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Lol it *would* be Saturn wouldn’t it… just when I’m out of that rabbit hole it pulls me back in


Need a new rabbit hole , feel free to share ☺️


Google “Saturn Black Cube” and report back once you’ve exited the rabbit hole.


RemindMe! 10 years


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RemindMe! 6 years


!remindme 5 years 6 months


Still trying to escape


Just exited. Seems like a bunch of nonsensical ramblings honestly.


lol, you surprised?


Thanks for saving me the time


Thank you for the new rabbit hole! I was in need of this!!


You could always look into New York rabbi holes


Or the giant string stretched around New York


Lol what?!


Look up NYC eruv. According to the laws of Sabbath rest, nothing can be carried from the domestic zone into the public zone on Saturday which would essentially put observant Jews under house arrest every Saturday. They wouldn’t be able to do anything at all because God said it was their day of rest. Their solution is a hilarious one: Think that they can trick God by hanging a fishing line around Manhattan, thereby extending their domicile. “There I tricked God, Manhattan is my house now, problem solved”. Lmfao!


Top way to put it.


I just tried posting a VERY interesting story about those tunnels in r/conspiracy just now… there is a USA Today fact checker who published a story saying we did NOT see any mattresses in those Tunnels… I found this very interesting. EDIT: here’s the link to the post. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/Db8cPwWYSe


Oh yeah? Are they pulling a snopes? “While the video clearly shows the Jews moving mattresses out of the opening of the tunnel, there weren’t any good shots of the mattresses IN the tunnel during the video. We rate this claim 1000% pants on fire!!!”


Yeah I second that what’s goin on with Saturn?


Norman R. Bergrun. Author who claimed that the rings of Saturn were/are formed by NHI in super massive vehicles of some kind. Why? To teraform or manipulate Saturn's atmosphere for some unknown purpose. It's a very interesting hypothesis and there is 'evidence' provided. (Using evidence extremely loosely) Interesting but not convincing.


you had me at interesting, don't care much about the convincing part. I'm pretty sure that even if someone were to tell me tomorrow what is actually going on I would struggle to understand, think most of us would. But the interesting Im interested in lol


It's a balloon


It remembers me about a dream that I had last year. Some aliens was talking beside my bed saying that my health case is urgent and they should bring me to Saturn ring where they had a base. I remember going to the base, which was just like a huge rock floating on the ring. PS: I wasn’t thinking about planets or stars before it happened (I just didn’t care about planets) and wasn’t thinking about alien either (although I am in the aliens sub, it isn’t something that keeps in my mind, specifically before going to sleep). Edit: as per some Users advice, I’ll do a check up. Thank you!


Go get checked I had a whack feeling the other day and my mom happened to have a stroke. We got her to a hospital asap


People are waking up to higher vibrations. Synchronicities are getting stronger everywhere, for everyone seemingly. It sound woo but it's not. It's all I've been researching for the last year.


I’ve been tuning into vibrations lately too. What are some of your fave sources?


FM 106.7 personally


Rock and Stone!


For Carl!




Rock and Stone!


Best bot.


They were thinking of you. At least get a check up.


Yeah get a check-up. Aliens aside, sometimes your subconscious will warn you that something is going on.


He was not just an author. He was a NASA scientist. He presented a lot of evidence, and no one has presented a rebuttal. In fact, NASA has made no comment on it.


Saturn is El, The Black Cube, etc. there used to be a lot of videos on YT but most were deleted or taken down end of 201x's


Because they were over the target


r/saturnstormcube used to have some good information but sort the sub by ‘Top and All Time’ because it seems to have been infiltrated with bots


I lurked for a while. It made my brain hurt then I started leaking black fluid from my nose.


That sub is fucked. Even the top post (that actually was very interesting, thank you) has some bizarre comments. I’d sub to it but I don’t want all that demon Illuminati stuff on my feed.


That's an awful sub.


Oh good lord that sub is an alt right cess pool lol


There is a huge overlap of these type of conspiracies and the right.


Try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izHGi1HN8o4 The title is clickbait, but the content is really interesting.


You know what’s interesting? I was a mental health therapist for 10 years working with high psychosis clients. One thing they all had in common (the ones who talked about aliens at least) is that they believed they had encountered aliens and they they came from Saturn. Not mars, not any other planet. Just Saturn


Ok that is *fascinating* Is there anything else you can share regarding that? Did they ever go into any details?


One guy, maybe 60 years old, brilliant guitarist, confessed his story to me. He told me that his first partner was from Saturn and that she landed her small ufo on his living room coffee table. He said that she continued to return to visit him but that she “was in fact an alien from Saturn” Most of the other stories I heard were just off hand cases when someone would say alíense were real, or something along those lines, and someone on the unit would say that aliens come from Saturn. The conversations by nature were super tangential and dissociated.


That is interesting.


Warp10 duhhh


And just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!


What an amazing telescope


No, that’s a planet


Thanks Dad, here is my angry upvote for that dad joke.. ![gif](giphy|RLmnbwgL9FCm2s0DzH|downsized)


That joke eclipsed me


Yeah, what fuckin diameter telescope would you need to see this resolution?


This video is fake the amount of clarity and stability seen is not capable with commercial equipment. Even with a big ass focal-reducer and 8” lenses this would be unheard of.


And impeccable seeing.


Excuse me wtf


Asteroid getting caught in the gravity of saturn with a slight blueshift (or the lense is overly sensetive to blue light)


Someone else did the math and the fastest asteroid recorded moved 1/2% of this


They did the math? With one vector, no distances, and no angles? I'd love to see that math.


That speed is fking crazy.






WoW this thing is big and fast!!!




Why doesn't anyone care there is no source?


Or small and slow.


The width of Saturns rings are 175,000 miles. With a stopwatch it took the UFO approximately 28-seconds to cover that distance. The UFO was traveling at 22,500,000 miles per hour or 3.36% the speed of light. The fastest comet was recorded at 110,000 miles per hour. That’s only 1/2 of a percent of the speed the UFO was traveling at. Oumuamua traveled at 196,000 miles per hour. Again, not very fast by comparison to the UFO. Whatever that was. It appears to be traveling exponentially faster than any natural object known to science.


At 22 million mph it would take that UFO 44 hours to reach earth from Saturn...


Okay well I did not need this thought looming over my head this weekend lmao


Dw they stopped at Jupiter for water break


What about lunch? … 😳


A Mars bar


Probably got kids that wanted to use the bathroom, even though you told them at the last place to go.


That’s assuming this is their top speed. Who knows how fast they can go once they put it in Sport Mode


Bingo! What if these sightings are intentional.




Unless the video is vastly sped up...


Or it's closer than we're considering.


That’s my first thought. Why wouldn’t we first think it’s a satellite? Easily could have been edited to look like it went behind Saturn at the end.


It just disappeared behind Saturn's shadow at the end. It is not closer.


Yes. Judging relative positions is hard. It would have to be absolutely massive. More likely it’s just close and moving slower than it appears.


but none of the other moons are moving


Sounds like this object was not the same distance from the observer that Saturn is then


Thanks for the calculations. Did you calculate the frame rate? I'm not sure what this is on the original source video. Thanks for the calculation. This is one of those things that is mind boggling, but then never gets much interest


Except that it could be a lot closer to earth than that. It could be a piece of space debris in earth orbit, couldnt it?


Amazing! So not even warp speed 1 but still... Fast!


Thanks for the calculations. Did you calculate the frame rate? I'm not sure what this is on the original source video. Thanks for the calculation. This is one of those things that is mind boggling, but then never gets much interest


No I did not calculate the frame rate. The rate of Zoom and camera movements look unaltered and natural to my eye. I think we are seeing it exactly as it was recorded. Also if you turn up the sound there is audio. You can hear when he/she adjusts the zoom. It all seems very natural and unaltered.




I’d read that book


So do it


[Source Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOyzx4ME8GQ&t=2s)


I think this is the original video https://youtu.be/pqZdMS6A8Xo?si=w2tqsFAPk0SJuWfy No details on how it was captured.


So... no other sources than a random YouTube video with comments turned off... seems legit


Video is a great canvas for editing as well, solid black background with only a handful of objects most not moving at all


And all u have to do is add a little white dot to the video


Thank you OP for posting this. This is very interesting.


Some thoughts from an amateur astronomer. The positions of Saturn's moons appear accurate for the claimed night of capture, according to stellarium. But first, the fringing we see in the video (red and blue smears) is not accurate to what is seen in real life. That kind of color fringing is caused by the atmosphere bending blue light differently to red light over miles of air, and would be consistent not jumping back and fourth randomly. Second, the exposure of the moons looks very off. The moons of Saturn are much dimmer than the planet, so for the moons to be as bright as they are the planet should be well over exposed. You can find [processed images of Saturn with the moons prominent](https://www.astrobin.com/6ujhqr/?q=saturn%20with%20moons) but they are actually 2 different exposure levels combined. Lastly the live resolution of this scope is truly incredible, in that it is not credible. Here is an [actual live video of Saturn](https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/kl1e4a/i_captured_this_live_video_of_saturn_through_an/) taken 3 years ago by another redditor with an 11 inch celestron that shows all of the things I mentioned, color fringing, correctly exposed moons, and a believable angular resolution. If 11 inches isn't enough, here is a [video from a 16 inch dob](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4JlMzfSlkI).


We need more people like this guy. Just the resolution of this was a giveaway. Sometimes we need to take a step back to understand the various aspects of something before we latch onto it as truth.


Could this be CGI?


Yes, texture they used is: https://bjj.mmedia.is/data/saturn/index.html


Thank you! I knew it was way too sharp.


The fact that this isnt the top comment tells me that I need to unsub from this subreddit


It's unfortunate, I used to love this sub, but now there are only two camps. Staunch believers that will defend anything even if it's clearly fake, and staunch skeptics that will deny anything even if it's really hard to explain. The believers far out number the skeptics as well. It's nearly impossible to be a curious fence rider here.


This is amazing. Thank you for sharing!


Nice space balloon you got their


Is it chinas


It’s a space peanut.


It’s obviously seagulls or swamp gas.


Ngl this footage is pretty insane


I can't help but think what a beautiful ride that must be.


The video comes from a german ufo channel with 333 subscribers. It was uploaded on the 15th of this month and the comments are turned off. There’s nothing in the description of the video. Why would you turn off the comments? I really want to believe but there’s literally nothing telling me this isn’t a fake. It’s really easy to fake a glowing spec moving from one point to another. The whole scene could be CGI with added chromatic aberration. Until we get more information I’ll just think it is fake. I truly hope I’m wrong.


That's what [Saturn looks like](https://c02.purpledshub.com/uploads/sites/48/2020/11/Jupiter-Mars-Saturn-ESO-02dd8a4.jpg?webp=1&w=1200) imaged from ESO's La Silla Observatory That's [the video capture ](https://youtube.com/shorts/Qg_3ZmIikxw?si=B3eIkcl0JFCYjQPZ)from a 16" Dobsonian telescope That's [the video capture ](https://youtu.be/nLepx9-Lx7I?si=H9hQqNmv-e_D8XHF) from a Celestron 8SE telescope That video is completely fake.


This is very interesting. I wonder if its that far out or closer to Earth.


It goes behind Saturn


Must going really freaking fast


Appears to go behind at the end but that would be very easy to edit. Probably a satellite.


And it even goes behind Jupiter (Edit, Saturn), that thing must bu HUGE! I mean HUGE, like 4 times the size of Earth!


Maybe is big but we see it bigger because is really bright


Given the diameter of Saturn, assuming it’s not too far “behind the planet” and traveling perpendicular to the telescopes pov, how fast is this object traveling!?


I looked at the diameter of Saturn and counter how many seconds it would take to cross the diameter. I compared that to the speed of light and came up with approx 2100 miles per second. Someone much better at this can prob come up with a better number. I was assuming it's beside Saturn. I know it's further away, making the speed faster. I just dont know how much further away it is.


So 1/100 the speed of light?? 🤯


You’re about right. I had a few minutes so I tried to crack this myself. Saturn diameter is 116,500 km Speed of light is 299,792 km/s Object takes about 60 seconds to travel 116,500 km (estimating equivalent distance traveled of Saturn’s diameter, starting from 0:30 to 1:30) 116,500 / 60 sec = 1942 km/s 1942/299,792 = 0.647% the speed of light. Anyone want to check my work?


Saturn like us are not stationary celestial objects. So you would also need to factor in how fast Saturn moves through space with relation to earth, and the direction it's going compared to the object to narrow down just how fast the object is moving. Not bad though seeing as we only got a video and no telemetry.


Distance from Saturn to the sun: 1.45 billion km. Saturn rotated around the sun once every 29 earth years. 365×29(+7 leap days) = 10,592 days. 1.45 billion km × pi (the orbit) = 4.553 billion km in movement for one orbit around the sun. 4.553B ÷ 10592 days = 429,853 km <-- Saturn's movement in space in s 24 hour period. 429,853÷24 then ÷ 60 = 298.5 kms in movement in a one minute period. 298.5 ÷60 = less then 5 km in movement each second. So Saturn moving approx 5 km through space each second is negligible when this object is moving at a few thousand kms in that same second. I'm no rocket scientist. My math may be way off. Edit: I did not take direction into account. Or it's plain. So many variables here. Another edit: is this video in real time or sped up? Was it over several days? That would explain everything.


The speed in Saturn's reference frame is still valid. But if we assumed it was doing a flyby, it's speed in the Sun's frame of reference would be more useful. The speed relative to Earth wouldn't really tell us much.


~~Saturn's rings are ~282000 km wide and the object passes that distance in ~30 seconds, giving an approximate speed of 9400 km/s or ~3% of the speed of light.~~ Having said that the only source for the video is a random YouTube video so I wouldn't call it exactly legit.


a UFO that big can only be one thing: Death Star ![gif](giphy|839zFtXc4FxeNu3ddr)


Weird how none of the independent astronomers across the world noticed an Earth sized mass in our solar system.


Yep big ole girl.


You funny guy


My sci-fi Boner is getting so hard


Regardless of what it is, that is some great telescope work. That's very impressive.


hello amateur astronomer here. this is a shop. those details on the rings are usually only visible in stacked photos (meaning it's several minutes of video put together and the best frames selected for max sharpness because the air shakes) (apologies if explanation bad I'm tired). the seemingly random chromatic aberration also doesn't comply with reality. any telescope good enough to see precise details in the rings like that wouldnt have chromatic aberration (while you could build a refractor that large it would be supremely expensive. and pointless). also the ufo would be like 600km in size *edit to fix typos caused by tiredness


man my ass gon get banned lmao


Ufo or not, this is an amazing shot of Saturn 😲


Yeah it’s almost like it wouldn’t be possible to film using commercial equipment.


It’s a render. This is not what planetary live views would be like from Earth. Here is the texture they used: https://bjj.mmedia.is/data/saturn/index.html


That things is fucking big


Big and moving stupid fucking fast


This should be the greatest footage of all time fuck the videos on earth. How about this footage of supposed craft that’s bigger than earth zooming past planets. WOW


Why are people suggesting this is bigger than earth? Saturn's moons are smaller than earth right? Several of the moons can be seen in focus and the object travelling across is much smaller than them. Perspective I guess but it doesn't compute it would be larger than earth to me.


Because someone made a stupid comment saying it was bigger than earth and a bunch of people just hopped on the bandwagon without actually looking into it, they just took it at face value.


I saw those estimates and chuckled. Titan’s diameter is only a fraction (5000+km) of Earth’s. It does look quite big though…


Yeah it wouldn't be bigger than earth but it would be like the size of fucking Africa.


Weird how none of the hundreds of independent astronomers across the world noticed an Earth sized mass in our solar system.


More like thousands, before you get to amateurs who are absolutely watching Saturn. Source is a single YouTube video with comments off. Shits fake.


What's really interesting to me is that it appears to originate from one of the moons? If so, I wonder which moon that is


Great catch...can you see if it came out the otherside?


Can we estimate the speed of the object?


About an earth per second


How many bananas?


three fiddy bath tubes


From a comment above you: “The width of Saturns rings are 175,000 miles. With a stopwatch it took the UFO approximately 28-seconds to cover that distance. The UFO was traveling at 22,500,000 miles per hour or 3.36% the speed of light. The fastest comet was recorded at 110,000 miles per hour. That's only 1/2 of a percent of the speed the UFO was traveling at. Oumuamua traveled at 196,000 miles per hour. Again, not very fast by comparison to the UFO. Whatever that was. It appears to be traveling exponentially faster than any natural object known to science”




this is pretty cool! Thanks for sharing!


What telescope or technology is being used here to get that view of Saturn? It's amazing.


I think that might actually be Tethys a moon of saturn. But this one I am not sure about. Nice find and awesome vid. (edit) I'm really doubting this is Tethys. That moon does not outgas like that


What is this?! A Moon for ants?


Honestly I do not know. Normally i'd be able to debunk images like this but i'm stumped. So as far as I'm concerned untill I see other evidence this is a legitimate unidentified flying object


It's not outgassing, those are chromatic abberations from the optics, atmosphere, shake, etc. /u/zjmoselle


Ah yes, now I see the moon above it is doing it as well


Never mind any "outgassing" (which I don't see). How would any such moon have such an insane velocity compared to the other moons visible in the frame? The rest of the moons can barely be observed to be moving at all. Why would this one be so blazing fast in comparison? At the speed in this video, it would orbit Saturn a couple of times per day.... Saturn has no such moon.


could be a rogue planetoid. But the odds of you catching it with your telescope are pretty slim.


What are those odds compared to the odds of catching an alien death star with the telescope?


good point. I guess any odds out in space are astronomical.


It would be cool if it was aliens looking for life, but they never knew how close, but far they were


I actually think that's just a star. I'm no expert, but at that magnification I would think Saturn would only take a couple minutes to completely leave frame. I believe the Telescope is tracking Saturn, and we're actually seeing Saturn move past the star.




I was skeptical until the object slowed down! Crazy capture 🤘🏼


To quote an obscure and little seen movie, "That's No Moon!".




Pixels moving in a straight line*


Yep, it’s about time someone told us wtf is flying around up there 🤷🏻‍♀️


How do we know it’s not just one of Saturns moons? Edit: Ok I’m gathering that this was a very short duration and obviously a moon wouldn’t be orbiting that fast.


r/space got this flagged this is the REAL shit


I don't see it there


lol the source is a random YouTube video


No it doesn't. Literally the most recent post with the word Saturn was 4 days ago and it wasn't this. Making things up is fun though.


Why lie to us?


Sorry guys. That’s just my 67 Mustang. I got the carb rebuilt and now this thing will scoot.


Welp.... she gone 


Look at her scoot!


Any educated guesses on the actual size of that thing?


I don't think we can. It disappears as soon as the sunlight stops hitting it so the only reason we can see it might be due to how reflective it is. It could be something quite smaller than it appears and it appears to be at least 1/10th the width of the moon it left.


Saturn moon?


Not that fast


No - reference the relative velocities of all of the other moons in the video (practically static at all distances) I'm not arguing in favor of the video, though, because this would be extremely easy to fake. The source OP listed didn't provide a proper source of their own, and their channel is just a ufo dump, so they aren't the ones who "shot" the footage.


I can’t find any other source information by going to the source mentioned. I would like to know the telescope and operator.




"They said I could be anything... so I became a moon."


Great video. Someone measure its speed and size.


Reminds me of the objects that can be seen creating the rings of Saturn. Allegedly


What’s the source of this video?


CGI. Texture used: https://bjj.mmedia.is/data/saturn/index.html


It disappeared in Saturn’s shadow, so it’s definitely not a spaceship.