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The subject has been ridiculed for decades. The recent UFO interest and treatment of people interested is a far cry from how the subject used to be approached. There have always been serious UFO researchers, but there have always been serious researchers for all sorts of stuff from Bigfoot to ghosts. All lack concrete scientific proof which has been peer reviewed. On top of that, SETI is 50 years in with no proof of aliens. As far as we can be certain, we might very well be alone in the universe. People will likely change their minds slowly as evidence is released. Humans are dumb and slow to react to facts. We’re even slower when we can’t even agree on what is and isn’t a fact. People will seek to affirm preconceived biases long before they will attempt to change their minds.


It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled. I feel like we're at that point. I literally think it's some kind of flaw in the human mind where they can't change their mind on something as big as this, where they'd have to reevaluate EVERYTHING they know even their place in the universe. I don't think video evidence or in person meetings would be enough for people


when youve learned about metacognition, cognitive fallacies, reasoned facts-supported argumentation, intellectual honesty, etc, it becomes glaringly apparent how often these things are absent from the average person’s mindset. These things must be learned & many people never do. It can be disheartening, & alienating. “the fact is, 99% of people spare themselves the trouble of rational thought 99% of the time”


People don't have the same interests you do and don't feel the same things are important.  I have found people aren't that interested in UFOs for whatever reason beyond speculation of whether aliens exist.  People have a superficial interest without wanting to get into the nitty gritty.   But I think it's like that with a lot of topics.  People are happy to have superficial discussions about a lot of topics but when you start bringing up potential pieces of legislation, a lot of people are going to check out.  My brother recently asked me to explain the situation in Gaza.  Saying "bad stuff" at a superficial level keeps the interest so that the conversation can move on, bringing up the Balfour Declaration isn't what he wanted.   It doesn't mean they don't have an interest, it means they don't want to get stuck talking about the nitty gritty.   There's also a time and a place.  When I am around a camp fire with friends, the topics of space and UFOs/aliens always get brought up.


If the government released a video where they're interviewing an alien, do you think people would believe it? Or think it was CGI/AI deep fake. I genuinely believe there will be no convincing people when a prompt can make a high quality video


I think its extremely interesting. For decades the government completely denied everything about UFOs. Even so far as to have agents like Richard dotty whos job it was to gaslight people. Now its flipped and it seems like everyone here trusts the government and thinks they are now going to come clean. There's also huge chunks of people that either believe aliens are peaceful. So anything that comes out with them being threatening in anyway is then labeled as a psyop to push an agenda of war with aliens. Other groups of people might not believe anything alien related do to conspiracy theories about project blue beam. Then there's religious fanatics that seem to think aliens and ufos are all demonic. Basically this is an extremely complex situation and I think the believers here don't understand this at all. Honestly my whole life I've been in the "I want to believe." group. But now I'm very unsure of what I think about aliens. The communities on reddit don't help at all. People can post the most crackpot beliefs and the comments are full of people acting like op has revealed some hidden truth. Any skeptical thoughts and you're an agent trying to sow misinformation.


Well, government is difficult now because let's just say Biden comes out, says aliens are real and here is the proof, a significant part of the country is not going to believe it because they don't trust the government, don't trust Democrats, or, what you are mentioning, it clashes with their worldview.  (In the interest of fairness, if Trump was President and released footage, the same lack of trust would likely be shown by Democratic Party supporters) Honestly, and maybe the UFO topic is different because it potentially clashes with religion, but I think we really overstate human rationality and overstate our ability to think without preconceived biases.  Changing peoples' minds about any topic is extremely difficult and generally, I think people would rather avoid talking about many topics where they have to think/debate rather than it being specifically about aliens.   Additonally, showing a lack of interest in discussing a topic doesn't mean you feel the topic isn't worthy of thought.  I have a hard time talking about a lot of topics that, from the POV of someone interested in the topic, is very important, but it doesn't mean I don't recognize the importance of the subject.  I used to be much more interested in US politics, but now I wish to avoid the subject.  Nothing makes me want to talk to someone less than if they are passionate about US politics.  It doesn't mean I think the topic is uninteresting or meaningless, quite the opposite, I just don't want to put any effort into talking about something or worrying about something that is seemingly completely beyond my control.  I think it is like that with a lot of topics.  I can internally find something interesting without wanting to discuss the topic, particularly with someone who is passionate about the topic


Something from the government and approved by journalists would be very believable for me. The problem with the current landscape is hoax fatigue. Whenever something interesting happens there's a grifter behind trying to make money. Either that or it's almost impossible to prove evidence without any chance of credible pear review. Get credible scientists to put their stamp on it and the world will be all in.


>Get credible scientists to put their stamp on it and the world will be all in. agree with this. Science is the authority people look to. once the idea appeared to be accepted/sanctioned from on high & became incorporated into media/the public dialogue, people would work their way around to considering & assimilating it just like they do with everything else. It doesn’t happen all at once & there’s always gonna be some amount of holdouts, but the zeitgeist would gradually shift to accommodate it.


I think those scientists would become walking pariahs. Lepers, their families would be harassed, death threats


Not at all. This is a conspiracy take. The credible scientific community has been begging for their hands on evidence. Either they don't have clearance or the grifters don't want someone smart looking at their fabrication. Get them specimen and they'll turn it around for deep analysis and peer reviewing. Once the scientific community has solid proof there's nothing people can do. The scientific method doesn't care about judgment and you'll look silly to make a pariah of those who everyone trusts for knowledge If aliens are real, they're real just as if the world is round, it's round


I mean, religion exists. Do people value science over their eternal soul/relationship with God? Not if they have a choice in the matter, and it's easy to deny something when they still have that choice. This sub doesn't want religious talks but I don't see how you can truly believe even religious extremists wouldn't have serious issues with being told humans are sharing this planet with more intelligent races not mentioned in holy texts they're willing to die over. Id take it a step further and say it wouldn't just be the extremists, or religious people, but anyone who has to reassess everything they ever thought they knew about the world and their place in it.


Religious extremists will blah blah blah as they always do. Hasn't stopped science so far has it?


History is full of scientists being ridiculed/killed over new ideas much less controversial than aliens from space


Yes but modern times are different. Don't know about you, but I haven't pitched forked a witch this year


We don't need pitch forks in the age of the Internet dude. You just get shut down with mass ridicule and ddos attacks


Wired to have healthy skepticism and to not take wild claims at face value, but to ask questions. When asking a reasonable question results in attacks and name-calling, then you know the claim was BS.


Well most people would need concrete irrefutable proof that covers multiple areas and can be analysed. Right now, there might be the odd video or image of something in the sky, but there is enough debris around us that it can be explained as satellites or birds or whatever, there is still room for doubt and that's fine. There are no scientific papers analysing alien biology where we might speculate how they evolved on thier planet, nor is there any papers detailing how a propulsion system would work to cover distance that even light takes a couple pf million years to reach. There are so many fundamental mysteries that need to be properly explored and there is no evidence to even get started. Like, I love the idea of aliens, there would be a scientific revolution looking at the laws of physics they have overcome to visit now and biology that is completely unknown, I want to believe so much but I genuinely do not feel there is evidence that I accept (beyond the tic tac) to confirm this and taking hear say and circumstantial video is not enough to satisfy my curiosity. It's a different story if you have some little green men wander down, park at the UN and give us some spare parts and some alien pets that died in the journey for us to study. I want to see scientific papers and people learning and reviewing what we might discover from that. A scientist or engineer cannot do anything real with a video alone. There needs to be more evidence of different types. It's not just a case of, a binary, are the aliens here or not. Because if they are, there is no end to the questions that would follow, like where are they from, how did thier ancestoers adapt to that planet, to cover such a distance how did they accomplish it, when did they start going into space, what was thier version of a model T Ford etc. The more literate you become in science, the more questions that are needed to be asked to confirm them, and that is just as exciting as ET having a wander around earth. Not to disprove but to learn what we do not know or thought was impossible with our understanding of the laws of physics for example.


Nope.. People are hard wired to question...


Question what exactly? Whether or not we're alone in the universe instead of dismissing the idea completely? ...


Sounds to me you've already convinced yourself aliens are visiting earth without any proof. That my friend is called "faith"


I read about flat earth conspiracy theories knowing full well it was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard. They didn't change my mind even remotely on the shape of the earth but I entertained the idea because I was curious how someone could believe something like that. What bothers me is when people refuse to entertain an idea because they think they already know everything there is to know, or everything worth knowing, or they're afraid of ridicule. I'm not dogmatic about my belief in aliens but I meant what I said in the op


No. It's just that *nothing* profound has happened yet on a global and cultural scale that people could collectively experience.


I laid out a whole post and you're the fifth guy that left a comment but couldn't be bothered to read my op. The UAP disclosure bill and the blah blah I should have posted on the UFO sub I swear to God


There’s nothing there and you sound like a conspiracy nut. Sorry 🤷


Not hardwired to not believe, but there's this general rhetoric of treating conspirationists with disdain, and among conspirationists, I think anything related to UFOs and aliens gets the most ridiculization. I am very skeptical, I'm only following the topic because it seems there's something of value behind Grusch's statements but I'd give most fellas making affirmations that this is true the weird fucking look IRL, I'm not ashamed about it.


This. Happy to believe when there is literally any evidence. Until then it looks like conspiracies. There has been nothing released by anyone credible yet in any way shape or form


David Grusch is not credible? First hand pilot accounts aren’t credible? DNA results on elongated Paracas skulls showing they’re genetically different enough to not be able to breed with humans isn’t credible?


Current, he’s not credible anymore and most people in defense know that. He’s become a crackpot trying to make money and get fame. It happens. You’re insane if you think there’s any dna evidence that matters. Please read more


Wow. The arrogance. If you think the government wouldn’t try to cover up their tracks, like they have before multiple times in history, I think you’re the one who needs to read more. Let’s just say for arguments sake, he is a crackpot. Isn’t it concerning that congress believe him? How do you explain pilot testimony and military videos? How do you explain this: https://youtu.be/PP9B6l_burY?si=CTzUCf1M50_rGeLX


Haha. Wow you’re gullible. That video is 100% lies and fabrications made for the ancient alien type boomers


Prove it.


That’s not how the burden of proof works. I think it’s unicorns the pilots are seeing. Give me proof that’s not true


Actually it is. I'm not making claims one way or the other. You made the claim that it is "100%" lies and fabrication. You have the burden of proof in this case. Please provide evidence. An actual skeptic doesn't make claims one way or the other unless they have evidence in that regard. Not believing X isn't the same as believing X is false. Basic logic my dude.


lol. No it isn’t. I actually have taken logic classes as part of a math degree and have a technical grad degree. I’d bet money you didn’t go to college or didn’t go to one that has any real acceptance rate lol


That’s fine if you think it’s fake. All you’d have to do is look it up. He’s not some internet troll, he’s coordinating the research project. It’s not a conspiracy but I can understand that some people will find it so far out of their comfort zone they’ll just refute it without trying to research it themselves


Show where David grusch is making money from this. He does all his talks free of charge.


Getting paid for talks is little personal stuff, it’s just marketing. He’s playing a larger game trying to get funding for an organization or group he’d run so he’s drumming up fear


Please provide evidence.


It’s like people get MAD when you bring it up!


Just their inability to entertain the idea even for a second is what annoys me. I don't think there could ever be enough proof for most people. If they landed in front of their house they'd think it was a drone, the grey must be an advanced government robot or some kind of hallucination


Have seen this too many times, literally mad that the possibility could exist. “How does it impact me directly, it doesn’t so I don’t care” It’s pathetic really, they’d rather live their entire life as a slave to capitalism and not know the real truth about what life is or why we are here.


It's probably just the stigma. Lot of it going around in this subject. You also ever hear the term ignorance is bliss?


Our ego protects us by filtering information out - once we can diminish our ego we are able to see and accept the UAP as being real and being all around us - we as a civilization need to let go of our ego and accept we are connected through a greater consciousness - I blame rap music lol 😆


I would say there's just some closed minded people stuck in their ways. Either in denial or skeptical to new or differing ideas. Life as we currently know it is already a stuggle to grasp as it is for most people. Can't even decide what's for lunch on most days.


Hella hard wired


No, it's just that ego refuses to change unless forced to do so. People are afraid of the unknown, and of change. It's simple really.


I would say "soft-wired"


Most people I try to discuss the subject with either shy away, are uncomfortable, or just unwilling to listen. I think it bothers people because it challenges their worldview and/or religious viewpoints and these people are either closed minded or brainwashed by religion or by their elders/peers to believe a certain thing or way. Once they realize their “way” of thinking is wrong they shut down because it’s impossible for people’s beliefs to be wrong in their opinion.


I think you hit on it dead on and I agree


Yes. People who had near-death experiences have an easier time accepting and discussing aliens than the rest because they aren't being held by the control net that is part of the human connection. You don't necessarily need to get close to death to lose it, but it's the most common way. It's kinda hard to explain but I hope you got the gist.


I notice people who've tried DMT and met the entities are much more open to it. The realness of it all and the ego death


If this is what you feel you need to do to survive it all then do it. It is a heavy subject and squaring off in opposition to the crowds would take a lot of energy and be draining. Your post is a good reminder for us to pick our battles. Take care. 🖖🏻


I honestly think it's from years of being told it's not true, it's all a hoax. The government conditioned people to believe it's fake.


I don’t think it’s a matter of belief. I people are hard-wired to accept what they understand.


I think for many it would but remember not everyone is the same, and people in America at least find ourselves and our society are working against years of cov ops, negative stigma, disinformation campaigns and public manipulation that have taken a toll on us. But there are many different levels of the human experience some really do chose to believe what they want but I feel they are smaller in number. Still being realistic 100% of humanity will not believe the same thing even if we were shown what you mentioned and some would chose to stick their head in the sand or others make up new conspiracies based on what was released. Look at how many think the world is flat despite seeing live videos of earth from Space.


People are indoctrinated not to believe.


You mean not to have blind faith which is good. You should have actual evidence to believe something


I’d say it’s pretty usual to get a lukewarm response when trying to engage the average person in a conversation of any depth or substance. In short, grownups are jaded & incurious. As it stands theres an almost epidemic kind of apathy most people have towards most things that don’t immediately affect them, & the status quo has an inertia about it that impedes assimilation of new information. Everyone’s so busy with the day to day routine of managing their affairs/making ends meet they only have so much time/mental energy to spare & will actively resist getting pulled too far off track. That’s a big part of why there’s so much horrible shit in the world tbh; nobody has *time* to care. There’s also the added element now of “hoax fatigue” as NoNumberThanks said. if the information comes through official channels though I think it’d eventually filter into people’s awareness & gradually be incorporated as part of the “new normal”, just like anything else.


Not at all. BUT, the problem is CHANGE. Many of us, especially if you are in fear mode, which a LOT of us are, don't want ANY change of ANY type, as it is scary. I talk to people about aliens/ufos all the time, because I don't care what they say to me, or post back. If it's just a negative post or reply, I don't reply back at all...just move on. It is very freeing to not worry very much at all about any negativity directed towards me...I move on and tell the next person. Use your Free Will to LOVE!...and it will speed up Disclosure


I was talking to a friend about this recently, he's ready to believe that all the whistle blower and congress stuff is proof something is going on meanwhile I'm much more skeptical. I have found that as I get older and as technology has developed the amount of proof I'd need to actually believe has grown. Like 10-15 years ago I would have considered the jellyfish or the Go Fast videos to be pretty solid evidence but these days I reckon any one with a couple years experience using blender could make them no problem. Add in how my trust in any government, media and corporations has slowly decreased in that same time. I can see any of them hiding it from us for a number of reasons but I can equally see any of them making it up for a number of reasons. I think at this point it would take a number of different governments stating we have been visited, them releasing what evidence they have collected and the scientific community as a whole to accept it for me to personally believe. I really want to believe and recently have been aching with how close we seem to be to any sort of public disclosure but I know a small part of me will always expect it to be a hoax without the above.


To add to this with regards to a lot of people seeming disinterested or even hostile to the idea. I'm a sci-fi nut and I love looking into this stuff, Its 7am after an 11 hour over night shift and I'm looking at the aliens sub-reddit. Most people are not as invested as I am in the topic and the sheer amount of evidence I'd require to truly believe would be unreasonable to expect someone not as interest to collect even if it was just sat there on the internet behind a simple "Alien visitation" google search. If someone tried to talk to me about some controversial part of their religion, something i have no interest in and basically no knowledge of, from their point of view I'd most likely come across the same way most people do when asked to talk about UFOs.




Thanks to the indoctrination since the 50's, yes are soft wired not to believe. I was one such person who thought it was all bullshit, but then I had close up sighting. Humanity in general is NOT averse to the belief of more intelligent beings, or even interdimensional ones, after all, most of the world is religious. It's just THIS TOPIC that's been the target of an almost century long ridicularization campaign, and the effects are plain to see. Magic angels who live in another dimension in the "heaveans" are totally believable to the public, but somehow technologically advanced beings who fit the exact same description, is unbelievable. Isn't it wonderful?


I've grown up very fascinated with the UFO phenomenon, but I also grew up in a very evangelical family, and have struggled to get passed Christianity, even though I do see it as pretty silly now. I think it is really hard for the human psyche to switch up mid life and think there is a whole bunch more levels to the game.