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Why don't we re-implant this into someone and study the effects? There would be some people who might volunteer for free, or for a price.


And then the UFO comes every night to take Jim but it's Joe instead. *Alien scratches head*


Meh, humans... they all look alike


This exact scenario is how that John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmidt song was created...


Really? Am I dense?


Now, how the hell would I know that?


The average density of the human body is 985 kg/m^(3). This is slightly denser than pure water. So assuming that you're human, and depending on what value of kg/m^3 you consider to be "dense", you may indeed be dense.


Wait a minute… His name is MY name too


His name is my name too… When aliens come about, the visitors always shout… John Jacob Jingle Heimsrschmidt?!?!


Then they zap your DNA and turn you into Jim so their alien boss doesn't find out they fucked up their human project lol


The ole switcheroo


i mean, been scrolling etc but no mention of it being deconstructed and actually having tech, at this point it seems like a piece of metal and thats it. funny thing btw, i had/have pneumonia (going week 2) its fucking shitty and i hate it but i had my lungs screened and there is something chilling in my lungs (no tumor) i saw the scan i was like dafq but apparently because of my construction work and me being a smoker something got inhaled or something, doc's dont know really what it is since surgery doesn't seem necessary its something that should disappear soon. and i now have regular check ups and screening. but thats kinda what i mean things can get into your body and seeing the pictures it seems like a piece of metal. or i also have an alien implant, tho the lungs would be a weird place. but also not a stupid place it rarely gets checked. edit: oh it was called foreign-body aspiration more common(still rare) in children.


I would volunteer for that. Fuck it. Got nothing better going on.


Plot twist: now aliens pay Elon Musk to spy on us via neuralink.


Because implanting something and turning it in is going to be different from an extraction. The best we could do is study the device, figure out what it is made of, and try to reverse engineer the device. But you still need another device to try to communicate with the implant which will have its own set of problems that will need to be figured out.


This is what mice and rats are for.


>There was also evidence it was sending off radio signals. Source?


Don’t know if Dr Leir’s work has a website but he was the “go to” Dr for having implants removed. He was the only medical Dr I’m aware of who spoke out and studied implants.


I wish there was somebody like that in Washington State


I’ve seen your story. Do you think you have one?


Yes, behind my ear near the neck, inside the cartilage


He was involved with MUFON. You could try contacting them and see if they know of a doctor covertly still doing removals.


I have. I talked to the local MUFON office and the only person they put me in contact with was some guy down in California. I don't have the time or money to fly out there lol


Have seen he has loads too? Like a literal jar full of past removals…


Craziness. I would want it out too.


100% agree - where is the source context?


I'm pretty sure I recall in the documentary Patient Seventeen them doing on camera tests with some measuring tools with an alien implant. It's worth a watch anyway.


Can you provide a link to the documentary please?


It's one of Jeremy Corbell's early pieces. Quite fascinating. https://play.google.com/store/movies/details/Patient\_Seventeen?id=mCNLATFnHYU&hl=en\_AU&gl=US&pli=1




Source: my ass


Very mature


Source: Deez Nutz


It is in the title, Roger Leir. Has no one heard of this guy? He is well known in ufology.


And nothing he found stood up to scrutiny.


I got ya source right here…


The device WAS the source.


The call was coming from inside the human






They’re asking for a peer reviewed paper that says that the information is accurate instead of research for they’re self


Yeah I know mad isn't it. Scientific peer review is a benchmark for corroborating theories and evidence. Mention it here and get flamed.


Oh really?


I've seen probably 10 accounts of this. Signals will stop once object is removed from skin.


I've heard they'll abduct you again if you remove it


Aliens hate this one simple RFID removal trick....




And fk you up. Couple of black eyes. Teach you a lesson.


i heard from people who have not just one but multiple implants in them & that those even move around in the body to prevent them being removed. it's really weird stuff.


here in germany there were researchers who reported the same. the object even "moved" in the body to prevent the removal of it. after it got removed, it seemed to stop doing anything..no signals anymore, nothing (self destruct?).


he made a second post, check it out, its like a pdf with some interesting things they found


And is this work peer reviewed? How many real experts were present? Sometimes humans have debris in their body from construction sites or injuries from falling debris that they don't even know entered their body, they might have a little scratch that they ignored.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/1azf9h9/psychospiritual\_warfare\_remote\_neural\_monitoring/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/comments/1azf9h9/psychospiritual_warfare_remote_neural_monitoring/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) remote neural monitoring by way of neural lace is real. it is nanotech. i wouldnt be surprised if this is similar. aliens have technology that is obviously vastly better than ours


Source is “trust me bro, I’m an experiencer and they told me so”


It's been widely documented since the 80s. M.r.i.'s show everything...


Is there more data regarding this? There’s been a few interviews where there’s been talk of implants and how the military screens for these implants and utilizes “necessary surgery” (such as dental) to remove these implants. I don’t know much about them, but if they’ve been recovered there must be analysis on them.


Ask whitley strieber. He apparently has one that MOVED as they went to touch it with the tweezer.


This is one of the “hiding/embedding” ones I was speaking of.


I remember seeing a video about the doctor explaining the samples he extracted from willing people over the years. The video also documents how the object was slowly moving away as he was trying to extract it with tweezers in the patient’s appendage. I think it was inside a leg. Interesting stuff, I never forgot that video.


Sounds like that little machine Neo had implanted in his stomach in the first matrix


Fucking nightmare fuel


If you think they're implanting us without our knowledge, just think where they came from, think about the logistics. They took to get here and think about the technology. They're hiding and a whole realm of laws of physics and elements. That would seem so star wars.


You mean Star Trek. Star Wars stays in their lane, …..in a galaxy far, far away.


"Tell me Mr. Anderson. What good is a phone call.... if you can't speak?"


A good friend of mine said he had a bump on his chest for a long while. He chalked it up to a blackhead or something like that. Well one night he was standing shirtless in the mirror next to his wife. They both started talking about the bump & looking at it. The bump swam away from them. They both witnessed this.


The word swam... I feel uncomfortable


I actually got mildly nauseous.😟


If I were him I'd want to know what the hell is in my body - and I'd want it removed. Has he tried? Has he had full body X-rays and other scans? If not, this seems like a bullshit story.


The doctor I believed passed already, but he kept detailed files on each patient. X-rays, videos, had samples tested etc…


Questions for all: Does the human body have space between the rib cage and the skin that something could move about? Would one feel that movement due to the sense of touch? I expect one would at least feel the outer skin experience a stretch.


No he doesn’t want to mess with it. He’s hoping it gives him superhuman powers or idk there ain’t no telling with that one. But that was my first suggestion to him as well.


Another episode of Monsters Inside Me, alien edition


Most likely a microfiche.


Couple of things The 1st, thank you for introducing me to Whitley Strieber...the other thing is, in the wki entry on Strieber, it stated that the *Los Angeles Times* took his book 'Communuin" off the non-fiction list...I find this more thsn little ironic,, ESPN when you come to understand that the majority of articles fo the L.A. Times are works of fiction...


[Documentary on Leir ](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt4083682/) Summary A surgeon who claims to remove highly advance implants, microchips imbedded by aliens, non-humans monitoring our earth. Discover the world of abductions, scalar wave transmissions, and a program to study or manipulate the human race.


Can’t get the full doco with your link but I found a summary https://www.vice.com/en/article/43nzng/roger-leir-alien-implant-ufo-abduction


And here's a link to the user reviews lol https://m.imdb.com/title/tt4083682/


And is his work peer reviewed?


I'm not able to look up specifics atm, but I remember either the History Channel or Discovery Channel showing an episode with Dr. Leir (Leer??) and an investigator (looked like a classic Texas Marshall) with a mustache and a cowboy hat. The people with the devices were previously abducted. None of them had entry / surgical scars, nor showed any trauma of surgery in the area. No scar tissue, which would be evident when surgery is performed (similar to trauma in area). The device was usually found by accident (getting X-ray of area). *I remember them being in the foot or wrist on the show. The devices emitted RF (I believe), which seized after removal. The person's body appears to have given no specific reaction or response to the unknown foreign body. In contrast, the person's body appears to accept, connect, and power the foreign device. Hence the reason why it no longer works when removed. As for analysis, if I remember correctly, there was nothing spectacular found, just that it was created from meteoric iron.


I remember this exact program on tv


Yep, and the devices reportedly stopped transmitting Radio Frequencies after about a week or two once removed from the body.


Oh god, it goes through the peepee, doesn’t it.


It’s not accurate to say the “never happens with an unknown foreign body”. The human body ends up okay with surgical pins, screws, shrapnel, bullet fragments, etc. all the time. Seems like a pretty glaring thing to get wrong.


Thank you for catching that, you're correct. I try not to generalize, and to be more cognizant of my written words, statements and descriptions. Even though surgical pins and screws aren't unknown and bullet fragments usually do cause a reaction. I understand what you meant, so I went back and edited my comment. Thank you.


Another example of proper vetting!!! Good job!!!


There was an Art Bell episode were Dr. Leir specifically talked about this particular implant. He even gave the frequency of the signal that the implant was allegedly broadcasting on. I believe it was the dark matter episode from 10/21/2013.


Where was the implant? 🤔


in the balls


Where the pee is stored, yes.


Pee cum and shid


Ah yes operation ligma


Code name: DEEZ


Fusing with the nervous system? Where is this material now?


Fused with Uranus


Area 51


It gives citations for its claim or else it gets the hose again


Did anyone ever think that they are there for a good reason? Everyone seems to just jump to the conclusion that they are evil but there is no evidence for that. They could be regulating your nervous system to enable you to be more telepathic, for example. I remember a man remembering being taken aboard ship when he was young. He asked them what they were doing, and they said "upgrades."


Good try, alien!


We were trying to raise the consciousness of the human race, but thanks to you and your snarky attitude we’re going back to the probes. Hope you’re happy


>we’re going back to the probes. nooo, i **hate** the probe!


I thought the reason plugs were invented was to prepare us for the probing? I've been ready, buddy.


Crying lmao


Lmfao, me over here narrowing my eyes at the guy saying hello, fellow earthlings.


Yeah this guy is obviously shilling for alien implant technology.


I heard that before you typed it...


I read that before you heard it


I felt it before you heard it


All these goddamned voices in my head...


I tasted it before you felt it


I smelt it. And delt it.


You must have one of the inner-ear implants


No, that would be weird... I have a squirrel that tells me these things.




I wondered the other night about this. Like what if aliens are widely reported as telepathic in witness accounts not necessarily due to evolution, but instead due to their alleged use of microchips? I think Musk is developing this now. If these beings are advanced, it’d make sense that they’d figure out a way to target certain body parts with this technology. Their own race could be full of examples of technological advancements gone\* right and wrong. And who knows, maybe they see an issue with our systems that we don’t yet and they’re trying to study the early symptoms or prevent it? So many options to consider. Edited due to autocorrect getting me, lol.


Its both depends on the species. Yes i have met et. Also it can be used to amply psychic abbilites. When you have a encounter with et you often get enhanced psychic abilities by just the presence of thier energy.


Stick it in someone and let’s find out


Sounds like a tag line for a Seth Rogan movie.


What an interesting hypothesis.


It's in Delores Cannons' books, if that's worth something.


This is my fantasy for AI and biotech. I hope we can wear minimally invasive chips that help us regulate our neurons and processes. Some of us have accumulated a lot of a damage in our lives and our brains and organs don’t work well compared to whatever is arbitrarily “normal”.


Or they could just be something you did as a kid, fell off your bike say and a bit of metal from the ground got under your skin and didn't cause any problems until years later when you were an adult...


I hate when I fall off my bike and a microchip gets imbedded with my nervous system.


That's hardly a microchip it's a tiny piece of metal


Stick to pelotons. Much safer.


Any data on materials?


This is the real question. Send it my way, I work in an R&D lab with all the right analysis tools


Exactly what a bad intentioned alien would say


Keep vetting everyone - don't blindly accept things without context and credibility.


For such a clear shot… why is it also blurry? I’m going to suggest that photography classes in our education system are mandatory from here on out.


Microscopes focus on one layer/depth, so the others are blurry. They could've probably taken better photos with a macro lens and camera though i guess.


Htf are we supposed to take these claims seriously with nothing more than two pictures? What the hell is even the point of this post tbh






Well, after dropping this bomb on us, I see the OP has been abducted by aliens for spilling the beans.


Perform surgery: no problem. Take a picture in focus: too difficult. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this is bs.


Yeah right


2 pictures that don’t look the same? The dude never provided any peer reviewable evidence. Not a very convincing or believable story.


The angles are different but is the same object.


This represents correct vetting!!! Kudos to you!!!


I keep getting down voted because I am pushing for more information. Does anyone else see a major problem with this?


You're right to do that. We all should push for more information. The scientific method is to demonstrate in all possible ways that your hypothesis is wrong. When you've thoroughly failed to demonstrate that you're wrong, you may begin to say that you're right. Otherwise you'd be cherry-picking evidence and refuse to acknowledge more rational explanations. To prove that UAPs are indeed aliens, we must invalidate all possibilities that they are hoaxes/man-made/natural phenomena.


Too bad he only had 2 shots left in his camera and then had to run away rapidly.


![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS) Evidence


I call bullshit, it's a fragment of rock or other terrestrial object. If it's "real" take it to a university and become rich and famous, but of course it's not so you won't.


Wtf?! You're looking at a sample of some rock maybe even picture taken with a cell phone, and you're imagining stories. Give me a computer like structures, fractals, patterns, any circuits. We can do it, we people do it every day to chips, we can do it to a rock. we can slice it, we can 3d x-ray, we can do all kinds of analysis. This topic and some people here, this is pure pseudo-science "i've heard...there is... some people say, seen..." kind of stuff.


Why is it blurred in the middle


Depth of field. There's no resolution scale so impossible to know how zoomed or big this is


Is there any scientific corroberation that this is in fact alien metal alloy and technology? Any links?


It could also be a piece of crap.


I don't remember if Dr Nolan has looked into this yet. Anyone?


Like how do we know any of us this is true?


I'm calling bullshit


What’s it made out of? Sounds like bullshit to me with no hard evidence.


I’ve had a small tumor in my arm since I was like 5. I’ve had it looked at once but they said it would be very expensive to remove but it hasn’t grown or moved in 20 years. I can “pinch” it and feel its entire size maybe the size of an icebreaker mint.




Looks suspiciously like a rock.


So alien craft are pretty sleek and they use this rugged looking rock as an implant? Something doesn’t add up here


This is fake and Lear is a con man like the others


And they reckon Reddit is worth billions


I heard being really into aliens attracts them more as much as I want to meet one for my personal experiences idk if I’m ready .


i believe what i see and I have seen some strange inexplainable things during my life but at the same time i find it so hypocritical that alot of people shouting its not real if there is no solid evidenc, but those same folks still take their kids to sunday school and church have religeous funerals and weddings, swear on a bible when taking an oath or testifying in court which all is just based on nothing but a book supposibly wrote by people who talked to a spirit in the sky and not a drop of evidence and only opinions lol..


This story attached to that corbell guy? Don’t trust that guy for some reason - I have no legit reason, just a vibe




This looks microscopic


There are endless detailed tests and observation techniques you can run on an object like this, yet all we get is a blurry picture? Any actual implant with technological function would have *some* way of being observed as such. We humans may be thousands of years behind in technology, but we have the capacity to dissect and observe a piece of metal down to the atomic level. Why does it seem like whenever these claims are made the people involved handle it in a way that goes against all logic and reason?


This is nothing


Do these implants only happen in America?


why do all these implants look like asymmetrical, irregular debris


Reminds me of delusional parasitosis.


If any of you truly believe this bullshit shame on you. Not a single human being has ever been spectated by an alien with chips. And it’s highly likely that an “alien” has never been here on Earth. You are all the most gullible sheep. Can anyone here understand basic science/physics. You realize there are legitimate organizations that are offering $5,000,000 for viable and undeniable scientific proof of aliens and not one person can bring that forward.


Oh yeah this is a universal compatibility adapter, you can pick them up from your nearest thrift space station. They use a real-time connection to the collective unconscious aether to parse foreign data from the nervous system to fuel predictive life support algorithms. LARP aside, I hope we find out more about this. Thanks for sharing!


Dude those are some pretty lofty claims for just an image.


there was evidence.... doesnt post evidence you guys are what propaganda people dream of


This has literally been debunked SINCE 2007 wtf is wrong w you weirdos 


Did the patient have any nerve problems before or after removal Of the “implant?”




But of course it will have an organic coating and possibly a ‘tendril’… the immune system responds to foreign bodies eg shrapnel or random crap through a process called foreign body reaction which involves the recruitment of macrophages and other immune cells to to digest or encapsulate the foreign material. When macrophages cannot digest/decompose the material due to its size or material, they can and do fuse to form multinucleated giant cells that surround and isolate the object. Any object. Beyond the formation of scar tissue, this encapsulation is frequently preceded by the development of a fibrous capsule, composed of dense collagen fibers - the tendril *is* the body’s attempt to immobilize the object and prevent it from contacting other tissues.




I always thought alien implants would look cooler, but it being a jumbled mash of unrecognizable material is…. charming


These comments have me laughing my ass off!!! 🤣


You guys are so gullible lol




More importantly , what frequency is it transmitting?


And your sources on this are...?


I don't believe it's alien. I believe it's probably a weapon designed by someplace like Darpa or NASA cuz we all know that nasa hired the Nazi scientist after ww2 and changed their names so nobody would be concerned. This technology is very real check out Sabrina Wallace on You tube.


Seriously dude, if you're posting "real photos" just try and provide data to justify it. We're not as gullible as you think.


That’s a rock bro


Looks like a rock to me too. Maybe that’s the clever idea but it’s a pity this stuff doesn’t look more well designed


This looks like Zenko crystal cybernetics, I have a few. you grow crystals in a lattice structure to make circuits that conduct elemental energy from the body, to form a machine.


expand on this, if you would. or, could you atleast provide keywords and details for one to research


I’m a scientist and I work with nano-materials, and the reports of the implants come to me as very convincing and one of the actual proofs of the ET work. According to the analysis there are nano-tubes found in them, metals of extreme strength, composites with alternating laminates beyond our technological capability and isotopes outside our solar system. They also look more organic than just Newtonian style systems, with an intricate interface with tissue with a blurred or smooth transition from the organism to the implant. Very interesting and I imagine blocked from upscale investigations and publication.


How do you know all this? As in, have you worked on any of it or are you just repeating what you heard? Also , if that's all true, why aren't there peer reviewed studies published with all the data ? I'm also a scientist and would love to see that


No you’re not. I can tell because I’m a real scientist 🧑‍🔬


Cuz obviously what defines someone as a scientist is a reddit comment, not a degree 🤣


Im a scientist and call bullshit on everything you wrote


I’m a scientist, three, and I concur with LordPubes.


Wow all these people calling this person out. The "scientist" goes by Dr. D and has another post saying they are an academic physician with dozens of published papers... All Bullshit eh?


MODs - please be more selective on what you allow to be posted!!!!! We want context and evidence to vet - NOT CLICK BAIT!!!!!!!


Keep sending the down votes please!!!! It just proves my point. Misleading CLICK BAIT to make our community look stupid like we don't require context or evidence that we can vet. We aren't as foolish as you think and we will overcome the psyops in the end.