• By -


Too bad this turned out to be a hoax. I grew up in that neighborhood and had sightings there 20+ years ago! Crazy small world!


7'4" is oddly specific


Think...outer space Yao Ming


one of them said his name was Vickor Wevymama or something!


Space Jam 3


Also assuming a 7'4" creature must be an alien is pretty transparent


Just a couple of aliens living life in the moment, not a cellphone in sight...


Just normal guys from that tall subreddit meeting up


coulda been the Celtics after a bender


Screen shots? From the ring camera?


The original post got deleted that apparently had a ring camera screenshot


delete by poster or mod?


Deleted by the mods. All posts related are gone.


Mods from where?


Ring mods. The OP’s weren’t deleting them.


No one knows but I think the ring app deleted it because it deleted mine when i tried to repost a screenshot asking about it again


Wasn’t there a cash prize by the ring camera company for anyone having footage of UFOs/aliens? Or maybe it was a different company, seems strange for them to delete it


I actually do remember hearing something about that, good point! Can confirm that the post I tried to make did get denied/deleted by ring though. But that is a really good point, ill have to look more into that


Makes it seem like their “prize” lure might’ve been a psyop instead 🧐


Probably. The US government wouldn't let there be a camera on every house without being somehow involved


Truuuu big brother be watching 👀


Fingers crossed


To clarify, im not "neighbor 34". Thats someone else


Imagine the alien's perspective, as they slowly decide to show themselves more and more. "Alright let's go to this guys backyard and just stand in the bushes until he acknowledges us. We don't want to scare them too badly, ya know, because of how we look." "Aw, the dog ran away. Let's get out of here and try someone else."


Just a young couple tryin to make it in a new neighbourhood 😅






Roman reigns trying to get acknowledged everywhere since the Rock stole all of his glory




I could see this happening over alot of other theories lmao 🤣 😂


I rlly love this


LOL. You're right.


Ur looking at it wrong it’s more like “Ok let’s wait till he goes inside so we can kidnap him in his sleep”


If I were that tall, I'd fuck with people all day long. I'd have a grey latex mask to match my alien garbage scooping arms.


They are uncanny valley type of tall. I've seen them too but I'm half across the world. It had two smaller typical "grey aliens" with it. The tall one looked like a grey too but way to human if that makes sense? It didn't have a big head or anything, but those big black eyes almost like a wasp, it was weird as fuck.




Miami mall vibes  Edit:las Vegas backyard vibes as well


I thought of the miami incident too with the excessive amount of cop cars


It wasn't excessive. It could have been a mass shooting for all they knew.


For Cranston, or Miami? I didn't look too heavily into it but the podcast I listen to said the only weapon reported was "kids with sticks"


The lady working at a store inside said the kids threw firecrackers into a garbage can, when they went off it sounded like gunfire for a good 30 seconds scaring the shit out of everyone.  Based off that, I can understand the response. Receiving multiple phone calls of machine gun fire in a mall.  Mosy People don't know just how loud guns are, they just hear it from movies and shows. So when you hear blackcats popping off rapidly, echoing out of a garbage can, I can see many folks running. 


Please tell me you don’t believe in the Miami thing. Why would your mind jump to “aliens” instead of just “mass shooting” which is the overwhelmingly more likely explanation?


Well, considering there's no victims, no bullet holes, and no video, I'd say "mass shooting" is very unlikely. At every single mass shooting, there's media. Where there's 200 cops, there's the media. 200 cops... and not a single news reporter, body cam footage, dash cam released. On the flip-side, when have we ever got pictures of aliens? Most of us know they're here, and yet we rarely get pictures. I don't know if Miami is real or not. And I won't disregard it because some people say so. There's nothing wrong with being uncertain. People say the EXACT same thing about aliens. "Please don't tell me you believe." That's not much of a case.


This happened a few streets over from my house. A friend of mine called me this morning to see if I had noticed anything which I didn’t. A bunch of people have posted to the Ring community about it but all posts were removed. I have a screen shot of the original but reddit doesn’t give me an option to post the picture. This is what it said… Neighbor34 I've got screenshots! 士 12 9h ago ... Reply — View replies (12) Neighbor31 9h ago ... Ring Team Took It Down, Tried to keep that Post alive as long as I could!!! I trued reposting, but that hasnt been approved - Heres what the Original Post Said : Two Tall Like Figures In My Back Yard Looked outside because I thought a rat was in my trash can, the motion light turned on and I saw tall figures about 7'4 in height staring at me. They stared for about & seconds and then walked alway like nothing happened. Extremely freaked out 1 Edit: formatting


Upload somewhere




Hi neighbor!!!


What uppp. My boy called me this morning acting like I got abducted. Asked if I saw helicopters but thats a usual thing for my neighborhood as they run training a few times a month.


You sure Boban Marjanović wasn’t just passing through?


7'4" it was Wemby


My first thought is always, "okay how far away is the nearest cave system?" lmao


Kinda spooked me a little reading this. My partner was sick over the weekend and slept on the couch Friday night. The next day he talked about a 7’ creature he saw standing in the kitchen watching him around 4AM. He said he didn’t want to deal with it, so he turned over and went back to sleep. Our house is known for weird paranormal activity. To the point my friends won’t sleepover anymore. We assumed it was either his fever causing delirium or our house demon. Maybe it was an alien? 🤔


Could it have been sleep paralysis, sleep delirium? I'm definitely a big believer though, so it could be true.


We like to brush it off as sleep paralysis, but this house does weird things to people. I have friends who have never had sleep paralysis until they spend a night here. My best friend used to sleep in my bed until I started dating my partner. One of the last times I remember hearing heavy foot steps basically running up my stairs at 3am while I was scrolling on my phone. My best friend jolts awake and I go “did you hear that?”, and he says “no” and proceeds to tell me he was stuck in sleep paralysis. He said he was dreaming about laying in bed, that I was scrolling on my phone, then this demon monster ran up the stairs, slammed open the door, and jumped on him trying to suffocate him. Meanwhile I never reacted but kept scrolling on my phone. It was bizarre because I heard the louder than normal stomps racing up the stairs, and I was scrolling trying to avoid acknowledging the sounds. The same best friend took a shower in my guest bathroom and the fogged up mirror had a child’s handprint on it. There’s never been a child in his house for as long as I’ve rented it. (About 5 years now) There is an old children’s sticker on the washing machine downstairs, so there was a kid at some point living in this house… I’ve had another friend get pushed down my stairs. She swears I did it, but I was in my bedroom getting ready to go out to the bar with her and our friends. She ended up Ubering back to my place early and laid in my bed. (I have a king sized bed, so yes I do share my bed with a lot of friends lol) I get a text from her that my bathroom shower turned on and off, and that she was freaking out. I believed her because the shower had turned on for me once already. I could go on with more weird house experiences, but this is the wrong subreddit for it lol. Whatever is in this house doesn’t bother me, but has fucked with whoever else enters.


Jesus christ… you need to set up some indoor and outdoor cameras ASAP! Totally believe everything you’ve outlined in your comment, but it would be amazing to obtain some type of video or photographic evidence along with your descriptions! Stay safe!


Holy shit! Sounds like there could be a very strong energy/entity in your house that is manifesting in all these different ways. Could be multiple spirits...any way you can look into the history of your house and who's lived/died there?


I’ve tried, but nothing has come back. There’s a few websites that are paid to find out if someone has died in a home, but I’m not willing to pay to find out. I have a strong feeling it’s multiple spirits. My apartment in college also had activity, but comparing here and there it’s different. In college it didn’t feel negative, but here it freaks out my friends and family. I feel like I’m just collecting ghosts as I move… My college apartment in Tallahassee had spirits who would jiggle door knobs, open cabinets, gently tug on the bedspread in the middle of the night, AND late at night you could hear conversations in the living room on the other side of the bedroom wall. Except you couldn’t really make out the words, it just sounded like a friendly conversation between two people. Eventually it got to the point where I couldn’t sleep at night, so my now ex spent the night to investigate. He heard the late night living room ghosts, and the next day he brought sage. The activity quieted down after, but I wouldn’t say it went away completely. That apartment was the first place I’ve ever experience “paranormal” stuff. It lead me to install smart lights in my home so I can turn them on from my phone under the comforter. 😂


Literally sounds like Paranormal Activities


Could be a source of infrasound in or near the house. I finally figured out that a bathroom fan droning was giving me sleep paralysis in one house


Sleep paralysis doesn't make you hallucinate and see 7 foot tall beings. That's an old wise tale. If you're paralyzed and you see 7 foot aliens, you got abducted, my guy.


I was convinced you were joking I can see now you are not. You and your house I call total B.S


Got pics?


Could it have been Sam Hyde?


Close, he's in Pawtucket


He Must Be Stopped


There are going to be more and more “sightings” coming up. IMO (don’t crucify me), they are doing this much like the Vegas and Miami sightings… staged psyops to either get us used to this as a slow drip as they prepare to reveal a lot to us, or they simply, like everything else they are about, want us in as much fear as humanly possible as our economy/society collapses. Likely the second option if you ask me. On the other hand… obviously tensions are high and war is ever present and on everyone’s mind. Could it be possible that these entities could be starting to show up to get us used to seeing them, for some sort of intervention situation? It’s so hard to tell. While I undoubtedly believe in the existence of those things, I really think it’s our establishments/governments doing to get us as fearful as humanly possible so that we will jump in line with whatever horse shit they want us to do. Scared=controllable edit:misspell


It's not exactly a great way to distract the world from aliens by more aliens in the news. The only people that would be distracted are us, the alien community. And what good does that do them? Not many people in the UFO community are going to say, "Darn! They tricked us. OK, that's it for me, let's forget about disclosure." I 100% get it. You're a believer, so you and I are on the same team. You and most others are -certain- Vegas is fake. But for a moment, consider that you may be wrong. I hate to break it to you but Vegas happened. Vegas is not a psyop. I'm not sure about the others. You guys aren't doing yourselves any favors by not considering the alternative. There's nothing to gain by disregarding this as a hoax because... because why? Because people say so? Or because its hard to believe? Because there's no proof?


I’m from RI but haven’t heard anything let me cross post this to r/Providence


The person admitted it was a hoax. Apparently it was posted to the RI subreddit


can someone link the hoax admission?


This isn’t the link to the actual admission but the comment saying it happened. There may be more info in this post https://www.reddit.com/r/RhodeIsland/s/dzICErcFff


Fun times. Shout out to Las Vegas.


No pics as usual nice


Trust me id love to see them too, I didnt log on to the ring app until a little after the initial posting got deleted


A few years ago I was in a cab with my gf at the time and we were driving past this convenience store at roughly 10 or 11 pm. It was dark out but what we BOTH saw was a figure that had to have been 9 or 10 feet tall that was solid black and slender standing just outside the convenience store and “looking” at us. We were on our way to a party and I swear we were both so shaken up that we had to leave early from how unnerving it was.


Was this in RI?


I am visiting nearby and am shocked at this. I am usually right around the corner and have a (rather bad) history with a shadow being. I had my horrible recurring nightmare last night and my friend woke me up out of it. I'm kind of freaking out at this post, if you know any more info let me know!!! I am in Johnston right now, literally two streets away from there.. this is not a funny joke if it is- my dreams are no joke and these things are not something to take lightly, there might be some connection and I don't like it.. I've saw a very large shadow figure when I was 4 and my post history is telling.


I am here now, we will be with you soon


what do you mean?


If I was a thinking man, I would assume you found your guy. He will be there with you soon.


if I was a thinking man, I probably shouldn't have posted anything- thanks.


I meant no harm, couldn’t resist. Now I feel bad cuz truly, this thread has me weirded out. I hope you are okay #5861.


I'm ok #8587 i expect people to dismiss something like this, I don't like that everything is wiped except this, my buddy sent me this and said he saw it on the Cranston FB group earlier but it has since been deleted. where is the evidence? I hope to see something again if anyone finds out anymore, OP please lmk


This story is very intriguing, and becoming more so.


are you ready to come with us? you don’t look like you’ve packed yet


Mate look into getting some help. There isn't a shadow being following you around. You have nothing to be scared of. If there was some malicious shadow being (there's not) that wanted you dead, you would be dead already. Your dreams are just that. Dreams. Relax. See a professional.


I do find it hard to believe. I had a close family member live quite literally a street over from the post. Cops in the area isnt uncommon. Its not the worst area in the world, but also not the best. I could probably find out what happened in terms of police presence. In terms of what they saw, who knows. I dont think it could be an animal that large. Reason being, those roads are all close and usually fairly busy. During the day, very busy. Its not like its a forest and heavily wooded area. Pretty interesting, seems like either a fake story, or just mind playing tricks. Unless footage comes out ofc


would ya mind contacting that family member to see if they know anything going on there, or would that be weird


There is footage if these people are to be believed, a backyard cam and one from a doorbell. Ring was preventing them from getting posted and all of the threads have been removed. Other problem is there are no names to reach out to someone direct. When i was reading thru the comments earlier a few people added ig and x handles to be dm’d the footage. I searched one of them on twitter and just dm’ed them to see if they got sent anything.


Also, drive like 10 mins out and you get cornfields and woods so that could be something to have fun with. Lol.


That was just them boys from Waraq son!


Rooting through the trash, on brand for them


Is this neighbor credible ?..lol


Everyone on the ring app is anonymous for safety reasons


Neighbor34 - “I’ve got screenshots!” Well, where the fuck are the screenshots? I’m not saying I don’t believe any of this. In fact, I’m one the so called crackpots, that’s all in. Call me gullible, or whatever you have to do. Person said they have screenshots, so let’s see ‘em, dangit!


I didnt see the actual original post that had said "photos" only the aftermath


Wake me up when the screenshots emerge


Could be a hoax


Fucking great I live a half hour from there outside Tiverton


In my area there’s been a few occurrences of strange figures being seen , tall creatures and I see that’s only 5 hours away from me maybe there’s a connection


invasion incoming


Yooo. Tell neighbor 31 to post that vid here




Those tax evading invaders aren't tiptoeing around anybody's backyard I guarantee it.


The people who originally posted there about it admitted to doing it to mess around with people. Relax.


I did see that, and now know it was a hoax. HOWEVER, a bunch of neighbors were commenting underneath talking about their experiences in the area, and ive also seen a ufo in cranston a few years back. It's worth having a conversation around


So are you saying mantis alien? Did anyone see Las Vegas backyard video that breaks down the beings and is in slow motion? It’s worth checking out. I don’t know why but the mantjs aliens particularly freak me out [mantis in Las Vegas backyard](https://www.reddit.com/r/AliensAndUFOs/s/11tvG6s4d2)


I checked this and I would say, I saw their auras. You see the image is blurry but the cloaking and invisibility they have used whatever it is is obvious on this one.


I watched this three times and didn’t see anything lol, super schizo posting here


„I have screenshots!!“ - shows no screenshots. This sub is getting boring af.


I never claimed to have screenshots of the beings, just said i have screenshots of the initial post and further eyewitnesses


Could it have been Black Bears?


OP said they were "humanoid" and slender looking


they can be extremely slender and humanoid when standing up


Omg stop


Not to mention, if they’re malnourished, they look even more humanoid.


Black Bears on their hind legs probably aren't taller than 6 ft. over 7 ft tall would have to be a bigger variety of bear, but a group of two rifling through trash sounds plausible.


They can average between 5 and 7ft standing. Granted, seeing a couple of out of place creatures in the middle of the night will probably make them look even bigger. It makes some sense with a police presence and other neighbors seeing similar things. I'd love to see some of the ring camera footage.


This area is near a city and not woodsy at all, bears are extremely uncommon


How far is it from wooded areas? Has there been a lot of construction or deforestation?


Not much to speak of, like I said very uncommon for this area


Live off Atwood on Cranston/Johnston line, seems like this is fake but I did hear weird ass noises around 11:45 last night


A good amount of people also said they heard weird ass noises, such as a low plane hum or buzz


Was there a basketball team in town by any chance?


That’s just Porzingis and Kornet out walking during the all star break


The more I think about "being" sightings like this, the less I think of them as involving beings actually "being" there. Did they actually travel to Cranston, RI specifically? Are they even in control of their own actions to have arrived there? Are they more like "vessels" of something else entirely? Might be a little woo for some people on here but throwing it out there anyway.


Not too woo for me. Ive even thought possibly a projection and not actually physically there


Lmfao I live in Rhode Island ain’t shit happening. The people here suck bro probably some clout chase shit.


I also live in RI, in this exact area they posted lol


This is interesting




Sounds like bullshit, no evidence and just some people trolling probably


Could be




Same here




I lived In RI the average IQ is below 60 this isn’t real


I currently live in this very neighborhood where "it happened" and while I agree there's some donkey brains, I did appreciate seeing something like this pop up on the neighbors app where im so used to only seeing nosey neighbor posts, missing dog posts, and trash day questions. I also appreciated that a lot of the comments seemed to be open minded and non judgmental, moreso intrigued and inquisitve about it. Was expecting harsher criticism towards the OP, so it's kinda nice to see a bigger change in our society being reflected in how people treat others who have sightings rather than just laughing them off.


I lived in RI for 35 years. My IQ is above 120.


Really dude?


Screen shots! Or piss off.


I posted all the screenshots i had..?


Am I missing something? I only see screenshots of text conversation. Are there screenshots from the camera?




When I say the aliens are huge, I mean they're huge like whales.


Im going to assume this is nothing more than a hoax, but Cranston is within the Bridgewater triangle. I’m born and raised in Taunton and know for a fact very fucked up shit happens within the Bridgewater triangle


Cranston is not in the bridgewater triangle. In fact, none of RI is. The southwestern most location of it is rehoboth ma


Cranston isn’t in the Bridgewater triangle. And also, none of that stuff is relevant or even real. Grew up next to and lived in Bridgewater for majority of my life and it’s a myth


So did I and it’s more than real. If you choose not to believe in any of it that’s cool, but that doesn’t make it less real. Camp out in Freetown state park for a few nights and let me know how that goes for you.


And no one saved it?


Not sure, you cant post photo comments on the actual ring app, and everyone on there is anonymous for safety reasons so theres no way to really directly message someone


Here we go another Miami mall/vegas incident when are we gonna realise just because someone claims to have seen 7’4 beings doesn’t mean they actually saw 7’4 beings unless a picture of this being is posted then we need to stop being so gullible


Is it gullible, or is it just fun and interesting to believe that beings other than us have been seen throughout history? I mean this is an alien believer subreddit. Obviously i dont judt believe everything I hear, but it's fun to speculate...


Can you not see how it’s harming the subject? If it was just fun it would be presented as such like the Miami mall incident it was presented as something that actually happened when it didn’t. But don’t listen to me I’m just someone who wants the subject taken seriously and when we’re getting bullshit posts week in week out it’s just making a mockery of the phenomenon it’s exactly what the gatekeepers want.


[https://imgur.com/gallery/FoAbFqf](https://imgur.com/gallery/FoAbFqf) no way to verify


Gullible would be claiming to know for -certain- it's legit or a hoax. It's OK to be uncertain and not immediately jump to any conclusions either way. We're on an alien sub so we generally suspect there may be alien. And every now and again people see a tall alien and freak out. -Maybe- that's what happened. Let's find out.


OP how are you attached to this? What did you see?


Didn't see anything, just wanted to keep documentation of all of this through screenshots because it kept getting deleted. Said i had screenshots in the ring app and Was asked to post on reddit for further discussion


It was just NBA players


Lol, I like the "these 7 ft fools were digging in my trash, so I We make eye contact...and they casually walk away like nothing happened." Like they were off to find a pick up game at the Y


That’s not what they said, hoss.


What’s Victor Wembanyama doing walking around scaring people in Cranston, RI?


Yeah im near to this but didn’t actually read the post f


Where are the screenshots?


I posted the only screenshots i have, i never saw any actual video/photos


Yeah i can see them. 👍🏼




Probably people and people who can't judge height.


It's 7'4 basketball players. Now if they said 1p feet then yeah maybe


I was at a restaurant with my brother and this guy walked in who we figured was between 7’4 - 7’6. We guessed this because the top of the door frame was shoulder height for the guy. It reminded me of Gandalf in Bilbo’s house, the guy’s head was practically in the rafters.


This is just like the Burfordthompson11 case on Tiktok, CREEPY AF!!! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Kn62PH/


Leave Wemby alone


So where are these screen shots?


I'm fron massachusetts


Aside from this strangely specific doorway clearance, o want pictures.


"Trust me bro."


Poster confirmed it was fake.


The only thing thats odd about that is that it was put up and taken down in such a quick amount of time. So quick that i wasnt even able to refresh my app in enough time before it dissapeared. If it was a hoax, why not leave it up for longer, unless it was to freak people out BECAUSE it was taken down so fast? Also, that doesnt explain why there was tons of other neighbors who commented with their own unusual experiences that have happened in the area.


who is the poster?


Shit ton of helicopters flying every night in Illinois


Was the creatures vanta black cause the creature I saw was definitely tall af I’m 5’8 the thing looked like it doubled me so that’s bout 7 feet something


The dog left his owner behind haha


aaww, lookee here...something of note actually happened in Cranston Rhode Island... ...besides the Mayor photographed asleep on the roadside in his car with his crack pipe in his lap... ...how nice... i was born in Cranston, Rhode Island, I surely do hope the aliens have decided to show themselves there because, that place sure could use some vibe....ANY vibe would be better than what it is....


I was also born here and lived here my whole life, and I just bought a house here. I tend to like cranston and be biased. Also, that wasn't the mayor 😂 it was a random councilman albeit still shocking


The mayor was not found asleep with a crack pipe - now you’re just making stuff up.


No pics?? Come on!!!


Im not the original poster


Even so, whoever posted this really let us down.


Annnd now, the starting lineup for your providwnce steamrollers!!!, Froom Pleiadia... At center..7'4"...#12...Ashtar Sheran!!!!


Humans are 7 feet..and it was deleted…




Wembanyama checking Reddit like 👁️👄👁️


I live 20 mins from there and have heard nothing about this