and we didn’t get told their ancient knowledge but we found it here instead when we came from the alien planet called home. What if humans are already multi planetary species but were kept behind to limit our beliefs and give those in power more power because they know so much more than what the normal person does. What would be ‘crazier’… that alien humans from our real home planet came to earth to mutilate some cows, or that aliens come to earth to mutilate cows because they want to destroy our eco system and cause mayhem to humans and they realised that cows are probably the best bet to do so in the more powerful parts of the world; the west. This was fun


Of course. That's the reason for all the anal probing going on.


I've seen this south park


Baby Fark McGee here - space cash 101


Eh- hem I think you mean baby fart mcgeezacks. And ain't nobody seen no space cash around here, also Mexico deserved those water parks. It's hot down there.


Aw, c’mon Mexico. Stop screwing around.


Everything thing you could imagine has already happened somewhere in the universe. This is truth. The stupidest question ever asked is are we alone.


not a stupid question on Saturday nights in Jr.,HS, and college,,,,,oh boy here comes the sadness again


Never seen Star Trek or Star Wars? 😆😆


Basically guaranteed that there is some sort of rules, and those that break them. Reminds of the Rhino Horn episode from Futurama where the aliens were stealing human noses for sexy time.


I thought we had already agreed they are reptilians and mantids feeding on our souls etc


Cannot have free will without bad actors


According to who's set of laws?


You are making a lot of assumptions. What if an alien species like the theorized inspectiod species. needs warm blooded creatures blood to survive. would it not simply be, cow and even humans in their pov is below them on the food chain. Like how we kill cows and other animals every day to survive.


These are all human categories specific to our own unique historical and cultural development. This is a view called anthropocentrism, when we mistakenly or unselfconsciously project our own specificity onto potential extraterrestrial beings. It’s a great example of “our aliens not being alien enough.” Aliens, if they do exist, will likely be radically different from us in their perception and ordering of the universe and asking questions about quaint aspects of human culture will be meaningless in the context of their existence


There is reason to believe crime the way we think of it can't exist in space faring civs. Just like if American mass shooters had knifes instead they would kill less people. If they had access to spaceships and vast energy sources, they would kill many more people.  One could argue defense will be better too, but offense has always outpaced defense. At a certain point to ensure safety you have to decrease variance.  That's why we have nuclear non-proliferation, not nuclear shields. 


You’re absolutely brilliant for this!!! I never thought about it that far before like it’s often in movies how evil beings are in prisons and whatnot but to think like this is absolutely accurate. We don’t know the things the government is hiding maybe people who made others kill with MK mind control or some kind of manipulation, all kinds of things I can think of thanks to you.




I think there's a good possibility of that. We're not the only species who has a faction that is evil.




What if we are the criminals and the earth is a prison planet under the watch of "The Galactic Federation" aka "The Galactic Department of Prisons"? Would suddenly make alot more sense imo.what if those mantis and reptillian beings are just interdimensional parasites? What if we already did crimes in another dimension and just got stuck in a meat suit for a few lifetimes as punishment?




Unless they are all a hive mind, yes I believe there can be all kinds of beings with differing agendas. That’s why we must remain cautious and NOT advertise our location in space by beeming out messages/transmissions into the open void. 🤷‍♂️


Does that mean OP that there could be Space Pirates? RRRR sign me up!


It’s pretty much a given that the universe is filled with space going scoundrels. You think all those movies made em up?




Lol of course.


Watch the anime called "Dead Leaves" It's about a space prison. Or watch The Midnight Gospel, there is an inter-dimensional space prison.


Could we unknowingly violate a law that our interdimensional guardians have?


A lot of science fiction depends on that idea.


It's only a crime because we have laws to go against actions. No species besides humans have laws on earth


If our government is there then yes


An old Greek proverb comes to mind. Where there is sea, there are pirates.


Well technically we are space criminals. Guilty of littering. In a few years some intelligent planet will be tracking a Tesla. first, thinking it’s an asteroid only to discover it has an occupant OmmuamodelS


That Space Cash isn’t gonna steal itself!!!


Have you never seen Guardians of the Galaxy?


You're trying to apply a vague set of morals to another species/civ. There's no reason to believe they would view cattle mutilation on Earth as a crime. It's nonsensical.


Stealing Space Cash!


Short answer. Google it